The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 734: Take action after chatting


Tranquility has radiated all the power in the body and enveloped the entire park, making it impossible for pedestrians outside to get closer.

Fortunately, people nowadays don't like to run to places like parks. Otherwise, what will happen next will spread throughout the city.

"I'm telling you, young lady, you'd better put your power away, because among the three forces that are pressing forward and backward, there is one of our Western powers that you can't deal with."

Dot sat down in the pavilion, looking like he was watching a show and kindly reminding An Jing.

But Jingjing didn't take Dote's words to heart at all. If he wanted to be beaten, she would never be afraid.

Liu Tianjun gave up and said, "Tranquility, they are coming for me. I will deal with it myself. You stay here and don't move."

"But your injury."

"Don't worry, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how seriously injured I am, I won't take them seriously."

When he said this, Dot glanced at Liu Tianjun with great disdain. Judging from the force of the pressure, not to mention Liu Tianjun was seriously injured, even if he was not injured, with the joint efforts of the three of them, they might not be able to take advantage of it. to any cheaper. In addition, Dot also felt that one of the three forces coming from behind made him feel very familiar. Hey, everything came together. Unexpectedly, that guy was also Liu Tianjun's. enemy.

"I really don't know whether I should be excited for you or sad for you."

Liu Tianjun asked: "Is that supernatural practitioner from your Skynet?"

"No, don't talk nonsense. He has nothing to do with our Skynet. In fact, he is not a Westerner at all."

"What do you mean?"

"That guy surprised me back then. He may be the only psychic practitioner of Eastern descent in the world, so I can only wish you good luck."

A supernatural traveler of Eastern origin? Even the young master of Skynet values such a person, this battle must be very dangerous.

Liu Tianjun had already reached the lake. At this time, waves of ripples were set off on the lake. The ripples gradually approached the three forces and became stronger and stronger.

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees all moved slightly, without any wind. Liu Tianjun felt a sense of oppression all over his body. If it were someone else, this sense of oppression would definitely be suffocating, but You can imagine how powerful this power is.

However, among these three kinds of power, Liu Tianjun did not take any effect on the two kinds of Yuanling power belonging to the East. Only the supernatural ability belonging to the West surprised Liu Tianjun a little. That guy's power was absolutely Not under Dote, and the superpowers he exudes seem to be different from those of Skynet guys.

Dot in the pavilion said: "Let me remind you, this is a mutant power. It is not born, but is strongly stimulated by people the day after tomorrow, so his power is different from that of our Skynet power walkers. "

Liu Tianjun turned around and said, "Thanks for the reminder."

"No, I just don't want you to die in an unknown way. Besides, it's not that I'm afraid of the altar. I'm not from our Skynet. It has nothing to do with our Skynet. Even if you died at the hands of that guy today , it’s not our Skynet’s doing.”

"It seems that you are quite afraid of that guy. Can you tell me who he is?"

"His name is Han Qiluo. He is a general in a country in Eastern Europe, but he is Chinese."

"Han Qiluo? That guy from the Han family. I already knew that guy from the Han family was more powerful, but I didn't expect that he was so powerful beyond my expectation."

"You have two ways to go now. First, use your power of the Demon Emperor to kill all three of them. Of course, if you can use the power of the Demon Emperor in your current situation; second, Han Qiluo doesn't seem to be able to do anything at all. He didn’t take you seriously, so he came relatively slowly. You can kill the other two guys before he arrives, and then you can easily face Han Qiluo.”

"That's not necessary. Since all three of them are coming for me, I'll solve it together."

"Liu Tianjun, you have such a loud tone."

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Liu Tianjun. Liu Tianjun turned around and saw a young man in white walking towards him. The power of Yuanling exuded from him was relatively new, but very powerful. It has at least a hundred years of skill.

Seeing this person, Liu Tianjun smiled incredulously and said: "Fu Yeqing, I didn't expect that the one who absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth just now would be you. Nothing in this world is impossible, even for a weak scholar like you , you can also step into http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The world of cultivation. "

"As you said, nothing is impossible in this world, so your death is not impossible."

"Do you think you are sure to kill me?"

"I now have a hundred years of skill, but you are seriously injured. In addition, there are people besides me who want your life, so you will definitely die today."

"If you are so sure, then stop hiding and come out."


There was an explosion on the surface of the lake, and the water rushed towards the shores on all sides. Liu Tianjun's whole body was surrounded by a burst of purple light, which prevented the water from touching his body.

A woman floated on the lake. Liu Tianjun looked around and saw that this woman was in a very peaceful state of mind, but her eyes were determined to kill Liu Tianjun.

"Who are you?"

The woman carried a long sword on her back and her feet were on the lake, but there was no sign of sinking.

"Xiao family, Xiao Buhan."

"A member of the Xiao family? What is your relationship with Xiao Buman?"

"I am his eldest sister, and at the same time, I am also the acting head of the Emei Sect."

"Haha, I really didn't expect that there are actually people in the Xiao family http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

In the world of cultivation, people are still from the Emei sect. It seems that you, Emei, are about to break away from the control of the altar. "

"I, Emei, have no connection with the altar. Now, you have killed my brother again. I, Xiao Buhan, must avenge this revenge today."

Fu Yeqing said: "Sister Xiao, don't talk nonsense to him. Let's join hands and send him to hell to avenge Bu Man."

The Fu family and the Xiao family are of the same sect, so Fu Yeqing is naturally aware of Xiao Buhan's existence.

"Ye Qing, you just stepped into http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

In the realm of cultivation, if your skills are not enough, wait for me to strike first, and you will attack later. "

Liu Tianjun shook his head and said, "Just the two of you?"

"Then add me."


A ball of white flames appeared in front of Liu Tianjun. The appearance of this ball of white flames made the entire park hot.

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Fu Yeqing looked at the young man who came out of the white flames. At first, he couldn't believe it was him. After taking a closer look, he confirmed: "Han Qiluo, when did you come back?"

They knew each other when they were young, but Han Qiluo left home when he was seven years old. No, it should be said that he was kicked out of the Han family. I didn't expect that he would appear at this time, and the power he possessed was so powerful.

"Fu Yeqing, I'm here to kill someone today, not to catch up with you. You two, please step aside and let me kill this person."

"Han Qiluo, everyone's enemy is the same person. The more strength you have, the more confidence you will have. Don't underestimate Liu Tianjun too much. The three of us will have a better chance if we join forces."

As soon as Fu Yeqing finished speaking, Dot, who was in the pavilion, smiled and said, "Yes, I think the chances will be greater if the three of you join forces."

This guy Duote reminded Liu Tianjun just now, and now he reminds Han Qiluo. I really don't know what he wants to do.

Han Qiluo looked at Dote in the pavilion and said, "Why are you here?"

"You really think that China belongs to your Han family, and I'm here, can't you?"

"Dot Ditland, I heard that you and Liu Tianjun are also enemies. Are you going to help him today?"

"Don't worry, I'm just a spectator today. I won't help anyone. No matter which of you dies, it will be beneficial to me and not harmful at all."

Liu Tianjun said: "If you guys have finished chatting, then you can take action now."