The Alluring Physician

Chapter 412: Wanwan, here I come!


The second year of Xiande.

During the Lantern Festival, hundreds of lanterns are lit up.

The emperor got drunk with Jiang Qiye on the dragon boat in the capital, and was carried back to the palace by his guard A Li.

Qi Ye continued to drink alone. After he was drunk, he kept saying one sentence: They are all idiots, they are all idiots.

The next day, the emperor sobered up and went to court to vindicate the injustice of the Qian and Sheng families. This incident caused great uproar in the court.

On the same day, the emperor lifted the ban, deposed the prince, named him Prince Ping, and entered the dynasty to govern.

Immediately, news spread in Beijing that Dr. Gu was seriously ill.

In the first month of the third year of Xiande.

Dr. Gu died of illness.

The emperor was in mourning, so he was buried with the empress's honours, and ordered Shi Minwei, the Minister of Punishment, to write a memorial in his behalf.

Qingguan, where the empress lived during her lifetime, was changed into the emperor's private garden.

In the first month of the emperor's reign, he lived in a private garden for fifteen days.

The fourth year of Xiande's reign was the Qingming Festival.

After the emperor paid homage to his ancestors, he disappeared.

Someone seemed to see the emperor driving in the dense forest outside the northern suburbs of the city.

Further into the dense forest, I saw a tomb with no inscription on it. The surrounding area was eerie and scary, as if there were ghosts howling.

The visitor fled in panic.

This year, early summer.

The ancestor of the Jiang family passed away quietly in his sleep.

The emperor was in great mourning and went to Jiang's house to express his condolences.

In the fifth year of Xiande's reign, autumn.

The reform has initially achieved results. Jiangnan has had good harvests year after year, and the national treasury is abundant.

The emperor wanted to unify the world, so he ordered King Ping to lead the Western Army, and the Northern Army sent troops north to destroy the Turks and pacify South Vietnam.

It took King Ping two years to complete his great work. The people rushed to tell him about it and marched hundreds of miles away from the capital to welcome King Ping. King Ping's reputation was world-famous.

At this point, the world is unified.

In the sixth year of Xiande's reign, in mid-spring.

Gao Mingtao, the old minister of the Ministry of Industry, together with hundreds of military officials, petitioned the emperor to establish a queen.

The emperor lifted up the trembling old minister, held his broken finger in his palm, and said with tears: "I once had two queens. One queen sacrificed her life heroically for my country; the other queen died young. Old Shangshu Ah, I feel so sad when I think of them that I can no longer tolerate them."

With tears in Gao Mingtao's eyes, he lamented: "We can't live without a queen, but we can't live without concubines in the palace, and the emperor can't live without heirs!"

The emperor sighed sadly and said: "In that case, let the Ministry of Rites choose the concubine."

All the officials said long live.

Immediately, the Ministry of Rites held a draft to select concubines to enrich the court and create heirs for the emperor.

After the concubines entered the palace, they were not favored by the emperor. Just when they were dissatisfied, news came out that the emperor was ill.

In the seventh year of showing virtue, spring.

The emperor was seriously ill and ordered King Ping to supervise the country. He went to the south of the Yangtze River to seek medical treatment, and the accompanying imperial physician was Cao Zi'ang.

At the end of summer, the emperor returned from the south of the Yangtze River. His illness was not relieved and became more serious.

When winter comes, the emperor can no longer eat. When he is dying,

The emperor summoned all the old ministers and cabinet, and issued an edict to pass the throne to King Ping.

In the eighth year of Xian De's reign, on the first day of the first lunar month, the emperor died in a private garden in the middle of the capital and was buried in Deling.

All officials went out of the city in plain clothes and cried to see him off.

The new emperor succeeded to the throne.

The grassland and desert are endless white.

Gu Qingguan dismounted, shook off the remaining snow from his body, lifted the curtain and entered. The years have not left many traces on her face, and her eyes are still dark and deep.

"Yue Niang, start eating quickly, I'm starving."

"Miss, have you given birth?"

"When he was born, he was a big fat boy, weighing seven pounds and six taels. He was very tormenting me."

Yueniang came up to meet her, untied the big bun for the young lady, and put the hand stove into her hand, "Miss, please warm it up first. When the Eighteenth Master comes, we can start eating soon."

Gu Qingguan smiled and said: "I have to wait for him every time. I am so tired. Where is Uncle Fu?"

"He, the foal of Atal's family next door was sick and he was asked to see a doctor. If this continues, this old guy will become a veterinarian."

Gu Qingguan walked to the charcoal stove to warm himself, "What's wrong with veterinarians is that they treat diseases."

Yueniang put the food on the table and said with an angry smile: "What's so good? Others are making money by seeing doctors, and you two are paying for medical treatment. If this continues, Qingfengtang will be ruined by you."

Gu Qingwan giggled at her.

When Yueniang saw this smile, she was full of complaints and could not say a word. She walked over and combed her slightly messy hair, like a loving mother.

"Miss, it's been eight years, it's time to go back."

Qingguan smiled calmly and said: "It's time to go back. I made an agreement with my brother. After he is relieved of the burden of suppressing the Western Army, he will live in Hangzhou for a few years. By the West Lake and Lei Feng Tower, we can see flowers in spring and autumn. It’s beautiful to think about sweeping leaves every day.”

"Miss?" Yueniang called out urgently, "Why don't we go back to Beijing."

Qingguan's eyes flashed dimly, and she jumped up. She said with a relaxed and joyful expression: "Yue Niang, let's talk later, let's eat."

Yueniang was about to say more when she heard the rapid sound of horse hooves outside.

"Brother is here, I'll go and greet him." Qingguan was afraid that she would nag her again, so he quickly stuffed the stove into her arms and ran out of the tent as if he was running away.

Because it was the beginning of the month, it was snowing, there was no moon or stars, and the sky and the earth were in chaos. Not far away, a horse came riding through the snow. The man was dressed in green clothes.

When Qingguan saw it, it was like thunder striking, and all the sounds in the world were inaudible.

The person who came had his hair tied up and his crown removed, and his eyes were filled with sparks of sparkle, which was so bright and intoxicating.

Zhao Jingyan dismounted and walked towards her step by step. With every step he took, his heart beat loudly.

For eight years, he knew all her whereabouts and endured not seeing her because of that man.

She wanted to pay him back eight years, so he gave her eight years. Eight years have passed, and I will not wait for a minute or a second.

As he got closer, he stopped, crossed his arms and looked at her, with a smile on his lips. The woman in front of her has long eyebrows and clear eyes, and a jade face and beady lips. She is like a beauty in the empty valley, elegant and peerless.

After eight years of not seeing her, she is still stunning.

How lucky that such a stunning beauty will only belong to him from now on.

Qingwan's face was filled with tears before she knew it.

He wore a crow-colored robe with dark patterns. He had lost weight and became more handsome and elegant, but there were fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

How did he survive the eight years of his imperial career, alone in the deep palace

Once their eyes touched, they were entangled together, and they could not be separated again.

Zhao Jingyan was like this, with a naughty smile on her face, and her eyes were bright, gentle, and lovingly looking at her.

Gu Qingguan was like this, with hot tears in his eyes, and his eyes were bright, gentle, and looking at him lovingly.

In the snow all over the sky, no one moved a step, just watching, waiting, smiling, and meeting again.

After a while, he spoke with a sneer in his voice, "Hey, whose girl is this? She doesn't sleep in the snow and wanders around the grassland? Come on, show me!"

Gu Qingguan's heart skipped a beat, she felt a little dazed, and tears fell in her beautiful eyes, "Is it possible that your eyes are wrong and you can't tell that I am married?"

"Oh?" Zhao Jingyan's eyebrows were filled with light, "Who is the girl's husband?"

With eyes washed by tears, Qingguan looked at him deeply and said word by word: "My husband's surname is Zhao, his given name is Jingyan, his courtesy name is Tinglin, and he has just turned thirty."

Zhao Jingyan's eyes filled with tears, and she asked in a hoarse voice, "It just so happens that my wife's surname is Gu and her name is Qingwan. Who are you?"

Are you

Between her and him, there were long years, a man's love and hatred, and an emperor's ambition and burden.

He has been waiting for her for so long, waiting for her for so long, because he wants to be with her for the rest of his life, this life, and all the eternity.

Qian Ziqi only belongs to Su Ziyu; Gu Qingwan belongs to him.

"I am!"

Gu Qingguan answered loudly, then picked up her skirt and ran towards him without any hesitation.

Zhao Jingyan caught her, took a deep breath, with a thin mist in her eyes, and said softly, "Wan Wan, I'm here!"

(Complete book)