The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 757: On the eve of the war


There are only a dozen hours left before the decisive battle between the altar and Skynet.

This morning, everyone in the country knew a major news, that is, the three families of Fu, Han, and Xiao were exterminated. As soon as this news came out, it shocked the whole country, and many rumors appeared.

Some people say that these three major families were destroyed by international killers, while others say that it was a struggle in the officialdom. Now the central government has replaced a new group of important people, among which the Gao family and the Yuan family are the leaders. .

Now that the Fu family has been destroyed, the so-called princelings have nothing to do. Every member of the princelings has joined the Golden Alliance. Yuan Xiaobao and Lan Haolong have naturally become the new generation of political successors. .

At the same time, Lan Haolong also used this opportunity to let his Lan family rise again. Many people promoted several members of the Lan family to a certain status when they first went to work today. In this way, Yuan and Gao The , Lan families have become the three most powerful families in China today.

Of course, none of the three families will forget that they have everything they have today, and who helped them a lot behind the scenes. The Yuan family, which originally broke with Liu Tianjun, has been wiped out by the Fu family, leaving only themselves. The Yuan family is fine, so they no longer fight against Liu Tianjun. Yuan Xiaobao is still the first heir of the Yuan family, but now Yuan Xiaobao has entered the political world and begun his political life.

Lan Haolong was different. He did not choose the political circle, but the military. With the support of the Gao family, Lan Haolong was appointed to the position in the Beijing Military Region on the first day.

Things in the ordinary world always move very fast, but for those who do not belong to the ordinary world, they will not pay so much attention.

At the Pangu Hotel, Tianli came to Liu Tianjun's room early in the morning. After entering, the first sentence he told Liu Tianjun was the news that Zi Fei and the others had arrived in Beijing. However, after the arrival of Zi Fei and the others, Liu Tianjun was not worried. Instead, Liu Tianjun asked Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun to go to Zi Fei's room together.

Liu Tianjun didn't know what they wanted to do, but since they wanted to see Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun at this time, it must have been something explained by the Lord of God. Although Liu Tianjun has not admitted that he is the prince of the altar so far, some things are already destined. Yes, even destiny cannot change it, especially family relationships.

An hour later, Liu Tianjun and three others, led by Tianli, arrived at Zi Fei's room.

After not seeing her for a while, Concubine Zi was still the same as when Liu Tianjun saw her for the first time. There was no change. Except for her unsightly face, other aspects were almost the same.

In addition to Zi Fei, there was Huo Fei in the room, and Sanfeng and the others.

"What's the matter with calling us here?" Liu Tianjun asked as soon as he entered the door.

Zi Fei stepped forward, looked at Liu Tianjun's face, and said, "Your injury is not serious. It must be treated as soon as possible."

After a pause, Zi Fei seemed to have something she couldn't say. Liu Tianjun also knew what she was worried about and said: "I know you are going to have a decisive battle with Skynet tonight. If you let Sanfeng help me with treatment at this time, I will definitely It will damage their skills and be detrimental to tonight’s decisive battle.”

"Since you know, I won't go around in circles anymore. Your Demon Emperor's soul has been combined with the Demon Emperor's body, and the real Demon Emperor has also awakened. In a short time, your injuries should be healed, but , the two of them are different.”

Zi Fei turned around and looked at Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun.

"Bah, you girl didn't do anything to curse the two of us, did you? I'm telling you, we weren't hurt."

"That was not what I meant."

Concubine Zi glanced at Concubine Huo, and Concubine Huo said: "What she means is that you two have not awakened your power yet, so we have something to give you. I believe that in the end, you can rely on these two things. Awaken your own power."

"What is it?" Duanmu Yanyun asked. It was really strange that there was something on the altar for the two of them.

Concubine Huo pointed to the two small boxes on the table next to her. These two boxes were only the size of a palm. One was golden and the other was blue, and said, "My father asked me to bring these to you."

Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun walked to the two boxes at the same time. As soon as their feet stopped, they felt that a power similar to their own bodies was emitted from the boxes, and they were still echoing each other.

"What is this?" Duanmu Yanyun took a step back and asked. He couldn't imagine that in this world, there was an object that could echo the power in his body. This was really incredible.

"If you want, you can open it and take a look." Zi Fei said.

Chen Kunlun picked up the golden box unscrupulously, and immediately opened the box without worrying that Zi Fei and the others would harm him.

A faint golden light emitted from the box held by Chen Kunlun, which shocked Chen Kunlun because he saw a small armor in the box. This was a golden armor, different from the Holy See's Golden Warriors. Yes, this small piece of armor is shaped like an imperial robe.

"What is this?" Chen Kunlun asked.

At the same time, Duanmu Yanyun also picked up the blue box and opened it. Inside the box was a blue armor.

Concubine Zi said: "This is something that belongs to the tyrant and the traitorous emperor, that is, it belongs to you."

"Why is this thing on your altar?" Duanmu Yanyun asked.

"I don't know the specific situation. I only know that these two items have been stored in our altar for many years. They existed when our father first succeeded to the throne, but we don't know why they are there. We have it in our collection at the altar, but what is certain is that these two items are just like the Demon Emperor’s armor.”

After a pause, Zi Fei said: "When the Demon Emperor woke up before, Tianli and the others saw the purple-red crystal armor, which was the Demon Emperor's armor, and these two pieces belonged to the tyrant and the traitorous emperor. Armor, I believe it will be helpful to you at the end of the day."

"In that case, thank you." Duanmu Yanyun put away the blue box unceremoniously. At this time, he would not think about it at all. The altar would harm him, because harming himself would be equivalent to giving them The altar brings disaster. No one can guarantee that when the altar and Skynet face a decisive battle, what the three of them will do. Maybe they will side with Skynet to deal with the altar. , the altar also knows very well what kind of people Liu Tianjun and the other three are.

"In addition, these things are medicinal materials that can treat your injuries. However, you have to rely on yourself now. I believe Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun can help you." Zi Fei handed a big box to Liu Tianjun's hands, but Liu Tianjun refused He said: "These things don't belong to me, and I won't want them. As for my injuries, you don't need to worry. I know what to do."

"But if you don't heal your injury first, then..."

"Needless to say, I think it's better for you to prepare for the battle with Skynet tonight. But I'll say it first, we will not interfere in the battle between you tonight, because it has nothing to do with us. "

"Boy, what do you mean?" Mo Feng asked.

"It's not interesting, but there is no need to take action. We don't need to waste our energy. But you don't have to worry. We will be watching the battle later. If you die, you don't have to worry about no one collecting your bodies."


Long Feng stopped Mo Feng's impulse and said softly: "I think they must have other things to do. Tonight, with our entire Dongfang http://wWW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.coM

Let the power of the cultivation world fight to the death with the Western supernatural world. "

Liu Tianjun said: "Okay, we don't have anything to do here, so let's take our leave first."

No longer looking at anyone, Liu Tianjun and the three of them left the room at the same time.

After leaving the room, Chen Kunlun asked: "What should we do now?"

Liu Tianjun said: "Be prepared before the war. If your power is awakened only during the war, is it too late? Therefore, before dark, the power of the two of you must be at the same level as mine. , that way, we can be confident to fight this battle."