The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 743: Two trumpet bombs


Liu Tianjun and Dot left inexplicably, but left a mess with no one to clean up.

The three heavenly kings had no time to stop Dot, and they had no idea what Dot was thinking.

The current Liu Tianjun is so terrifying that even the three heavenly kings are afraid of him, but Dote ignored his own safety and just followed Liu Tianjun away. Naturally, they would not stand here and must find Dote as soon as possible. , once something goes wrong with the young master of Skynet, their trip to China will suffer a big loss.

"Follow Young Master immediately."

King Yaqin shouted. While God was still recovering from his injuries, everything in Skynet relied on Dote to issue orders. As the saying goes, a group of dragons cannot be without a leader for a day, otherwise there will be no need for enemies to attack, and chaos will fall on one's own side. .

At this time, Tianli and others already knew that Liu Tianjun would not die so easily, and now Dote was definitely not Liu Tianjun's opponent.

Regardless of what happened between Liu Tianjun and Dote, in short, stopping the supernatural practitioners of Skynet is the top priority for Tianli and the others now.

"It's not that easy to leave."

Tianli dodged and arrived in front of King Yaqin and the others. Then, Sanfeng and Twelve Cavalry all followed. For a moment, Shentan and Tianwang actually faced off at this moment.

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The damage in the park is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. In such a situation, even the top ten gangs in China would not have caused such damage.

However, the power that enveloped the park before has also disappeared, and everyone outside is rushing into the park at this moment.

"Tianli, we don't want to start a fight with your altar now. If you want to start a war, we will make an appointment for another time."

Tianli laughed loudly, this was really a big joke. Make an appointment for another time. You, the young master of Tianwang, are not sure whether he will live or die. You know that it is the time when our altar is at its peak. Who can make an appointment for you.

"Long Feng, do you think we still need to be polite to them now?"

Long Feng said: "Prince, since Skynet will kill others when they are sick, can't we, the altar, learn from them?"

"Well said. Three Peaks and Twelve Riders will obey the command."

"Yes, Prince."

"I'll stop everyone in Skynet present. No one can be let go. If anyone misses, the altar will deal with it."

Apart from the Altar Order, the altar basically has no other commands, but this Altar Order has only been activated a few times in the past hundred years. The first time was when the Eight-Nation Allied Forces invaded China, the second time was fifty years ago when the altar fought for revenge, and the third time was a few days ago when the altar ordered the entire http://wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.coM

When the world of cultivation goes to Beijing, the fourth time is now.

Tianli cannot let Skynet's people catch up with Liu Tianjun, because during this period, Liu Tianjun is likely to destroy Dot. As long as Dot dies, Skynet will be in chaos. At that time, it will also be the time for his own altar to annihilate Skynet.

In fact, at this time, the most pitiful thing is not the dead Han Qiluo and Xiao Buhan, nor the missing Boye Qing, nor Skynet, but Skynet and Shentan, because of what they both think. Yes, they just destroyed the other party, but they had no idea that behind the two century-old wars that the two sides had gone through in the past hundred years or so, a third-party force was actually spying on them. That third-party force was still planning something that no one could do. An imaginable conspiracy.

"Tianli, don't push us too hard. If you don't get out of the way, we, Skynet, will have no choice but to catch the third war and start it."

Tianli said disdainfully: "What you said is exactly what I want. Since you have decided to launch the third war, then please do as you please. I, the altar, will be waiting."

King Yaqin is just scaring people at this moment. To be honest, he doesn't dare to start the third war between Skynet and the Altar at all now, because he can't guarantee the situation of Dote. Once Dote falls, In the hands of Liu Tianjun, if he launches the third war, wouldn't it push his Skynet into a desperate situation? The young master of Skynet is in the hands of Liu Tianjun, and Liu Tianjun is the prince of the altar. Who dares to mess up Skynet? He can only be punished by the altar.

King Yaqin is in a dilemma at this time. He can't leave, and he can't start the third war between Skynet and the Altar. What should he do now

At this time, people rushing in from outside the park had already seen Tianli and King Yaqin, the Bo family and the Xiao family, the Han family and the Yuan family, and the Gao family, all of whom had brought their troops.

After seeing this scene in the park, Bobiya shouted to an army behind him: "Surround those people."

An army, each holding a gun, rushed forward and immediately surrounded Tianli, King Ya and others.

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Tianli and the others looked to the left and right. Facing the country's army, they could not act randomly or hurt anyone. After all, they were the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In some respects, they were also their own people. Even if they were now They obey the orders of the experts, but they are not soldiers of the experts. If any incident, big or small, occurs in China, the first one to stand up will definitely be the soldiers.

King Yaqin and the others are not stupid either. They cannot touch the Chinese army. They and others are all foreigners. If these soldiers are touched now, it will definitely cause international disputes.

China today is no longer the China it was before. Even before the United States wants to do anything to China, it must think about what stage China's current power is at.

The old guys from the Bo, Han, and Xiao families looked around, but Liu Tianjun was nowhere to be seen. At the same time, they couldn't see their descendants either.

"Where did Ye Qing go?" Bo Lianfeng asked. Since he couldn't see anyone or the corpse, he naturally wouldn't think about anything else.

"Dad, those people must know, let's take them down first."

"Okay, take them all."

The guns in the hands of the soldiers were pointed at Tianli, King Yaqin and others. At this time, Tianya Shu wanted to take action, but Tianli stopped him and said: "They are the Chinese army, we can't do too much in front of them. , and you can’t use the power of Yuanling to hurt them.”

"Prince, what should we do now?"

"The forces of their altar have already entered Beijing city. There is no need to fight back. Someone will naturally deal with it later."

"Prince, you mean, we go with them?"

"This is the best way."

At this point, Tianli said to King Yaqin: "You don't want the world to know your existence, right? Now, let's go to the prison together and stay there."

"The war can't be fought, and Dot can no longer catch up. If there is another conflict with the army now, even if the Bo family is from their own Skynet, they won't be able to say anything in this situation."

Moreover, in the Bo family, only Boye Qing had met King Yaqin, and the others were unknown to each other. It seemed that the masters of his Skynet could only go with these soldiers once.

"Issuing an order to have the supernatural practitioners in various places in Beijing track the young master immediately. The young master cannot be harmed in any way."

King Yaqin said to Merlin next to him, and then, a red bullet appeared in the snowy sky.

Tianli smiled and said to Long Feng: "Let's also give them that thing, let me Dongfang http://wWW.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.coM

Someone in the world of cultivation tried their best to stop Skynet's supernatural walkers, but they only played with them, delaying their search for Dot, and could not fight them head-on. "


Another blue bomb shot up into the sky.