The Alluring Physician

Chapter 411: The 357th time I went to see her


"Winter has entered the northwest at this time. The weather is cold and the ground is freezing. Food and grass are difficult. We should focus on recuperating. I have accepted the letter of surrender from South Vietnam and will make plans when spring comes next year."

Zhao Jingyan only focused on talking and never noticed that the way Emperor Bao Qing looked at him was slightly different.

"Has the person who poisoned the poison been identified?" "Going back to my father, we discovered two agents, both of whom were Hu-Han hybrids hiding in the Zhenxi Army. My son thought that the Turks had a profound intention in doing this. The Ministry of War should discuss the general plan, prepare food and fodder, and prepare secretly. The Great Zhou Dynasty and the Turks will fight sooner or later. When the time comes, I am willing to personally lead the troops to attack the Turks.

, and restore stability to the northwest border for ten years.


Emperor Baoqing coughed repeatedly after exerting a little force, but blood surged in his heart. This old man had not misjudged him after all.

After his coughing subsided, the emperor spoke again, but changed his words and said, "How do you plan to end this trip?"

Zhao Jingyan was stunned.

Father's words sounded profound. The crime of returning without being summoned was not something he could have planned if he wanted to. Could it be that his father...

With her narrow eyes slightly bright, Zhao Jingyan crawled a step and whispered: "My son is willing to return to the army at this moment. After one year, he will return to the capital."

Emperor Baoqing looked at him deeply and said, "Let's set off in an hour. This trip should be regarded as your filial piety by praying for my Mount Tai."

Zhao Jingyan's eyes became clear. The emperor offered sacrifices to Mount Tai, and his son traveled thousands of miles to pray for blessings. This is reasonable and reasonable.

"There is a sixteenth-year-old girl in the Minister's Office of the Ministry of Industry. She is pure, quiet and virtuous. After you return to the capital, I will marry you again."

The light words sounded like thunder in Zhao Jingyan's ears. It turns out that Taishan's next step in praying for blessings is waiting for him here.

"Father, I don't want it."

"I can't tolerate it!" Emperor Baoqing's voice suddenly became harsh.

Once this matter comes out, there will be turmoil in Beijing, and it will be even more difficult to end it by then. Rather than embarrass many parties, it would be better to stop him now.

Zhao Jingyan was stunned, her face changed slightly, and she said: "Father, my son..."


Emperor Baoqing interrupted coldly, "You cannot have both the love of your children and your family, country and world. If you insist on going your own way, your reputation, the face of the Jiang family, and Gu Qingwan's reputation will all be damaged. Do you understand?" "

Father said that the family, the country and the world...

Zhao Jingyan lowered his eyes, with a dark color in his eyes.

How could he not understand that his reputation was insignificant and he was just a dandy anyway. But the Jiang family and Qingguan are what he values most. If he hadn't been forced to do so, he would never have pushed them to the forefront.

After a long while, he raised his head and said solemnly: "Thank you, father, for the advice. My son knows it very well. It's just a matter of granting a marriage. I ask my father to wait until his son returns to Beijing before making a decision."

Emperor Baoqing could see his thoughts at a glance.

It's just a dragging word that won't solve any problem. He would never allow Gu Qingwan to marry him as his concubine. It is definitely not a bad thing for a man to be emotional; but it is the worst thing for an emperor to be emotional.

By putting Lao Ba in the Zhenxi Army for training, he has the intention of entrusting the throne to him. Everything depends on Lao Ba himself.

Sure enough, he did not disappoint him, and he gained a foothold in the military in just half a year.

Lao Ba was poisoned, and he swore to God that if Lao Ba could survive this test, the kingdom of Dazhou would be in his hands.

Emperor Baoqing looked sideways, his eyes piercing with cold light.

"My words are definitely not to discuss with you, but to inform you. You are not young anymore. I can allow you to act recklessly and indulge in debauchery, but I will never allow you to steal your brother's woman. Go ahead, three months later , Return to Beijing on time.”

Zhao Jingyan took a deep breath, kowtowed three times, and left.

The huge dormitory hall was empty.

Eunuch Li came in with a cup of medicine, "Your Majesty, it's time to take medicine."

Emperor Baoqing closed his eyes and leaned on the brocade cushion, with a calm expression on his face, and said: "Declaring my will, I will return to the capital tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will give you the instructions now."

"Wait!" Emperor Baoqing called him.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?"

"I am very relieved that King Shou traveled thousands of miles to pray for me on Mount Tai. However, the army cannot be leaderless. I ordered him to set off and return to the army immediately."

Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment and understood that the emperor was planning to suppress the matter, so he smiled and said: "Old slave, I accept the order."

"Please clean up the gossip in the palace. If anyone dares to say more, he will be killed with a stick!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Cough... cough... cough..."

Eunuch Li put down the Buddha dust, helped the emperor up, leaned against him, and stroked his back with one hand to smooth the air.

Emperor Baoqing felt much more comfortable. He closed his eyes, his breath gradually stabilized, and said to himself: "What good is she...?"

Zhao Jingyan walked out of the inner hall and stood under the tree with her hands behind her back, facing the four palace walls in silence.

"Master?" A Li came up to him quietly.

Zhao Jingyan looked back at him and said in a calm voice, "Ready to leave in an hour."

A Li was surprised at first, and then happy.

If you let me go, it means that this matter has been resolved. His hanging heart relaxed, A Li's figure swayed slightly, and he was already several feet away.

However, after just a moment, he came back and asked, "Master, what about you?"

"I'll go see her and then leave." Zhao Jingyan sighed.

"Sir, it's better to speak less than to speak more. If anything happens to the emperor..." A sharp light shot towards him, and A Li couldn't say a word after that.

Zhao Jingyan turned around and walked away.

The night was thick and mist hung in the air. He stood outside her window and sighed. Perhaps, only the fog in the middle of the night could detect the shock and pain in his heart at this moment.

I don’t know how to face her, should I be grateful or angry

However, all of these are not enough to express his emotions. No one knows how complicated these emotions are. When you uncover one layer, it's anger; when you uncover another layer, it's pain; when you uncover another layer, it's heartache...

When the last layer was uncovered, even he couldn't tell what it was. Was it a deep helpless love, or a determination to never look back

Zhao Jingyan felt a pain in her heart and entered with her hands behind her back.

Opening the curtain, the clear moonlight outside the window shone in. The soft light wiped away the paleness on her cheeks, and her long eyelashes moved lightly with her shallow breathing.

Her dark hair was spread like water, her long eyelashes hung limply, and her pale lips were slightly pursed, as if she was inviting something.

Only when she was asleep did she look so peaceful and gentle, and the corners of her eyes and brows were no longer as sharp as when she was awake. For a moment, Zhao Jingyan was fascinated by it.

He slowly sat down next to her bed, stretched out his hand, and quickly retracted it for fear of disturbing her sweet dream.

As soon as she pulled back, she was unwilling to give in. Zhao Jingyan smiled lightly and stretched out her hand again. The moment she touched her cheek, she woke up.

I still don’t know where I am, and I have forgotten the passage of time.

Gu Qingguan didn't see the person clearly and complained in a sleepy and naive manner, "Ye Qing, my body hurts."

The anger in his heart was ignited by this sentence, and it invisibly grew stronger and stronger. Memories of that scene came in confusion, the bruised snow skin, the torn clothes...

Zhao Jingyan's eyes were stained with sadness.

He reached out his hand and put it on her forehead. It was slightly hot, and she probably still had a fever.

Gu Qingguan shuddered, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the man in gray in disbelief.

"Zhao Jingyan, why are you here?"

"What do you think? Gu Qingwan!"

The voice was low and sweet, but also filled with deep anger, but the hand covering his forehead was burning.

Qingguan raised his head and tried to push the hand on his forehead, but he couldn't push it.

Zhao Jingyan turned his big hand and held her in his palm. His fingers were intertwined and his heart calmed down.

"Zhao Jingyan, what's wrong with you in the middle of the night?"

Zhao Jingyan looked at her deeply, seeing her shyness and anger at the moment.

Suddenly, he moved and was lying next to her. His hand gently passed from her neck and pulled her into his arms.

"Zhao Jingyan!"

Gu Qingguan was startled, his eyes filled with water, and he felt a buzzing in his ears.

This deceitful man actually slept in the same bed and covered herself with her.

This... Gu Qingguan blushed and struggled to get up, but the man's hand was as heavy as a piece of iron.

"Don't move, let me hold you for a while, and I'll leave in a while." Zhao Jingyan buried her head in her hair, her voice so gentle that it didn't sound like her own.

Her body was so light and soft, like a weeping willow that would break with just a little force. But Zhao Jingyan couldn't help but exert all her strength, as if she wanted to clamp the person in her arms into her body.

After being separated for a month, the strong longing almost made him unable to control himself. Now that she was in his arms, any anger or pain was gone. He just wanted to hold her like this and never be separated for the rest of his life.

Is he leaving

Something flashed through his mind, and Gu Qingguan's long eyebrows first tightened and then relaxed. In this way, the emperor has suppressed the matter.

She was about to speak when her whole body suddenly trembled and her color suddenly changed.

The guy's hand... was tracing along her waist to her back, dancing gently.

"you… "

"Did you vomit blood?" Zhao Jingyan took over the words.

Gu Qingguan was silent for a moment, realizing that the hand was just removing the pain from her body, and said softly "Yeah".

"for what?"

Zhao Jingyan raised her head and looked at her with dark eyes.

This woman spent seven years planning her revenge plan, and her tenacity was extraordinary. What else could shock her to the point of vomiting blood

Gu Qingguan broke away from his hand and put her fists on her chest to hold it against her. Her heart was beating fast and she had to calm down immediately.

Such a posture was too ambiguous. The man's strong breath came from the top of her head and hit her face, which was extremely itchy.

"No reason, I'm just a little weak."

"You're lying!" Zhao Jingyan looked directly into her eyes.

Gu Qingguan rolled his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled twice, then raised them again, "If you tell me why you came here, I will tell you the reason."

Zhao Jingyan couldn't help but smile. He had never thought that this woman could be so unruly, which really surprised him.

This smile startled Yuehua and made the autumn wind drunk.

Gu Qingwan was stunned.

However, in an instant, the smile on that face disappeared, leaving only a cold expression.

"Gu Qingwan, if I want this world, I will take it away without sacrificing you. I don't despise the country I exchanged for your body." Zhao Jingyan lowered her head, brushed her lips against her white ear, and played with the taste: "There is a deeper reason, do you want to hear it?"