The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 60: Piano piece


Qian Jianghai couldn't laugh or cry. Ye Tang was obviously looking for a reason for not wanting to go to class, so she could ask him so confidently, and didn't think she had any mistakes in skipping class. From this point of view, she had a trace of her former shadow. Up. As long as it was not an unreasonable request, Qian Jianghai would agree to it, and he was very tolerant of Ye Tang.

Qian Jianghai had other jobs and couldn't keep Ye Tang with him. After telling her not to run around, he left the music classroom.

Hearing what Principal Qian said, Tian Wen walked to the entrance of the music classroom and took a look. Ye Tang was looking down at his mobile phone. He didn't want to go to class, and would rather be lazy to play with his mobile phone? This is indeed the style of the students in this school. Tian Wen sees it so much. He didn't go in and stop her. He turned around and went to the principal's office next to him to correct Ye Tang's math test papers.

Ye Tang has read the timetable and she knows that lessons 3 and 4 are English lessons.

She grew up in a multilingual environment. She speaks four languages. Both English and Chinese are her mother tongues. She feels that she doesn't need to take English classes anymore. Perhaps she should pay more attention to Chinese classes than English. After seven years in a foreign country, her Chinese proficiency has significantly deteriorated. She wants to express certain words. The first thing that pops out of her mind is English, and then Chinese. In high school Chinese, she has to memorize classics and analyze articles. She can't get high scores without a little effort.

Cen Yannan sent her a WeChat message half an hour ago and asked her where she was.

She replied to him now, "Music classroom."

After Ye Tang and Tian Wen left the classroom, Cen Yannan seemed to sit in his place and attend class. In fact, he didn't listen to a word of what the teacher said. He was so bored that he just wanted to wait for Ye Tang to come back, otherwise he would have skipped class...

He didn't leave his mobile phone, and Ye Tang responded as soon as he opened it. He was a little confused. What was she doing in the music classroom? The music classroom he remembered was locked all the year round and had not been used for a long time. It seemed to be abandoned.

Cen Yannan thought in a daze.

Suddenly, there was a faint piano sound coming from outside the window. At first it was heard by the students sitting by the window. They looked at each other and thought they were hearing a hallucination.

Until the English teacher also heard the sound of the piano.

The English teacher in Class 8 is a 67-year-old woman with the surname Lu and Lucy. Her English name is "Lucy" and everyone calls her "Old Lucy".

Teacher Lu is an old senior. He studied abroad in the UK when he was young, and has been teaching at No.87 Middle School when he returned to China. He has won the national outstanding teacher honor. Teacher Lu devoted most of his life to education. She has retired long ago and has been rehired by No.87 Middle School in recent years.

Because the school cannot recruit good English teachers, the few young English teachers are unwilling to teach students in bad classes. That is not class, it is suffering! There was a young female teacher who was once cried by these bad students.

Teacher Lu is very old, has seen many winds and waves, and has experienced a lot. Seeing how 87 High School has transformed from a key high school to a crane tail high school, she is just a teacher and can't do anything about it. In her opinion, no matter how hot the students are, they are just a group of children.

She is willing to teach them English.

In her class, no one was paying attention to the class. She talked on the top and the students talked on the bottom. Sometimes the voice below could hardly overwhelm her voice. She didn't stop it, and she didn't have the energy to stop it. Reprimanding students requires physical strength, a loud voice, and psychological endurance. She is getting older, but she doesn't want to be ill by students. She doesn't care whether students listen to her or listen to her class.

She always thinks that she only needs to do her job well. Whether students learn or not, how they learn is their good fortune, and she can't control it.

However, the dedicated old man interrupted the lecture because of a misty piano piece and listened carefully.

This song is the melody of an old song called "Nightingale". There is a smile on Lucy’s face and her eyes are full of nostalgia for the past. When she was young, she liked listening to this song very much. There was no TV at that time. She uses the radio to listen to the computer, and she once wrote the lyrics in a notebook.

Thirty years have passed since the blink of an eye, ah, she is also a person who has had a youthful life.

The performer popped up all the affectionate and tactful in the original song of "Nightingale", as if it was the nightingale singing, it was incisively romantic.

She seems to have made some adaptations, with a smart beauty. Teacher Lu felt that it was even better than the original accompaniment.

The classrooms of the third grade are on the high floors, the closest to the music classroom, almost all teachers and students in the whole grade heard the sound of piano.

The students are too young. Few people have heard this song. But it is rare for them to be quiet, quieter than in class, and even put down their fun mobile phones.

The light and fluttering sound of the piano, like a dragonfly across the water, and the clouds passing over the treetops, twitched at the tips of their hearts, there was a long and different kind of nostalgia.

That's so nice!

What kind of song is this

Who is playing the piano

The same question lingers in everyone's heart.

Cen Yannan immediately thought of Ye Tang's WeChat reply just now. She was in the music classroom. Could it be that she was playing the piano!

The young man pursed his lips lightly, and there was a black mist floating in his eyes, making it indistinguishable.

At the end of the song, Ye Tang lowered her hands from the piano keyboard. The piano was left unattended for a long time, and her pitch was inaccurate, but her piano level was average.

The "general" in her perception is compared with Luo Xingchuan.

The last time she heard Zhao Zhenfang hum the song "Nightingale" on the radio, she wrote down the melody, and then she found the original song on the Internet and found the lyrics.

Nightingale, Ye Ying, Ye Yingying...

Zhao Zhenfang likes this song. Is it because the song's name resembles her and her daughter's name, or did she refer to this song when giving her daughter's song title

When Qian Jianghai was talking to her, there was no trace of the principal's seriousness towards the students in her eyes, but the concern and love of the elders for the younger ones.

In Xiao Yetang's memory, Qian Jianghai always mentioned Ye Yingying in front of her every other time. He told the child not to forget the mother who replaced her life with his own life. Although Xiao Yetang did not have any concept of the word mother.

Ye Tang stayed for an excuse, just to try to play "Nightingale" with this piano. The retro environment of this music classroom is so similar to the world described in "Nightingale". She was in love with the scene, when she became Xiao Yetang. Since then, she is not a bystander.

After sending WeChat with Cen Yannan, she walked to the back of the classroom and lifted the black cover cloth on the piano, shaking out a layer of dust, and the air became dirty, but the piano inside was still very new, and it seemed that she had not used it several times. , Just sealed in this classroom, day after day.

She didn't know that the soundproofing of the old music classroom was very poor, and her performance was exposed to everyone's ears.