The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 119: God stick 23


"How could it be you!"

The ghost messengers and monks who were supposed to stay in the ancient tomb and the prosperous area of Yinzhou all walked out of the nearby buildings. It turned out that the previous scene was just an official blindfold, and these people did not go to the place they were supposed to go.

It turned out that in the daytime, Jiang Liu gathered these people and briefly told his guess. Although he thought Jiang Liu's guess was ridiculous, in the end they obeyed Jiang Liu's words and chose to come to this street and wait for that one. Appearance of ghosts.

Before, they didn't understand why Jiang Liu was sure that the other party would come to him, but now when they saw that face, their doubts seemed to be resolved.

But Niu Hung and the others still don't understand why Jiang Kun turned into a ghost. Could it be that he planned everything in the beginning? The deaths of those ghosts and the ghosts in the ancient tombs were all planned by him

Hong Ling and others were red-eyed, because it was because of Jiang Kun's emergency amnesty order that their relatives and elders rushed to Yinzhou and died in that fierce battle.

Now that they know that all this is most likely planned by Jiang Kun, this is naturally their enemy.

What about Jiang Liu, his father did all this, didn't he know anything about it

Niu Hum looked at the expressionless young man standing under the light with an extremely complicated look. His father died in that fierce battle. If all of this really had something to do with Jiang Liu, what attitude should he use to face this friend he thought he had made up with.


A trace of sarcasm flashed in Jiang Liu's eyes, a trace of pain: "So I am your container, right? When one was adopted from the very beginning, it was determined to be the existence of the container?"

container? The people on the side couldn't understand what Jiang Liu was saying, but Jiang Kun knew.

"You knew already?"

The man with ghosts all over his body and his eyes a little chaotic looked at the handsome and tall young man standing in the light, his eyes flashed with confusion, but it was fleeting.


Jiang Liu responded softly.

How did he know, probably because too many impossibles were piled together, making the most impossible person the only possibility.

First of all, it was the disappearance of the original body that he had never understood.

According to his experience in so many worlds, in each world, he will get two tasks, one is the original body, that is, the person who needs him in this world, and the other task is arranged by the Lord God, Most are related to the Holy Father.

The six worlds he has experienced are like this. Why did the memories of the original body that should have been transmitted to his mind disappear after arriving in this world? Jiang Liu guessed that perhaps the original wisher regretted it, and he began to hesitate.

Due to the particularity of this world, Jiang Liu had no doubt that the original body had this ability.

But what is the reason for the original body to wander in the tangle? After thinking about it, Jiang Liu could only think of one person, and that was the man who was most important to the original body, Jiang Kun.

In addition, what Jiang Liu doubted was the existence of the tomb keeper.

He hid in Yinzhou for more than ten years. In the past ten years, he detained hundreds of ghosts, and used the lives of dozens of people to build a corpse pit to collect corpse gas.

Although he did it secretly enough, as the ghost envoy of Yinzhou, did Jiang Kun really not notice the existence of the tomb guard

If he didn't know the existence of the tomb keeper, what was the explanation for the ghost mark that appeared on Qian Duo's body

There is also Su Zi, who can cross the space and bring a yin girl from a different era to this world, and among these capable people in this world, there are several people who can do this.

Jiang Liu assumed that all of this was not a coincidence, and assumed that all of this was intentional. After thinking about it, he could only think of Jiang Kun.

Especially that night, the expression of the man in the mirror, the pained and melancholy eyes, further deepened Jiang Liu's guess.

If it was him, everything seemed to make sense.

It seems that Jiang Kun has been planning since his wife died and his son disappeared more than 20 years ago.

The tomb keeper, the monster in the ancient tomb, the yin girl who traveled through different time and space, and the original body, the adopted son who was adopted by him since he was a child, and who is very close to him in the day and night.

These are the pieces he chooses to accomplish something, and maybe he can also call them Gu.

The flesh and blood of ghost messengers, the suffocating spirit that was transferred from the Linshan cemetery to the ancient tomb day and night, the soul of the yin girl, the body of the adopted son, and the living sacrifice of the whole Yinzhou, Jiang Kun wanted to use these things. At the peak of the year's yin qi, a creature beyond the six realms, immortal and indestructible, is better than a living corpse.

He is crazy, he wants to become a ghost comparable to the Great Emperor Fengdu.

"I hesitated!"

Looking at the adopted son with sad eyes, Jiang Kun sighed softly.

There were too many scenes of father and son getting along in front of his eyes, perhaps because of the experience of being abandoned, this adopted son is extraordinarily sensible, clearly aware of his indifference, but always overcome difficulties.

When he came back late at night, he handed him a bowl of porridge that was warm on the stove; when he was tired, he poured hot water for his feet; he saved pocket money and gave him a stack of cotton underwear on his birthday...

Jiang Kun often wondered, if his hairy eggs were still around, would he be as good and sensible as his adopted son.

Obviously, before adopting this child, he told himself that he couldn't have any real feelings for him, but after getting along day and night, he finally softened.

Because of hesitation, he didn't teach the child the mysterious Taoism that he should learn, let alone tell the child his true identity.

At the last moment, Jiang Kun divided his ghost brand into two parts, leaving one for his adopted son, and one for a young man he had seen in the cemetery who was very yang.

The unlucky ghost's yang energy is the most vigorous he has ever seen in his life. Although it can't compare to the adopted son's body and he gets along with him day and night, it has long been close to each other, so it can be considered a good second choice.

Jiang Kun told himself that if the adopted son never found out his true identity and did not practice Taoism, he would let the child go and leave him alone.

If he embarks on this path, it means that everything is destined.

He raised him, and his body was the reward.

"How unfair the way of heaven is to me!"

Jiang Kun roared up to the sky.

"I, Jiang Kun, have saved countless unjust souls. They all say karma. The woman I love the most is forever separated from me, and my only son is missing. Where is the way of heaven? What about the blessings?"

"It was God who took me first, so what if I subverted this world!"

That cloud of black mist was boiling, and it was the day when the gate of hell was opened again. Countless ghosts were inspired, and they were uncontrollably absorbed by this cloud of black mist. The resentment on Jiang Kun became more and more majestic.

"I've never loved a woman that much in my life."

Jiang Kun's face was a little blurry under the black mist, but Jiang Liu knew he was looking at him.

"She likes sunflowers the most, I always tease her, steal the fruits of her precious sunflower flowers, and make more sunflowers for her when she chases me; she likes pretty dresses. The handkerchief, the first thing I did when I went out to pick up the work was to go to the largest local shopping mall and buy her the most beautiful and fashionable clothes... The night she married me, I told her that I would treat her well for the rest of my life and would not let her suffer Hungry and freezing, don't let her shed a single tear."

"Then, she died, and I found her soul, crazy, she didn't recognize me, she just kept talking, her dick, where did her son go."

Jiang Kun didn't mean to attack, he just described it lightly.

"By the way, and my fur egg, do you know how cute he is? His eyes are like mine and his nose is like his mother."

Mao Dan was only over a year old when he lost it, so how could he easily tell who his facial features followed, but in the eyes of parents, children are always the most beautiful and most similar to themselves.

"It's not the standard for him to call him Dad for the first time, but I'm happy to give him all the stars and moons in the sky."

"And then, my son disappeared."

"Haha, hahaha! Heaven, this damn heaven!"

More than 20 years ago, Jiang Kun was fortunate that he was a ghost messenger. In this way, even if he was a member of Xuanmen, the five faults and three deficiencies would not be fulfilled on him. Unlike his father, who was physically disabled and finally could not. Good death.

But when he lost his wife and son, Jiang Kun was extremely disgusted with this identity.

If he had known this, he had held back his heart and didn't provoke that round-faced little girl. Wouldn't she still be alive now, even if she formed a family with someone else, at least she was still alive.

Jiang Kun hates himself, and even more hates this ruthless heaven, hates this illusory karmic cycle of reincarnation.

He wants to subvert the way of heaven, maybe at that time, he has the opportunity to prevent all this from happening, maybe he has the ability to go back to the past, back to the time when all the tragedies have not happened.

As for how many people will die in order to achieve this wish, what does it have to do with him


Jiang Kun looked at his adopted son in the distance, sighed softly, and a tear flashed from the corner of his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes, and suddenly countless grievances wailed and raged.

After Jiang Liu listened to Jiang Kun's confession, his heart was dull, this was the original body's emotion.

Seeing that Jiang Kun was about to get out of control, Jiang Liu quickly spoke.

"Dad, I'm your little bitch!"

The author has something to say: One second sand sculpture