The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 344: Extraordinary 2


Cen Yannan's father

Hearing the assistant's report, Mingxue was stunned. She immediately thought of Cen Yannan's disgust and resistance when her father mentioned Cen Yannan's father when Cen Yannan went to her house.

She said to the assistant, "You can bring that person in."

Lin Zilong didn't expect it to go so well, so he invited him to the office to talk? ! Cen Yannan is more talkative than Cen Jin, and he is the son with his blood!

Followed the assistant into the proud office, but only saw one woman, Lin Zilong was stunned by the other's amazing beauty, and then stared at her wryly, smiling wryly, "Who are you? I'm here to find Cen Yannan. , I am his father."

Mingxue could tell from his evil eyes that he was not a good thing.

But she was not scared at all,

She has seen people like this a lot since she was a child.

She did not introduce herself, "He is on a business trip and is filming in a field. What can you do with him?"

"Oh," Lin Zilong was a little disappointed, his eyes rolled slyly, and asked Mingxue, "What is the relationship between you and my son?"

"We are partners."

"Hey, I thought you were his girlfriend," Lin Zilong had already recognized Mingxue. Some of the heroines in the movies and TV series made by his son he saw on the Internet were this woman, who seemed to be called... Mingxue!

Her real person is much better than the cover and the video.

"Since you are so familiar, I can ask you directly," he continued cheeky, "I just want to ask my son for alimony, or you can advance me a little bit, and you can ask him again when you come back."

Mingxue also guessed his intention, her face did not change color, even with a slight smile, "How much do you want?"

So easy to talk? !

Lin Zilong was overjoyed, "Give me five million first."

He originally wanted ten million? But the other party is not his son after all? Too much, what if they are unhappy

"Okay? What's your bank card number? It's a bit late today? I'll transfer you the money tomorrow."

Lin Zilong happily wrote the card number to Mingxue, and Mingxue asked him for a copy of his ID card? He said he would use a large transfer, but Lin Zilong didn't think much about it? He had never been exposed to such money in his life.

Get his identity information? Mingxue figured out his details that day.

Such a father, no wonder Cen Yannan disdain to mention it, it is really a big stain on his life.

She must do everything possible to get rid of this rascal scum, so that he will never have a chance to appear in front of Cen Yannan.

The next day? Lin Zilong received 500,000? Mingxue said that large transfers had to go through the process, and would call him the full amount in two days.

Lin Zilong was convinced that he looked at Mingxue's appearance, quietly, and seemed to be very bullied? 500 thousand is enough for him to spend a few days.

He took the money and went to the bar

The modern bar is much taller than the disco at that time, and there are many different kinds of wines? The accompany ladies are all beautiful. He ordered a few of the best ones? Hugs from the left and the right? Guessing and drinking? A big laugh. The noise, at first glance, is the kind of nouveau riche in soil buns who come to have fun, attracting the attention and disgust of other guests.

Lin Zilong drank too much, wanted to pee, stood up drunk, walked towards the bathroom, and hit a man head-on. Lin Zilong was 180, staggered several times and almost fell.

He got angry at that time and pointed at the man's nose and cursed, "You don't have eyes?"

The opponent is strong, with a face full of flesh, and doesn't look like a good person, staring at him coldly, "There is a kind of you say it again?"

"I'm so fat, I turned out to be a blind man!" Just as he said, Lin Zilong is not afraid of the other party. He has never seen any monsters in prison. Fighting fiercely is commonplace.

Without saying anything, the strong man picked up the wine bottle on the table next to him and slammed it on the head of the forest.

Lin Zilong was very old, but he didn't move slowly, so he avoided, and at the same time he unceremoniously fought back. He also used a wine bottle.

The two people fought like this,

Unrelated people hurried back away. The women’s screams were harsh, and some men watched with the idea of watching a good show. These days, they dared to make trouble in the Ming’s bar and dared to fight with the Ming’s people. This uncle guesses. Not from City A.

It didn't take long for the strong man to be beaten to his head and bleeding, lying on the ground, dying. Onlookers wondered, it's unscientific! This Ming family eldest brother is usually very prestigious, why is he so fragile and vulnerable today? Could it be that this uncle has unfathomable skill? Seeing that his movements are indeed quite fierce, every move is to the death.

JC also arrived and handcuffed Lin Zilong.

At this time, Lin Zilong's alcohol dissipated, and his whole body sobered up and shouted at JC, "He did it first."

JC hit him with a truncheon and shut him up.

When he was taken to the police car, Lin Zilong realized that something was wrong. He just came out of the prison and entered the palace for the second time for a crime, which is bound to increase the punishment.

But it was too late.

A month later, Cen Yannan finished filming and returned to City A. He didn't know anything about Lin Zilong's appearance and disappearance, and Cen Jin didn't want to tell him, anyway, people went in again, and their mother and son's life was restored to before.

Unexpectedly, the nanny said that she missed her mouth,

"My father?" Cen Yannan looked at his mother, "Where is he now?"

Cen Jin had no choice but to tell the cause and effect of the incident. Cen Yannan was not shocked by his father's horrible resume. He had long expected that his father would not be a good person. How could a good man abandon his wife and son

Cen Jin didn't know that Lin Zilong had asked Mingxue for money, she just received a call from JC, saying that Lin Zilong was arrested for making trouble in a bar.

"Many acts of unrighteousness will kill themselves, and dogs can't change their feces," Cen Jin thinks Lin Zilong asked for it.

But hearing the name of the bar, Cen Yannan faintly felt that the incident was related to Mingxue.

When he came to the studio, he knocked on the door of Kai Mingxue's office.

"You're back," Mingxue's eyes brightened when he saw him.

Cen Yannan walked in, closed the door smoothly, and drew the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Mingxue smiled, "What are you doing? It's so mysterious."

Cen Yannan asked her, "Did my father come to you?"

Mingxue tilted her head and asked in confusion, "Who told you? Was it Xiaofang (assistant name)?"

He asked again, "Did you send the person injured by my father?"

Mingxue blinked, curled her lips, and smiled obediently, "You guessed it! Don't worry, I've solved it all, this person has no chance to come back."

Cen Yannan looked at her deeply, for a long time, his eyelashes trembled, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you doing these thankless things for me?"

"Because I like you."

Mingxue blurted out these words, and then there was only the sound of breathing in the room.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Cen Yannan, not letting go of his slight reaction, she saw his lips pressed slightly, as if restraining something.

He suddenly lowered his head and looked at her with eyes, his voice low: "You don't want to say such things in the future."

Mingxue feels bitter in her heart. Does he still like Ye Tang until now

Cen Yannan sighed, raised his hand and touched the top of her hair.

"I'm afraid I will be moved."

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