The Alluring Physician

Chapter 407: She has always been ruthless


"It's Dr. Liu. The wounds on the young lady's body were applied by two slaves, and her clothes were also changed." Ye Qing said, tears falling again.

The bruises and bites all over her body were unsightly. How could the young lady’s jade-like body stand up to this? What a beast!

Qingguan saw her crying and smiled sadly.

She was already bold among women, but she was frightened by the madness of the wise king. He was not human at all and was more ferocious than a beast. Those young girls who died in his hands had to go through so much pain and humiliation during their lifetimes.

Qingguan's heart felt heavy and dull, and she whispered: "What's going on outside?"

Ye Qing said hurriedly: "King Xian was beaten half to death by King Shou, and three ribs were broken; King Shou was called over by the emperor, but there has been no movement until now."

"Zhao Jingyan..." Qingguan murmured, with countless ripples and twists in her tone.

At that glance, she could see clearly.

His face covered with dust was full of anger, his thin lips were biting tightly, and their color had turned purple, and there was a shocking killing in his eyes.

If the emperor hadn't arrived in time, she was really afraid that he would beat the wise king to death.

Gu Qingguan slowly lowered his eyes, hiding the twinkling in his eyes, moved his fingertips, and whispered: "You all should go out. I'm very tired and want to be quiet for a while."

Ye Qing and Ye Zi looked at each other and sighed in their hearts at the same time.

They know what the young lady is capable of. If the young lady doesn't want anyone to get close to her, then she can't get even remotely close to her, no matter who he is. Why did this injury occur... In fact, they had some idea.

During that trip to the northwest, they knew in their hearts the friendship between Prince Shou and the young lady, but they never expected that the prince would rush over at this moment.

What is the cause and effect of this

"My slave is guarding outside. If anything happens, please call me."

Ye Qing and Ye Zi couldn't figure it out, so they turned around and left. Suddenly, there was a blur in front of my eyes, and a tall figure stood in front of me.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Gu Qingguan's body trembled, a flush suddenly appeared on his cheeks, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Zhao Jingyan came closer and looked at her pale face. She couldn't help but clenched her hands into fists, and the veins on the back of her hands popped out one by one.

I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I had arrived a step late, or if Liu Zhaoyu had not meddle in this matter.

Based on his understanding of her, this woman would definitely risk her innocence.

She has always been ruthless.

Be cruel to others, but even more cruel to yourself.

Gu Qingguan raised his head and met his gaze. When she saw the anger in his eyes, she felt inexplicably guilty.

She didn't understand where this guilty conscience came from, but she just had the illusion that if she jumped into a cliff, this man would jump with her without hesitation.

"you… "


Zhao Jingyan sneered, her face as indifferent as a stranger, and immediately turned around and left.

Gu Qingguan was shocked.

She had never seen this man so cold and tough, and there was even a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Is he hating her


Something was surging in the bottom of his heart, and Gu Qingwan just felt at a loss.

Shouldn't she be the one to hate

A perfect plan was suddenly completely ruined by his appearance.

Gu Qingguan felt dazed for the first time, and his fingers curled up unconsciously. The pain in his body slowly spread, and it seemed to be a lot more painful than before.

She struggled to get up, and suddenly blood welled up in her chest, and she coughed violently.

Ye Qing and Ye Zi heard the commotion and hurriedly came in. One was Shunqi and the other was feeding him tea. Gu Qingwan lay weakly on the pillow with a wry smile on his lips.

When she was reborn, she told herself that love in the world is the most misleading. If you can't let go of love, you will have more weaknesses than others.

Su Ziyu used a cruel method to get rid of this terrible weakness, but never thought that in the end, he would...

Zhao Jingyan curled up with heartache as she listened to the woman's cough. He resisted the desire to turn back, turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

If you can't hear it, stay away.

But after taking two steps, he felt reluctant, stopped his feet, and punched the big tree next to him.

Colorful fallen leaves.

Of course he hates her, he hates her so much that his teeth itch.

If he could, he wanted to bite her neck, suck two mouthfuls of blood, and then ask her in the most stern tone: Why do you do this

But what right does he have to question? There was no way to ask.

She has always been smart, and every link of her plan is perfectly designed. As long as he obeys her wishes, the world will be his.

Is she doing it for his own good

Zhao Jingyan smiled bitterly, feeling the chill spreading from the soles of her feet upwards, and her body weighed a thousand pounds.

A Li looked at his master's movements from a distance, with a dim look in his eyes. For five days, I ran around day and night, drank cold water, and ate cold steamed buns, like a madman, unable to listen to anyone's advice.

What Master Qi said was half right, but his master was in deep trouble.

If I are cold-blooded, smart enough, and ruthless enough, no one in the world of Zhou Dynasty can be his opponent at this moment.

But his father couldn't let go of this woman!

A Li had a bad feeling that one day, sooner or later, I would do something even crazier for this woman.

A Li sighed heavily, stepped forward and whispered: "Master, you haven't slept for several days, it's time to rest!"

Zhao Jingyan looked back at him, her eyes unfocused, and she just said quietly: "Ali, I'm thinking about Hongwen now."

"Master, A Li also misses Master Qi."

With Master Qi standing by to persuade me, I would still listen to him more or less. No one listens to what others say.

Zhao Jingyan continued: "I want to get drunk with him before we stop!"

He also wants to drink. A Li added in his mind. It was a good thing for me, but I suddenly turned it into a disadvantage.

No matter how you look at this deal, it's not a good deal.

The night is dark.

Liu Zhaoyu exited the inner hall with red eyes.

This night was full of dangers and I was exhausted. You have to go back and have a good sleep, otherwise not even gods can hold on.

A tall figure stood in front of him. He raised his head, saw the person clearly, knelt down and said, "Well, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Jingyan smiled, bent down to help him up, and said, "Thank you, Doctor Liu, for your hard work."

Liu Zhaoyu understood what he heard and hurriedly bowed and said: "The prince praises you. This is the duty of a humble minister."

Zhao Jingyan nodded and patted his shoulder twice, "How is Father?"

Liu Zhaoyu looked around and lowered his voice: "It's not very good. I'm afraid this illness will last two months. During the period of recovery, it's best to return to Beijing as soon as possible."

Zhao Jingyan frowned and said, "Where is her body?"

Liu Zhaoyu didn't listen and said hurriedly: "Who is she the prince is talking about?"

"Gu Qingwan!"

It turns out to be her!

Liu Zhaoyu said bitterly: "The previous illness has not been cured, and something like this happened again. Oh... it's really unlucky. I am a doctor, but I don't cherish my body at all. This woman... I can't say anything good about her."

"Previous disease? What previous disease?" Zhao Jingyan asked.

Liu Zhaoyu said casually: "I'm vomiting blood!"

Zhao Jingyan was suddenly startled, and a light flashed in her mind.

He grabbed Liu Zhaoyu's chest and violently dragged him out.

"The king... the prince... has... something... to say... please say it carefully, don't... don't... move... rough!"

Liu Zhaoyu didn't understand why King Shou's expression suddenly changed, and he looked like he wanted to eat him. He was so scared that his legs went weak.

Zhao Jingyan disliked his verbosity and picked him up.

Liu Zhaoyu’s soul is gone. This King of Shou is not helpless, so why is he so powerful

Zhao Jingyan pushed him into a corner where no one was, "Why did she vomit blood?"

Liu Zhaoyu's face turned pale, "Wang... Wangye... don't be angry... listen to me slowly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Eunuch Li suddenly ran out and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please come in."

Zhao Jingyan was startled, her expression became more solemn than ever before, then she let go of Liu Zhaoyu and strode away.

Liu Zhaoyu stroked his racing heart and took two deep breaths in fear. The two words "wanwan" suddenly came to mind.

He slapped his forehead fiercely and sighed, "Oh, I should have known this was the case."

Eunuch Li was about to leave. Hearing this, he couldn't help but pause and look back: "What's going on?"

Liu Zhaoyu waved his hands repeatedly, "Nothing, nothing, I'm just talking nonsense." After that, he ran away quickly.

"This Doctor Liu is really confusing!" Eunuch Li sighed softly.

In the inner hall, it was as warm as spring.

Zhao Jingyan moved to her father's bed, knelt down, raised her head and looked at the old man in front of her carefully, feeling melancholy and complicated in her heart.

In his memory, the old man was once a ferocious tiger, riding horses and dust, chasing with passion, and standing tall in the world.

At that moment, all he could see was looking up and admiring him.

But now, there are wrinkles on the corners of his eyes, his eyes are cloudy, and the nasolabial folds on his lips are as deep as grooves. The emperor of this generation is already a real old man.


Emperor Baoqing slowly opened his eyes, the anger on his face had long gone, and only fatigue remained on his face. He straightened up and let his neck relax.

"One year, how long will it take?"

Zhao Jingyan pursed her lips tightly, thought for a while and said: "Father, my son joined the army in December last year, and there is still three months left."


Emperor Baoqing looked at him with wide eyes as if he had woken up from a dream, "How is the northwest?" Zhao Jingyan thought: "When I return to my father, the North Mansion is already stable. In the past month, my son and General Yu have joined hands to fight against the Turks. We fought two battles and killed five thousand enemies. The Turks did not dare to invade for the time being. There was also progress in setting up checkpoints. About ten spies were caught, all of whom were mixed with the caravan.

middle. The South Vietnamese border army has sent envoys over, willing to surrender, but... "

The man's voice was low and he talked eloquently, telling everything he had done, seen and felt in the past six months.

Emperor Baoqing nodded, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

He is no longer the pampered prince, his words and deeds have become quite like a general, as if he is a real sword that wipes away the dust and sacrifices the enemy's blood, exuding a cold and cold look. He had never seen such a cold look on the former prince.