The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 742: Thunder reappears and a sudden change occurs


When the ice sword came out, although there was no shocking change in the world during the time when the Demon Emperor awakened, the power it produced was greater than everyone's imagination. Even Demon Peak could not imagine the coldness summoned by the Demon Emperor's power. The ice blade was actually many times more powerful than when I used it.

At this time, the entire park fell into a cold state, and every corner was covered with a thick layer of ice.

Xiao Buhan has already had the awareness of death. I wonder which strong person in the world will remain calm in the face of such a huge force. No matter who you are, when you face death, your heart will be stronger than the ice in the park. Still colder.

The ice knife that appeared in Liu Tianjun's palm was only a few centimeters away from Xiao Buhan. Under such circumstances, Xiao Buhan could only close his eyes.

"Bu Man, eldest sister is no longer able to avenge you, eldest sister will come to see you now."

Everyone held their breath. Apart from the cold ice in the park, even the subtle sound of wind could be heard clearly.

Fu Yeqing no longer dared to take any action. Facing such a terrifying Liu Tianjun, he already knew that not only could he not take Liu Tianjun's life today, but it would also be difficult for him to save his own life. Even if he had a hundred years of skill in his body, But compared to Liu Tianjun's terrifying power, it was nothing.

Fu Yeqing once said that he is God and Liu Tianjun is the devil. Will God really be defeated by the devil today? From now on, wherever the devil appears, there will be no God.

You thief, are you blind? Although my Fu family has done many bad things,

But compared with the evil things Liu Tianjun has done, it is not worth mentioning at all. Why do you side with Liu Tianjun? Why do you give Liu Tianjun such powerful power and let him slaughter people? Why on earth is this

Just like Xiao Buhan now, Fu Yeqing gently closed his eyes. He also had the awareness of death and no longer dared to think about it. He only blamed the injustice of this world, but he also knew very well that in this world There has never been such a thing as fairness in the world. It didn't exist before, it doesn't exist now, and it will never exist in the future.

The heavy snow outside has become heavier, and people have changed from short-sleeved clothes to cotton-padded jackets, but how many people know that there is a horrific killing in Zizhuyuan.

Han Qiluo is different from Fu Yeqing and Xiao Buhan. He has grown up on the battlefield. No matter what kind of death he faces, he has the will to survive. The current Han Qiluo will not stand here waiting to die. At this time, while Liu Tianjun's murderous intent was all focused on Xiao Buhan, Han Qiluo knew very well that now was his only hope of escape, but to escape, the premise was that Liu Tianjun could not stop him.

Han Qiluo jumped up, not caring about anything else, and rushed directly towards Liu Tianjun who was facing Xiao Buhan with his ice knife.

White flames emerged from Han Qiluo's palm, and even Dote and the three heavenly kings who were not far away were surprised by this power.

"Is this Chinese guy the Chinese superpower who killed 18 of our Skynet people?"

King Yaqin hadn't thought much about why Han Qiluo had superpowers before. Now that he saw the white flames coming out of Han Qiluo's hands, he suddenly remembered that this boy was the one he had been chasing for many years with Skynet, but he had never been able to kill him. That mutant power walker.

Duotei nodded and said: "I have been chasing him for so many years, but I haven't even scratched his skin. Now, Liu Tianjun can actually kill him in an instant."

Having said this, Dot looked at the three kings of Yaqin and said: "Now only the demon emperor has awakened. If the tyrant and the traitor emperor all awaken, do you think our Skynet's hegemony has come to an end?"

"Young Master, don't be too discouraged. Didn't you say before that Liu Tianjun had a deal with you? Maybe..."

King Yaqin really didn't want to talk about this matter. If Skynet wanted to make a deal to ensure that Liu Tianjun would not kill the Skynet headquarters in the west, then wouldn't the lives of the three kings have been in vain for so many years? . But facing the power of Liu Tianjun, they had to think like this.

Duotei nodded and said: "Since he is willing to give me four divine swords for free, I think there must be something difficult for him to solve, even if he is the Demon Emperor..."

At this point, Dot suddenly remembered that Liu Tianjun knew that he would transform into the Demon King sooner or later. If that was the case, why would he still make a deal with him? Is there anything that cannot be solved with the power of the Demon King

Thinking of this, Dote's heart suddenly tightened, and a pair of eyes scanned Liu Tianjun's body.

Of course, none of the three heavenly kings paid attention to Dot's current expression, and they had no idea that something more terrifying than facing the Demon Emperor had already occurred in Dot's heart.

"Liu Tianjun, I will fight with you."

At this time, Han Qiluo had already rushed behind Liu Tianjun, trying to get a chance of survival with his white flames.

"I said, how did you kill me just now, now, I will kill you how. ...The second sword of Lieyan."


The long tassel gun disappeared, and red flames appeared in Liu Tianjun's other hand. A knife with strong flames was pointed at Han Qiluo who rushed behind him.

"No way, ice and flames come out at the same time, that kid is too crazy."

Mo Feng couldn't dare to think about what would happen next. Even if he used the Ice Flame Sword, there would be a strong explosion. What's more, Liu Tianjun's power is already greater than his own.

"Leave here immediately, otherwise, everyone will be injured by the ripples produced by the Ice Flame Knife." Mo Feng shouted.

"That's too late."

Longfeng immediately summoned her Nine Dragons Aegis. Liu Tianjun had already unleashed the power of the Ice Flame. It was impossible to leave. Not to mention that Liu Tianjun's power had surrounded the entire park. No one can get out, even if it's time, it's impossible.

Han Qiluo was shocked when he saw that Liu Tianjun, while using an ice knife to attack Xiao Buhan, could also summon a flaming knife to deal with him. This Liu Tianjun was too terrifying. He had too much power. Duolingrang's unexpected trump card.

"The time is up, you have made enough trouble, and I have no patience to play with you anymore. Go to hell."



Two forces that were like destroying the heaven and earth emerged after Liu Tianjun's ice flame knife was shot,

The overwhelming power made Tianli, Dote, and Jingjing all turn around and run towards the rear.

When Fu Yeqing saw how powerful this force was, his face turned pale with fright and he couldn't move his feet at all.


Two screams sounded, and the bodies of Han Qiluo and Xiao Buhan exploded into pieces.

At the same time, Fu Yeqing was very worried that nothing happened to him.

It's not that Liu Tianjun doesn't want to kill Fu Yeqing, but he wants to kill him separately.

"Liu Tianjun, you, you..."

"Fu Yeqing, now it's your turn."

Liu Tianjun's figure had moved in front of Fu Yeqing, but Han Qiluo and Xiao Buhan had disappeared from this world forever.



At this moment, just when Fu Yeqing was about to leave this world with Han Qiluo and the others, suddenly, a burst of supernatural thunder sounded in the sky.

Liu Tianjun suddenly raised his head. The power of the Wuji Seven Transformations, the power of the Ice Flame, and the power of the Demon Emperor who had just awakened, all increased at the same time.

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"Who are you? Stop being sneaky and get out."

"Ha ha…"

A burst of laughter rang out in the park, and then a man's voice was heard saying: "This boy, I want you. Liu Tianjun, with your current strength, you are not qualified to fight with me. I am waiting for your Demon Emperor's power." Use them all and call the other two boys to come to me."


A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, and Liu Tianjun immediately retreated more than ten meters away. Liu Tianjun had seen this kind of power twice. The first time was at the altar, and the second time was in Shanghai, when the goat died. , who is he? His power is actually greater than that of his Demon Emperor? Could he be the strong man behind the Holy See? If true, then the power of the Holy See has surpassed his own. Imagine.

Everything returned to normal after the thunder. Liu Tianjun turned around and the purple crystal armor on his body disappeared and returned to its original appearance, but Fu Yeqing had also disappeared.

Liu Tianjun turned to look at Dote and said, "Now you should know why I gave you four divine swords for nothing, right?"

Apart from Liu Tianjun, I believe Dot is the smartest here. If he still doesn't understand what's going on, then he deserves to die.

"I don't care which side your Demon King's power will face in the end. Now, let's find a place to have a good talk."

As they spoke, Liu Tianjun and Dote flew away, leaving Tianli, King Yaqin and others confused. What happened just now? What were Liu Tianjun and Dote doing