The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 781: Human civilization for hundreds of millions of years


Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Everyone in the night sky, whether they were walking on the altar or Skynet, even the twelve clones of Destiny, all stopped, as if they were frozen. , motionless in the night sky, the whole world became very quiet, not even a sound could be heard.

In the minds of Liu Tianjun and the other two people, a chaotic scene appeared in which the heaven and earth were first opened. In the vast world, there were only five colors of gas, namely: purple, yellow, blue, red, and black. These five colors The gases blend together like a whole.

Suddenly, countless thunder and lightning were produced in the chaos, quickly dividing the five colors of gas. The five colors of gas shuttled quickly between the sky and the earth. For a while, the sky, the earth, Each gas also produced laughter, four male and one female.

The scene in the minds of Liu Tianjun and the other two people changed rapidly. No one knew how many years had passed. The gases of five colors actually turned into human shapes. They walked around the world in the shape of gases, day after day. Day after year, year after year, finally one day, the human forms formed by the five gases broke away from the gas-like existence and transformed into the appearance of real humans, with their own entities. These are four men and one woman, These five people also became the first batch of human beings to appear in this world since the beginning of the world.

The five people met and got to know each other in that world that was still full of the energy of chaos. Later, the five people began to feel lonely, so the five people decided at the same time to recreate the world with the energy of chaos that had not yet dissipated in the world. Existences identical to the five of them appeared. Then, the first human civilization was born, and along with it came various animals, plants, and everything else in the world. And all of this was created by Created by the four men and one woman who first appeared in this world.

As time went by, after tens of thousands of years, the five people established their own tribes, namely: the Demon Tribe, the Jun Tribe, the Imperial Tribe, the Evil Tribe and the Moon Tribe. After thousands of years, these five tribes Over time, it evolved into a demon kingdom, a monarchy, an empire, an evil kingdom, and a moon kingdom, and the leaders who established these five countries became the demon king, tyrant, traitorous emperor, evil spirit, and moon god.

The five major countries went from peaceful coexistence to mutual suspicion to launching wars. They used powerful force to destroy human civilization three times in a row. The top leaders of the five major countries, the five demon kings, went from destroying human beings to recreating human beings. Hundreds of millions of years passed. During this long period, a creature called a dinosaur finally appeared in the world. That creature took advantage of the five demon kings to regain their strength and occupied the world. Two hundred million years ago, after coming out of seclusion, the Lords of the Five Kingdoms discovered that the existence of dinosaurs posed a threat to mankind. So, the five people used their powerful powers to attract a huge stone from outside the world and exterminated all the dinosaurs in this world. In the world, from that time on, heaven and earth began again.

But in order to prevent the same thing from happening again, the Lords of the Five Kingdoms decided that the human beings they created this time evolved from an animal called an ape.

The apes are very smart and possess the aura of heaven and earth. It took a long, long time to evolve into real humans. That is, from that time on, the demon kingdom, the monarchy, the empire and the moon kingdom united into one, uniting the evil spirits. The country has ignored it.

The leader of the evil country was filled with hatred and decided to destroy the other four countries and monopolize the entire world. Therefore, he unleashed all his evil power and wanted to destroy human civilization again and create an evil world by himself. world.

In order to stop the evil spirit, the four demon kings concentrated all their power on the Moon God. With the power of the Moon God as the main body, they sealed the evil spirit's power in the moon and destroyed the evil spirit at the same time.

But the resentment of the evil spirit has been lingering between heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years. Finally, he got a brand new body, and wanted to use the power of the moon god to cooperate with all the resentment and hatred in heaven and earth to destroy himself. After the power was released, there was a burial ceremony for the moon.

When the four demon kings learned that the evil spirit wanted to take back his power and destroy the world, they joined forces again to destroy the evil spirit. However, because the evil spirit was originally formed from the aura of heaven and earth, it was almost impossible to completely eliminate him. It is very possible that in order to prevent human civilization from being destroyed, the four demon kings also destroyed their own bodies after annihilating the evil spirits, and returned to heaven and earth together with the evil spirits.

Thousands of years passed, and the evil spirit began to move around, taking the alias "Destiny"

, intending to control everything about human beings, so the Demon King and other four powers spent thousands of years looking for a body suitable for themselves, combining their own power with it, and after the evil spirit was resurrected, they would destroy him again. But due to an accident on the way, the Demon Emperor was split in half by a thunder and lightning formed by the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. The Demon Emperor's power was divided into two types, and the power struck by the thunder and lightning was sealed. The other tyrants and traitors Although the Emperor and the Moon God were not split in half, after being transformed into humans, they could only exert one ten thousandth of their power. Therefore, the four of them, with their sealed power, had no knowledge of their previous lives. , in the modern world, began their all-powerful life.

When the scene in the minds of Liu Tianjun and the other three people came to an end, the red light screen above Alice also disappeared immediately.

In the night sky, the twelve destiny fragments loomed, and finally turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth. Everyone in the altar and Skynet, as well as the ancestors sitting on the ground, also transformed into countless meteors at this time, sliding away in the east and west directions, because the things here have nothing to do with them anymore, can they? It's up to Liu Tianjun and the others to stop Destiny Burying Moon and eliminate him forever.

When Liu Tianjun and the other two opened their eyes, they seemed to have recovered all their memories from hundreds of millions of years ago, and they already had a clear understanding of this moon burial.

"Evil spirits, it's time to end." Liu Tianjun threw out a sentence familiar to fate. He had heard this sentence thousands of years ago, when he buried the moon for the first time.

"You, you guys..."

"Don't be so surprised. Our memories have been restored, and your fate will be the same as it was thousands of years ago."

Liu Tianjun's figure flashed and appeared next to Alice. He touched Alice's forehead with one hand and said softly: "Wake up, let us work together to eradicate evil spirits from this world forever." .”

The blood stopped, Alice's eyes slowly opened, and the blood-red moon in the night sky returned to its normal white color the moment Alice opened her eyes.

With the full moon in the sky, Liu Tianjun helped Alice up, looked at his lover with his eyes, and asked: "I believe you already know everything from the scene just now, right?"

Alice's face recovered very quickly, and the blood that had flowed out before had no impact on her at all.

Slowly getting up and standing in front of Liu Tianjun, Alice said: "It was the three of you who focused your power on me in the beginning. Now that you are the protagonist, let us help you."

Liu Tianjun nodded and slowly stepped back. Alice's body emitted a fiery red light, Chen Kunlun emitted a golden light, and Duanmu Yanyun emitted a blue light. The three kinds of light were concentrated on Liu Tianjun at the same time.

The purple-red crystal armor on Liu Tianjun disappeared, and now he returned to his usual appearance. He was wearing normal clothes and his body had also flown into the night sky, facing the same fate of taking off his armor with a black light all over his body.

"Unexpectedly, when your strength and memory were restored, you also destroyed my plan to bury the moon. But it doesn't matter. As long as the four of you disappear from this world forever, this world will still be decided by me. Calculate."

"I don't know whether I should call you an evil spirit or destiny now, but no matter you are an evil spirit or destiny, your fate will be the same as before, and it can never be changed."

"Then let's see if you have this ability."

"Come on, use all your power, and let me see, compared with the beginning, who is stronger, you or us."

Destiny opened his hands and shouted: "I am the only one who possesses the power of evil spirits."

Chen Kunlun below shouted: "The wrath of the tyrant."

Duanmu Yanyun shouted: "The traitorous emperor's heart."

Alice shouted: "The power of the moon god."

Liu Tianjun combined the three powers below into his own body, and his eyes changed from purple-red to normal color. This can be regarded as a state of returning to nature.

"The power of the Demon King...combine."

The four forces unified, facing the evil power of fate, the impact force produced by both sides destroyed everything around them, including all the buildings in the Vatican.

Destiny rushed straight towards Liu Tianjun, but Liu Tianjun remained motionless and floated in place.

When Destiny rushed in front of Liu Tianjun, the power in Liu Tianjun's body shook Destiny back, but he did not move at all.

"Impossible, why did your power become so huge?"

Destiny couldn't believe it. The combined power of Liu Tianjun and the four of them was many times stronger than it was hundreds of millions of years ago. His current power was simply unable to compete with it.

"Don't you really know?"

"Do not know what is this?"

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has all returned to my body. There is no more spiritual energy in your body. In other words, you have been abandoned by heaven and earth."

"No, this is impossible. I was born from heaven and earth, and heaven and earth will never abandon or frustrate you."

Liu Tianjun stretched out a hand, and a seven-color light appeared in his palm, and said: "Did you see it? This is the power of heaven and earth. In addition to the power of the four of us, your power is also included. That is to say , you have been replaced by other forces, so you should not continue to exist in this world at all."

"No, it won't happen. Heaven and earth will never abandon me. could this happen!"

Destiny had just exerted the power in his body, but all the power he exerted was absorbed by the colorful power in Liu Tianjun's hand.

"I have already said that you no longer belong to this world, and you no longer belong to heaven and earth, so please disappear."

No more nonsense, Liu Tianjun has already said what needs to be said and faced, and now it is time to settle everything.

Although Liu Tianjun knows that the end is equal to a new beginning. After he eliminates fate and evil spirits, other forces may become his enemies, but no matter what kind of force they are, as long as he, Alice, Duanmu Yanyun , Chen Kunlun and the four of them are still together, so they have no power to defeat themselves.


The colorful power formed a colorful ball and threw it towards fate.

Faced with this colorful ball of destiny, he knew that he had no way to retreat. Since there was no way to retreat, why should he retreat

"Haha, Liu Tianjun, I will never disappear. One day, I will return to the earth. By then, it will be you who will disappear from this world."

"I'm sorry, you said the same thing hundreds of millions of years ago, but in the end, it was you who disappeared. Therefore, you are destined to be a loser. I don't want to say too much to a loser."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Destiny laughed several times, and the laughter almost shocked the world. Then, the colorful ball hit Destiny. Destiny was swallowed up by the colorful ball, and his body, along with his soul, entered the colorful ball.

"Heavenly Army, send him away from this world." Duanmu Yanyun said.

Liu Tianjun made an "OK" gesture and waved towards the seven-colored ball with one hand. He saw the seven-colored ball quickly fly up into the night sky, break through the clouds, and then rush out of the atmosphere, creating a wave of waves in the universe. An explosion several times more powerful than an atomic bomb.

The explosion shattered all the meteorites around the earth, and thousands of meteors rushed down to the east of the earth, forming the most dazzling meteor shower in history. In the future, in China, this meteor shower will be called "the meteor shower that ends destiny."

Liu Tianjun slowly flew down. All the stone pillars below had also collapsed. The four of them stood among the collapsed stone pillars.

Alice stood in front of Liu Tianjun and asked, "Tianjun, what should we do next?"

At this time, the sky was gradually getting brighter, the moon went to the east, and the sun rose.

Liu Tianjun looked at the entire Vatican, which was completely destroyed, and said: "We will help you rebuild the Vatican and the Holy See first. This is also your father's last wish. After that, we will go home together, to the home that truly belongs to us. .”

"Home? Do we still have a home now?"

Duanmu Yanyun said: "Of course, our home is in the east."

Chen Kunlun said: "That place is called China."

Liu Tianjun said: "Now the so-called destiny has disappeared. The future of mankind is in the hands of mankind itself. People who have no ability will naturally be conquered by others. In other words, in this world, everyone is destined. , I am destiny, you three are also destiny, the newborn baby is destiny, the gray-haired old man is also destiny, everything in the world, as long as it has life, is destiny."

Alice smiled, very brightly. After the laughter stopped, Alice said: "Let me first calculate how much money it will cost to rebuild the Vatican and the Holy See."

Liu Tianjun slowly stepped back and said, "Don't ask me about money. I just said I would help you rebuild, and I never said I would pay for it."

"Hey, are you mistaken? It was you who destroyed this country, so it will be rebuilt by you."

"There's not much money to be made in this place. I, Liu Tianjun, never engage in loss-making business. For this matter, you should ask Yanyun. He has promised the Golden Warrior before that he will shoulder the responsibility for the reconstruction."

Duanmu Yanyun also stepped back and said: "I'm just talking casually. Where can I get so much money? Here, only the Heavenly Army has more money. If we don't find him, there will be no hope of reconstruction."

Chen Kunlun smirked and said, "Don't look at me, I have even less money."

"You three, stop here. If you pay, you will be disabled. If you don't pay, you will be beaten to death."

"Damn it, Miss, I just threw this sentence out casually. How come you all have learned it? Is it very useful? If so, I will charge royalties!"

Liu Tianjun smiled bitterly and said: "You have to pay to cripple him. Kunlun, are you stupid? Don't say this again in the future. It is really harmful to others and yourself."

"No matter that much, the rest of the matter is settled by you two. I will get out of the way first."

"Stop, you three, stop for me..."