The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 759: The decisive battle between the East and the West


Time passed neither too fast nor too slowly. In the blink of an eye, it had already darkened, and the entire night sky in North China was shrouded in a thick layer of dark clouds. This huge dark cloud looked a bit like black marshmallows, but also like There are countless spectators, waiting for the battle that is about to begin on the earth.

In every high-rise building in Beijing, you can see different figures flashing rapidly at this moment. The places they go to are in the same direction, outside the capital in the south.

Wolf howls also sounded at this time, but the sound of the wolf howls was not very long, because when this sound just appeared, a burst of extraterrestrial Sanskrit sounds suddenly came from all directions. This Sanskrit sound makes people calm. , also caused those wolf howls to stop immediately, or in other words, this kind of Sanskrit sound covered the wolf howls.

Fire, ice, strong winds, floods, etc., all appeared and passed away in the night sky like a dream. Such a scene has probably never appeared in this world for thousands of years, but all of this, life No one on the ground could see it. Whenever people looked up, the spectacle that appeared in the night sky would disappear in an instant, at an outrageous speed.

The whole east http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The cultivation world, under the leadership of the altar and the order of Tianli, all gathered towards the south outside the capital, and the Skynet side, under the order of Duote, cooperated with Dongfang http:/ /wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

Rush in the direction the cultivator goes.

This day has finally arrived. Behind the Eight-Power Allied Forces a hundred years ago, the East http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The world of cultivation was defeated by the Western supernatural world, and the altar was also defeated by Tianwang. What was the reason? It was just because of the differences in the East. They were like a piece of scattered sand. How could they compete with the Western supernatural world? World war.

That battle fifty years ago, because the altar controlled the entire East http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The world of cultivation is like scattered sand http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The cultivators all gathered together and formed a powerful force. Therefore, in the battle fifty years ago, the Western supernatural world was defeated by the East http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The subordinates of the cultivation world have also been fighting to a draw between the two sides for hundreds of years.

After another full fifty years, both the East and the West have been preparing for fifty years. They are just preparing for today's battle, which will also be the final decisive battle.

After this battle, no matter who loses, it means that the losing side will disappear from this world forever. From now on, in this world, there will only be Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The world of cultivation, or the world of Western powers.

Both sides have gathered thousands of people, and they are all masters among masters. At this time, in this final decisive battle, if you are not a master, it is best not to come, because the consequence of running is to dig for yourself. grave.

By two o'clock in the morning, many masters from both sides had gathered at the top of the two peaks. Tianli stood at the front, followed by the masters from the altar and Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

Masters from various schools of cultivation.

On the mountain peak opposite Tianli and the others, pairs of eyes were looking directly at Tianli and the others. In fact, the leader was Dote. Behind Dote were the three major Skynets of Skynet, and countless high-level psychic practitioners.

After both parties arrived, they did not start fighting immediately, because neither of them were ordinary people. After so many years of preparation, in a sense, they were like an army, with strict "military orders". No one will take action easily before the general gives an order.

In the so-called battle between masters, the party that strikes first is definitely the loser, because at the moment when you strike, you will more or less tell the other party about some of your own shortcomings, that is, flaws. In this way, you will be hurt by yourself. There are no benefits, and there are huge risks. Therefore, neither the East nor the West took action against each other when the two peaks gathered to face each other.

Gusts of evening wind blew by, causing the hair of everyone on both sides to flutter.

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Tianli waved one hand and raised it above his head. His eyes were facing Duote and the others. He did not move at all, but he ordered: "I invite all eminent monks from Tibet."


Thunder and lightning flashed across the night sky, and immediately, more than a dozen Tibetan lamas wearing lama robes appeared in the sky above Tianli and the others. Every lama is floating in the night sky cross-legged, with Buddha light emitting from his body.

"Prince Shentan, please speak out if you have anything to say."

At this time, you only need to obey orders, no one needs to be polite to anyone, and the lineage of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is not Eastern http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

A whole of the world of cultivation, Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

Most cultivators practice Taoism, which is different from Buddhism, but it also has deep roots.

Today Oriental http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

There is a decisive battle between the cultivation world and the Western superpower world. As the Tantra lineage, the Tibetan lineage will not ignore things. They got the news two days ago and came to help Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo. coM

A helping hand in the world of cultivation.

Tianli said: "I would like to ask all the eminent monks to set up a barrier to prevent the ordinary world from being harmed."

"Prince of the altar, please be at ease and leave it to the poor monk and others."

After saying this, the leading lama, one of Duanmu Yanyun's masters, clasped his hands in front of his chest. Suddenly, a Buddha seal appeared on top of his head, and a golden lotus appeared under him.

"Fellow brothers, in order to protect our eastern land from harm, we have now set up a dragnet to prevent any force from destroying it."

"I respectfully respect the decree of my senior brother."

More than a dozen lamas emitted golden light at the same time. Suddenly, the two mountain peaks were surrounded by huge golden light. However, this golden light could not cause harm to anyone, but could only avoid destructive things from happening.

When Dot saw this scene, he couldn't help but look up at the sky and said softly: "The ancient eastern country is indeed mysterious. A mere lama can actually produce such a powerful force. In this case, our Skynet will not lose its grace. .”

After a pause, Duote ordered: "Deploy a magical array of Wu Xing supernatural powers for me, and cooperate with the heavenly and earthly net formations of the Tantric monks to protect every inch of the land in the East."

"Yes, young master."

The next superpower practitioner appeared on Skynet's side, emitting their own five-element superpowers in conjunction with the surrounding golden light. At this time, looking from the outside, there was no longer a trace of light, because the superpowers were combined with the Buddha's light. Fusion hides this protective power.

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Tianli nodded to Dot. Although they were enemies, Dot's behavior had to make Tianli feel a little grateful. This is the east. If it were in the west, I believe that the power of heaven would be the same as that of Dort. A war between the two sides would not destroy this beautiful world.

"Aixinjueluo Tianli, let's start now." Duot's voice came from the opposite side. This was a voice transmitted by power. In other words, Duot did not speak, but spoke the language. Mixed with his own power, the sound is not just transmitted to Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

In the cultivator's ears, but in the brain, this allows anyone to understand Dote's words, regardless of whether Dote's words are in English or

Everyone can understand Chinese.

Tianli also transmitted the message in the same way: "Duot and Ditlan have already reached this point, so why bother to rush for a while."

"Do you want to wait for Liu Tianjun, Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun to come and help you, my opponent, Tianwang? Haha, Tianli, let me tell you, Liu Tianjun and the others may not be able to come."

"That's right, Liu Tianjun and the others are second. Until now, you and I, as well as the main people, haven't arrived yet. Why don't we wait for them to come before we start."

"Okay, that's exactly what I meant."

As soon as Dot finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from outside Twin Peaks: "Old friend, I didn't expect that your injuries would be fully healed at this time. This is really the right time."

"Haha, old friend, it's you Dongfang now http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The world of cultivation, the final decisive battle with the western supernatural world, if you and I don't show up, then what's the point of fighting this battle. "

The person who came was the God of the altar and Skynet, who was also the father of Tianli and Dote.

The final decisive battle between the East and the West is about to begin.

A hundred years of grudges will come to an end tonight.