The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 112: God stick 16


Now that the truth has been found, the police naturally issued an announcement related to the case as soon as possible.

Although it is a shame to overturn the previous conclusion, the victim cannot continue to be wronged. It is a pity that the victim is already dead, and the murderer is not only a minor, but also seriously injured and lying in the hospital, and will not be punished for a short time.

However, what shocked the police was the public's doubts about their latest announcement. Many people firmly believed in the idea of blackmailing by the old lady, and believed that the elderly were poisonous and bad, and refused to believe the latest results given by the police.

[Hehe, the police are too timid, maybe they were scared by the recent rumors of hauntings, and worried that the old lady Liu would go to them in the middle of the night, so they beat themselves up, are they fooling us as fools?]

[That is, to say that the police suddenly overturned the old woman's case has nothing to do with the recent haunted rumors. I ate three buckets of Xiangxiang raw, these police officers are too useless, what age are they, and they still believe there are ghosts in the world?]

[Hahaha, upstairs, maybe there really is a ghost. When the old woman was alive, she helped her child like a shameless blackmail. After death, she is naturally fiercer than ordinary people. Revenge is also possible]

These people didn't even read the announcement and related evidence given by the police, and their first reaction was disbelief.

Of course, it's not that there are no rational people, but the real rational people would not stand in line without decisive evidence, so this wave of people has always been bystanders, and they have not spoken to slander the old lady or Standing on the old lady's side to satirize Xu Bo, now that the decisive evidence has appeared and the truth has been restored, they only spoke and expressed their regret for the old lady Liu.

After learning about Mrs. Liu's family situation, some people even asked whether they could donate money to help Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Liu's surviving husband.

"Come on, the evidence is so clear, why are these people just like blind men, they are still scolding Mrs. Liu, aren't these people afraid that Mrs. Liu will come to them at night?"

Qian Duduo is an internet addict. He was so angry that he was about to explode when he swiped the unsightly messages on the Internet.

At this moment, he wished that Mrs. Liu's ghost was really doing the trick, so he quickly ran to the other end of the network cable, grabbed those scumbags who had no brains, no sense, and no three views, and made them swallow the keyboard raw.

Maybe it's a good spirit but not a bad spirit. Just after the words "Excessive Money" came out, the electric switch of the police station tripped, and the room was suddenly pitch black.


Qian Duo jumped to the edge of Jiang Liu in fright, tightly clinging to Jiang Liu and refused to let go.

Could it be that Mr. Liu really came too much? Thinking about it carefully, Mrs. Liu took revenge on so many people, but she has not yet started to deal with the police officers who handled the case.

Jiang Liu was also afraid in his heart, but the golden thigh was not there, so he couldn't hug Niu-hum beside him.

He is also a decent person, and he is a little burdened by idols. In front of outsiders, he also needs to be embarrassed.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock tick tock-"

Niu Hum's cell phone rang suddenly, and he answered the phone while looking around vigilantly.

"No, Xu Yong is dead!"

Zang Ye's voice on the other end of the phone was a little hurried: "We were a step late, the other party hanged, and his soul could not be found at the scene. Liu Yanan's ghost is crazy, and now the sky is changing outside!"

Xu Yong was Liu Yanan's husband. When Liu Yanan was alive, he believed in his wife and received a lot of abuse on the Internet, but he survived and silently sold his cemetery to the old woman for money to see a doctor.

But in the end, the money was spent, but the person was still not saved. Because of depression, he died not long after.

Some time ago, although the old man was very sad, he still insisted on helping his wife handle the funeral. Some time ago, someone saw him shopping and cooking normally, and no one thought that he would commit suicide.

I don’t know if he was worried about causing trouble for the landlord by committing suicide in the rental house, or if he wanted to be closer to his wife and daughter when he wanted to die. Just this morning, Xu Yong asked the landlord to refund the rent, and then gave some belongings in the rental house to him. I went to Linshan cemetery wearing my most decent clothes, tied a rope to a big tree not far from the cemetery, and hanged myself.

Hong Ling and others were planning to rush to Linshan Cemetery to investigate the situation, but they happened to see Xu Yong's body floating on the tree outside the cemetery, and a thick black ghost fog beside him.


This shrill cry resounded like a thunder in the sky above Ping Township.

Not only did Jiang Liu and the others hear the scream on the cell phone they had never hung up on, but they could also clearly hear the scream above the police station where they were located.

Specter Liu Yanan's resentment increased with Xu Yong's death, but even with a lot of resentment, she was just a Specter who had just died a few days ago and had not touched blood yet, how could she have such an ability

Someone is raising a ghost!

This was the first reaction of all the ghosts present.

This incident seems to involve more than just the evil one in the ancient tomb.


"What the hell is the weather? It's just sunny, and suddenly it's cloudy!"

"That's right, the power supply bureau didn't know how to do it, and the power went out without notice."

When Jiang Liu and others came out of the police station, they heard a lot of complaints from pedestrians. They didn't know the danger was coming, and they were still complaining about the sudden darkening of the sky and the sudden power outage.

Some people even took pictures and posted them on Moments and Weibo, sharing this sudden change of weather that is comparable to the day when the dog eats the sun.

"By the way, did you hear that cry just now?"

"I heard it, it is estimated that some neuropathy is calling."

"Impossible. My friends heard it in Huarun Building. It takes more than ten minutes to drive from here. How can someone's voice travel so far?"

"Maybe it's a crazy appointment to howl everywhere, otherwise it won't be a ghost. We are all people who have gone to school."

There are many people who are interested in the inexplicable wailing sound, but no one really thinks about ghost screams or other supernatural events.

Jiang Liu and the others hurriedly got into the car and rushed to the Linshan Cemetery. Now Hong Ling and the others are blocking the Specter Liu Yanan, but the other party or the manipulator behind the other party is really too powerful. The three ghost envoys added together, also There is a vague feeling of being unable to bear it.

Just now, Zang Ye not only notified Niu Hung, but also notified Yuan Ming and others who rushed to the sealed land, wanting to suppress this ghost.

Linshan is located on the edge of Ping Township, which is not small. When Jiang Liu and others arrived, more than half an hour had passed. At the scene, there was only a piece of charred land and trees, and there were still many broken pieces scattered on the ground. Several pieces of poison such as spiders, scorpions, and long snakes should be left by Hong Ling.

"What about people?"

The ghost here became stronger, Niu Hug swallowed, and walked in vigilantly. Jiang Liu and Tian Kui followed behind Niu Hug. As for the excess money, Jiang Liu threw him a pile of life-saving talismans and let him He stayed in the hotel honestly.

"I don't know, the magnetic field here is already messed up, and the compass can't find the direction of the ghost."

Tian Kui frowned and looked at the compass with the non-rotating pointer in his hand, and returned softly.

At this time, Jiang Liu misses his golden thigh very much. Although golden thigh has a special hobby and likes to watch him scream when he is frightened by the ghost, at least in dealing with the ghost, the golden thigh never disappoints him.

The closer they got to the cemetery, the quieter they became. The three of them could only hear the sound of their own heartbeats.


Jump faster and faster.


Wang Ye is a 28-year-old from Pingxiang, a professional old man. He is used to relying on a keyboard to point the country at home.

Perhaps because he was often disliked by relatives and friends, he piled up the anger that he did not dare to vent to those people on the Internet. He wanted to scold everything, and he could scold everything. The Internet became his best vent channel.

The incident between Liu Yanan and Xu Bo happened in Pingxiang, and he naturally paid attention to it.

Like most people, when he saw this news, he decided that this was another case of corruption by an old man. He thought of himself as an Internet policeman, and he naturally did not miss the opportunity to sanction Liu Yanan through the Internet cable. When talking about Liu Yanan's past experience, he even left a message that Liu Yanan's daughter had a mother like her, and she deserved to die early.

This morning, he saw the police's clarification announcement, and he carefully read the announcement and the new evidence.

It's just that he is still firm in his previous thoughts.

How dark the police are now, these evidences must be forged, how can they be taken seriously? Maybe some relatives in the Liu family are officials who covered up the Liu family and threatened the police to change their previous stance.

How could Wang Ye believe that the evidence is true, because if he admits that the evidence is true, the words he scolded before would be wrong, and he would be slapped in the face, how could Wang Ye do such a thing?

Once again, he tapped the keyboard and scolded, and finally felt relieved, Wang Ye felt the urge to urinate and walked to the bathroom.

Just as he was humming a little tune and preparing to wash his hands, the power went out, and Wang Ye was taken aback by the sudden darkness. Fortunately, as an otaku, his mobile phone never leaves his body, so he simply turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone.

Wang Ye continued to wash his hands. When he was drying his hands and preparing to straighten his hair in front of the mirror, his eyes stopped.


Wang Ye's teeth collided and shivered.

The light of the flashlight was not strong, and under the weak light, at this moment in the mirror, behind him, there seemed to be a hunched figure standing.

"I'm not lying, he hit me—"

The desolate old female voice, so cold that it pierced the bone marrow, rang in his ear.


Wang Ye screamed like crazy.

Such pictures appeared in many places in Pingxiang at the same time.