The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 688: Weird hospital


An Audi car was parked in front of a private hospital in Beijing.

Sitting in the car were Liu Tianjun, Yuan Xiaobao and Lan Haolong.

"Fu Yeqing is here?" Liu Tianjun asked.

"He comes here every month to check up on his health. However, as far as I know, Fu Yeqing's health doesn't seem to be bad enough to require a checkup every month."

"Who runs this hospital?"

"Fu family."

"Hmph, it seems that Fu Yeqing is here for more than just a physical check-up."

"You mean, he came here for a purpose?" Lan Haolong asked.

"It's possible, but I can't be sure. After all, my people haven't finished investigating the Fu family's background, and so far they've only found out superficial things."

Yuan Xiaobao's cell phone rang at this moment.

After answering the phone, Yuan Xiaobao said: "The money from the Gao family has been transferred."

"Very good. It seems that the Gao family is very sensible and knows when to do things and what not to do. Today, the three siblings of the Li family have also joined the Golden Alliance. They only need to wait for the Golden Alliance to stabilize before they can start playing with the princelings. "

"It took me three days to sort out those trivial matters."

"Three days are almost here. Remember, you have to find a good time. If you just casually get involved with the princelings, it will not do any good to the newly established Golden Alliance."

Lan Haolong said: "It will be Mr. Fu's birthday in three days, and all the important officials in Beijing will be present. At that time, it should be a good time, right?"

It has been a while since Liu Tianjun came to Beijing. So far, apart from establishing the Golden Alliance, he has done nothing. Since it is the Fu family’s birthday in three days, he has to give him a meeting gift. Him.

Yuan Xiaobao said: "Then when do you plan to surface? If you want to be later, you'd better not show up in three days. After all, there are still a few people in Beijing who know you."

"You're talking about Xiao Buman."


"How is he doing now?"

"Death is not far away. Your AIDS injection is like preparing a coffin for him in advance."

"Originally, I wanted to wait until the incident happened, but now it seems that if I don't show up, the incident will never come. Three days later, I will come to the door in person and give Mr. Fu A great gift. But before that, I have to find out why Fu Yeqing comes to this hospital every month."

Lan Haolong glanced outside the car and said, "He's out."

Liu Tianjun looked around and saw a young man wearing white casual clothes walking out of the hospital under the protection of two bodyguards in black.

This young man is about 1.77 meters tall, with a slender figure and the appearance of a frail scholar, but his appearance is still handsome and a bit noble.

After the young man left the hospital, a Mercedes-Benz drove from a short distance and stopped in front of him.

"You two don't have to follow me. The capital is not very peaceful these days. You can just stay here."

The two bodyguards said in unison: "Yes, Prince."

The young man raised his head and glanced at the sky, with a sinister smile on his handsome face, and said softly: "Anyone who offends the power of our Fu family will be killed no matter how far away they are."

Fu Yeqing got into the car and left, and the two bodyguards returned to the hospital again.

Liu Tianjun couldn't help but laugh and said: "Even if you are far away, you will be killed. Do you know who he is talking about?"

Lan Haolong nodded and said, "I'm undoubtedly talking about you."

"It seems that I can hide it from everyone in Beijing, but I can't hide it from Fu Yeqing. He already knows that I am coming to Beijing."

Yuan Xiaobao said: "From the look of his face, he doesn't look sick at all."

"He's not sick, or rather, he's been pretending to be sick."

"Why is he pretending to be sick?"

"There are things in this hospital that cannot be seen."

"What could it be?"

"We'll find out tonight. Let's go."


The evening wind blew gusts and the drizzle fell all over the city of Beijing.

The dust on the streets was washed away by the drizzle, and the temperature dropped strangely, making people feel a sense of loneliness and loneliness.

Liu Tianjun stood on the top of a hospital, watching the dark clouds passing by in the night sky, feeling a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Tranquility appeared next to Liu Tianjun like a ghost, her white skirt billowing in the wind, but the drizzle was scattered around by the murderous aura emanating from her body, and not a single drop fell on her.

"What do you want me to do?"

The cold voice sounded, with a beast-like temperament, making Tranquility have the illusion of being the messenger of hell.

"The whole hospital is turned upside down. Kill what deserves to be killed and take what deserves to be taken."

"What exactly?"

"I don't know either, you just have to act according to circumstances."


Tranquility disappeared on the top of the hospital, and then several dark figures were seen flashing around where Liu Tianjun was standing.

The door of the hospital was closed, and there was no nurse or doctor inside. There were only a few cleaners cleaning the room.

This is a private hospital. It doesn't open at night, which is not an eye-catching thing. But there is not even a nurse or doctor, which is very wrong.

Tranquility does not enter through the front door, but through the fifth-floor windows.

After entering the hospital, Ning Jing followed Liu Tianjun's instructions and checked every room. However, there was not a single patient in this hospital. It didn't look like a hospital at all.

When I arrived on the first floor in silence, I found an elevator that went directly to the first floor.

I didn't see anyone in the hospital before. Why would someone use the elevator now

According to the building of this hospital, there should be an underground parking lot under the first floor. Could it be that the place Liu Tianjun is looking for is in the parking lot

Jing Jing didn't think too much, seeing was believing, so after the elevator stopped, she took another elevator and went down.

The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of Jingjing was not an underground parking lot, but a ruin-like place, or a garbage dump, filled with many discarded medical supplies.

"It's strange. Judging from the appearance of this hospital, it should be considered high-end. Why is it like this down here?"

Jing Jing felt very strange. It seemed that there must be something weird here.


Suddenly, a man's voice sounded.

Jing Jing's eyes turned, and a man in black appeared in front of a large iron door on the left.

Jing Jing didn't think about it. He wanted to kill this man. Behind the iron gate, there must be what Liu Tianjun was looking for.

As soon as his body moved, Jingjing appeared in front of the man like lightning. A hand like a sharp claw grabbed the man's neck. With a slight exertion, there was a "click" and the man died immediately.

Ning Jing threw the man, and the powerful force threw him more than ten meters away.

"It's useless to live in this world."

With a cold word, Tranquility had already arrived in front of the big iron gate.

From inside the iron gate, there was a very strong smell of medicine and chemicals. It was obvious that some kind of medical experiment must be going on inside the iron gate.

There is an electronic lock on this big iron door. If you want to get in, you must have a password. Ning Jing doesn't understand this.

Just break in through the door.

No, if you rush in without knowing what's going on inside, you might suffer a loss.

Jing Jing thought for a while. Since there were people watching from the outside, the people inside would definitely come out. So he would wait for a while, and when someone appeared inside, he would kill the people who came out and enter quietly.

Chapter 702 Traitor

Jing Jing waited outside for more than an hour, and the iron door also made a sound at this time.

Jing Jing knew that someone must be coming out. This was his great opportunity. He just waited for the iron door to open, then he would kill the person who came out, and then go in to see what was going on inside the iron door.

But things were not what Jing Jing thought, because what came out was no longer one or two people, but people in succession. If Jing Jing took action at this time, he would kill almost everyone inside the iron gate.

Counting according to the head count, there were more than a dozen people coming out. Each of them was wearing radiation-proof clothes and holding a silver-white box in their hands. There was a cold air emanating from the iron door. It was obvious that inside the iron door , it must be very cold, otherwise, there would not be such a cold air coming out.

Seeing that most people have come out, and the iron gate is about to close, Jingjing can't care about you anymore. Let's kill everyone who comes out first, and then see what they are doing.

My feet were about to move.

Suddenly, a hand pressed down on Ning Jing's body. With Ning Jing's strength, he couldn't move even if he was pressed. Tranquility felt a familiar power. The owner of this power was definitely not an enemy, so Tranquility did not resist.

"Why don't you do it?"

Jing Jing asked softly, knowing that it was Liu Tianjun who came.

It was clear that Liu Tianjun wanted to check the situation here by himself, but now, Liu Tianjun stopped him again, and Ning Jing was confused.

"No need to go."

"Why? Don't you want to know what the hell they are doing?"

"I already know."

"You knew already?"

"biochemical weapon."

biochemical weapon

Hearing these four words, even Jingjing felt a little chilly.

He is a biochemical warrior. It can be said that he is not afraid of the sky or the earth, but biochemical weapons are his nemesis. Ning Jing is very clear about this.

"You said they were making biological and chemical weapons inside?"

Liu Tianjun nodded, looked at the boxes in their hands, and said softly: "That's right. Look at their boxes. If I guessed correctly, each box contains a biological weapon." . You are a biochemical warrior, and biochemical weapons are your nemesis. If you rush over like this, once you are injured by the biochemical weapon, the recovery of strength in your body will not have any effect. "

"This hospital is run by the Fu family, does that mean..."

"Yes, the Fu family is secretly manufacturing biological and chemical weapons."

"They must be a little too brave. They even dare to manufacture biological and chemical weapons. This is a crime of decapitation! If the United Nations finds out, they will die miserably."

"For the Fu family, it is indeed very courageous to manufacture biological and chemical weapons. However, the Fu family's status in the central government is extraordinary. No one knows whether they are secretly manufacturing biological weapons or listening to orders from above. After all, every country says so They say they are opposed to doing this, but secretly, any country that doesn't do something about it is a fool."

Things that are exposed can be exposed to people and the world, but no one is stupid enough to bring out those things in the dark.

"If it was made by the state, it would be better, but if the Fu family made it privately, the consequences would be disastrous."

"So we can't alert the snake now, we must find out this matter first. If the Fu family created it privately, it will be a big threat to me."

No matter you are the East http://wWW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.coM

As a cultivator or a Western practitioner, once they encounter biological and chemical weapons, they will not have any effect. You must know that the power of biological and chemical weapons cannot be compared with those magic weapons.

"How are you going to find out?"

"The less people know about this, the better. Otherwise, it will have a negative impact on me. So, you can only investigate it."

"Me? I have no problem killing people, but I'm afraid I can't handle these things."

"You don't have to do anything, just follow these guys who make biological and chemical weapons. If they are made by the country, then they will definitely contact the leaders of the central government, or the people sent by the leaders, and then you will follow the contacts People will understand. But if the Fu family is in contact with other people, especially foreigners, that means that the Fu family is making money by relying on biological and chemical weapons. Selling biological and chemical weapons to foreign countries is betraying the country. As long as We have seized this handle, and when I have to deal with the Fu family, someone will stand up and speak for the Fu family. This will be a fatal injury."

"If the Fu family really betrays the country, what should I do?"

"Arrest the contacts and important figures of the Fu family, and let the Fu family go. But you can't let anyone know, and you can't kill anyone, otherwise the Fu family will be on guard. As for this place, let him go first. , it is estimated that the manufacturing process of a biological and chemical weapon will take at least several years. After they have finished manufacturing this batch, it will take a long time for the next batch, so this is not the focus."

"It's a coincidence that we came here. They just finished manufacturing a batch of biological and chemical weapons, and we encountered them. This is just the Fu family's bad luck."

"Okay, just follow them and do as I say. There is no need to tell me. When necessary, I will naturally ask you to tell others about this matter."

"Well, I'll follow you right away. Don't worry. I also hate traitors very much."

After Ning Jing left, Liu Tianjun knew that there would be no one in this hospital. Their purpose should be to transport these biochemical weapons to other places. Since everything was done, there was no need to leave people behind and cause trouble. People doubt.

Standing at the door of the hospital, Liu Tianjun said softly: "It seems that the people arranged by Skynet in Beijing are probably the Fu family."

At this point, Liu Tianjun thought to himself that the Fu family had already entered the core of the Central Committee in the early years. If they were really members of Skynet, it would mean that Skynet had secretly entered the core of China in the early years. Once Skynet launches a large-scale attack on the altar, what does that mean? The war a hundred years ago will http://wWW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.coM

History repeats itself.

However, the altar and Tianwang have been fighting for hundreds of years, so do they know the situation in Beijing

Logically speaking, it is impossible for them not to know that the power of the altar has spread throughout Asia, but if they knew it, why did they not take any action to let the people of Skynet break into the core plane of China?

"Fu family? If you are really people arranged by Skynet in Beijing, how did you bribe those casual cultivators? Or, in other words, did Skynet buy off those casual cultivators first and then bribe you?... Western aliens If you can organize it, you can actually bribe Dongfang http://wWW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.coM

People in the world of cultivation, this is really a joke, a huge joke! "

No matter what, no matter what conspiracy and conspiracy Skynet has, no matter whether the strong man behind the Holy See is behind all this, Liu Tianjun cannot let http://wWW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.coM

History is repeating itself again, otherwise, not only one person will be injured, but the entire country and all Chinese people.