The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 778: Show your cards


The entire mountain peak began to shake. When Liu Tianjun looked down, he saw stones emerging from the ground. These stones were all round.

Flashing rapidly, because at this time, the stones on the ground have already formed stone pillars, rising upwards. There are a lot of them. Every few steps, one appears, and every time The stone pillar is also so big that it takes three people to lift it.

The appearance of the stone pillars made it impossible for Liu Tianjun to see clearly what was happening on the other side of Destiny. He only knew that there were no stone pillars rising on the other side of Destiny. In other words, now, the other side of Destiny was surrounded by these stone pillars.

Liu Tianjun jumped up and stood on one of the stone pillars. At the same time, Destiny and the others had also risen. Moreover, even the stone bed and Alice lying on the stone bed had also risen. stand up.

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"Don't involve women in the fight between men. Let Alice go."

"It's a joke. I have been in the Holy See for so many years because of this woman. Without her blood, how could I be buried in the moon?"

"It seems that your moon burial ceremony has reached the final step. If I guess correctly, as long as Alice's blood dries up, it means that your moon burial ceremony has been successful. By then, the moon will be unlocked. That evil force.”

"Since you already know about the burial of the moon, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years for today, but this is also thanks to those guys in the east and west. If not With their powerful resentment and hatred, even if I had this woman, I would not be able to take the first step of burying the moon."

Liu Tianjun said: "If I guessed correctly, the first step of the Moon Burial Festival should be the cooperation of strong resentment and hatred. That's why a hundred years ago, you provoked Dongfang http://wWW.QUanbEn -xIAoShUo.coM

The battle between the cultivation world and the Western supernatural world? "

"To be precise, what is needed for the first step of burying the moon is the resentment and hatred of those extraordinary people. And a hundred years ago, I happened to use the ten divine swords to let Dongfang http://wWW. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.coM

The cultivation world had its first battle with the Western supernatural world. The Western supernatural world lived up to my expectations and launched the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to invade China. "

"It turns out that the first battle between them was caused by the fight for the Great Divine Sword."

"Liu Tianjun, stop talking nonsense. I believe you already know some things now. I lost to you thousands of years ago, but today, you will all die here."

"Ten thousand years ago? What do you mean?"

"Haha, I will only tell you everything at the moment of your death."

Suddenly, four forces came towards Liu Tianjun, and Duanmu Yanyun's voice was heard saying: "Heavenly Army, this battle between us and destiny was destined thousands of years ago."

Liu Tianjun turned around and saw that Duanmu Yanyun and four others were already standing on the stone pillar beside him.

"Destined to have a war ten thousand years ago?"

"Yes, besides you and me, Kunlun, Alice is also one of them. In other words, we have known our destiny thousands of years ago."

"do not understand."

"I don't know the specifics either. Now let's wait for Mr. Destiny to tell us everything that happened thousands of years ago."

Chen Kunlun said! "We just learned something from the Golden Warrior."

Then, Chen Kunlun told Liu Tianjun everything he had just heard. Liu Tianjun glanced at Alice in a coma and said, "We are all transformed by the same power?"

"Yes." Destiny said: "You are indeed transformed by a kind of power, which is the kind of power you have now. However, there was something wrong with you Liu Tianjun at that time. Before the demon emperor's power was transformed, it was It was struck by lightning and split into two halves. One half entered the body of the God Queen and gave birth to Tiansha. The other half entered the body of another woman and gave birth to Liu Tianjun. That’s why the God Lord watched Tiansha die and killed Tiansha. Combine with Liu Tianjun."

"What you mean is that the God Lord and others have known about all this, including your existence."

"Some things, some people, have known about it for a long time. But they wanted to fight with me secretly, but they were no match for me, and they still died under my plan in the end."

It seems that not only the God Lord and God Queen, but also the Lord of Skynet know all this, and no matter how they know it, now that they are all dead, Liu Tianjun's fate is absolutely certain without any help. They will not take Liu Tianjun and the others seriously, not to mention that the strength of Liu Tianjun and the others has not yet fully awakened.

Hearing this, Liu Tianjun should originally sigh. What the hell are they doing? Since they already knew this, why didn't they tell themselves that now, all of them have gone to hell.

However, Liu Tianjun's expression showed disapproval and said: "Destiny, do you think you are very smart? Do you really think that you can control all human beings by yourself? Do you think that you are the only one who thinks you are smart?" Can that little conspiracy make everyone surrender to you?"

Destiny said: "But it is this little conspiracy of mine that makes me about to succeed.

"Ha ha…"

Liu Tianjun laughed loudly, and this laughter shocked Destiny's heart, as if he felt something was wrong.

"When it comes to conspiracy, whoever comes forward between me and Yanyun can be your ancestor."

"Liu Tianjun, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I just want to tell you that your conspiracy may be very scary in the eyes of others, but to me, it is just a child playing in the mud. Do you think that instigating a war between the East and the West will end up , they are all dead, don’t I have any help? Let me tell you, I saw through these little tricks of yours early on, so before you make the final step of your plan, I also left myself a little I am playing a trump card just to deal with you today."

"What? That's impossible."

"Don't believe it?" Liu Tianjun said with a sinister smile: "Then I will let you know who is the real conspirator. You want to bury the moon and turn this world into an endless hell. I alone say no, Of course it’s not substantial enough, but you can ask them if they agree.”

Destiny's eyes looked east and west, but they were limited to his eyes. His head did not move.

Liu Tianjun and the other three had sinister smiles on their faces. Let alone fate, even Bi Luoshang and Ancestor found it incredible, because they actually felt two powerful auras at this moment. Those two auras were completely different. They came quickly from both the east and the west.

"The power of the Eastern Yuanling!"

"Western super powers!"

Bi Luoshang and Ancestor looked at Liu Tianjun at the same time, and asked again: "How is this possible!"

"Since even fate can become a person and you want to turn this world into an endless hell, then nothing is impossible in this world."

Duanmu Yanyun said: "Although we three brothers want to conquer this world, what we want to conquer is a perfect world, not a world filled only with hatred and fighting. Such a world should simply exist."

Chen Kunlun looked at Destiny, laughed wildly, and said: "Why, you didn't expect that things would turn out like this, right? Before, you had more people and we had fewer people, but now, it's the other way around. Destiny, you always think that you are You are very smart and can control everything in the world, but I never thought that you would also be played by us three brothers."

Destiny's face became very ugly. He couldn't believe that the war in China some time ago was what he had witnessed with his own eyes, whether it was in the East http://wWW.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.coM

Cultivators and Western superpowers all died before their eyes, but what appears in the night sky on both sides now is indeed the power of the Yuanling from the East and the superpowers from the West. With the power of these two sides, Judging from the strength, the number of people is quite large.

Destiny believed in himself very much and never doubted his own eyes. But now, he saw with his own eyes that all the dead people were resurrected one by one. This made Destiny's heartbeat begin to accelerate.




One after another figures flew down from the night sky, like shooting stars, appearing on the stone pillars, which was around the stone pillars where Liu Tianjun and the others were standing.

Streams of light appeared in front of Destiny's eyes. He had watched all of these people die with his own eyes, but now, they actually appeared in front of him again.

"Liu Tianjun, did I disappoint you?"

The first person to speak was actually Dote. He stood on a stone pillar not far to the left of Liu Tianjun. Standing around Dote were the three kings of Skynet and other masters.

Liu Tianjun did not go to see Dote, but just smiled slightly and said: "When my entertainment business enters the American market, I will definitely give you a Best Actor Award. You did a good job in this play."

"Haha, thank you."

Dot looked at Destiny and said, "Destiny, you never imagined that we are all still alive, right?"

"No, how is this possible? This is absolutely impossible. I clearly..."

"Destiny, I will teach you a lesson today. Sometimes, never believe your own eyes, because even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not be true."

The one who spoke was Tianli, and the person standing on the pillar next to Tianli was Bing'er, the three peaks and twelve riders of the altar and the masters.

Liu Tianjun said: "Tianli, are everyone here?"

"Not yet, my father, mother, aunt, and the Lord of Skynet are all on their way." Tianli replied.

"Very good. In that case, let's wait until everyone is gathered and explain this scene to Mr. Destiny. Then our battle can begin."

In the night sky, four figures appeared. The God Lord, God Queen, and Tsinghua University Princess arrived at the same time. Dote’s father, God, also arrived at the same time.

"Haha, old friend, we meet again." God laughed, and at the same time, he looked at the fate below.

"To be honest, I really don't want to see you again. I've been so exhausted over the past few years that I really want to leave the next thing to the children to handle," the Lord God said.

"There's nothing we can do. It's already the last moment, w^ap.l6^KXs. If we don't advance and retreat with our children, it would be unworthy of us as a father."

"Old friend, you are right, let's clear it up."


All the people from the east and west sides are here, no, it should be said, it's just the people from the altar and the skynet. The remaining people from the east and west sides have not come, because if they come here without enough strength, they will just die.

When the God Master and the others flew down and stood beside Liu Tianjun and the others, the God Master said: "My child, I didn't expect you to develop the plot so quickly. I thought it would take a few more days before I could run over."

Liu Tianjun said: "Originally, I thought things would not develop so fast, but unfortunately, Mr. Destiny has brought my plan forward, so I can only let you appear early."

"If that's the case, then don't talk so much. Get rid of those small characters first. The fate will be dealt with by the three of you."

"Wait a minute, before the war starts, there are still some things that must be explained clearly. I believe you don't want to end the scene in an anticlimactic manner."

Destiny on the opposite side saw that none of the masters from the altar and Skynet died. He asked: "It seems that I really made a mistake in my calculations."

"It's not that you made a mistake in your calculations, it's that your calculations are inferior to mine. Destiny, do you want to know what's going on?"