The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 779: Centennial plan


Destiny crossed his hands on his chest and said, "Since this is already the case, why don't you come and listen? Anyway, no matter how many of you there are, I won't take it seriously."

Liu Tianjun said: "Your plan was originally very good. To be honest, before I had a deep understanding of all this, it was really possible for your plan to succeed. However, you made two miscalculations."

"What two points?"

"First, you are too confident and underestimate the Lord and God. As for how the two of them knew about your existence and your conspiracy, they will tell you later. Now, I want to tell you What you are wrong about is that your observation skills are too weak."


"That's right, when the east and west sides began the final decisive battle, although you watched the battle between them in the distant sky, you ignored two people."

Destiny glanced at everyone at the altar and Skynet, and finally focused on Queen Shen and Tsinghua University, and said, "Are they two of them?"

"That's right. Do you think that when the East and West sides engage in the final battle, even the two leaders Shenzhu and Tianzhu have arrived, and the Queen of God and Tsinghua Gege are still aloof? Let me tell you, before the final battle between them, I We have already secretly discussed with the God Master and the others that when the decisive battle between the East and the West comes, God Queen and Tsinghua Gege will not appear. The job of the two of them is to let everyone die and live in front of your destiny.

At the same time, I also gave the four divine swords, one of your powers, to Dot. The purpose was to tell him everything and let Skynet cooperate with my plan. "

Dot answered: "I didn't really believe it at first, but at that time, my father called me and told me everything. Destiny, you have always been monitoring our world with your spiritual consciousness. You follow every move of the Internet and the altar, but you ignore modern high technology. In an era of advanced communications, do you think we still need to use the same method as you?"

Destiny said: "It seems that you have always been in contact by phone."

Liu Tianjun said: "Yes, I've spotted this about you. You overestimate yourself and ignore modern high technology. It is precisely because of this that you are destined to fail.

"Then how did they come back to life after they died?" Destiny asked.

"Death? Haha." The Queen of Gods laughed and said: "In the final decisive battle between the East and the West, no one died at all. It was just Tsinghua and I who secretly set up a formation to kill those seriously injured http ://wWW.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.coM

Cultivators and superpowers are all involved in the formation. That way, you can't see their bodies and naturally think that they died like this. "

"This is impossible. I obviously couldn't feel the slightest bit of Yuanling power or supernatural ability at that time."

Liu Tianjun said: "This is your own problem. It can also be said that you are too stupid. You didn't even think of this. Don't you know, no matter in the East http://wWW.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.coM

In the world of cultivation, or in the Western supernatural world, can everyone hide their power? Coupled with the formation of Queen God and Tsinghua University, how much power will disappear is only within their respective control. "

Destiny nodded and said: "So that's the case. I understand this. So when did they both know about my plan?"

Liu Tianjun turned around, looked at the Divine Master and God, and said, "I'll leave it to you to answer this question yourself."

The Lord of God and God were already standing together, with smiles on both of their faces. The Lord of God said: "Old friend, it's up to you to speak."

God also smiled and said: "Well, I will tell Mr. Destiny what happened between us."

Faced with fate, God said: "In today's world, there is a place called a university. I believe Mr. Destiny must have heard of it, right?"

"College!" Destiny is a little dizzy at this time. At this time, you have nothing to mention about college!

Of course, when God says such words, there will naturally be a plot that follows.

"I remember that I was not the top leader of Skynet at that time, because the top leader of Skynet at that time was my father. My father traveled around the world and happened to arrive in the UK. He saw that there was a university in the UK at that time. Out of curiosity, I played there for a while. Maybe it was a coincidence. At that time, my father met a Chinese in college. After that Chinese met my father, he told my father that he was actually from China. The emperor, because the Qing Dynasty at that time was surrounded by Cixi, so he secretly came to England to play, and in that way, he became a good friend with my father."

The Lord God said: "I don't need to say more. That Chinese emperor is naturally my father, the last emperor of our Chinese feudal rule. When my father's body gradually failed, changes in China happened. The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded our country and destroyed our Qing Dynasty. At that time, my father already knew that the person who started this war was his friend from back then, who was my old friend's father. As a result, the two of them were talking in secret, I learned that there were some instigators. The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded our country not long ago. My father passed away and the Queen Mother passed away. I naturally became the next emperor of the Qing Dynasty. But at that time, I was already in name only, and there was no outsider. Knowing my existence, China is gradually entering a new era."

God said: "But because our two fathers also made us both have the same understanding, we also already knew that the battle between us was caused by the fight between the ten divine swords. The east and west sides kept fighting. But behind the ten divine swords, there is still a person hidden, and that person is you, destiny."

"That's right, so we decided at that time to make mistakes. Since you want us to fight, we will fight you and see what conspiracy you have. But later, when we knew how powerful you were, we didn't dare to do anything. It was not until the war between the East and the West fifty years ago that the two of us decided that our respective descendants would destroy you, and then there was the Tiansha."

God said: "Don't get me wrong, we didn't know that Tiansha had the soul of the Demon Emperor before. This happened when Tiansha was just full moon. The two of us collected a lot of information in secret, and then we learned about the Demon Emperor. I tried my best to find the body of the Demon Emperor, and then I, Tianwang, sent out killers to kill the Tiansha. The altar used the soul transfer method to move the soul of the Tiansha to the person who had the body of the Demon Emperor. He also had Liu Tianjun in his body."

"Subsequently, we discovered Duanmu Yanyun and Chen Kunlun. I believe this. The Pope who was controlled by you at that time also discovered it, but he didn't want to see the world destroyed by you, so he also secretly contacted us. The three of us Acting together, fighting and fighting, the Holy See became a bystander, all of this is to wait for the growth of Liu Tianjun and the other three."

When this

After the story was told, not to mention fate, even Liu Tianjun and the others looked at the God Lord and the Heavenly Lord. Because of this matter, even Liu Tianjun and the others did not know that there was a conflict between the altar and the Skynet. All these years of struggle are just to put on a show for fate. This means that while fate is playing tricks on the east and west, the east and west are also playing tricks on fate. However, the losses suffered by the east and west over the past hundred years are not small. It can be said that there are countless casualties.

But in order to deal with fate, no matter how many people are killed or injured, I believe that God and God will not blink an eye.

If Liu Tianjun is a hero, then compared with what the Lord God and God have done over the years, Liu Tianjun is really far behind.

Destiny suddenly burst into laughter and said, "You really surprised me. It turns out that I have been trying to be smart for more than a hundred years."

The Lord God said: "No, as things have developed so far, you can still be considered the winner, because for more than a hundred years, neither of us knew what your real purpose was in driving a wedge between us. Now we finally know, You want to collect the resentment and hatred generated during our fight to help you increase your strength."

Liu Tianjun said: "No, it should be to help him recover his strength. If I guess correctly, before the final battle between the East and the West, his strength has not been fully restored at all. In other words, he needs this powerful force. The anger and hatred are just for the purpose of burying the moon."

God said: "He miscalculated us, and at the same time, we also missed someone, and that is the Pope's daughter."

Liu Tianjun asked: "Do you know anything else?"

The Divine Master casually conjured up a thick book with red writing and was very old. He said: "This is an ancient book from ancient times. It was left behind by our ancestors of Aixinjueluo. Originally, I have never I have read this book until before we came here, I returned to the altar and accidentally discovered this book. I think that all the questions in everyone's mind can be answered in this book."

Destiny looked at the ancient book in the hands of the God Lord and said: "The Secret Book of Moon Burial!"

The Lord God said: "Originally I didn't quite believe everything recorded in the ancient books, because it was too http://wWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.coM

It's fantasy, but since you know this book, Mr. Destiny, that means that everything recorded in the book is true. "

Duanmu Yanyun asked: "What kind of book is this?"

"What is recorded in the book is what happened before and after the first moon burial ceremony occurred ten thousand years ago. In other words, this ancient book records the relationship between the demon emperor, tyrant, traitor emperor and fate."

After a pause, the God Lord looked at Alice, who was lying unconscious on the stone bed and was being bled, and said, "Of course, there is also her, the Moon Goddess."

The three Liu Tianjun glanced at each other and said in unison: "Moon God?"

"Yes, it is recorded in ancient books that the evil power in the moon is sealed in the moon by the power of the Moon God. To unlock that evil power, you must use the essence of the Moon God's power. In conjunction with the most powerful resentment and hatred in the world. The power of the Moon God was combined with the Pope's daughter when she was born, so Alice's blood is the essence of the Power of the Moon God."

A very strange expression appeared on Destiny's face. He closed his eyes lightly. The moment he opened them, the ancient book in the Lord's hand actually automatically broke away from his hand and flew towards Destiny quickly.

Before anyone in Liu Tianjun could react, the ancient book had fallen into the hands of fate. Destiny quickly flipped through the ancient book. Suddenly, a flame ignited on the ancient book.


He was about to know the final secret, but the ancient book was snatched away by fate.

Chen Kunlun was about to rush to snatch the ancient book, but was stopped by Duanmu Yanyun, saying: "The past has passed. Even if we know about it, it can't help us at all, so why should we care. "

Liu Tianjun also very much agreed with Duanmu Yanyun's idea. So what if a few of him knew about the burial of the moon ten thousand years ago? Would it be helpful now? Won't.

The ancient book has been burned to ashes, Destiny said: "I have said before that I will tell you everything before you die. Even if the current plot has exceeded my expectations, then the last point must be controlled In my hands. "Twelve platinums, kill at any cost. "

Twelve white lights flashed, and a platinum long sword appeared in the hands of the twelve platinum warriors, pointing directly at Liu Tianjun and the others.

The sword at Bi Luoshang's waist made a buzzing sound and said, "Leave it to me."

The same white light flashed out from Bi Luoshang's waist, and with countless sword shadows, Bi Luoshang faced the twelve platinum warriors.