The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 22: Cowhide blows the sky 2


The original body is a mediocre man. If there is any bright spot in his life, it is probably his bragging ability, which brings a lot of joy to the people around him.

Of course, if he simply brags on his own abilities and doesn't hinder anyone, that's his own business. The bad thing is that his brag has led to a great scientist who should have been shining in the research field. He has become a criminal who seeks personal gain and even takes the wrong path for it.

The person whose life was changed was the original son, Jiang Chongde.

The other party is born with a high IQ, but because he lives on a relatively closed island, his talent has never been taken seriously. Everyone just thinks that he is smarter than ordinary children, because he has an unreliable biological father, so he is more To be sensible.

There is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic, and Jiang Chongde is no exception. A genius like this often needs the guidance and restraint of the people around him. Fortunately, although the original body is unreliable, Jiang Chongde also has a pair of kind and open-minded grandparents, because of their existence , Jiang Chongde forbears the dissatisfaction brought by many biological fathers, and restrains his inner paranoid emotions.

It's just that there are unforeseen circumstances. In Jiang Chongde's second year of high school, his grandfather Jiang Linhai was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his grandmother Cai Shufen accidentally fell from the stairs when going downstairs because of her long-term fatigue. I asked the neighbors to check on the phone, only to find his wife who was already cold.

Because of this blow, Jiang Linhai didn't last long and died. Before he died, he kept saying that he killed his wife.

At that time, Yuanshen didn't know where he was, and he couldn't find him by calling the phone he left for the two old people. It was Jiang Chongde who, with the help of other relatives and friends, organized the funeral of the two old people.

When the original body got the news and rushed back, the first seven days had passed.

The death of the most important pair of relatives made Jiang Chongde more and more quiet and withdrawn. Even if the guilty original body finally came back from the outside at this time, and began to stay at home for a long time to take care of the only child, he still could not make up for the loss of his grandparents. .

Moreover, he has a problem of bragging. He used to hear him bragging once in a while, but he could listen to it as a joke and forget it. Now he spends his days in pubs bragging, and everyone is tired of listening to his repeated and can’t stand the elegant rhetoric. Tired of his vain personality without a word of truth, plus a lot of the expenses for the funeral of the two old people were temporarily subsidized by the neighbors on the island, but the original body, who claimed to be rich, even owed this debt. They didn't even get up, and gradually, they became separated from the other residents on the island.

Like Jiang Chongde, there are several children in Xiuqiu Island who are studying on Daishan Island. They all heard the "great achievements" of the original body from the mouths of their elders, and passed these as jokes to the school.

Some people made trouble with Jiang Chongde about these things with the idea of joking, and repeatedly certified with Jiang Chongde the cows who blew out the original body.

There are also some people who regard this as a weapon to attack Jiang Chongde. After all, a scholar who is always praised by teachers, but arrogant and disjointed is not likable. The existence of the original body is the stain of Jiang Chongde, and they call the original body Niu Wang , Guan Jiang Chongde is a cowboy (cub).

Approaching the third year of high school, after losing two of his most important relatives, Jiang Chongde's life has turned into hell.

But the culprit didn't think he did anything wrong, he just bragged, and the law didn't say bragging is against the law. The father and son did not understand each other and were hostile to each other. After the college entrance examination, Jiang Chongde left this life. Kojima, disappeared in the original life.

More than ten years later, when the original body received news of his son Jiang Chongde again, it was after he had subdued the law.

This boy with a high IQ and great talent in chemistry has become a well-known drug lord. He has developed and formulated all kinds of new drugs, and in more than ten years, he has created a wealth of nearly 5 billion.

With that money, he built hundreds of Hope Primary Schools and helped many orphans and widows and children who couldn't afford medical care because of lack of money.

He did many, many good things, but the drugs he developed destroyed many, many families.

He owned countless wealth by making drugs, but he obviously owned so much wealth. When he was arrested, he was living in a rental house in an ordinary community, eating two yuan and fifty cents a box of instant noodles , he couldn't find any extravagant items in the room, and the clothes he was wearing were just the cheapest but very comfortable pure cotton T-shirts on the stall.

With the huge blood-stained wealth, the extremely poor life, and the incalculable sums of money, no one can understand what this drug genius is thinking.

The original body understood.

He wanted to see his son, but Jiang Chongde didn't want to see him. He was willing to give up a lot of clues that the police wanted to know. The only requirement was to pay his grandparents one last visit before being shot.

The original body can only be separated by a long distance, the last time I saw the mature and thin son.

On the day Jiang Chongde was executed, the original body also committed suicide by burning charcoal in the house of his hometown. The father and son died on the same day.

After accepting the memory of the original body, I can only say that he deserved it, because he gave birth to a son and did not raise him, gave birth to a son and did not teach him, a good child, because of him he took the wrong path, this responsibility, he has to take it.

Also, as a son, he was unfilial to his parents, and he had to help his parents take care of his grandson even at his age, as well as endure criticism and criticism from his neighbors.

Being an old man is irresponsible, being a son is not filial, and such a person actually has the nickname of the Bull King. He thinks that it is almost the same as calling him bullshit.

"Please note, host, now the king of cattle is you."

001 appeared out of thin air and said to Jiang Liu.

This choked back Jiang Liuyi's cursing words, yes, at least now in the eyes of the outside world, that unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous bullshit is him.

"What is the mission of this world?"

Jiang Liu casually wiped his face with a towel, and then asked 001, this is the second world, and the task should not be easier than the first world.

"Task 1: Build 100 Hope Primary Schools, and the task completion will be rewarded with 500 points."

"Mission 2: Guide Jiang Chongde to the journey and save the tens of millions of families that have been broken by him. The task will be rewarded with 1,000 points."

Hearing the mission requirements of this world, Jiang Liu was dumbfounded.

"001, do you know how much it will cost to build a Hope Primary School?"

Jiang Liu had no idea of the exact number, but he probably knew that even in a remote mountainous village, the cost of building a primary school would not be less than 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, or even more.

Now he has to earn at least 20 to 30 million to complete this task.

As for guiding his son Jiang Chongde to be kind, this is not a simple matter. Although the old couple is still alive and well, accidents are always possible, and the main factor that causes Jiang Chongde's dark and extreme psychology is not only the death of the old couple, but also the There is the ugly brought by the original bragging.

If he wants to guide Jiang Chongde to be kind, he must first prove that the bulls he has blown out are true. On this basis, he can ease the relationship with his son and thus affect him.

Neither task is easy.

"Host, 001 believes you can do it."

001 is only responsible for cheering, not for making plans.

"Sure enough, there is a famous saying that it's good to brag for a while, Yuanniu Crematorium."

Jiang Liu scratched his head, wishing to pat the mouth of the man in the mirror, but unfortunately this mouth is his now.

"… "

The inside of 001 is a mess of garbled characters. It has searched through all the knowledge that the Lord God has instilled in it, and has not found any famous person who has said similar words. 001, who is in a state of tireless knowledge, is ashamed to ask, and wants to re-update his knowledge base.

"It was said by a man named Jiang Liu who was handsome and smart at the same time."

Jiang Liu answered 001's question cheekily. As for the headache, it's all coming, and he still has to find a way to face it. He rubbed the sore muscles on his cheeks, tugged at the corners of his mouth, and showed a splendid look in the mirror. smile.

System 001:…

I believe in your evil!