The all-powerful rebirth

Chapter 95: Biochemical beauty


Liu Tianjun now has eight war generals, four war gods, and the shadow sisters. It can be said that his strength is getting stronger and stronger. In addition, Zhou Bao is also constantly expanding the territory and number of his Little Sword Society. Moreover, after the Fiery Gang was destroyed, the Little Sword Society was naturally listed as one of the top ten gangs in China. Next It's time to compete with the other nine gangs for the world.

After walking out of his room, Liu Tianjun originally wanted to go out for a stroll and see how the situation was at Zhou Bao's side, but when Liu Tianjun glanced at the door of the room next to him, he couldn't help but stop.

Since he brought Song Ningran back, Liu Tianjun only said a few words to her. Even if he was afraid that he would spill the beans because of his childhood memories, Liu Tianjun couldn't be too indifferent to Song Ningran. After all, everyone outside now has Knowing that he spent 10 billion US dollars to buy Song Jingping's freedom from the Song family.

When Liu Tianjun was about to knock on the door, he found that the door was not locked at all, so Liu Tianjun just pushed the door open and entered.

There was no one in the room, but the lights were on in the bathroom and there was the sound of water. It was probably Song Jingping taking a bath.

Liu Tianjun didn't want to leave a bad impression in Song Jingran's heart. They had to recognize each other no matter what. Leaving a good impression now would be of great benefit to them getting to know each other in the future, so Liu Tianjun said: "Miss Song, are you here?" ?"

There was no sound, Song Jingping didn't answer, there was no other sound in the bathroom except the sound of water. Moreover, Liu Tianjun also noticed at this time that there was no one in the bathroom, not even the sound of breathing.

"What's going on? The lights are on and the water is on, but where did the people go?"

Knowing that Song Jingran is an introverted woman and rarely goes out in the Song family for more than 20 years, if something happens to her when she goes outside alone, it will be troublesome.

Taking out his mobile phone, Liu Tianjun wanted to call Huang Xiaoyi first to see if Huang Xiaoyi had taken Song Ningran out, but before Liu Tianjun's call could be answered, suddenly, a strong gust of wind rushed over from behind Liu Tianjun.

Liu Tianjun was suddenly shocked. He had not felt the presence of a second person in the room just now. When did this strong wind appear? Could it be that the man in black robe came again last night? .

There is no hesitation in my heart. If I am not a friend, I am an enemy. As long as I am my enemy, I will die.

Liu Tianjun raised the energy in his body, and at the moment he turned around, he already sent out his palms to kill the guy who sneaked up on him from behind.

But when Liu Tianjun turned around and saw the person who attacked him, Liu Tianjun was greatly surprised by this person. He immediately retracted his palms and dodged the person who attacked him.

"how so?"

The person Liu Tianjun saw, the person who attacked him, was none other than Song Jingran. Moreover, judging from the explosive power of Song Jingran's attack on Liu Tianjun just now, he didn't look like the Song Er who looked like Liu Rushui at all. Miss, Song Ningran looks like a different person now, and she has become very scary. Her body is like a gecko. When Liu Tianjun dodged her attack, his whole body crawled on the wall of the room. He was wearing pajamas, but what was exuding from his body was a wild aura, which was almost similar to the werewolf power exuded by the beast yesterday.

"Miss Song..."


Song Jingping actually let out a cry, a cry that was not human at all, and she rushed towards Liu Tianjun again. The impact was like a lion, and the speed was like a cheetah.

"Stop now, what happened? Why are you like this?"

Liu Tianjun ducked to the side and asked after dodging Song Ningjing's attack for the second time.

But Song Jingping seemed to have lost his mind and didn't even know who Liu Tianjun was, and attacked Liu Tianjun one after another.

"There's nothing I can do. I'll wait until I'm knocked unconscious."

When Song Ningran attacked Liu Tianjun for the fifth time, this time Liu Tianjun didn't wait for her to rush past him and hit Song Ningran on the neck, knocking her out completely. At the same time, the half of the crystal mask on Song Jingjing's face was also thrown to the ground.

Liu Tianjun finally saw the other half of Song Jingran's face, but this half of her face was different from what he imagined. She was not disfigured by the fire that year. There were actually some black tattoos on Song Jingran's face. These totems are shaped like tree roots and flames. If they are artistic tattoos, they can be said to be beautiful, but if they are tattooed on a woman’s face, they will really be invisible to others.

"It turns out that she was wearing a mask not because her face was burned by the fire, but because of the totems on her face."

Liu Tianjun picked up Song Ningjing, put it on the bed, and said: "But why does she have such a totem on her face, and who tattooed it on her?... Since she is wearing a mask, she probably doesn't want to be When people see their face tattooed with totems, if they don’t want to be seen, why do they have it tattooed?”

His own affairs were already a big deal, but now these things appeared on Song Jingran's face. Moreover, Song Jingran's situation just now also let Liu Tianjun know that something bad must have happened to Song Jingran. things.

If you want to know why Song Ningran is like this and why there is this totem on her face, it seems that you can only find out after she wakes up.

About an hour later, Song Jingping slowly opened her eyes. She had returned to her natural state. She looked at Liu Tianjun with her eyes and asked, "Why are you in my room?"

It was obvious that Song Jingping didn't know what happened just now, nor did he know that he had become as terrifying as a beast.

Liu Tianjun has always looked at Song Jingjing. She is very beautiful, comparable to Zhong Xiaoqing, with a melon-shaped face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of big glasses, and small lips, just like the ones in Liu Tianjun's memory. Jing, just a little older.

When Song Jingping saw that Liu Tianjun was silent, he sat up from his bed. His eyes moved to Liu Tianjun's hand and looked at the crystal mask held in Liu Tianjun's hand.

Song Jingran touched her face with both hands. Suddenly, Song Jingran shouted: "Get out, get out..."

Liu Tianjun didn't move at all, he just looked at Song Ningran's frightened look, covering his face with his hands, not daring to see anyone at all.

"Get out, get out quickly..."

She had already cried, crying very sadly and helplessly.

"Tell me, why is this happening?"

Liu Tianjun asked very gently. Based on Song Ningjing's current situation, Liu Tianjun knew that he could not make his voice loud enough to stimulate her.

Ten minutes, a whole ten minutes, Song Jingping was crying, not even daring to look at Liu Tianjun.

"Do you know what you just did?"

When Liu Tianjun asked, Song Jingping immediately stopped crying, but she didn't take her hands away and said, "I, have I changed again?"

"Changed? What have you become?"


"Tell me why you have animal nature in your body."

Liu Tianjun didn't mince words. He just heard Song Jingran say whether she had changed again. Liu Tianjun was sure that Song Jingran knew that she would change, and she would become completely different from her nature.

"Don't ask, I don't know anything. Get out quickly. I beg you, go out. Can you let me be quiet for a while?"

Liu Tianjun stood up, sat on the edge of the bed, put a hand on Song Jingran's shoulder, and said: "You don't have to be afraid, as long as you tell you who turned you into this, I will find a way to make you look like this." You become who you were before.”

In order to comfort Song Jingping, Liu Tianjun had to say this. It's not that Liu Tianjun doesn't know that if a person possesses the beastly behavior of a beast, it is not caused by nature, but is cultivated or manufactured. Moreover, using ordinary methods, it is impossible to make a person's body behave like a beast. Full of animal nature, it requires many scientific experiments and step-by-step cultivation to successfully change a person's blood and DNA.

"I don't know anything. Stop asking. Just go out. Please, please go out!"

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened."

"I don't need anyone's help. If you tell me his whereabouts, I won't follow you. I can leave right now and never appear in front of you again."

Liu Tianjun closed his eyes. It had been more than twenty years and two lives before he found his Xiaojing. No matter what, Liu Tianjun would not let Song Jingjing leave, let alone let her be harmed in any way.

"In the United States and the United Kingdom, although biochemical technology has been studied in the early years, they have not been able to transform a successful biochemical human over the years. In our country, biochemical technology has just started, and it has not been done with the human body. experimental."

Song Jingping had turned her back to Liu Tianjun, crying and saying: "I don't understand what you are talking about, and I don't know about biochemical technology. Can you get out first?"

Liu Tianjun said bitterly: "Song Jingran, how long are you going to lie to yourself? You are already a biochemical person, a biochemical person with the DNA of several beasts in your body."

"I, I am a cyborg! I, I am no longer a human being! I, I..."

Song Jingran is very excited now. She is no longer the introverted second lady of the Song family. Now Song Jingran has jumped off the bed, like a madman, smashing things in sight, and her strength, It has also become very big.

Liu Tianjun was afraid that Song Jingran's emotional loss would cause the animal nature in her to burst out again, so he stepped forward to stop Song Jingran.

But before Liu Tianjun came forward, the door of the room opened. Standing at the door were Zhong Xiaoqing, Alice, Ming Shuyan, Qin Kexin and Huang Xiaoyi who had just returned to the hotel.

I really don’t know what these women are doing, to show up at the same time under such circumstances.

"What happened, why..."

Qin Kexin was halfway through asking when she saw Song Jingjing without a mask, charging towards her fiercely.

Alice pulled Qin Kexin back and said, "Biochemical man."

"Stop, don't hurt her, she is Miss Song."

"What, you said she is Song Jingping?" Alice asked in surprise, while Huang Xiaoyi and the others were speechless.

"Knock her out immediately. Don't let her rush outside to hurt others, otherwise we will be in trouble."

Alice nodded. When Song Ningran rushed to her, Alice, like Liu Tianjun just now, knocked Song Ningran unconscious with one palm.