The Almighty Girl is Spoiled by the Boss

Chapter 8: New classmate, you are very cool


Only Teacher Lin, the class teacher of Class 4, stood up. She is a doctoral student who has just graduated two years ago. This is her first time as the class teacher of the third year of high school. She has been isolated by the other three class teachers in the office.

Holding his glasses, Teacher Lin asked gently: "Classmate Qin Sheng, would you like to join our Class 4 class?"

Qin Sheng nodded, "Class 4, I'll go."

"Okay, Qin Sheng will go to Class 4." The grade director nodded with satisfaction, "Now come with me to go through the admission procedures."

As soon as Qin Sheng and the grade director left, Teacher Liang said disdainfully, "I pick up any junk."

The other two head teachers also sneered at Teacher Lin.

"Teacher Lin, if you accept Qin Sheng, the average score of your class will probably be lowered a lot."

"Teacher Chen, what you said is wrong. Class 4 is the worst class. Poor students gather together. One more Qin Sheng is not much, one less Qin Sheng is not much. They are all the same."


Teacher Lin lowered his head and carefully corrected the homework. He circled the students' mistakes one by one and added comments.

Several teachers received no response and found it boring. They were busy with their own affairs.

After completing the admission procedures, Qin Sheng and Teacher Lin entered Class 4 together.

The Chinese teacher who was in class nodded and exited the classroom.

Seeing Teacher Lin, the originally noisy Class 4 instantly became quiet. Even though Teacher Lin was soft and weak, she was actually more terrifying than Master Jiejie.

Every once in a while, students are invited to the office for tea.

After they came back, they all looked horrified when they mentioned Teacher Lin.

No, as soon as Teacher Lin appeared, they became obedient students.

Soon, they noticed that the girl next to Teacher Lin stood quietly on the side, but seemed to be a luminous body, naturally becoming the center of the crowd.

After briefly introducing Qin Sheng, Teacher Lin left.

Qin Sheng sat on his seat, supporting his chin with one hand and flipping through the textbook casually with the other hand.

Looks lazy.

She studied science. As long as she wanted to, she could get full marks in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics. However, she was very partial to subjects, and failing in Chinese was the norm.

However, she never gave up. In her previous life, she spent a lot of effort to learn Chinese.

Now, Chinese can be said to be her best subject.

The Chinese teacher explained passionately on the podium. Qin Sheng's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he soon fell asleep on the desk.

I haven’t been to a classroom in five or six years, and now I feel like I’m listening to a monk chanting sutras.

It is normal for students in Class 4 to sleep, and the teachers can't control it. They basically turn a blind eye to the sleeping students. Qin Sheng was not disturbed throughout the class.

The Chinese class passed quickly. The bell rang and Qin Sheng woke up.

"Bang bang." A boy with a short hair walked up to Qin Sheng and knocked on her table.

Qin Sheng glanced at him lightly, "Is something wrong?"

Lin Feng's anger emerged, "New classmate, you are very cool."

He is the boss of this class. As soon as Qin Sheng appeared, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He felt that his position as the boss was not guaranteed. Although Qin Sheng was stunning and matched the standards of the goddess in his dreams, he I still don't like this Qin Sheng inside and out.

Qin Sheng looked back and opened the textbook.

(End of chapter)