The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 221: Autism 14


"Xiao Li, I bought some milk tea snacks. You and Xiao Fang can go to the lounge for some refreshments."

Shan Quan opened the small door of the monitoring room and said to the two program crew members in the monitoring room.

"Director Shan is too polite, it's just the two of us..."

The two people in the room who were originally staring at the surveillance video of the players' dormitories showed surprises on their faces. You must know that the deputy editor and director Shan Quan is not close to chores like them on weekdays, not to mention buying milk tea snacks for them. Today, the sun is hitting the west side. are you out

However, although they were excited about the delicious refreshments, the two did not dare to leave the monitoring room without permission. If the contestants living in the dormitory had a dispute, they did not notice it at the first time, reported it to the program team or stopped it in time, their work may be I can't keep it.

"Don't worry, I'm watching here."

Shan Quan saw their concerns and smiled very kindly.

The deputy editor and director said so. If the two of them refused repeatedly, they would appear ignorant. Therefore, the two staff members did not hesitate any more.

After going to the lounge, the two staff found that the afternoon snacks in Shan Quankou were not only milk tea snacks.

In addition to the milk tea and cakes that girls like, the long table in the lounge is full of spicy and thirteen-flavored crayfish, as well as barbecues in several lunch boxes, as well as duck necks, duck intestines, duck racks and spicy food. Rabbit head and other delicious flavors that are best paired with wine.

As soon as the two stepped into the door of the lounge, they were pulled by good friends from several places. They coaxed and persuaded to drink beer and eat Ma Xiao. .

On the other side, after the two monitoring staff left, Shan Quan took out the memory card and dumped all the monitoring data to his own memory card. Because there were too many surveillance videos, it took nearly an hour and a half to dump them. All the monitoring data is copied.

After doing all this, Shan Quan deleted all the monitoring data in the monitoring room and the door of the monitoring room for the past few days, and then he left with confidence.

A few days later, a edited video quietly appeared on the Internet, attracting the attention of people who are interested.

I don't know who is supernaturally able to get all the surveillance videos that the program team edited into the behind-the-scenes footage, and re-edited a story about the son of music's biggest champion, Xiao Ansheng, indifferently refusing to show favor to other contestants, and going crazy in the dormitory for no reason, suspected of suffering from All fragments of mania.

Different from the fact that the program team only regards Xiao Ansheng's indifference to other players as a propaganda point, in fact, they still value Xiao Ansheng, and do not want to completely damage his image in the hearts of the audience. This re-edited video seems to want to provoke Ordinary audiences and fans of other players dislike Xiao Ansheng.

In the behind-the-scenes footage uploaded by the program group, there may only be one or two acts of Xiao Ansheng rejecting other contestants in the video that lasts for nearly 40 minutes. At the same time, other video images will frequently appear in Xiao Ansheng practicing the piano and quietly composing songs. scene, if say

Xiao Ansheng, who rejects other players, will make people feel indifferent and unapproachable, so Xiao Ansheng, who practices the piano and writes music scores, makes people feel mysterious and elegant for no reason.

Therefore, although there are many disputes about Xiao Ansheng on the Internet, there are still more people who like him than those who hate him.

However, the video recently circulated on the Internet is different. This video, about 20 minutes long, seems to have edited all the surveillance videos of Xiao Ansheng rejecting the favor of other contestants, whether other contestants made hometown snacks and invited him to taste them. It's good, there are still players who are interested in his songs and ask him for advice. Xiao Ansheng always treats other players with a smile on their faces. He doesn't even say a polite thank you. The scene is awkward and pleasant. gas.

The specially edited video shows that Xiao Ansheng is too arrogant and indifferent, and even lacks education. In stark contrast to this is the loss and decent cultivation of other players. Even if he is treated coldly, he still has a gentle attitude. If he gets something good next time, he will still do it. Qi and reluctance want to share with Xiao Ansheng, and want to have a good relationship with this competitor.

After watching this video in its entirety, passers-by's hearts are biased towards other contestants, and the fans of those contestants hate Xiao Ansheng even more, and feel that such a talented but uncharacteristic contestant should not continue to stay in the talent show. , such a person is not qualified to be an idol at all.

Soon, topics such as Xiao Ansheng getting out of the Son of Music and Xiao Ansheng getting out of the entertainment circle appeared on the Internet, and there was a faint trend.


"What's going on, how can the surveillance of the villa spread out!"

The director of Lizitai was furious in the conference room. The management of the TV station and the person in charge of the variety show, Son of Music, gathered in the conference room to accept the reprimand from the director.

As early as when the clipped video appeared on the Internet, the stage had already noticed it. At the beginning, Lizitai wanted to use the relationship to suppress this video, but Lizitai had many competitors. This talent show was very popular in the summer vacation. A lot of cheeses from interest groups have been moved, and many people are interested in watching Lizitai's jokes.

What's more, there seems to be an invisible hand behind it, and Lizitai's hopes were soon lost. This video gained unprecedented attention, and the situation gradually developed rapidly in a direction that Lizitai did not want to see.

The reason why the director of Lizitai was so furious was also because of this incident. He couldn't suppress the video, so he wanted to find the traitor who gave out the surveillance data and spread the fire.

"I asked Xiao Fang and Xiao Li in the monitoring room, and the two were able to corroborate each other, proving that the monitoring data was not transmitted by either of them." Shan Quan said.

Because the players' bedrooms are also equipped with cameras, although the players know the existence of these monitoring, it is inevitable that there will be accidents. There may be scenes where players change clothes and are captured by monitoring. Therefore, the monitoring video program team in the villa attaches great importance to , except for a very small number of people, most of the staff of the program team cannot access these surveillance videos, and personnel such as the director and deputy director only have the right to view the video but cannot copy the video at will.

If the video leaks, the most suspicious person is the staff who sit in the monitoring room all day.

"Is it possible that two people perjured each other? What about the surveillance video in the surveillance room, have you seen it?"

Lizitai was so angry that he didn't fight, and he didn't look good on Shanquan.

"There is nothing wrong with the surveillance footage in the surveillance room."

Shan Quan ignored the surveillance video that he had deleted, and said sternly: "The video is not necessarily circulated by insiders, it may also be a hacker. I think the most important thing now is not to find out the person who copied the video, but to think about it. Know how we should deal with Xiao Ansheng as a player."

Long before preparing to do this, Shan Quan had already thought of a countermeasure.

"What's the meaning?"

The head of Lizitai frowned, Xiao Ansheng is so popular, and he is the most capable of winning the championship among all the players, should the Taili still give up Xiao Ansheng

"Let me show you something."

Shan Quan turned on the projector in the conference room and clicked on several surveillance clips one after another.

Without exception, these surveillance clips are all about Xiao Ansheng losing control and going mad in the villa.

In the picture, Xiao Ansheng is like a maniac patient, frantically smashing all the furnishings he can reach in the villa, the staff next to him wants to stop it, and he is almost hurt by him.

This is a part of Shanquan's plan. He knows Xiao Ansheng's physical condition. Before participating in the competition, Xiao Ansheng's grandma reminded the show team that the other party is very sensitive to time. There may be anxiety and irritability, and if severe, there will be continuous screaming and smashing reactions.

In those days, Shan Quan deliberately asked the staff to postpone Xiao Ansheng's three meals and snacks, and asked the cleaner to throw away the little blanket he brought from home with a familiar smell. In fact, Xiao Ansheng's condition has improved a lot. It is rare for things to get out of control, but it is precisely because of the accumulation of these uncomfortable things that prompted the subsequent outbreaks.

Shan Quanquan knew it well, but the management in the conference room didn't know it. Looking at the uncontrolled player in the surveillance video, all those present frowned, and their expressions were very tangled and solemn.

"I don't know if it is because of the closed filming, but Xiao Ansheng's condition seems to have worsened. I don't think he is suitable for the next filming, because it is difficult to ensure that he will not hurt himself or other players during the recording."

Shan Quan said regretfully: "And there are too many voices against Xiao Ansheng on the Internet now. I think it's better to let Xiao Ansheng retire. Anyway, the show has come to an end, so maybe it can attract another wave of viewers."

"Director Xu, our program is cooperating with Tianyi Entertainment. The final top six players must sign with Tianyi Entertainment. If Xiao Ansheng stays in the program group, his strength will definitely enter the top six, according to his current mental state. , is it still suitable to sign with Tianyi Entertainment?"

Shan Quan smiled bitterly, "Our current shooting time has already accommodated Xiao Ansheng's work and rest, but when he becomes an artist, can we still ask investors and sponsors to accommodate him unconditionally? He simply cannot become a high-quality idol. , but it will become a trouble for Tianyi Entertainment."

His explanation was well-founded, and the station director who was still angry also fell silent. He thought of another thing.

This time Tianyi Entertainment sent two trainees. One of them seems to have something to do with Tianyi's executives and is the default champion. Xiao Ansheng's performance on the stage is too dazzling, and his talent cannot be ignored. People who hate him can't say that his songs are not well written. His limelight has already overshadowed the original champion. If the program team gave the champion's crown to the designated contestant on the day of the final, I'm afraid The outside world will also question the fairness of the program group.

But these executives are a little reluctant to let Xiao Ansheng retire from the competition. After all, half of the popularity of this show is caused by Xiao Ansheng. If he really retires, will the show still have its original popularity

For a time, everyone was in a dilemma.


After a period of fermenting on the Internet, as well as the help of caring people, things finally got out of hand.

In addition to Xiao Ansheng, the more popular players in the show, Son of Music, there are also Wang Yi from the Central Conservatory of Music, who was previously favored by Danquan, and Zeng Qi, a talented singer and dancer secretly supported by Tianyi Entertainment. Although the popularity of the two is slightly different from that of Xiao Ansheng, the popularity of the two combined is not much worse than that of Xiao Ansheng.

Coupled with the fan union of the other top ten players, every day outside the pear station, there are fanatic fans holding banners and sitting in demonstrations, demanding that the program team disqualify Xiao Ansheng from the competition.

These fans’ sit-in demonstrations were reported one after another, and the official media was very dissatisfied with it. Coupled with the private instigation of Radio and Television, the leaders of Lizitai could only reluctantly give up Xiao Ansheng, the “black sheep”, and announced that he was disqualified from the competition.

As soon as the news came out, fans of other players and passers-by cheered, thinking it was a victory of "justice". Some of Xiao Ansheng's loyal fans were very sad about this, and they felt resentful. They didn't understand that it was a talent show, and the selection was still Musically talented and powerful singers have to disqualify each other because of the players' personalities. In their opinion, Xiao Ansheng's withdrawal is the carnival of those players who have no power and no power, and it is the biggest shady scene of the game.

Because of this vigorous scolding battle, the popularity of the show Son of Music has increased again. On the contrary, the fans Jiang Liu has accumulated in this game come and go quickly. Even if there are some loyal fans, they are not. Because he completely faded out of the screen, he gradually had other idols.

From the beginning to the end, Lizitai never thought of explaining Xiao Ansheng and telling the public about his condition, so that he was misunderstood. In this battle of public opinion, other contestants won because they were hot-faced and cold-hearted. The poor guy in the ass, the show team also won, they got the ratings they wanted, but Xiao Ansheng lost the poor, not only was he notorious, but all the results were rejected by the audience.

But for all this, Jiang Liu had expected it.


"Let's go!"

Jiang Liu's luggage was packed, and the villa staff took him to the gate of the community, then turned around and went back.

Only a few high-level officials know about his condition, so in the opinion of this staff member, he has done his best to send an adult Xiao Ansheng to the door. Besides, Xiao Ansheng usually travels alone, and the staff member did not help him call a car Taxi to take him back.

There were a lot of vehicles coming and going at the gate of the community. Jiang Liu quickly stopped a taxi. After getting in the car, he took out the mobile phone returned by the program team and sent a text message to a well-known mobile phone number.

On the other side, Lin Yong stared at his mobile phone with red eyes.

That mysterious person actually contacted him, and the other party actually wanted to see him!

Did he see it or not

More than ten minutes later, Jiang Liu and Lin Yong, who had disguised themselves, entered a dessert shop one after another.

Half an hour later, Lin Yong first came out of the store.

Standing outside the dessert shop, Lin Yong glanced at the sun in the sky, wondering if the sun was too dazzling, he covered his eyes with his hands, and tears slipped from between his fingers unconsciously.


"You are?"

Lu Xiu was learning how to make pig pig buns when the doorbell rang. She wiped her hands with her apron, opened the door, and asked the two women standing outside the house through the security gate.


One of the women took out her police ID card from her pocket, while the other was observing her surroundings.

"You are this?"

Lu Xiu's brows jumped, she didn't understand why the two policewomen came to the door, but she had a bad premonition in her heart.

The two policewomen walked into the room and closed the door.

"We want to take Auntie to a safer place. Auntie, please pack up and come with us."

One of the policewomen said in a deep voice, "This is our captain Lin Yong. Auntie, you should know him. If you don't trust us, let him make a video call with you."

The policewoman turned on her phone and dialed Lin Yong's video call, and this familiar face quickly appeared on the phone screen.

"Ayong, what the hell is going on? Why is my home unsafe? Is it my son-in-law's old grudge? What about An An? He's still participating in the show. Will his dad's enemies find him?"

What Lu Xiu cares about most is her grandson. To put it poorly, she is in her seventies. Even if she is dead now, she has no great regret. But her grandson's life has just begun, and she still thinks about this. The child lives a long time for his parents and himself.

"Don't worry, Auntie, An'an will be fine. Our people have already protected him."

Lin Yong tried his best to put on a relaxed expression, "The most important thing now is you, Auntie, don't worry, I promised the captain that I will protect you."

How dare he tell the truth to this old man, he can only comfort each other as much as possible.

"Is An An really going to be okay?"

Somewhere, Lu Xiu had the urge to cry, but she didn't know where this urge came from.

"Ayong, I have no daughter and son-in-law, so I can't live without An An."

After a long silence, Lu Xiuyan moved her lips and said softly.


Lin Yong responded heavily, as if promising.


"Auntie, where is the owner of this family?"

After learning that Xiao Ansheng had left the villa of the program group, Lu Xiao drove to Xiao's house, but he was touched by someone on the way, which delayed some effort, and it was already evening when he arrived at Xiao's house.

He knocked on the door for a while, but no one answered.

It doesn't make sense, Xiao Ansheng has such a disease, he has no friends, he should go home as soon as the show crew leaves.

Just at this time, the person opposite Xiao's family came out, and he asked that person.

"Oh, you mean Sister Lu, she signed up for a tour group for the elderly, and it is estimated that she will be away for a month or two. As for her grandson, it seems that she participated in some program and is not at home."

The old lady on the opposite side was unprepared.

"Have you joined a tour group?"

Lu Xiao was surprised, that old lady was Xiao Ansheng's only relative, and the other party was not at home, wouldn't it be a chance for him to take advantage of it

He felt that God really was on his side.

Right here, footsteps came from the corridor, and a thin figure appeared from the corner of the corridor. Lu Xiao recognized the person at a glance and couldn't wait to greet him.