The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 23: Don't want to meet


Ye Tang didn't want to recognize Luo Xingchuan.

She took the college entrance examination at the age of 17, and also took the "American college entrance examination" in advance. Before the domestic college entrance examination results came out, she had received acceptance letters from five prestigious universities in the United States, including Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, and MIT And Carnegie Mellon.

Her favorite goal is to major in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, and she is happily preparing to accept an offer from this school.

However, Luo Xingchuan was strongly opposed.

The seven-year-old boy opposed it by acting like a baby at first.

"Sister Tangtang, don't go to the United States, okay," the little man hugged her leg, with tears and eyes on her pinkish face, pleading bitterly. Such a cute child, no one can bear to make him sad.

But it's a matter of his own future. No matter how Ye Tang usually spoils him, he can't make concessions on this matter.

She squatted down, touched the boy’s soft, curly black hair, and coaxed him with the softest voice, “I’m just going to study for four years, and it’s not impossible to go back. There are various vacations in the four years. Even if there is no holiday, as long as you miss me, call me and I will fly back to see you right away."

Xiao Luo Xingchuan wiped away his tears, and complained, "You are learning like you have become crazy in practice. It will be endless. After four years of undergraduate studies, there are masters and doctors. When will you be a leader? I don't want to. Looking eagerly."

His Tong Yan Wuji amused everyone present, Ye Tang, her parents, and Luo Xingchuan's parents all laughed. Obviously they didn't take the children's opinions to heart at all. Ye Tang smiled and said, "Then I will skip a grade and finish the four-year course at the head office in two years, right?"

Of course this kind of remark is to tease him.

Xiao Luo Xingchuan pursed his small mouth, and he was angry.

He failed to act like a baby, and he began a hunger strike in protest.

He locked himself in the bedroom and couldn't come out. No matter who knocked on the door, it was useless. Ye Tang's persuasion was the same. Xiao Luo Xingchuan refused to communicate with her unless she agreed not to go to the United States.

"You have to promise me to go to university in City A," he said in the room in a tender but very serious tone.

Is there a good university in city A

Of course, City A University ranks among the best in the country, but the computer major is not its ace major, and the development and scientific research of the domestic computer major is not as good as that of the United States. Ye Tang has very high requirements for herself, and she wants to learn the most advanced technology.

She really didn't want to give up her pursuit for a child's willful words.

It’s just that she didn’t expect Luo Xingchuan to be so stubborn. He really went on a hunger strike for two days. During the two days, he didn’t even drink any water. He was worried that something might happen. His parents had to forcibly open the door of his bedroom, take him out, and demand him. He was still stubborn about eating. His father was angry and forced him, shouted at him, and reprimanded him, but he was still unmoved.

He stared at Ye Tang with pure obsidian eyes, and said word by word, "Sister Tangtang went to the United States and left me. There is no point in my life. Let's starve to death."

Several adults were shocked, for the decisiveness in Luo Xingchuan's words and the precocity in his expression.

Compared with children of the same age, Luo Xingchuan’s mind is more mature, which is recognized by everyone, because he is also a genius. When he was two years old, he heard Ye Tang playing the piano, and he could sing accurately with her. The tone was unmistakable. Later, the Luo family invited a pianist to be his teacher. The teacher said that Luo Xingchuan was born with an absolute sense of sound.

He never sings or reads scores. He can memorize all the music after listening to it a few times. When others listen to a tune, they usually listen to the melody, and he can listen to each note and even distinguish the different tones of each instrument in the ensemble.

When Luo Xingchuan was three years old, he drew an apple with the paint that Ye Tang learned when he was a child. That was his first painting. The brushwork was rough, but Luo Rongcheng's friend, a well-known painter, was amazed. Genius, immediately accepted him as a disciple. Compared with music, Luo Xingchuan prefers painting, and he spends most of his time learning painting.

He likes to use bright colors very much, maybe it has something to do with his young age. His paintings can always make people feel the vigorous vitality and unconstrained imagination, just like the self-portrait he painted for Ye Tang, Ye Tang thinks it is her The best look.

Xiao Luo Xingchuan was forced to go on a hunger strike, and Ye Tang was also afraid. In the end, he could only compromise and give up the American school and apply for the computer major of City A University.

When she was filling out her volunteers on the computer, Xiao Luo Xingchuan supervised her. He smiled triumphantly at the moment she clicked the confirmation button, and the cunning fox's tail was about to rise to the sky.

At that time, Ye Tang didn't notice Luo Xingchuan's abnormal attachment to her.

Until her junior year, her parents died.

That was really a memory she didn’t want to recall. In her first twenty years of life, she was happy and without worries, like a boat, sailing in the clear waters of the bay, there has never been ups and downs, and the scenery along the way is picturesque. . She had never thought that her parents would disembark halfway through.

At the funeral of her parents, she cried into tears. She had to endure and deal with countless guests. Luo Xingchuan had been with her every step of the way. He was wearing a small black suit, tailored to fit the body, and a pure white shirt. A delicate tie, a ten-year-old child, but like a little adult, can help her cope with the scenes of drama.

After the funeral, she fell ill. She had a high fever and remained unconscious. She went to the hospital for injections and antibiotics, but she couldn't lower her temperature. The doctor said she didn't want to get better.

She was lying sick, but she was actually conscious. She heard everything the doctor said. Yes, she just didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to go with her parents. She had countless dreams, crying and begging. They don't want to go, don't leave her alone. Maybe she is just a mom and dad, she can't accept the cruel reality, she would rather be the baby of her parents for a lifetime.

Until one night, she suddenly felt someone approaching her bed. Luo Xingchuan has a scent on his body since he was a child. At first it was milky, but I don’t know when it turned into a faint sweet scent, probably because he paints every day, and the paint is added with spices that are harmless to children. This smell Soaked into his skin.

Ye Tang smelled sweetness, and she knew that the person next to the bed was Luo Xingchuan.