The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 16: Foolish and Filial Man 16


Many houses in the countryside are in the form of three-sided courtyards, with the main house plus the left and right wing rooms. People who have no money will only build the main house. Few people will only make one-sided wing rooms after building the main house.

Now the appearance of the Jiang family's old house has become a wonder of the production team. When passing by, there will be people smiling and pointing at the house without the west wing.

No one thinks Jiang Liu's practice is bad. It is a good stone that people choose piece by piece. Because of nostalgia, they want to tear it down and refill it in a new house. Besides, the two rooms have already been allocated to Jiang Liu. Well, how he likes to deal with it has nothing to do with those people in the old house.

The peers and juniors felt that Jiang Liu's actions were very happy. Although the older generation had quite a few criticisms, they were silent because of the excessive actions of the Jiang family and the substantial help Jiang Liu had provided to everyone during this period.

On the contrary, what makes everyone puzzled is that the people in the Jiang family's old house, which is at the center of the vortex of public opinion, did not go into a rage because of Jiang Liu's actions, especially the shrewd and cunning old lady of the Jiang family. For the straw weaving work at hand, go to the brigade warehouse to buy raw materials.

The old man Jiang Chuangen was even more unusual. He was cheerful all day long, looking like he was going to be a grandfather. He didn't take the initiative to find Jiang Liu's new home, but he and the other people in the village asked about the situation of the eldest son's family. How is the eldest daughter-in-law's reaction recently? If his two eldest grandchildren are making trouble, he asks the eldest daughter-in-law if his stomach is starting to swell and whether his two grandchildren are growing well.

You said that he cared so much about his grandson, why did he ignore his daughter-in-law so much in the early years and grind the eldest family? His daughter-in-law is not a stepmother, and he is not a stepfather. He has never cared about this eldest son for so many years. Now he is Seeing Jiang Liu's ability, do you want to make amends and please

The older elders have some ideas. After all, the most important change in the attitude of the Jiang family is because Xu Xiuxiu is pregnant with the Jiang family's flesh and blood. The attitude of elders with children and no children is different.

In the early years, the second elder of the Jiang family favored young children, but his attitude toward the eldest son was acceptable, even though the eldest couple had been married for so long, there was no movement at all. On the contrary, Wang Xuemei, who later married into the family, gave birth to two sons to the Jiang family one after another. , the eccentricity of the old couple is even more obvious.

Even Jiang Chuangen, who used to think highly of the eldest son, gradually stopped talking. In the eyes of the old-fashioned people like them, the eldest Jiang Liu has no descendants. In the future, the old couple, including Jiang Liu and his wife, will only be able to rely on the two children of the second room. No matter how much you pay, no matter how much sacrifice, it is all right for the sake of your later years.

But no matter how much everyone guesses what the old couple of the Jiang family thinks, it's useless. Now that the boat has been made, the eldest son who has been despised by them in every possible way is promising. The couple has no shame in seeking reconciliation.

These things have passed through the mouths of the villagers and gradually no one mentioned them. Everyone is trying to make money, and they also imagined that Jiang Liu would build a spacious and beautiful two-story building.

Until, a great news from the county town a year ago gradually spread to the countryside.

Everyone knows the news of the rectification of the township primary school, especially the three teams where Jiang Liu belongs. Because of the economic well-being, almost all the children in the family have been sent to study. The teachers will be rectified and those who are incapable will be expelled from the teaching team. Going out is a good thing for everyone, but it may not be the case for those who have no ability but are among the teachers.

This news is related to those who are uneasy and want to use their brains.

I don't know which one was bold, and sent an anonymous report letter to the municipal education department. It happened that the provincial supervision department came down to the local inspection and saw the report letter. The letter reported a few minors from the Taifeng County Education Department Leaders, who say they receive benefits, have omissions.

This report letter quickly attracted the attention of the above. After several investigations, several public officials who took bribes were quickly dismissed, but two of them got the wind and ran away, and they are still in the process of hunting.

At an important point in the country's top and bottom reforms, the existence of such moths actually shakes the foundation of national education. Naturally, the above will not let it go easily. Also intensified the pursuit.

In addition, the teachers who paid bribes didn't get any favors. Not only could the bribes not be refunded, but they were also directly disqualified from the exams and took away the teachers' jobs.

Some of them may not be able to pass the exam if they are serious about preparing for the exam, but seeing so many people trying to figure out how to put money in their relationship, they became confused when they couldn't hold back, but rules are rules, especially in the years of severe crackdowns. Those who have been caught out and offered bribes have all become the chicken that served as an example to the monkeys who were killed.

"Uncle, your second child is teaching in our commune primary school. This matter is so big that it won't have anything to do with him."

During the gap between farming, someone asked Jiang Chuangen a question, and the people next to him winked and stopped what they were doing and pricked up their ears to listen.

Although Jiang Hai is the only teacher in the team, his reputation in the hearts of everyone is far less good than that of his brother Jiang Liulai.

That kid may have been studying for a few years and felt that he was a literate person, and he never liked to pay attention to their muddy legs, but he didn't think about it. If it weren't for a few mud legs in his family for him to study, he would be able to do it now. Raise your chin and look at people with your nostrils.

Especially this kid has no conscience. His eldest brother has paid so much for him, and he has not seen any gratitude to Jiang Liu. Like his sister, he has read all the reading to the belly of a dog, but Jiang Chuangen has a couple. Can't see through this.

"How much does it cost? Our family has no money. This matter has nothing to do with our family, Jiang Hai."

How could Jiang Chuangen recognize it? He shook his head and explained that he had no money.

"That's right, I heard that the money that the police seized from those people's homes filled several boxes. Many people rely on this job to make a living, and they have to do their best to keep this job, but they don't give away their money. Has it passed, if you don't take three or four hundred, people still don't want to accept it."

The person who spoke did not know whether to believe it or not: "Last year, when the old uncle and the two of you split up, the old aunt said that they had no money, so they only divided Liuzi into two rooms, and the old aunt was reluctant to let Liuzi see a doctor because he had no money. How could you possibly have the money to let Jiang Hai open the back door under such circumstances?"

The man was teasing when he spoke, and Jiang Chuangen only felt his cheeks burning when he heard it.

Yes, his old wife has been making trouble for a long time in order to make the team pay for her son's medical expenses, but when the younger son needs to spend money, she takes out all the money without blinking. Why is this

That night, the atmosphere of the Jiang family's old house was very bad. Jiang Hai, who had not been home for three consecutive days, finally came back, and at the same time brought back a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that the little cadre he bribed ran away, and he took the stolen money with him when he escaped. I am afraid that when he is caught, the stolen money will be almost used up. In order to reduce the crime, he will definitely give as little as possible. bribe his men, thereby lowering the criminal code.

The bad news is that the person ran away. In order to keep his place in the exam, Jiang Hai beat him to death and could not admit that he bribed the person five hundred yuan.

"Why won't it come, that's five hundred yuan, five hundred yuan!"

Miao Cuihua's only luck was gone. She clutched her chest and was out of breath. The money had taken out her private house money. In the future, she and the old man will have a pain. What should I do

Although she can still make money, the bulk of the money comes from the orders she negotiated with the foreigners. After all the orders are completed, where else can she earn such private money.

Of course, these are not the most important things, but the position of teacher, can the younger son still hold on to it

"The loss of money is a trivial matter, and now that Jiang Hai is fine is the most important thing."

Wang Xuemei was not very distressed about the 500 yuan, because she knew that Jiang Hai and the old lady reported this amount, but in fact he only sent 300 yuan to the little leader's house. Because of this incident, their small family There's an extra two hundred dollars in savings.

And compared to the huge sum of money originally held in the old lady's hand, she prefers to take it in her own hands.

Wang Xuemei's gentleness warmed Jiang Hai's heart. Comparing his mother who was nervous about money and his wife who was nervous about money, he couldn't help but prefer the latter.

It's just that he didn't show this on the surface, but apologized to the old lady: "Now the money is a loss, but fortunately above began to pay attention to this matter, as long as it is a fair test, I don't think I will. I will lose to teachers in other township primary schools."

Jiang Hai felt that he began to work hard to prepare for the exam after that, which was related to his future life and could no longer be handled as casually as before.

"My headache is so bad, let me rest for a few days and take it easy."

Miao Caifeng, who had always trusted this son the most, unexpectedly didn't make a statement, but returned to her room with a tired look on her forehead.

Because she remembered that her son said the same thing a few years ago when the college entrance examination was just resumed. For this reason, she secretly opened a small kitchen for her younger son. As a result, in that test, his son scored more than 100 points, and he became the talker behind the scenes in the village. joke.

And if he really has the ability, does he need to be so unconfident that he spends 500 yuan to bribe the junior leaders of the education department

For the first time, Miao Caifeng felt insecure about her younger son's abilities.

But maybe it was because the exam this time was really related to Jiang Hai's future living standard. For the first time, he studied and reviewed seriously, and he performed exceptionally well in the exam. In the end, he managed to keep his job as a primary school teacher in the commune with his score. And there is a formal preparation.

This incident swept away the haze of the main house for days, and Miao Caifeng finally stopped the headache and showed a smile.

Jiang Liu didn't pay much attention to what was going on in the old house after he moved to his new home, but there was a lot of commotion in the county seat before, and he couldn't have heard of it.

Especially a few days ago, the group of people in the old house were silently acting with their tails between their tails, which made Jiang Liu guess that there might be Jiang Hai among those who offered bribes, but they were not bitten out due to special reasons.

Jiang Liu watched quietly, and did not intend to report Jiang Hai.

He has a bad heart, and likes to see the miserable appearance of people climbing high on the ground and then falling down.