The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 776: The cycle of fate


Liu Tianjun sighed. Indeed, so what if there are twelve platinum warriors on the other side of fate? Could he really be so stupid and be played by fate? There are some things that fate cannot control, but he, But it can be mastered very well.

"Ace, my ace, will destroy all the plots of destiny, so that he will not even know how he died..."

"In that case, let's go straight up."

"Okay, let's go."

The five of them arrived at the twelfth palace. Along the way, Bi Luoshang and Ancestor did not ask what Liu Tianjun's trump card was. Since Liu Tianjun had already prepared for a battle with fate, then he himself For the two of them, there is no need to ask any more questions.

Standing at the gate of the Twelfth Palace, all the eyes of Liu Tianjun and the five others were looking inside. No wonder not even a golden warrior could be seen in the previous palace. It turned out that they were all concentrated in the Twelfth Palace. Is it possible? , do they want to stop five of them with the strength of nine people

"Everyone, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Liu Tianjun's pace slowed down. No matter how urgent he was, some things couldn't be rushed.

Judging from the blood that rose to the moon, there should be a pattern in the blood that fate gave to Alice, so Alice's life should not be threatened in a short period of time. In other words, as long as Liu Tianjun arrives before half of Alice's blood is left, he can defeat fate's plans and conspiracies, and his moon burial ceremony will never succeed.

Among these nine golden warriors, Pisces is the leader, or in other words, among the twelve golden warriors, Pisces is also the leader.

Seeing that Liu Tianjun and the five others had arrived, Pisces, wearing Pisces gold armor, stood up and said, "You are moving too slowly~"

"Slow? It's better than you. You actually stand with your fate. I really don't know how you will have the nerve to see your Pope after you die." Chen Kunlun said unhappily.

"We already know about the Pope's death. However, before he died, the Pope told us something."

Liu Tianjun asked: "What's the matter?"

"Fight with you."

"Haha. It's a joke. Just you, you are not our opponent. I'm warning you that Destiny is carrying out the Moon Burial Festival. If he succeeds, everyone will die.

You sensible people, get out of here right now and don’t force me to do anything. "

"Young Master Chen of Haining, China, was it you who overthrew the Pope a few years ago?" Taurus, a strong heel-like figure, stood up and asked.

How could Chen Kunlun take this guy seriously? His tyrant's anger has been awakened. Although he can't fully unleash his tyrant's anger, it's still enough for these guys in front of him.

"Even I, why, you, such a brute, want to fight me, but you can't succeed?"

"That's what I mean, I'm going to test Mr. Chen's strength with a punch." Jinniu said.

"I'm afraid I won't call you Chen Kunlun. Come on."

Duanmu Yanyun seemed to hear something from their tone, and said: "If I guessed correctly, what the Pope told you is just to try our strength one last time before we face fate. Let's see if we can stop our fate, shall we

"Mr. Duanmu is indeed smart." Shuangbai said: "However, our test is not like what you did last night. We are going to test you with the lives of nine of us."

"Is this necessary? If you want to die, you can face your fate with us. No matter what you can do, you will at least help us. Why would you use your life to test us?"

"This is what the Pope said before he died. We are only for the Holy See and cannot violate the Pope's orders. Moreover, only if you pass our test can the Pope rest in peace. Otherwise, there is no need for you to seek your fate, because after death , it’s just a matter of time…”

"If so, let me, my brother, play with you first." Liu Tianjun said.

Bi Luoshang stopped Chen Kunlun and said, "You shouldn't waste your energy here. This place is left to me and the evil master. You three, go over immediately."

Liu Tianjun looked at Bi Luoshang, and then said to Pisces: "We three brothers must reserve our strength to deal with fate. Therefore, leave this test to the two of you. I believe that it is not difficult for the two of them to pass the difficulty." Down with us three brothers."

The nine Pisces people looked at each other. Liu Tianjun was right. "Mobile Access" they should reserve their strength to deal with fate. If too much is wasted here, it will never be a beneficial thing.

"Liu Tianjun, you go through the palace alone first, and all four of them will stay."

After thinking about it for a while, Pisces still felt that no matter what happened, he could not defy the fate of the Pope. Guys like them who were so stubborn would never know how to turn around.

Duanmu Yanyun said: "Since you are so stubborn, this is the only way.

Heavenly Army, you go first, leave this place to us. "

Liu Tianjun nodded and said, "Then be careful, give them a good time, and then rush over as soon as possible."

"No problem." Chen Kunlun laughed loudly. After seeing Liu Tianjun running past the twelfth palace, he faced the nine golden warriors and asked, "Are you going up one by one or together?"

"Wait a minute." Pisces said: "Before testing you, the Pope also told us to inform you of a very important thing here."

Duanmu Yanyun said: "Listen attentively."

"Do you know why our entire Holy See is controlled by fate?"

There is no need for you to talk about this question. If you still don’t know, how can you fight against fate

"Of course, you do it for the whole Vatican."



"Not just for the residents of the Vatican, but also for ourselves."

"For yourselves? I don't understand this." Duanmu Yanyun said.

"As far as you know, Destiny only came to the Holy See a hundred years ago and controlled the entire Holy See. At the same time, you also know that the ultimate purpose of Destiny's desire to control the Holy See is just the Saint, because Only the blood of the saint can break the seal of the evil power, but in fact, fate has already controlled the Holy See in his hands thousands of years ago."

"A thousand years ago? Don't tell us that Destiny already knew that Alice would appear a thousand years ago, so it took action so long in advance?"

"Yes, not only that, in order to make our Holy See stronger, fate has also given us endless power. That power is the holy power we possess."

"Don't your holy power come from the holy stone? Why...could it be that the holy stone is..."

"You are right. In fact, the so-called holy stone is transformed by fate. The holy stone and fate are one, so we have to be controlled by fate. However, a hundred years ago, swordsmiths from ten places in the world They learned that our Holy See owned the Holy Stone, so they broke in and cut out ten small stones from the Holy Stone. At that time, Destiny was sleeping. When Destiny woke up, they learned that their power had been manipulated by others. Thief, so he went to take back the power that belonged to him. It was also from that time that the Ten Great Swords were circulated in the world, causing a fight between the altar and Skynet. It was from that time that fate began to know that in the days when he was sleeping Here, in this world, there is an extra East http://wWW.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.coM

Although the world of cultivation and the world of Western supernatural powers have existed for more than a thousand years, the fate of the past did not understand everything in the world. Until a hundred years ago, the altar and the sky network competed for the top ten divine swords, and the fate of the world was changed. He started his plan to make the altar and Skynet become mortal enemies. The resentment generated by the mutual vendetta between the two sides is the greatest source of power for destiny. "

Chen Kunlun said: "Although the altar was established in the early Qing Dynasty, the struggle with Skynet did not begin until the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered our country. What he said makes sense.