The Almighty Xueba

Chapter 91: Exam focus


"This..." John was asked by Ye Tang all at once.

More things are worse than less things. Mr. Robert didn’t even bother to find dealers and Yuchu Department Store. No matter which industry, the sales business cannot be open and transparent. More or less, he would use tricks and tricks. Otherwise, what? There is a saying that "no treacherous no business".

Yuchu Department Store is the leader of A City and even the entire Chinese commercial company. Robert considers the overall situation and wants to continue to cooperate with Yuchu Department Store in the future. It is impossible for a humble female student to fight with them.

The best way is to take money to send her away.

"We will be held accountable for the problems of dealers and department stores afterwards. Now we have to guarantee your interests first," John said smoothly. Ye Tang understands his overtones, how they treat these businesses, it has nothing to do with her, she gets the money, so she doesn't want to be cheap and behave.

It seems that Kevin is still too idealistic. The general manager he sent is a gentleman. He doesn't want to make trouble, doesn't want to cause trouble, and doesn't want to get involved in the disputes of Yuchu Department Store.

Haha, is she such a fool

"The solution is not your unilateral rhetoric. I am a victim. You should listen to my request."

John frowned. The female high school student was much more difficult than he thought. "Please tell me."

"I don't need to return or exchange the computer." Ye Tang has already done a lot of work with this notebook, installed her commonly used software, and downloaded learning materials. She is not a professional designer, and the original problem of the graphics card does not affect her use. Big.

"My requirement is first, you will pay me 20,000 yuan in accordance with the Chinese rules of'fake one pay three'; second, you should investigate the ins and outs of dealer fraud. I do not ask you to punish the dealers you cooperate with. , But there must be at least one investigation report."

"Do you still want to read the investigation report?" John's tone rose, the kind of doubt that he did not believe, and he looked down on her from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, this is the most basic explanation for me."

"Sorry, we are not obligated to issue an investigation report to you."

"So you plan to stand by and continue to allow these businesses to defraud other consumers?"

Ye Tang is a bit aggressive, and John is about to be unable to maintain his perfect service attitude, "I'm just an assistant. I can't decide your request. I need to ask my superiors."

"Then please call me after you communicate with your superior."

Ye Tang listened to the hang-up sound in the receiver, and smiled. It didn't matter whether the other party was angry or not, and she didn't think her request was excessive.

"Ye Tang, who were you calling just now? Her expression is so serious," Chen Yumo walked over and asked her.

After Chen Yumo wiped the blackboard, she turned her head and found that Ye Tang was not in her seat. Except for the classroom, she could see Ye Tang standing at the end of the corridor with her back facing people and talking on the phone.

"It's the boss who sells computers. There was a problem with the computer I bought before," Ye Tang replied.

"Oh," Chen Yumo nodded without doubt. "Mr. Lu asked us to go to her office after school at noon. She wants to help us plan the exam focus for September."

After wiping the blackboard, Chen Yumo's tone was not lacking in excitement. Ye Tang saw the expectation in her eyes and laughed, "Don't you care about your exam results?"

"That's not because I have a low IQ, and I feel that there is no hope for the exam, and I am broken. If I can do well in the exam, who doesn't want to have a good score and be admitted to a university.

Chen Yumo's words sounded very bitter. Ye Tang put his hand on her shoulder and said solemnly, "Your IQ is not low. You must not underestimate yourself. Your poor grades are a problem with your study attitude. It’s not as difficult as you think."

"Isn't the college entrance examination difficult?" Chen Yumo smiled, "For me, it is difficult to get to the sky. Your grades are not very good, and your tone becomes so big. Do you still want to get A?"

"What's the problem with A?" Ye Tang rolled his eyes, "Would you like to gamble with me."

Chen Yumo became interested, "What are you betting on?"

"If I can get to the first grade in the exam the day after tomorrow, you will have to focus on studying, read the book carefully, don't skip class, finish your homework on time, and be a well-behaved student."

Chen Yumo's eyes widened, not knowing whether he was surprised by Ye Tang's arrogant "first grade" or by the conditions she offered.

"What if you didn't get to the first grade?"

Ye Tang thought for a while, she didn't think she would lose at all, and she never thought about what to do if she loses, "Well, if I lose, I will invite you to the top of Hongye Lijing for lunch every day for the next six months. Eat in the restaurant."

"You are crazy, that restaurant has 800+ per capita, where did you get the money?"

"Don't you know I have a rich dad?"

Chen Yumo really didn't know that her home was not in Fuxing Lane, and Cen Yannan didn't tell her. She was taken aback for a moment and hesitated, "You still have a father?"

Chen Yumo originally didn't know the situation of Ye Tang's family. Her sister attended the parent meeting. Her sister mentioned to her that Ye Tang's parents were only grandmothers.

"Yes, a cheap dad. He runs a company and is very rich. Now my conscience finds that he intends to give me 50,000 yuan in pocket money every month in the future."

"So much!!" Chen Yumo exclaimed. She immediately reduced her expression. She knew that she was acting very hopeless, but she had only seen so much money when she grew up so much when her sister was married-50,000 yuan was the gift money that her brother-in-law gave to her family.

"Are you willing to bet with me?" Ye Tang looked at her eyes with heavy makeup.

This time Chen Yumo didn't hesitate, and replied categorically, "Gamble, just gamble, I have a big appetite, you wait to be poor by me."

Just as Ye Tang didn't think she would lose, Chen Yumo didn't think she would lose. Like Cen Yannan, she sneered at Ye Tang's lofty goals. If Ye Tang took first grade, she must be second in grade.

Ye Tang moved the goal she promised to Zhao Zhenfang-the first 50 in grade, and moved forward to the first grade. Because she had been in class for two days, she found that everyone's grades were very bad, and it had nothing to do with the class division. She had no competitors. First, there is no difficulty.

Teacher Lu really set up a small stove for Ye Tang and Chen Yumo alone. Everyone went to eat at noon. The two girls were sitting on a small bench with a book, listening to her give them important points. The old man said one, and they were on the book. make a mark.

"You two have a poor foundation, and the key points I said can only serve as a temporary holdover. I hope you can memorize it well after you go back," Lucy said earnestly.

"Teacher Lu, can I give this key point to other students for reference?" Ye Tang asked.

Lucy smiled, "Yes, of course, sharing is a virtue."