The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 773: Meet the Pope


Liu Tianjun stopped thinking about it. After meeting the Pope, he might have an answer.

The five people followed Pisces and walked directly inside, but the red-clothed leader had not followed. After Liu Tianjun entered the Papal Palace, they left on their own.

Bi Luoshang looked back at the red-clothed sect leaders and saw a very helpless expression on each of their faces.

The sky has turned completely dark, and the moon hangs high in the night sky. Today is the 15th, and the moon is very round. It is rare to see such a round moon in the Vatican. It does not have the slightest flaw, nor is it blocked by a dark cloud. It is just from time to time. , a few crows flew by.

"It's strange. Why are there crows in the Vatican?"

Liu Tianjun muttered silently, according to a Chinese custom, when crows appear, something unlucky will happen. Moreover, the moment Liu Tianjun and the other five entered the Papal Palace, an unknown feeling arose in their hearts. Premonition, this premonition is still very strong. I believe that something will happen tonight, and it will be a very important event.

If you can't stop what's coming, let the soldiers come to stop it, and let the water and the soil cover it.

After walking for a few minutes, all the lights in the entire Papal Palace stopped. Only a palace-like place in the middle of the Papal Palace was lit.

When he came outside the only palace with lights, Pisces stopped, turned around and looked at the five Liu Tianjun people, and said, "I can only send you here, and the rest will be left to you."

Liu Tianjun didn't quite understand what Pisces said. Leave the next thing to us? What's up? If the war was going to start tonight, why would the Pope invite himself and others here? Could it be that inviting the five of them to come was not the Pope’s intention at all, but what fate dictated behind his back.

Liu Tianjun knew that even if he asked Pisces, he wouldn't tell him, so now, he could only take one step at a time. No matter what dangers there were ahead, he had to go on. There was absolutely no turning back, and there was no way back.

Nodding towards Pisces, Liu Tianjun looked at each other with his eyes, and then walked towards the palace.

In the palace, five single tables have been set up with drinks and food on them, but there is not a single person in the entire palace. The palace is not smaller than the entire palace in the altar.

The five Liu Tianjun people formed a row and entered the palace at the same time. Since there was no one here, there was no need for anyone to entertain them. They walked to the five tables automatically. The five people sat down on their own without looking at everything around them. .

Liu Tianjun poured himself a glass of red wine, took a sip, and said, "This wine is good, but now is probably not the time to drink."

Suddenly, the palace door closed automatically, and Liu Tianjun and the other five people did not turn around to look. The five of them had already guessed this situation. However, after the palace door was closed, all the surrounding windows were also closed. At the same time, there were many footsteps outside the palace. The number of these footsteps was at least hundreds of people. Those people were undoubtedly The Vatican's guards didn't know where they came from. None of the five Liu Tianjuns felt that there was anyone in the Papal Palace before. It seemed that the Vatican was well prepared and arranged all the guards in a place where they could be hidden. Only then did Liu Tianjun and the other five people notice where their respective auras were.

The footsteps outside stopped. At the same time, Liu Tianjun had already seen the figures outside the palace. It was obvious that the guards had surrounded the palace. Under such circumstances, if It was impossible to go out without the Pope's permission. It seemed that the Pope wanted to trap the five Liu Tianjun people in this palace.

If fate wants to start a war with us here, then isn't this place too small? Duanmu Yanyun said.

“I think this is not to fight us, but to trap us here.

But why does fate do this? Chen Kunlun said.

Liu Tianjun drank another glass of red wine and said, "If you want to know, please ask the Pope to come out and see you."

"Ha ha…"

A burst of laughter sounded, causing all five Liu Tianjun people to look at a throne directly in front of them.

I don’t know when, a person appeared on the golden throne. He was an old man wearing yellow Catholic clothes. He was holding a scepter in his hand. He was very tall. At first glance, he was the Lord of the Holy See. .

Liu Tianjun and the other five people stood up at the same time and faced the Pope directly in front of them. Although the Pope was an old man, the momentum he exuded was very powerful. He was not inferior to the Lord or God, especially the scepter in his hand. There was no doubt that the Pope was an old man. It has a very huge power, which Liu Tianjun and the other three have seen before. It is the holy power of the Holy See.

"His holy power is higher than that of the Twelve Golden Warriors." Duanmu Yanyun said softly.

"Everything depends on my vision. If the enemy cannot move, I will not move."


Liu Tianjun took the lead out of the dining table and stopped when he was ten steps away from the Pope. He looked at the Pope sitting on the rain throne with a pair of gloomy eyes and said: "Thank you very much for your hospitality today, Your Majesty the Pope. The things on this table , it’s really too rich.”

Pope John Paul, who is Polish, also stood up. Although he had known Liu Tianjun and Tiansha for a long time, today was the first time he met Liu Tianjun.

The Pope looked at Liu Tianjun and nodded, and actually said in Chinese: "Yes, very good, if the Demon King's momentum is extraordinary."

Liu Tianjun's face changed slightly. He had not exerted any power of the Demon Emperor at all, but he already knew that the Demon Emperor had awakened. It seemed that everything he had done before was under the surveillance of their Holy See. No, it should be It was under the watchful eye of fate. No wonder a thunder suddenly appeared in Shanghai and killed the goat.

"Pope, I have something to ask you."

"I know what you want to ask, but now is not the time to ask questions. Liu Tianjun, let's have a drink first."

The Pope waved his hand, and he saw a silver wine glass on the table next to him, attracted by a force, heading straight towards Liu Tianjun.

Liu Tianjun did not move, but the wine glass stopped in front of him and floated to Liu Tianjun's eyes instead of falling to the ground.

"I've already drank the wine. Now, it's time for me to ask some questions. If you, Mr. Pope, would like to have a drink, I'd like to propose to you."

Liu Tianjun blinked slightly, and the wine glass was turned back.

The Pope caught the wine glass with one hand, laughed again, drank the glass of wine in one gulp, and said: "Not bad, not bad, I'm afraid the power is already above mine."

"I still remember that when I was still a Tiansha, I was chased by the Twelve Silver Warriors of your Holy See. Fortunately, my brother arrived in time to save my life. With my character, Liu Tianjun, I originally wanted to take revenge first. But I know very well what is minor and what is serious, so there is no need for me to pursue what happened back then."

The Pope said: "With your current strength, you are indeed qualified to avenge the past, but it is only revenge and if you want to do other things, I advise you to return to China as soon as possible and enjoy a few days."

"What the Pope is saying is that we only have a few days left, right

The Pope did not speak. Liu Tianjun raised all the eight infinite changes in his body. It seemed that he was about to take action. Duanmu Yanyun and four others also came to Liu Tianjun's side. The matter should be resolved. If time delays If you go on, something unexpected will happen.

"Your Majesty the Pope, for the sake of you being Alice's father, I will give you two options now. First, tell the destiny conspiracy, what exactly he wants to do and where he is now; second, I will kill him first. I will kill you, and then find my destiny, ending this fateful page in the history of mankind."

The Pope took a deep breath and said: "Since you have decided to do this, let me first test whether you are qualified."

"I'll deal with this old boy."

Chen Kunlun was about to step forward, but was stopped by Liu Tianjun, saying: "He is Alice's father. Leave this battle to me."

Duanmu Yanyun pulled Chen Kunlun down and said, "The Heavenly Army already has a plan in mind, let's just watch from the side."