The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 65: play basketball


One day's plan is in the morning. In the morning, most schools will not arrange physical education for students. The playground of No. 1 Middle School is empty, and the gymnasium is also locked.

The class bell has already rang, and at this moment all classes have started their first class. The atmosphere before the exam was serious, and everyone quickly entered the learning state, but was suddenly disturbed by the noisy sounds from the playground.

The classmates by the window stretched their heads and looked out the window one after another. They first saw a large group of people. The classmates who were more well-connected in the school could recognize them as scumbags from ordinary classes.

What's strange is that there is an outstanding group of people in this group. The slender boy is standing under the basketball hoop. He is rolling up the sleeves of the white shirt of his school uniform. One sleeve has been rolled up to his elbow.

His fingers are slender and white, and his fingertips are soft, and he can easily see the blue-purple blood vessels on the back of his hand if he has a white complexion.

Luo Xingchuan himself believes that he is indeed in a state where his fingers are not touched by the sun and spring water, and he is in a weak state. It is no wonder that Ran Tianyi does not like him.

In the eyes of the onlookers, he is a well-behaved and beautiful young man, with a dignified and cold suit. Opposite him is Ran Tianyi with an exploding head-he is too shabby, and his hair is floating when he wakes up, and his naturally curly hair is like a chicken coop if he is not taken care of.

Ran Tianyi unbuttoned the school uniform jacket and rolled up his sleeves casually, not as particular as Luo Xingchuan. Today is a sunny day, cloudless, and the sun is very good. The light in the morning seems to have the soft light effect of a beautifying camera. Ran Tianyi, who is always invisible, also looks handsome with a trace of decadence.

"God, is that Luo Xingchuan?"

"What is Luo Xingchuan doing on the playground?"

"How to be with a group of poor students?"

The students in class 1 interrupted their class's math class with shocked discussions.

"What's going on?!" Mathematics teacher Sun Kang walked to the window a little angrily, looked out, was also shocked.

Today, everyone did not see Luo Xingchuan, and naturally thought that he had asked for leave again. He has not been to school since last Thursday.

The teachers are still discussing in the office in the morning, when Luo Xingchuan will come—even if his sister passed away, a week of mourning time, no matter how sad it is, should Luo Xingchuan be overwhelmed by Ye Tang’s death? Up? Or deliberately find someone to skip class

But he is not that kind of bad student.

The teachers don’t want to misunderstand Luo Xingchuan, but what is he doing now?

Every teacher and student who saw this scene was a black question mark.

"Duan Yuchu, Su Zimu, you guys go down and see what's going on," Teacher Sun called Duan Yuchu and Su Zimu, the two are the monitor and deputy monitor of Class 1.

Duan Yuchu got up immediately, "Okay, Teacher Sun."

Su Zimu's movements were half a beat slow, hesitantly, "Okay, Teacher Sun."

The other classmates were also ready to move and wanted to follow them. However, Teacher Sun swept over with a stern look. They didn't dare to act rashly, and could only pass information by the classmates sitting by the window eagerly.

In order to watch the excitement, everyone worked hard.

All kinds of ball equipment in No. 1 Middle School were put in the sports equipment room next to the gymnasium. The door of the equipment room was locked. A boy from Class 19 turned in through the half-open window and sneaked out a basketball.

He walked to the playground with a basketball in his arms, held it high, and deliberately smashed it at Luo Xingchuan, who was tender and thin. He thought he could scare the opponent to pee.

However, as soon as the basketball got out of his hand, Luo Xingchuan seemed to perceive something, looked at him, received the ball quickly and quickly, and moved firmly and lightly.

The boy was a little surprised. He thought it was just a coincidence, but he didn't throw the ball well.

And Ran Tianyi bowed his head to tie his shoelaces and missed this scene. When he raised his head again, Luo Xingchuan had put the basketball aside and was doing warm-up exercises.

Cut, it is really a weak chicken, just play basketball and warm up, for fear that you will get hurt and hurt

Ran Tianyi didn't warm up. It was unnecessary. He didn't put Luo Xingchuan in his eyes. He suppressed him when he was ready to play, and let him cry every minute.

"Hey, do you understand the rules of bullfighting?" Ran Tianyi asked Luo Xingchuan loudly.

"You said, I'll just do it," Luo Xingchuan's voice is not loud, but everyone on the playground can hear his voice clearly, because he is the focus and everyone is paying attention to him.

"First, the free throw line is used to determine who will attack and defend at the start. Each player has three chances, who scores more goals, and who starts the first round of offense. The official game time is 20 minutes. Understand?"


Luo Xingchuan's perfunctory attitude seemed to say "this is too pediatric"!

Ran Tianyi felt a trace of shame, he snorted coldly, "You come first."

Luo Xingchuan shot the ball while walking to the free-throw line. Unlike other people who put their toes on the line when they throw the ball-it is not a foul, but it is closer to the basketball hoop and the goal rate is higher.

His toes are at least 20 centimeters away from the free throw line. He seems to be standing there casually, and it doesn't matter how far he is from the basketball stand.

So confident

Ran Tianyi cursed in his heart "pretend to be forced", he waited to see Luo Xingchuan couldn't make a goal into the basket!

Other onlookers thought the same way. Someone shouted at Luo Xingchuan, “Prince Luo, you are standing in the wrong place. Don’t you even know where the free throw line is? Stand a little ahead, hahaha!”

Luo Xingchuan ignored it, and there was no expression on his face, but his eyes were always fixed on Ran Tianyi, slapped the basketball with one hand, and the ball made a muffled sound on the ground.

"Boom, boom..." After hearing Ran Tianyi's heart beat, he felt that Luo Xingchuan's eyes looked strange when he looked at him, so focused and serious, as if he wanted to see him in his heart. Could it be that he treats himself Is there really some kind of thought that is not tolerated by the world

Ran Tianyi got goose bumps again, what kind of wind did Luo Xingchuan get! At this moment, Luo Xingchuan suddenly raised his hands and threw the basketball in his hands in a very standard manner.

The ball enters the blue frame, as if blinking fast.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned. The ball hit the ground and rolled away. The boys standing on the edge of the playground went to pick up the ball with hindsight.

Luo Xingchuan hooked him and motioned him to throw the ball over again. He had three shots.

I don’t know why, this boy feels that Luo Xingchuan’s temperament at the moment does not belong to the label personality of a schoolmaster or his perfect son. His eyes have the kind of ** and wanton that only bad students like them have, just like pure Things that are white are generally blackened by ink.

The boys were a little afraid to provoke Luo Xingchuan, and he tossed the ball to him honestly.

Luo Xingchuan received the ball without brewing or preparing, so he raised his hand and threw a second ball.

Go in again!