The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 765: Changes in the Holy See


The Vatican City State has an area of 0.44 square kilometers, a population of 1,380, and a permanent population of only 540. They are mainly Italians. The official languages are Italian and Latin. They believe in Catholicism. The capital is Vatican City.

The head of state, Pope John Paul II (Giovanni Paololl), formerly known as Kanolwojtyla (Kanolwojtyla), was elected on October 16, 1978.

The Vatican City State is located on the highlands in the northwest corner of Rome, Italy. It is the smallest country in the world. It has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, with average temperatures of 7°C in January and 24°C in July.

In the 2nd century, the bishop of Rome was stationed in the capital of the empire and had the greatest political and economic power, so he attempted to dominate other bishops. Later, his influence grew and he gradually monopolized the title of "Pope".

In 756, Pope Stephen II received the city of Rome and the surrounding area as a gift from King Pepin of the Franks, and had secular rights. This was the beginning of the Papal State. Since then, the territory has changed frequently, and the country has fallen and risen several times. , that year the Papal States merged with the Kingdom of Italy, the Pope retreated to the Vatican Palace, and secular power ended. , on February 11, 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XI. It intends to recognize the Vatican as a sovereign state belonging to the Pope. The Pope officially recognizes the demise of the Papal State and establishes the Vatican City State.

The Vatican City State is a country that combines politics and religion. The Pope is its head and has the highest legislative, judicial and administrative powers. It calls itself the "Representative of Christ on Earth". The Pope is elected by a 2/3 majority of cardinals and serves for life. The College of Cardinals is an advisory body to the Pope. There are currently 130 cardinals (105 under the age of 80 with the right to vote), 30 of whom were appointed by the Pope in October 1994. As a supplement to the College of Cardinals, Pope Paul VI established the Synod of Bishops in 1965, which is convened when the Pope makes major decisions. The Vatican has its own guard (composed of Swiss people), postal and telecommunications agencies, public utilities and banks. The currency and stamps it issues can be circulated and used in Italy. In October 1992, the Pope announced that he had vindicated the famous scientist Galileo who had been wronged for 359 years.

In June 1988, the Pope announced the "Vatican Reform" and made adjustments to some institutions.

The current central institutions include the State Secretariat, Holy Ministry, Council, etc. The Secretariat of State is a working agency directly led by the Pope. It assists the Pope in exercising his powers and is in charge of domestic and foreign affairs. It is presided over by the Secretary of State with the rank of cardinal. The Secretary of State is appointed by the Patriarch and has a status second only to the Pope. The current Secretary of State Angelo Sodano (Italian) and the Secretary of Foreign Relations (i.e. Foreign Minister) Jean Louis Taunan (French) both took office on December 2, 1990. The Holy Congregation handles specialized religious matters. There are currently 9 holy ministries including the Ministry of Doctrine and the Ministry of Eastern Churches.

The Pope is the "spiritual leader" of all Catholics around the world. Everyone knows this. Although the Vatican is a city-state with a small territory, their rights in the world are not small. This is not for the world. As we know, because there are a group of god-like guys in the Holy See, the Pope also has a side that the world does not know.

There are three major forces in the world, one is the Eastern Altar, the second is the Western Skynet, and the third is the Holy See that also belongs to the West.

The coexistence of the three major forces. In the past, the Holy See was only located between the altar and Skynet. No matter how many times the altar and Skynet fought, many generations of popes never entered the fight between them. They always stayed on the sidelines. As a person, he watched the battle between the altar and Skynet.

However, in order to defeat each other, Shentan and Skynet also invited the Holy See to stand on their respective sides many times. However, the Holy See rejected Shentan and Skynet for countless reasons. Their excuse was that they did not want to participate in those secular wars. The popes of all generations have also ordered all the masters under them not to have any contact with the altar and Skynet regardless of their status.

On the surface, the Holy See is an existence that pays no attention to worldly affairs, but who knows that all the grievances between the altar and Skynet are all caused by the Holy See. The Eight-pass Allied Forces entered China more than a hundred years ago. , it was also the original Pope who instigated it behind the scenes.

Over the years, the Holy See has made many small moves behind the scenes, but they have kept themselves secret very well. No matter the altar or Skynet, no one noticed until a person appeared...

Until now, the altar and Skynet, or in other words, Dongfang http://wWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.coM

The world of cultivation and the Western supernatural world have all disappeared from this world. In this world, the most powerful person now belongs to the Holy See. It can also be said that a word from the Holy See will cause a large-scale uprising. War, even the outbreak of World War III, is not certain.

Hundreds of years of grievances and hundreds of battles are all due to the conspiracy and planning of the Holy See, which has led to continuous secret battles. However, the Holy See can reap the benefits and become the most powerful person in the world.

But some people never expected that when their plot was about to succeed, Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway. This person was Liu Tianjun.

Liu Tianjun is at

Since my rebirth, I have gradually learned about the conspiracy of the Holy See. I also know that in the Holy See, the Pope is not the biggest one. In other words, the successive popes of the Holy See are all other people's pawns. They are manipulated by others regardless of what the Holy See does. No matter what decision is made, it is not the Pope alone who has the final say, because behind the Pope and the entire Holy See, there is an extremely powerful existence. This existence is a nightmare in the hearts of mankind. It has been around since the birth of mankind. It exists in this world, but after a long period of time, no one has discovered that this existence is basically the result of lust, evil, jealousy, greed, etc. in the human heart. For the time being, we can call this existence Because, destiny.

Today, the weather in the Vatican is relatively gloomy and the climate is very hot. In St. Petersburg Church, there are only some ordinary believers left, because at this time, all important members of the Holy See are concentrated in the Papal Palace.

The Papal Palace is not very far from St. Petersburg Church, but there are guards from the Holy See guarding it along the way. Those who want to enter the Papal Palace must be senior officials of the Holy See, otherwise, you will not be able to step into the Papal Palace at all.

The Papal Palace is naturally the residence of the Pope, but at this moment, in the Papal Palace, sitting on the papal throne is not the "spiritual leader" of Catholics around the world, the Pope, but a man from the East. Youth of a certain country.

This young man was wearing white clothes, his original black eyes had turned brown, and his hair had turned dark red. His expression looked very sinister, and he exuded the aura that could kill someone at any time.

This young man is Fu Yeqing, no, it should be destiny now.

"The battle between the altar and Skynet is over. From now on, this world will belong to me."

Destiny sat on the papal throne, but the real Pope stood beneath him.

The Pope lowered his head at this time. He did not speak and did not dare to speak, because as long as he said the wrong word, even one word, the entire Vatican would be massacred and the Holy See would be destroyed.

In addition to the Pope, there are many warriors wearing silver armor and gold armor standing under Destiny. These warriors are naturally the silver and gold warriors of the Holy See, but there are three missing among the golden warriors.

"Sir, what should we do next?" the pope said softly. He was also very helpless. For the Vatican and the Holy See, not to mention him, even the previous popes had to be at the mercy of fate. Fate was simply at the mercy of fate. It's the devil in their minds.

"Go and check to see if Liu Tianjun and the others have arrived." Destiny ordered coldly.

"Silver, gold, have you heard your order? Go and check it immediately." The Pope said.

"Yes, I'll go immediately."

The gold and silver warriors then walked out of the Papal Palace, and the Pope could only remain silent at this time, but he was thinking in his heart: Liu Tianjun, Duanmu Yanyun, Chen Kunlun, this world depends on you, and I, the Holy See, depend on you. !