The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 2: Today is the day she died


Through Xiao Yetang's memory, Ye Tang also figured out who the two people in front of him were. They were both Xiao Yetang's classmates.

This cold and arrogant, seemingly uncomfortable teenager is called Cen Yannan;

And the other little girl... Ye Tang also saw her clearly.

Wearing a thin sweater with a deep V-neck, shiny jeans with ripped holes, at least a dozen stud earrings on the ears, and hair dyed in withered gray, very fashionable and rebellious, but cheap and vulgar. She painted a lot of makeup on her face, and her make-up skills were actually good, she looked mature and beautiful, but she was completely energetic at her age.

In general, this is the standard image of a bad girl.

She has an elegant name that does not match her image, and her name is Chen Yumo.

The three of them are all students in the eighth class of the eighty-seventh middle school. Each grade in the eighty-seventh middle school has at most eight classes. The class number is divided according to the students' performance. Bad science class.

In the worst class in the worst high school, how bad is this class

In Xiao Yetang’s memory, there are more than 50 people in the whole class, and less than one-third of them come to class every day. The classmates who did not come either played games, mixed up with society, fell in love and talked high, or worked outside to make money .

Even the classmates who came to the class did not listen to the class seriously, sleeping, playing games, chatting... In the eyes of the teacher, this group of students is hopeless. They teach a group of stupid cows every day. Those who play with students, they talk about them, follow the script, and when the bell rang after class, they immediately throw away the chalk and walk faster than anyone else.

No one expects this group of students to be admitted to university.

Xiao Yetang was one of the students who went to class obediently. She was assigned to this class purely because of her lack of IQ. If an autistic girl falls into a group of spicy chickens, she might suffer bullying and humiliation, right

However, the fact is the opposite. The students in Class 8 are not bad towards Xiao Yetang, and can even be said to be caring. Perhaps it is because everyone knows that she is sick and is a vulnerable group.

They are healthy and normal people to bully a patient, not disgusting, not ashamed.

This sentence is what Cen Yannan said. At this moment he is talking with the doctor. He was wearing the blue school uniform of the 87th Middle School. This school uniform was very earthy, fat, and without any shape to speak of. It happened that he wore on his body, with a bit more unruly temperament. He rolled his sleeves to his arms. The muscle lines of the arms are tight and powerful at first glance.

In Xiao Yetang's last memory, Cen Yannan used these arms to hug her from the cold concrete floor.

Hey, this poor child probably disappeared in this world.

"The injuries on her body are all skin injuries, but the back of her brain is very serious, with a concussion, and possibly intracranial hemorrhage. Everything depends on the final examination result," the doctor said, staring suspiciously at Cen Yannan and Chen Yu. Mo.

These two people are not good students at first glance, and it is very likely that the sick child has suffered school violence!

Chen Yumo was annoyed, "Hey, what is the look in your eyes? Will we save her!" In addition to anger, there was a hint of misunderstood grievance in her voice.

Yes, she has heavy makeup, drinks, smokes, and clubbing, but she is a good girl!

"Then how did she get hurt like this?" the doctor asked them.

"It's a few students from No. 1 Middle School..."

Chen Yumo didn't finish her words, because she saw the unbelief and contempt in the doctor's eyes, and the doctor's sight glanced over the school uniform on Cen Yannan's body. The upper left corner of the coat was written with the words of the 87th Middle School of City A.

His eyes seemed to say, how could a good boy in No. 1 Middle School trouble him with spicy chicken in No. 87 Middle School

Chen Yumo didn't want to say a word to the doctor who discriminated against them. She turned around and said to Cen Yannan, "Let's call the police."

"Do you think the police are useful?" Cen Yannan's tone was full of disdain for the police.

Chen Yumo was also silent. The alley was a dead end. It was very secluded and there was no surveillance. Even if the police came, what evidence did they use to prove that one of the people injured Ye Tang

I'm afraid that in the end, the police, like the doctor, thought that they were the ones who beat them.

The more Chen Yumo thought about it, the more aggrieved, "Fuck Nima!" While exuding fragrance, he kicked the chair in front of him and said to Cen Yannan, "Take care of Ye Tang by yourself, wait for her grandma to come, I don't care. No matter what! I'm home!"

After speaking, Chen Yumo left the ward without looking back.

The doctor looked at her back and shook his head, with an expression of "You can't teach a child". Cen Yannan did not compete with him, and was too lazy to clarify. Since childhood, he has become accustomed to similar prejudice and contempt.

The doctor also left the emergency ward. In the small room, only Ye Tang and Cen Yannan were left. Cen Yannan didn’t ask Ye Tang for a while, sitting on a plastic chair, half-dangling his eyes, playing with the phone, as if he had no interest in the surroundings. It seems that he doesn't care too much about his condition.

Ye Tang was injured on the back of her head, and the person was lying on her side. She looked at Cen Yannan, her quietly profiled face, the curvature of her nose and her thin lips showed an indifference that could not be covered.

The appearance of this boy is no less than that of Luo Xingchuan.

Thinking of Luo Xingchuan, Ye Tang was startled again.

I am afraid that the child already knows the news of her death.

Luo Xingchuan fainted!

The principal of the No. 1 Middle School, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, the director of the third grade, and the head teacher of the first grade of high school all gathered in the school infirmary. Everyone was panicked and worried.

There are more than 2,000 students in the three grades of the First Middle School and Senior Middle School. Luo Xingchuan is the only student who can affect the heartstrings of all school leaders and teachers.

The school medical office was also surrounded by classmates who were worried about his safety. Everyone talked a lot, saying that he was in the hallway, and when he answered a phone call, he suddenly passed out. It happened that the physical education teacher of Gao Maru University passed by and rushed to the infirmary after carrying him.

Fortunately, Luo Xingchuan soon woke up. His face looked very pale, and his eyes were sluggish and dull. Seeing the school leaders and teachers around him, he lowered his head again and saw himself inconceivably. The school uniform of No. 1 Middle School, and a pair of white and delicate hands.

For ten years, he has practiced boxing, in the wind and rain outside, his hands have thick joints, his skin is rough and dark, and his skin is full of calluses. How could he still look like thin skin and tender flesh when he was young.

He closed his eyes vigorously, and nothing changed when he opened them.

The next class teacher Wang Zhiwei said cautiously, "We have notified your father that he is here, hey, the world is unpredictable, you have to mourn and change."

The other teacher also sighed, "Ye Tang is a pity."

This scene seemed familiar, and Luo Xingchuan suddenly remembered that today is September 17, XX, and the autumn school year of the senior high school just started not long ago. He will never forget this day.

This is the day he learned that Ye Tang was killed.