The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 762: attack


The Oriental Universe Formation is a super formation that combines all the formations of various sects and Buddhist formations into one. It is also the most popular formation in the entire East over the past fifty years http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The world of cultivation is a formation jointly developed by the Western supernatural world in order to deal with it.

Within these fifty years, the affairs of the Eastern Universe Formation have affected the entire East http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The biggest secret in the world of cultivation, the members of the formation can only be outstanding disciples and inner disciples of each sect. As for casual cultivators and outer disciples of each sect, they are not qualified to know, let alone participate.

Regarding this Eastern Universe Formation, it is derived from the methods of Fuxi, Bagua, and Stars, plus the Five Elements of Eastern Taoism, and the position of the Eighteen Arhats of Buddhism. In other words, this Eastern Universe Formation is Combining all the magic spells in the East and the powerful spiritual energy between heaven and earth, the formation forms a five-pointed shape as soon as it comes out. In the middle of the five-pointed star is the energy transmission body of the Oriental Universe Formation. As long as the energy transmission body is immortal, the power of this grand array will continue to flow.

Of course, this Eastern Universe Formation also has weaknesses. In other words, as long as it is a formation, there are weaknesses. The weakness of the Eastern Universe Formation is the energy transmission body in the middle. As long as the energy transmission body is given to If it is destroyed, the formation will collapse on its own.

However, when the Dongfang Qiankun Formation comes out and takes shape, destroying the energy transmission body in the middle is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky, because the five-pointed star formed by the formation is divided into twelve layers. That is to say, at each level, there is http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

What the cultivator defends is weak on the outer layer and strong on the inner layer. The closer to the position of the energy transmission body, the more http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM he is defending.

The cultivators are all strong in the late stage of infant transformation, every http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

Cultivators have their own magic weapons to help them. Therefore, no matter how powerful the enemy you are, if you want to directly destroy the energy transmission body of the Eastern Universe Array, you must first prepare a hundred lives. Otherwise, you will not even be able to connect the energy transmission body. Can't even reach the edge.

Those who control the Eastern Universe Formation are the two guardians of the altar. The main attackers are the eight banner masters of the altar. The secondary attackers are the four great generals of the altar. Those who defend the first level are the outstanding inner disciples of each sect. .

Once a large formation like this appears, it will be like water being thrown out, and it is impossible to recover it, because all the power of the entire large formation is initially provided by all the people who set up the formation http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

Cultivators gather this energy, and then these energies form an energy transmission body that complements each other's deficiencies. Once the power of the main attack direction is greatly reduced, then other http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The cultivator will use the energy transmission body to concentrate all the power on the main attacking side. Even if the enemy wants to surround it from all sides, the main attacking side will disperse all the power, and the dissipated power will be automatically absorbed by the energy transmission body. , and then sent to http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM in need

Inside the body of a cultivator.

It can be said that the East http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The cultivation formation is the most powerful formation in the world. Don't say you are a Western practitioner. Even if there are gods and Buddhas all over the world, if you want to break this formation, you will die, because this formation is ugly. One point is basically a heaven-defying formation, and what it borrows is the power of all things in the world.

At this moment, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was flourishing, and a kind of gas that ordinary people could not see appeared in the entire eastern land. These gases were not one color, but divided into countless colors, all facing the night sky. The Dongfang Qiankun Formation laid down surged in and was quickly sucked into the energy transmission body.

Sometimes, http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

Cultivators are so contradictory. They say that their power is infinite all day long, but to say that their power is infinite is not because they borrow the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. In other words, http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The cultivators themselves have no power at all. They only use the power of heaven and earth for their own use, so their power is endless.

The energy transmission body in the formation has absorbed endless spiritual energy from heaven and earth at this time, "Mobile Access" plus countless http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The spiritual energy possessed by the cultivators themselves is enough to see what the West will use to fight the enemy.

Dot on the mountain looked at the Eastern Universe Formation. He did not immediately issue an order to attack, and he did not dare to be too reckless. After all, this battle was related to the survival of his entire western supernatural world.

All the supernatural practitioners in the night sky never expected that Dongfang http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

In the world of cultivation, there is such a move, which really surprised them.

The Tibetan eminent monks who are two parts of the Eastern Universe Formation do not need to care about anything else. Their task is to destroy the blood wolf members they face. Therefore, at this time, the Tibetan eminent monks will not care about anything else. Bullshit like killing, nonsense like Buddha's mercy, etc. They want to protect the East and prevent the Western supernatural world from dominating the world. Today, they are going to go on a killing spree.

Seeing that the Tibetan eminent monk was already fighting with the members of the Blood Wolf Clan, there were sounds of fighting in the night sky, and the night sky outside the protective layer was filled with tragic thunder. However, the Eastern Universe Formation was as powerful as the Western one. The same as the travelers, there was no movement at all.

Tianli below transformed two flags, one white and one red, in his hands. He crossed his hands and waved, shouting: "Start the Eastern Universe Formation."


Countless bolts of thunder and lightning struck down from the night sky, all striking the energy transmission body in the middle of the formation. The energy transmission body was as if it was about to explode. One after another, golden light shot out from the energy transmission body. , integrated into every http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

On the cultivators.


At Tianli's order, he waved the white flag in his hand, and the main attacker in the formation began to lead a large formation and move towards all the Western power walkers on the opposite side.

Dot's expression changed and he shouted: "Get out of the way..."


It was too late. The main attacker of the Dongfang Qiankun Formation gathered a powerful force at this time. This force instantly formed a golden sword and slashed straight at the Western power walker in front.


This sword struck right in the middle of all the Western power walkers. The power walkers who reacted easily dodged the blow! But those who respond slowly! Not so lucky, each and every one of them was chopped by this knife without even their bones left, turned into ashes, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Tianli's expression did not change due to the success or failure of this attack. He knew that his Dongfang http://wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.coM

The world of cultivation has been preparing for fifty years, so it is impossible for the Western supernatural world, led by Skynet, to be so vulnerable. They must also have unknown methods. Therefore, if possible, Tianli will Before the western side uses their methods, wipe out all the superpowers in the night sky.

"The main attacker combines with the secondary attacker to pursue the victory and not let anyone go."

Tianli waved the red flag again, followed by the white flag, and saw that the main attacker and the secondary attacker of the formation actually combined their power into one, and the two shock waves attacked the superpower who had just been chopped apart by the golden sword. .

In a battle like this, the success of one attack does not mean that the second attack will be as smooth. At the same time as the Dongfang Qiankun Formation and the two deputy bodies jointly attacked, Dote below could no longer stand. He shouted in Chinese Said: "You will be the first grader, and I will be the fifteenth grader. Combine the ultimate power with me..."