The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 45: Industry specializing in surgery


Ye Tang kept agitating Zhao Zhenfang to resign, but Zhao Zhenfang hesitated and was unwilling to follow suit. Unexpectedly, the leader of the sanitation company called her first and informed her that she was fired!

The call was answered by Ye Tang—she borrowed Zhao Zhenfang’s mobile phone the night before to receive text messages such as APP verification codes. It was very late when the old man next door had turned off the lights and rested, so she did not return the phone. Zhao Zhenfang went back at 3 o’clock in the morning. After going out to work, the phone was always in Ye Tang's hand.

The next day, she was in Yuchu Department Store for a laptop pit, and negotiated with counters and shopping malls to no avail. Zhao Zhenfang's cell phone rang at this moment, and the caller ID showed the word "leader". Ye Tang answered the call without authorization. The leader said that after Zhao Zhenfang finished today's morning shift, she went to the company to settle her salary, and she didn't have to come again tomorrow.

The previous pit has not been solved yet, and another one comes. Ye Tang didn't get furious, and asked the leader politely, "What reason did you fire my grandma?"

The other party replied rigorously, "violating labor discipline."

"Which labor discipline?" Ye Tang continued to ask, "Can you show me the relevant documents?"

Seeing her being so true, the other party's tone softened, "I know it is not easy for you and your grandma, but I can't call the shots in this matter..."

In his words, the leader hinted that Ye Tang had been found a bigger leader to expel Zhao Zhenfang.

Zhao Zhenfang’s sanitation work itself was found by the Fuxingxiang community trust relationship. Everyone knew what was going on in her family. Zhao Zhenfang is diligent and dedicated, and the responsible area is clean and tidy. The leader is very satisfied with her work attitude and efficiency.

One of the labor disciplines of the environmental sanitation company is "for personal purposes, making trouble without reason, taking the opportunity to cause trouble, affecting the work, severe cases, expelling." They expelled Zhao Zhenfang based on this article.

Knowing what the basis was, Ye Tang also knew who was behind the scenes-Su Xiaodong's current wife, there was no second possibility. As for the arrogant girl, she was just a high school student, and she couldn't afford to ask the leader of the sanitation company to help her.

Ye Tang guessed that Su Xiaodong came to her and her grandma, and the act of giving them money angered his wife.

The other party came to fix them. The old man's salary of 2,000 yuan a month would also be deprived of that woman. It really cut off their back.

Although Ye Tang hopes that Zhao Zhenfang will resign as soon as possible, there is a fundamental difference between active resignation and passive expulsion!

Do they look very bully

That woman's behavior made her a little angry.

Ye Tang walked out of Yuchu Department Store, with 114 yuan in cash left in her pocket. She used 50 yuan to get a phone card of her own. Then she entered the mall again, bought a cup of coffee for 36 yuan in the coffee shop on the first floor, found a corner seat with no one, sat down, and took out the pitted laptop.

This is a brand-new computer. Although it is not the one she wants to buy, it can be used well—the machine runs without major problems. The original factory problem is hard to see with the naked eye. Now, Ye Tang needs to load some necessary program software, of course not those social software, drama software...

English software appeared on her desktop one by one, and she quickly operated on the keyboard with both hands, typing out a line of English, or saying something similar to English.

If someone who is knowledgeable sees it, they will be surprised. These English words can probably be translated into these terms: "IP scanning", "password monitoring", "server terminal control"...

As long as the operating system and application programs designed by human beings, there are bound to be loopholes. Smart and observant people can always take advantage of the void. This sentence is said by Dong Qianqiu, dean of the School of Computer Science at City A University.

Ye Tang has always remembered this sentence. She had just finished her freshman year and had her first class—Introduction to Computing, which was taught by Dean Dong Qianqiu. He is the founder of the domestic computer security field. He has cracked the passwords used by the US government and is one of the world's top cryptography experts.

He is Ye Tang's only psychological comfort and spiritual support for giving up the opportunity to study in the United States and choosing City A University. She is full of admiration and admiration for him.

Dean Dong also values Ye Tang very seriously. If Ye Tang did not drop out of A, she would have a high probability of becoming a graduate student under Dean Dong. Dean Dong is in charge of a national-level computer security key laboratory. This laboratory usually only recruits doctoral students, and the conditions are very demanding. It is not an exaggeration to use one in a million to describe it, and Ye Tang started in his sophomore year. Interned in his laboratory.

She gave up these low-handed honors and achievements, and went to the United States alone. She still remembers Dean Dong's extremely disappointed voice on the phone.

Soon after Ye Tang arrived in the United States, he ate in a restaurant. When checking out, she found that her wallet was missing, and she thought the thief took her carelessly and stole her things. However, the restaurant owner insists that her restaurant is high-end and the customers are of quality. She suspects that she lost her wallet before entering the restaurant, and even suspects that she is looking for a reason to eat Bawang’s meal deliberately. In short, he is unwilling to show her the surveillance content, Ye After Tang called the police, the police did not act.

She had no other choice but to hack into the restaurant's surveillance system. Finally, the surveillance video explained the truth. When the guests at her next table went to the bathroom and passed by her, they walked in with her wallet and hurriedly checked out. The owner of the restaurant was right. The guest was indeed very identifiable. Judging from his glamorous appearance, he did not look like a thief at all.

Ye Tang took back his wallet now.

She was soberly aware at that time that even if she had no ambitions and made up her mind to be an easy-going bastard, she could not lose what she was best at. Computer was not only a professional, but also a skill, which could protect her at critical moments. After all, in this world, it is not always possible to speak with a fist.

From that day on, she developed a strange habit. Wherever she went, she always wanted to look up to see if there were any surveillance, how many, and what type of surveillance.