The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 80: Mercenary group


Today, two major news items appeared in major newspapers and periodicals in Taiwan. The first is the arrival of international superstar Zhong Xiaoqing. A press conference will be held tomorrow evening. The content is confidential, but the purpose of the visit is known to everyone.

Originally, when a star arrives, a press conference is held first, and then the news is released. However, Zhong Xiaoqing’s international worth is not simple, and she also occupies a very important position in the Chinese film and television industry, so she and other stars no the same.

As for today's second big news, it directly alarmed all the senior officials of the Taiwan government, because last night, a tragic massacre occurred in a factory in Taipei. More than 30 people died, and everyone was killed. Shooting a sharp knife through the throat to kill someone, something like this has never happened in recent decades. Even in those gangster fights, such brutal killings would never happen.

What's even more unbelievable is that all the thirty people who were killed were members of the Black Dragon Gang, including several big brother-level figures. You know, the three major gangs in Taiwan have only been fighting on a small scale in the past few years. There has been no large-scale fighting incident for a long time. Now that so many people have been killed by the Black Dragon Gang, the world will naturally suspect that it was the Sanlian Gang or the Eagle Gang. , but only Long Chenyi and Long Jianfei and his son knew that this matter had nothing to do with the Sanlian Gang.

At breakfast, Liu Tianjun ate with Alice and other women. Ming Shuyan was very upset after seeing Liu Tianjun come back last night. This guy is really destined to die.

But when Ming Shuyan saw today's news, she was stunned because Ming Shuyan knew very well that the murderer last night was eating breakfast at the same table as the Zhang family.

"Liu Tianjun, you are too cruel, you actually killed..."

Liu Tianjun put down a cup of coffee and said, "Young lady, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say random things. Otherwise, I will definitely sue you for slander."

Although there was no one else in this box, Liu Tianjun didn't want the other women to know that he was responsible for what happened last night.

When Ming Shuyan was about to say something, she saw someone opening the door of the box. Then, an elderly man and four middle-aged men walked into the box.

When these five people entered the box without their consent, Liu Tianjun and Alice immediately felt the emergence of four very powerful qi, and they both stood up at the same time.

This elderly man was wearing a black suit and looked like a leader, while the four middle-aged men behind him were dressed very casually, and each of them exuded a compelling aura.

Masters, these four middle-aged men are definitely masters, and they are all masters of ancient martial arts. Their skills are superior to Huo Yifeng, but they still can't make Liu Tianjun afraid.

"Excuse me, are you President Liu of Shanghai Fengyun Group?" The elderly man looked Liu Tianjun up and down, and nodded with great satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

If Liu Tianjun just thought that the Taiwanese police had found out what happened last night and were here to arrest him, then now, after seeing the expression of this elderly man, Liu Tianjun knew that they were not hostile.

Alice also sat down at this time. She would not care about things that had nothing to do with her.

Liu Tianjun said: "Yes, I am Liu Tianjun, who are you?"

"I apologize for intruding, President Liu." As he said that, the elderly man took out a black leather book that looked like an ID from his pocket and said, "I am Lin Yu, the head of the Taiwan Security Bureau. This time, I received an order from above and made a special trip to protect Miss Zhong Xiaoqing."

Liu Tianjun glanced at Lin Yu's ID and said, "Taiwan Security Bureau, I have never heard of such a department in Taiwan."

Lin Yu said: "Because their department is quite special and they protect all important people, so since the establishment of our security bureau, it has not been announced to the outside world. Today we received an order saying that Ms. Zhong came to Taiwan, and in addition to the recent It’s quite chaotic outside, so our superiors ordered us to come here in order to ensure Miss Zhong and President Liu’s trip to Taiwan.”

Unexpectedly, Zhong Xiaoqing's reputation would be so great that even the Taiwan government sent a protection team, and they were four experts. Originally, Liu Tianjun was worried about the safety of Zhong Xiaoqing and the others. Now that they are here http://wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.coM

Liu Tianjun would not refuse free bodyguards.

"Since your Taiwanese government is so interested, I am embarrassed to refuse. Mr. Lin, Xiaoqing will hold a press conference tomorrow night. I believe you already know about this, so I would like to trouble you all."

Lin Yu said with a smile: "President Liu, you can rest assured that the four people I brought here are all our experts in protecting the situation, and they will not cause any harm to Miss Zhong."

Lin Yu walked up to Zhong Xiaoqing and said, "Miss Zhong, let me introduce you."

Zhong Xiaoqing only stood up at this time. Judging from her appearance, it seemed that this was not the first time for such a thing. She should have received such protection before.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your government's kindness, and I would like to thank you all a lot."

"Miss Zhong, you're welcome. This is our job." Lin Yu called the four middle-aged men who came in with him and said, "These four are the most outstanding personnel in our security bureau. Miss Zhong can call them Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Ah Si, these are also their code names. From now on, they will be fully responsible for Miss Zhong's personal safety."

Hearing Lin Yu say the names of these four people, Huang Xiaoyi who was next to him couldn't help laughing and said: "I said to Mr. Lin, if you want to protect Zhong Xiaoqing, please find a few decent ones. I heard that this name is not very good, and their skills should not be much better."

Lin Yu smiled and said: "Miss Huang, you don't have to worry about their strength. When it is time to take action, they will not show mercy. When they should not move, he will always be like a piece of wood."

Lin Yu knew Huang Xiaoyi's identity. There was no doubt that before coming here, he had already investigated Liu Tianjun and the others. Except for maybe Alice, the others had even been investigated for eight generations of their ancestors. clear.

Huang Xiaoyi is very strong-willed and likes to fight. She can be regarded as the best among women.

Now when he heard Lin Yu's tone, Huang Xiaoyi said: "Then let me try to see who your Taiwan government has supported."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Liu Tianjun could stop him, Huang Xiaoyi had already bypassed Lin Yu, an ordinary person, and came to Ada.

With his right foot together, Huang Xiaoyi kicked Ah Da directly in the head, but Ah Da's body didn't even move at all. He just easily raised his left hand to block Huang Xiaoyi's foot.

Huang Xiaoyi took a few steps back. She felt as if she had been kicked on a piece of iron. Her feet were very painful, but she still said forcefully: "Not bad, you are not bragging."

Lin Yu smiled and said: "Miss Huang, Ada has been practicing golden bell cover since she was a child. Your feet..."

"No wonder it's like a piece of iron! But don't worry, I've been practicing for a few years, so it'll be fine."

Liu Tianjun smiled at this time. The girl's face changed even though she was in pain, and she said she was fine. He really convinced her.

Lin Yu said with a smile: "Since Miss Huang is fine, I will take my leave first. Ada and the others will always protect Miss Zhong when she returns to Shanghai, and will also stay with Miss Zhong during this period. I hope it will not affect Miss Zhong." Feeling."

After Qin Kexin sent Lin Yu out, the four of them, Ada and Zhong Xiaoqing, were divided into two groups just like Zhong Xiaoqing's four female protectors. One group stood guard outside the door, and the other group stood on the left and right of Zhong Xiaoqing. None of the four people said a word since they arrived, and they didn't realize that Liu Tianjun and Alice were different.

After finishing breakfast, Qin Kexin had arranged two cars and was going to choose a location for Zhong Xiaoqing's press conference tomorrow night.

Since there were now four more people, the two cars would naturally not be able to fit in. Liu Tianjun also asked Huang Xiaoyi and Song Jingping to stay in the hotel first and not to run around if they had nothing to do.

But Huang Xiaoyi's temper was so dull that he could only drag the unfamiliar Song Jingjing to buy clothes.

As for Alice and Ming Shuyan, Liu Tianjun doesn't care about them and wants to follow him. Please take a taxi. Liu Tianjun will not expose himself in these small things because of his feelings for Alice, making Alice feel uncomfortable. The Zhang family became suspicious.

Now Qin Kexin was driving the car, taking Liu Tianjun and Zhong Xiaoqing with him, and the four of them, Ada, drove another car and followed behind.

About three hours later, Qin Kexin found a place more suitable for holding a press conference.

As soon as he got off the car, Liu Tianjun discovered that Alice and Ming Shuyan were coming next. However, when Alice came to Liu Tianjun, she reminded him intentionally: "You'd better be careful, it's not safe here. "

"Miss Alice, since you can discover things, don't I know?"

"Now that you've discovered it, you should know that the people here are professionals, different from those people last night."

"Such superb tracking, I think it must be at an international level."

Ah Da and the four of them walked up behind Zhong Xiaoqing. Ah Da said, "Ms. Zhong, I think it's better for us to protect you and go back to the hotel first. It's not safe here."

Zhong Xiaoqing asked: "Why do you all speak in the same tone? Are we really being followed?"

Ada glanced at Liu Tianjun and said: "President Liu, I didn't expect that you were hiding and even such a high-level tracking was discovered by you. And this lady is not easy, she can be found in the taxi. .”

Liu Tianjun asked: "You are from the Taiwan government. I believe you should know something about those guys, right?"

Indeed, if you work for the government and protect some important people, you should know a lot of things and people that ordinary people don't know.

Ah Er said: "Judging from their tracking methods and clothing, they should be mercenaries, and they are also an international recruitment point."

Alice asked: "Could it be that the Black Dragon Gang invited you?"

"No, we have just arrived in Taiwan two days ago. Even if the Black Dragon Gang wants to invite us, it won't be so soon. I think those guys' target is not necessarily Xiao Qing."

"If it's not Miss Zhong, who could it be?"



"Yes, there are too many people who want to kill me during this period, and it's not just you, Miss Alice, who sends people to follow me."

The killer a few days ago is now a mercenary. It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is not simple. He has actually chased him to Taiwan.

"Liu Tianjun, I don't want to get involved in your affairs. Please tell me the whereabouts of the person I'm looking for before you die."

Liu Tianjun ignored Alice and said to her dearly: "For safety's sake, Miss Qin, just make arrangements here. I will take Xiaoqing back to the hotel now. I have other things to deal with later."

"President, what else do you want? Is this the golden mountain you mentioned?"

"You just need to take care of the press conference tomorrow night. Don't worry about other things for the time being."

After sending Zhong Xiaoqing back to the hotel, Liu Tianjun asked A Da and the four of them to protect Zhong Xiaoqing's safety. Before he came back, no one except Qin Kexin and the others could see Zhong Xiaoqing.

Since A Da and the others were ordered by the Taiwan government to protect people, they would do their best at their job and would not let anything happen to Zhong Xiaoqing.

Of course, with the strength of Ah Da and the four of them, Liu Tianjun also believed that Zhong Xiaoqing would be fine for the time being.

After leaving the hotel again, Liu Tianjun discovered that the guys who had followed him and others before were still following him. This made Liu Tianjun certain that the target of these guys was definitely not Zhong Xiaoqing.

But what Liu Tianjun didn't understand was that if these mercenaries were sent by the mastermind behind his previous life, then why this time they were not killers but a group of people who worked hard for money.

Just by hearing the word "employment", you know that they were hired by others. The strength of each of them is at the level of a soldier king, enough to fight one against ten. Mercenaries rarely appear in China. When they do appear, they must kill some very remarkable people, such as national leaders.

Liu Tianjun walked around a street for most of the day. When it was getting dark, he deliberately walked into an deserted alley. After Liu Tianjun walked into this alley, the guys who were following him finally showed up. .

Two black men appeared at the end of the alley, and two Australian white men walked in from the entrance. The guys in front and behind walked toward Liu Tianjun, looking very natural and not looking like they were going to make a move.

Liu Tianjun knew that there were far more than four people who had been following him for a day. It seemed that they underestimated him, thinking that sending four people would kill him.

"After following me for a day, what do you want to do?" Liu Tianjun stopped when he reached the middle of the alley and looked back and forth before asking.

"Are you Liu Tianjun?" The black man five meters in front of Liu Tianjun used

Chinese asked.

"Asking knowingly. I don't want to talk too much nonsense to you. Tell me your purpose and see if I can help you."

Helping you, sending you to hell, sending you back to your hometown is the best way to help.

"Tell me, where is the evil spirit?" The black man's eyes changed instantly, his hands formed into fists, and bursts of murderous aura exuded from his body.

"What's going on recently? Why is everyone asking me where Tiansha is! Please, if you are looking for someone, I think the police may be more helpful to you. You shouldn't come to me."

"Liu Tianjun, we have investigated everything about you very clearly. We know that you are a talkative person. But if you want to save your life, I advise you to tell the whereabouts of Tiansha."

Liu Tianjun smiled and said: "You are not the first people to come to me to ask about the whereabouts of Tiansha, but I still say the same thing, I don't know Tiansha at all, you have found the wrong person."

"There is an old Chinese saying that says, "You won't shed tears until you see the coffin. It seems you are this kind of person."

Liu Tianjun smiled and said: "Haha, we have an old saying in China, which is that you will never die until you reach the Yellow River. It seems that you are also this kind of person. Okay, I don't want to say more. If you want to take action, I will be very happy to give you a gift. Procedure."

The black man said: "We all know everything you did in Shanghai, and we also know that you, Mr. Liu, are not as simple as you appear. However, we are not killers. If we have not found our target, we will not attack casually. Moreover, I believe that you are the only one in this world who knows the whereabouts of Tiansha, and we will not be stupid enough to kill you, our only clue, and cut off our own escape route."

The guys who came this time were much smarter than the killers from the previous few days, otherwise, I wouldn't know how they died.

Although these guys are quite powerful and smarter than the killers from the past few days, their strength is lower than the three killers from the past few days. Therefore, Liu Tianjun doesn't have to put in much effort to kill them.

"Mercenaries are indeed smarter, but I also know that you mercenaries do everything for money. When it comes to money, I, Liu Tianjun, have more. If you tell me the answer I want to know, I can give it to you. With 100 million US dollars each, you can retire a few years early, what do you think?"

The black man said: "Young Master Liu, I think you have made a mistake. Although we are mercenaries, this time, we are not coming to you for money, nor are we chasing Tiansha for money."

"Not for money? Don't tell me, you are doing it for fun?"

"You don't need to know what we are for. Now I will give you one day. Before twelve o'clock tomorrow night, if you can't tell us the whereabouts of Tiansha, then we will start with the people around you. Then we will forget it. You, Mr. Liu, have the ability to protect yourself, but I don’t think you can protect your women at the same time.”

"Now that you have checked my background, you should know that whoever dares to touch my woman will have disastrous consequences. You are all human, and I hope you don't do anything you regret."

The four mercenaries said no more and left in different directions, as if they didn't want to be followed by Liu Tianjun.

But Liu Tianjun stood there and said to himself: "Mercenaries don't kill people for money, so why would they do it? This is a bit too unreasonable, unless it is..."

Liu Tianjun thought of an unlikely answer, but he didn't dare to think about it. If he was unfortunately guessed, then the matter would become more and more complicated. It would be too much to kill the mastermind behind him. It was terrifying, so terrifying that even Liu Tianjun didn’t dare to imagine it.

"I hope it won't be a good, bad or bad spirit. Otherwise, I really have to admit to Alice that I am the evil spirit. I have to call Kunlun and Sick Ghost over to deal with the mastermind behind it!"