The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 14: Foolish and Filial Man 14


"Go to the hospital, why do you go to the hospital?"

When Xu Xiuxiu came back after washing the dishes, she heard her husband's suggestion and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that the spot you injured before started hurting again? Hurry up, I'll get the money, and we'll go to the hospital right away."

Thinking of the old injury that nearly killed her husband half a year ago, Xu Xiuxiu's expression immediately became urgent.

"No, that injury is long gone."

Jiang Liu touched the scar on his forehead. Because the wound was mainly on the top of his head, the shaved hair around him grew less conspicuous.

However, because of the deep wound and the fact that the doctor's suturing technique is far less important in the future, the scar is very long, and it feels like a centipede entrenched on the top of the head.

Men are far less concerned about scars than women.

"Don't you think your appetite has grown a lot recently? Think about it carefully, is there anything else uncomfortable besides your increased appetite?"

Jiang Liu looked at his daughter-in-law's expression, with a faint expectation in his eyes.

"You mean?"

Xu Xiuxiu had never conceived herself, but she had seen various states of her stepmother and younger brother and sister Wang Xuemei when she was pregnant. Hearing her husband's obscure inquiry, she immediately realized the reason why the other party said she was going to the hospital.

But she still thinks it is unlikely. She hadn't conceived in the past ten years, and her husband also said that the doctor judged that his body was difficult for women to conceive, so how could she possibly become pregnant.

Just facing her husband's hopeful eyes and her own desire for a child, Xu Xiuxiu didn't say such a disappointment, but acquiesced in her decision to go to the hospital.

Jiang Liu went to the team leader Guan Daniel to borrow a bicycle. Xu Xiuxiu took some money from the small box where the money was hidden at home. While waiting for Jiang Liu to come back, she couldn't help looking at the small mirror on the wall. self.

I don't know when she has gained a lot of weight. Her thin chin has become slightly rounded. She lowered her head and even squeezed out a double chin. Xu Xiuxiu lowered her head and touched her belly, wondering if it was because she was too full. , her belly felt slightly protruding, which gave her an illusion, as if a little life was really being conceived in her body at this moment.

Touching and touching, Xu Xiuxiu was a little stunned.


Jiang Liu quickly borrowed a bicycle, but instead of taking his daughter-in-law to the hospital in the county seat, he took Xu Xiuxiu to the county bus station, and then got on the bus to the city.

The equipment in the small county where they are located is still a bit backward, and if his guess is correct, he still wants the couple to do a comprehensive physical examination. After all, Xu Xiuxiu's health loss was too great in the past, and he had to ask the doctor, What to do to make up their foundation.

Perhaps influenced by Jiang Liu's mood, Xu Xiuxiu was looking forward to it now, and she didn't think it was a waste of money to go to the big hospital in the city.

The current hospital is far less crowded than later generations. After they arrived at the hospital, they were treated very quickly, and the test results came out soon.

"I'm about eight weeks pregnant. I saw two gestational sacs. They should be twins. Congratulations."

The gynecologist looked at the examination report and said to the Jiang Liu couple with a smile.

"Doctor, you said I was pregnant, pregnant."

Xu Xiuxiu's voice was a little trembling, she looked at the doctor in disbelief: "Doctor, why don't we check it again, no, it's not that I think your medical skills are not good, it's just that the doctor at our place said that my husband is not very good half a year ago. It's easy to get pregnant, and I, we have been married for ten years, and we have never been pregnant, do we really want to be parents?"

"I personally did the inspection for you. What's wrong? Besides, you also said it. The doctor at your place only said that your husband is not easy to get pregnant, but he didn't say absolutely."

The doctor glanced at the excited couple, and when he heard that they had not been able to have a son and a half daughter after ten years of marriage, he was very considerate of their feelings, and he was not angry when they were questioned.

He suggested that since they came to the hospital, the couple could do a more detailed examination and feel at ease.

In the end, the couple did a more detailed physical examination. Jiang Liu's casual lie was true. The original body was a little weak. This time Xu Xiuxiu was able to conceive, but it was still a one-time pregnancy. It can be said that the probability of winning the jackpot is similar. Now, as for the couple's bodies, they have become much stronger because of the good food and drink they have had for the past six months. After Jiang Liu asked the doctor about the things that pregnant women should avoid and precautions for pregnancy, the couple left the hospital.

"His father."

When stepping out of the hospital gate, Xu Xiuxiu tightly held Jiang Liu's hand and shouted.

"My mother."

Jiang Liu's surprise was no less than Xu Xiuxiu's. Speaking of which, this was also the first time he became a father, and he was also the father of two children.

"I'm so happy."

Xu Xiuxiu pursed her lips and suddenly burst into tears, but before Jiang Liu could persuade her, she began to grin again and was born, crying with joy, probably because of this feeling.


Just when Xu Xiuxiu didn't know how to express her feelings, her stomach began to growl. Thinking about it carefully, it was now three or four hours before lunch time. As a mother with two children in her stomach absorbing nutrients at this time , Xu Xiuxiu should be hungry too.

"Whatever you want to eat, don't starve my wife and children, we are not short of money."

Jiang Liu patted his chest and said proudly, he originally thought that he had earned so much money to spend his whole life, but now that he thinks about it, he is the father of two children, so why must he work harder to save for his children? A rich family.

"I want to eat pot-wrapped meat, and I also want to eat pickled fish... It seems that I am still a little greedy, so I'll just stack the hot sauce again... "

Xu Xiuxiu licked her lips. She didn't know if it was because of psychological effects. Before she knew she was pregnant, she wanted to eat everything, but after she knew she was pregnant, she wanted to eat something sour and spicy.

It is said that the sour girl is hot, is she still pregnant with a twin

Xu Xiuxiu laughed, what a blessing, she suddenly changed from a person who thought she could not be a mother in this life to a person with both children. She felt that she was too greedy, not to mention having both children. Two boys or two girls, that is also a gift from God.

"Eat, eat, let's buy whatever we want."

Jiang Liu went to the restaurant with his daughter-in-law. Now the state-run restaurants in the city no longer require food stamps and other bills. As long as you have money, you can eat whatever you want. Besides state-run restaurants, some old-fashioned restaurants are closed. It has also reopened. Jiang Liu is very familiar with the city, and dragged Xu Xiuxiu to the store that he felt had the best craftsmanship.

Xu Xiuxiu ate the pot-wrapped meat and sauerkraut fish she wanted to eat, and also drank most of the fresh, tongue-dropping Feilong soup, plus two bowls of rice and three taels of dumplings. dishes.

Before leaving, Jiang Liu did not forget to pack a piece of Xu Xiuxiu's favorite hot pot meat, and went to the department store to buy a lot of brown sugar and malted milk essence, and took the bus back to the county town with a full trophy.

Different from the joy of Jiang Liu and his wife, Miao Caifeng, who had purchased New Year's goods from the county town, encountered a headache as soon as she returned home.


"Five hundred yuan, why do you need so much money?"

When Miao Caifeng heard the words of her little daughter-in-law, she immediately jumped up and looked at her little son who was silent on the side with a face full of surprise.

It turned out to be a reform of the Education Bureau, planning to plan many commune primary schools that were not originally included in the establishment. You must know that education was not valued in the early years, and many teachers who taught in commune primary schools did not actually have the ability to educate students.

Now that the country has begun to speed up the pace of reform, the emphasis on basic education is unprecedented. The township primary school, which was not paid attention to before, has entered the eyes of the education department. They plan to start with the teachers of the township primary school and eliminate those teachers who rely on connections to teach in schools. .

Jiang Hai's father-in-law, Wang Xuemei's father, was an ordinary peasant with no culture at all. If his brother had not become the deputy director of the commune, he would not have been able to take the position of principal of Hongxing Elementary School.

Now that the top is going to be cleared, Wang Xuemei's father is the one who will be dealt with first, and even his deputy director's brother can't save him.

When Jiang Hai entered the school to teach, he relied on the relationship with the principal's father-in-law. Now that his father-in-law could not be the principal of the primary school, his work was also affected.

To be honest, Jiang Hai’s education is still pretty good now, with a junior high school diploma, a high school, and more than enough to teach students in township primary schools. He is truly a man of iron rice bowls.

But Jiang Hai didn't think so. He felt that the water for the teachers' unified examination was too deep. He, a person who had nothing to do with him, could easily be squeezed out by those related households. In addition, he heard rumors. It is said that many teachers of the commune elementary school are now in the school. Stuffing money to find a relationship, and some junior high school and high school students who had just graduated and wanted to compete with them for this iron job made Jiang Hai start to panic, and began to wonder if he should also put money in to find someone to dredge.

"Mom, if five hundred yuan can get you a system, how much is it?"

Wang Xuemei had counted the money in the hands of the old lady, and taking out five hundred yuan was not a problem for her at all.

To be honest, Wang Xuemei felt that education reform might be a good thing for them, because Jiang Hai was only a temporary worker before, and his monthly salary was not high, but if he joined weaving, his salary would at least double.

As for her parents' biological father, Wang Xuemei, as an out-married daughter, didn't care much. She felt that it was something her brothers should worry about.

"Can you be sure that once the money is given, the job will be arranged?"

Miao Caifeng ignored her daughter-in-law, but looked at the younger son beside her, wanting to hear an accurate word from him.

"I can't guarantee this, but if the money is not given, I will not be able to keep my job."

Jiang Hai smiled bitterly: "If Mom can't come up with the money, I'll think about other ways. If it doesn't help, I'll come back to farm, and I'll have to suffer for the two children."

He took retreat as advance, because he knew in his heart that his mother spoiled him, especially after he almost broke his face with his eldest brother, he was the only hope of his parents.

Sure enough, his remarks shook Miao Caifeng's attitude. She really loves this son. Before more than 20 years, she was not willing to let this son do any housework. If she loses her teacher's job now When he comes back to farm, how can he bear it

"Don't think of any other ideas, this money will be given to you."

Miao Caifeng gritted her teeth, but fortunately, she made a little money before, plus the savings she had saved earlier, she could have 500 yuan if she put it together, but after the money was given out, her private money was basically emptied.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely be filial to you in the future."

When Jiang Hai heard it, he held the old lady's hand and said sincerely, but he thought that the old lady was indeed rich, but she didn't know how much private property the old lady still had after paying for it.

When Miao Caifeng heard her son's filial words in the past, she would definitely close her mouth with joy, but at this moment, her heart was a little empty, and she couldn't help but think of her other son.