The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 68: He is the type he likes


Everything happened too suddenly. Duan Yuchu didn't have time to react at all between the lightning and the fire. He was hit hard by the ball, and the sharp pain from his face made him instinctively cover his face.

The ball fell to the ground, bounced twice, and rolled to the foot of Ran Tianyi, who was stunned.

what is happening

Hey, aren't the two school masters who are good friends

When he clearly saw Luo Xingchuan's hands, he had contempt for Duan Yuchu in his eyes. If he didn't agree with him, he used basketball to hit his face. Luo Xingchuan was absolutely deliberate, and his behavior was too hot. He was provoking provocation. Fight with Duan Yuchu? !

This scene shocked the students on the playground. It made the students by the window stood up from their seats in shock. It also made several teachers realize that it was not good and hurried to the playground.

Luo Xingchuan walked to Duan Yuchu and said in a cold voice that only the two of them could hear, "Next time I hear you insult Ye Tang, I will smash your face."

Having said that, he raised his hand again, patted Duan Yuchu's shoulder, and said guiltily, "Sorry, I slipped my hand just now, should you be okay?" There was a trace of panic and alert in my heart.

Those fans and teachers who like Luo Xingchuan very much were relieved. They were really dazzled just now. How could the warm and gentle boy be so cruel

Upon hearing the news, the head teacher Wang Zhiwei of Class 1 and the head teacher of Class 19, Luo Xingchuan saw the two teachers, turned his head and said to Ran Tianyi with regret, "It seems that today’s challenge can only be stopped here, next time I have time. , Shall we fight the bull together again?"

"No need, the victory and defeat have already come out, and the next fight will be the same result," Ran Tianyi was unwilling to lose from the beginning, but now he is convinced that he has lost. He knows very well that Luo Xingchuan's basketball skills are superb and he is estimated to be better than the captain of the school basketball team. It’s a good thing that the game was interrupted by Duan Yujun in the middle. The 6:0 score is decent to him. He doesn’t want to lose 60:0, which is too shameful...

And watching Luo Xingchuan hit Duan Yuchu with the ball, Ran Tianyi was also quite calm and relieved. He also viewed Duan Yuchu very uncomfortably. He had a little friendship with the Duan family before his family was in decline. Other families treat them as scourges and stay away from them. The Duan family is no exception, but they are more hypocritical than those who put contempt on their faces. A few years ago they held a banquet and sent an invitation letter to his parents.

Ran Tianyi attended the Duan family banquet with his parents.

At that time, he was still young, and the Duan’s villa was very large. There were people everywhere. His parents were eager to find someone to make friendships. However, others ignored them. He had a sense of shame, so he quietly found a curtain. The blocked single sofa nestled in, hid himself, fell asleep without knowing it.

In his sleep, he heard Duan Yuchu say in a very mean voice, "Where is this beggar, came to my house to sleep?"

"It should be the young master of Ran's family."

"Heh, that poor ghost Ran's family? Why is our family still dealing with them? Forget it, let him eat and drink here."

Duan Yuchu was talking to his housekeeper at the time. After the housekeeper explained his identity, both of them walked away.

Ran Tianyi still remembers Duan Yuchu's remarks. He became a person who hates socialism and suffered from social phobia. He never attended any banquets, parties, parties, and became a lonely person and a famous stranger in the circle. fetal.

Driven by the head teachers of the two classes, Ran Tianyi and other students had to go back to the classrooms of the old teaching building. Ran Tianyi looked back—Duan Yuchu and Su Zimu walked left and right beside the head teacher of class 1, Luo Xingchuan was a few steps behind them alone.

There were a lot of people on the playground, the sky was blue and the clouds were light, the sun was just right, but Luo Xingchuan's back made him feel deeply lonely. No wonder he wants to be friends with himself...

Does he have no friends

After a brief ball game, Ran Tianyi discovered that Luo Xingchuan was actually not bad. Unlike some top students, who had eyes on top of their heads to look down on them. Yes, even though he was slammed with a basketball, Ran Tianyi didn't feel like he was. Be underestimated and violated.

Luo Xingchuan’s personality is good, he is not motherly, he doesn’t talk nonsense, don’t talk rubbish, don’t mess around, just do as he does, and he has the same personality; the key is that this man still plays basketball beautifully, and he hits Duan Yuchu with basketball. His face also hit Ran Tianyi's heart.

He is the type he likes,

After Candy, he never met someone who was so in sync with him.

Ran Tianyi suddenly regretted that he shouldn't refuse Luo Xingchuan's invitation to be a friend at once. If he missed the opportunity, should he take the initiative to find Luo Xingchuan to restore this friendship

The head teacher Wang Zhiwei walked for a long time, only to find that Luo Xingchuan had not followed up, so he stopped and waited for Luo Xingchuan. Duan Yuchu and Su Zimu also had to stop.

When Duan Yuchu came forward, Su Zimu remained silent. She had no sense of existence beside the two school grasses. She also had to be reserved and forbearing, so that people could not see her thoughts on Luo Xingchuan, which affected her personality as a female student. And the teacher is also present. When the teacher talks, she usually speaks less, smiles and listens, and is cute and pleasant, which has won the likes of all the teachers.

She watched Luo Xingchuan approaching, her mood was very complicated. Luo Xingchuan said coldly to her. She cried with anger, but was still fascinated by his appearance, but he never looked at her with his straight eyes.

Wang Zhiwei patted Luo Xingchuan on the shoulder and said earnestly, "If you are in a bad mood, it is okay to vent it by your own means, but you must be careful not to hinder other students."

What he meant was not to pursue Luo Xingchuan’s mistakes in playing basketball with the students in Class 19 without notifying any teacher. “But people always have to look forward. It will be 9 next week. It’s the monthly exam. I hope you can adjust your mentality as soon as possible to deal with this important exam."

In the dialogue between teacher and student, three sentences are inseparable from grades. As the head teacher of the Rocket class, Wang Zhiwei is under great pressure. His monthly and annual performance bonuses are linked to the students' scores and rankings.

If Luo Xingchuan's exam in September can get the first place in the district, Wang Zhiwei's bonus this month will be 10,000 yuan more than other teachers. The No. 1 Middle School is the best middle school in the central area of City A. As long as Luo Xingchuan can maintain his level of first place all year round, he is likely to be the first in the district.

Luo Xingchuan's brow lightly moved,

Tuning in September

This word made him feel unfamiliar. In his previous life, he did not go to school at this time, so how could he talk about taking tests

The main purpose of his coming to school today is to find Ran Tianyi and Lin Yong. He didn't expect to learn this at all. He didn't even bring his schoolbag!