The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 222: Autism 15


"An Sheng, I heard the news that you were forcibly withdrawn from the competition by the program team. I originally wanted to negotiate with the program team to keep you, but the program team's attitude was very firm, I'm sorry."

Lu Xiao's eyes were full of light, and he said to Jiang Liu with a sincere attitude.

He knew in his heart that the other party might not have much reaction to his words, but he had to let this autistic child know his attitude.

"I appreciate you very much. In fact, if the program team hadn't forced you to withdraw from the program, I'm very optimistic that you will become the champion of this competition, and I believe that we have a lot of common topics in songwriting. Now your grandma has signed up for a tour group to go abroad. Traveling, I don’t know when I can come back, so let’s go to my place and stay for a while.”

The broadcast time of the show Son of Music is July and August when students have summer vacations. Xiao Ansheng does not need to go to school, and his only relative happened to sign up for a foreign tour group and the return date is uncertain. It is not abrupt for Lu Xiao to make this request. .

"It's almost time for dinner. What would you like to eat? How about the steak? The cream of mushroom soup made by my chef is delicious."

Seeing that Xiao Ansheng's mood was stable and he had no objection to his suggestion, Lu Xiao simply said to himself that he should take the matter, took the duffel bag in Jiang Liu's hand, and took him with a friendly smile and a sincere attitude. Leaving this old apartment building.


When Xiao Ran knew that Lu Xiao kept Xiao Ansheng by his side in the name of taking care of him, it was already several days later.

Xiao Ran is also one of the judges of the show Son of Music, but his career focus is not music, and his original intention is not on this matter, so he doesn't know much about the contestants in the show group, nor does he know Xiao Ran. Anson's specific situation.

All he knew was that he was a very quiet young man who didn't talk much. The other party had an excellent musical talent, and he got into trouble recently, that's all.

Xiao Ran is not a good person who likes to meddle in business affairs. Injustices happen every day in this circle. Xiao Ran has no way to control it, nor can he control it, so Xiao Ran just felt sorry for Xiao Ansheng for a while after he heard the news that Xiao Ansheng was forced to retire from the competition. , put it down soon.

He learned that Xiao Ansheng was taken away by Lu Xiao also because of a coincidence, or a coincidence deliberately designed by someone with a heart.

"Why is Xiao Ansheng here with you?"

Xiao Ran came here after receiving Lu Xiao's invitation. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiao Ansheng sitting in front of the piano in the living room.

The right and wrong about Xiao Ansheng on the Internet some time ago flashed through his mind quickly, and he quickly figured out what was wrong. It seems that this Xiao Ansheng did not offend anyone as he thought, but he showed it. His talent fascinated someone's eyes, so he would not hesitate to use some nasty means to keep people by his side.

Xiao Ran's eyes sank, of course he understood what would happen to those whom Lu Xiao took a fancy to.

Now Lu Xiao trusts him more and more, and Xiao Ran also knows a lot of inside information that he didn't know before.

For example, Lu Xiao built the line for the Xu family brothers Qiangqiao, and was a supplier to many insiders. He often held parties and invited some newcomers who had just entered the circle to tempt them to become addicted to drugs.

Among them, a young girl with a striking appearance and a delicate-looking boy with indistinguishable androgynous appearance are Lu Xiao's main targets.

Many of the "businesses" of the Xu brothers need to clear the relationship. Those beautiful girls and teenagers who are familiar with the fifth or sixth line in the entertainment industry are the best "gifts". They threaten those people with drugs and unbearable photos. Make them either forced or willing to be their puppets.

The more he understands, the more Xiao Ran realizes the horror of the big net behind him.

Power, wealth, independence, sex... These things are intertwined, and weave an airtight protection net for the Xu family's poisonous black empire. He doesn't know how many people are standing behind this net, and how many are there. He is a figure who holds real power in the political and military affairs of China.

Xiao Ran became more and more suspicious that the reason why the cancer of the Xu family brothers could not be removed was because of those protectors whom he coaxed by wealth.

So if he wants to get rid of the Xu brothers completely, he must get the secret ledger in the hands of very few people, and know how many veins have been emptied in the big tree of Huaguo.

He could almost predict what kind of earthquake the country would usher in once the secret list was exposed.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran couldn't help but glance at the young man sitting in front of the piano. For this plan that lasted for more than ten years, for the blood of countless heroes sacrificed in this plan, he couldn't even do anything for the other party.

"Xiao Ange's writing is good. He is quite talented in this area, and I am also eager to cherish it, so I took him to take care of him after knowing that his only guardian was traveling abroad."

Lu Xiao brought a bottle of red wine and two goblets, sat next to Xiao Ran and said casually. Although Xiao Ran has now been included in the scope of his own people, this does not mean that Lu Xiao will tell Xiao Ran everything.

"Look, this is a new song I wrote recently, and Xiao An helped me a lot."

Lu Xiao took out a stack of scores from the coffee table drawer in the living room. These were all created by Jiang Liu, but Lu Xiao put his name on it. The actual lyricist and composer became a little help in his mouth.

Xiao Ran knew the tricks in it without thinking, but he pretended not to know, took over those scores, and praised them seriously.

"I'm an actor, and I don't know about singing, but I also know Brother Xiao's ability. Since it's a song written by you, it must be the best."

Hearing Xiao Ran's praise, Lu Xiao not only did not feel guilty, but laughed a few times, but his smile soon stopped, and his eyes never crossed Jiang Liu who was playing the piano not far away.

"It's a pity that inspiration is fleeting. These days, I have written a total of six songs that I am satisfied with, but if you want to release an album, you must have at least 10-12 songs. This is my comeback work. , I hope that every song is a classic song that can be sung for decades."

It is true that Xiao Ansheng's songs are all excellent, but his writing speed is not fast. Except for those songs that have been sung in the Son of Music arena, there are not many original songs that can be used by Lu Xiao.

In the days when Lu Xiao took Xiao Ansheng to take care of him, the other party only wrote a complete song and a score that had not yet been written. The speed of writing songs was far from meeting Lu Xiao's needs.

What's more, there is still some urgency in his heart. After all, Xiao Ansheng still has a guardian alive, and he is still a student. When the third year of high school starts, he will definitely send him back to school. control will also be weakened.

Lu Xiao wanted to completely control this talented young man and make him his shadow.

"Come on, this is a new item I got from Brother Yao."

Lu Xiao poured a glass of wine for Xiao Ran, then took out a bag of white powder like a conjuration, and threw it into Xiao Ran's hand.

"The wind has been tight recently, and the goods from Brother Yao are not easy to get. You know, there is a lot of demand for these goods in our circle. Recently, there have been more and more calls to me, all asking for I shipped it."

Lu Xiao skillfully took out a set of drug-taking tools, and quickly used those things himself.

"Those bastards are really fed up. They say that drugs are addictive and destroy our body's functions. As I said, the bad thing about drugs is for the poor, like us, who are not short of money, don't Do people who can't afford to smoke drugs need to worry about the dilemma of being addicted to drugs? Besides, for our sake, what kind of enjoyment has not been experienced? Women? Power? Fans' favorite? How can we It can be compared to the ultimate enjoyment of this fluttering, happy like a fairy."

Lu Xiao's line of sight has already begun to be confused, a joy that cannot be described in words fills his brain, and for a moment, he feels that he has ascended to bliss.

This is the temptation of drugs. Why do so many people relapse after quitting drugs? It is because the body has already quit drug addiction, but the brain cannot forget this extreme spiritual joy, and self-control becomes extremely poor. Will still be captured by drugs again.

"Xiao An, are you also interested in this baby? Hahaha, he's a good boy who knows goods, don't say I don't take care of you, Xiao Ran, teach this boy, let him also taste the taste of becoming an immortal."

Lu Xiao's consciousness was no longer sober. He was paralyzed all over, lying on the sofa without any manners. Looking at Xiao Ansheng who stopped playing the piano not far away, an idea jumped into his mind.

Didn't he want to completely control Xiao Ansheng's child, just like he controlled those beautiful girls and teenagers, let him become addicted to drugs, and it would be good to be completely inseparable from the drugs he provided.

And isn't he dissatisfied with Xiao Ansheng's recent songwriting speed? At the beginning, he relied on drug use to enhance his inspiration. Perhaps this trick is also useful for Xiao Ansheng. He can't wait to make a comeback, and the remaining few songs that are far away really make him scratch his ears.

Xiao Ran's heart froze, looking at the man with hazy eyes, tears and snot, and scolded a few words in his heart.

He is about to drag people into the water again!

"Why haven't Annie and the others arrived yet, shit, I can't hold back!"

Along with the high spirits, Lu Xiao's sexual desire was also on the rise. He found a few reliable peripheral girls early, ready to enjoy the double orgasm in sexual matters brought by drug addiction.

Of course, he didn't just think about himself, he also took care of Xiao Ran.

As his voice fell, four beautifully dressed women knocked on the door of the villa. After Xiao Ran opened the door and let them in, he picked up the drug tools scattered on the table and inhaled quickly.

And at this time, Lu Xiao couldn't hold it anymore. When one of the outer girls was attracting fans, he couldn't wait to rip off her skirt. The scene was extremely lewd.

"Brother Ran, you are so handsome!"

A woman with high lust after attracting fans took the initiative to grab Xiao Ran's arm, and couldn't wait to have a relationship with Xiao Ran, but she didn't know why, in the past, she could force herself to be with them for the ultimate goal. Xiao Ran watched this ugly scene indifferently. Xiao Ansheng in the scene felt a little disgusting for no reason.

"I'm not in the mood today, hey, come with me."

Xiao Ran and Lu Xiao are familiar with each other, and the Lu family's villa also has a guest room exclusively for Xiao Ran. He pushed the woman who climbed up to Lu Xiao's side, and then motioned for Xiao Ansheng to follow him upstairs.

The woman's brain was now controlled by drugs, and she didn't think much about it, and joined Lu Xiao and the others in the melee.


"Seventeen? Still a child, the song is well written."

Xiao Ran took the person to his room and took out a disposable syringe from the drawer.

His drug addiction is already very deep. As a public figure, he wants to avoid the appearance of ugly drug addiction when he participates in activities, so it is inevitable to increase the frequency of drug use, especially the most addictive methamphetamine. It got to the point where I couldn't quit.

"Don't like to talk? This circle is not as messy as you think, so go back to study obediently."

Xiao Ran pricked himself with a needle, looked at Jiang Liu who did not speak, and sneered.

He knew in his heart that if he wanted Lu Xiao to trust him more, the best thing he should do now is to give this boy a shot, as if he was coldly watching those boys and girls who wanted to enter this circle being captured by money and vanity, Become a slave to drugs.

For a long time, Xiao Ran comforted himself that it was a decision they made by themselves. For the sake of a more lofty goal, he could not let his more than ten years of layout go to waste for the sake of temporary sympathy and pity.

"Xiao Ran, born in 1984, biological father Xiao Yun, formerly known as Dang Guohua, born in 1960, orphan, 03 student of Yuchuan Military Academy in 1980, dropped out in 1983, and changed his name after that."

Xiao Ran was lying on the bed and closed his eyes, trying to control the excitement brought about by drug addiction. After hearing Jiang Liu's words, he immediately widened his eyes, rolled over from the bed and stood still, staring directly at Jiang Liu.

"Who are you!"

This is Xiao Ran's biggest secret, and no more than five people in the world know this secret.

One is Jiang Cheng, who died long ago, the other is Lin Yong, who inherited Jiang Cheng's informant list, Xiao Ran's mother, and the long-dead chief who initially operated Xiao Ran's biological father, Guohua, to become a police insider.

Besides, it was Xiao Ran himself.

"We are a kind of people, let's get to know each other again. My name is Jiang Liu, and my father's name is Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Liu stretched out his hand to Xiao Ran, the person in front of him was trustworthy and admirable.

Xiao Ran was stunned on the spot. He naturally knew who Jiang Liu was. In fact, his relationship with Jiang Cheng was extraordinary, and it was also about Xiao Ran's biological father, Dang Guohua.

When Xiao Ran was an undercover police officer, he entered the Qinglong Gang, the largest underworld gang at that time, and obtained a lot of useful information for the police, helping the police to destroy several gangs of drug trafficking, prostitution and smuggling.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long. Once, the informant that the police placed in the Qinglong Gang was exposed. After being tortured inhumanly, the informant revealed that there were more undercover police officers in the gang. At that time, Xiao Yun was suspected by some people, for his own sake Bao, Xiao Yun took the initiative to take drugs and executed the informant who was discovered, dispelling his doubts.

It's just that Xiao Yun was taking a newly developed high-purity methamphetamine. Although the opponent was firm in his will, he still couldn't withstand the torment of drugs. Soon his physical condition could not adapt to the undercover work. In addition, the internal turmoil in the Qinglong Gang was at that time. , Xiao Yun completely disappeared from the sight of the police and the Qinglong Gang.

Xiao Yun's former contact person, Jiang Cheng's old boss, received a call from Xiao Yun before his death. It was also at that time that the old director knew that Xiao Yun was secretly married, and his wife was a military academy student in the same class as him. , because he voluntarily dropped out of school and lived in seclusion in a remote town. The two of them met less often and separated more. Xiao Yun's wife gave birth to a son for him, named Xiao Ran.

Originally, the child should be called Dang Ran, but Xiao Yun was worried that the Qinglong Gang would discover the existence of his wife and child, so he simply named his son Xiao Ran. Anyway, for him as an orphan, the child's surname was not that important.

The old director who received the call rushed to Xiao's house, and the situation at that time was very tragic.

Xiao Yun died, and Xiao Yun's wife Fu Hua fell in a pool of blood. She seemed to have been hit in the head while being pushed. Although the rescue was timely, she was still in a vegetative state, and she has not woken up yet.

Xiao Ran was the only one alive and awake, but he was unwilling to restore the truth at the time. The old director had no choice but to ask Jiang Cheng to send the 14-year-old child to an orphanage, while Fu Hua was sent to a professional convalescence. Institutional care.

Later, the old director died in an accident, and Jiang Cheng was the only one who knew Xiao Ran's life experience.

For Xiao Ran, Jiang Cheng is a very special existence. He is also a brother and a father. When the news of Jiang Cheng's sacrifice came, Xiao Ran calmly accepted this fact on the surface, and cried several times in private.

"Are you Jiang Liu?"

Xiao Ran's voice was a little dry. He tried his best to see Jiang Cheng's shadow on Jiang Liu's face, but unfortunately, Jiang Liu was not particularly similar to Jiang Cheng in appearance.

"I don't think I've heard anything that I heard today. After today, leave Lu Xiao for me immediately, and don't get involved in these things."

Putting away the disappointment on his face, Xiao Ran scolded Jiang Liu with raised eyebrows, then opened the bathroom in the bedroom and closed the door.

He didn't doubt whether Jiang Liu and others came to test him, because Jiang Liu told his biggest secret. If Xu Guohui and others knew this secret, they would not let anyone come to test him. According to Xu Guohui's style, only will silence him.

But it was precisely knowing Jiang Liu's identity that Xiao Ran felt extremely embarrassed.

Just now his ugly appearance of taking drugs was seen by Brother Jiang's son. If Brother Jiang was still alive, it would definitely be very sad.

Xiao Ran put a tank of water and immersed himself in the water.

He can't go back anymore, and he absolutely cannot let Brother Jiang's children be the same as him.

Xiao Ran swore silently in his heart.

However, there are some things that Xiao Ran can't stop if he wants to. Jiang Liu has already been involved in these things, and the talent he has shown has made Lu Xiao unable to let go.


"Xiao Ran, you are not being kind!"

After sobering up, Lu Xiao looked at the woman who was not wearing an inch by his side, put on a bathrobe at will, turned upstairs and knocked on Xiao Ran's door.

His eyes tentatively looked at Xiao Ran, who seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and Xiao Ansheng, who was completely intact, sitting on the sofa in the room like a wooden man and looking at the wallpaper, and asked with a smile.

"I found these women specially for you. You didn't like those vulgar fans in the past. It's unreasonable that you don't like them either, right?"

Lu Xiao was a little curious, to know that drugs have always been the best match for sex, but Xiao Ran doesn't seem to have any interest in the women he provided. He has learned from the female partners several times that Xiao Ran prefers it after running out of fans. alone in the bathroom.

At that time, Lu Xiao only thought that Xiao Ran disliked those women for not being clean enough, but now it seems that there is something he doesn't know about.

"Brother Xiao, what should I say?"

Xiao Ran did not miss the suspicion that flashed in Lu Xiao's eyes, he scratched his hair with a wry smile.

"Actually, I'm not interested in women at all."

Of course Xiao Ran is not gay, but he doesn't want to touch those women, so he must have a reasonable excuse.

"You like men!"

Lu Xiao was shocked, he glanced at Xiao Ran, and then glanced at Xiao Ansheng in the room with a very obscure gaze.

Is that so? No wonder Xiao Ran never touches those women.

For the current state of China, homosexuality is still not accepted by the mainstream, especially a positive actor like Xiao Ran, if the fact of homosexuality is exposed, it is likely to become a scandal that destroys his career.

Now that Xiao Ran told him this big secret, does it mean that he can completely trust the other party

Lu Xiao was in a very happy mood, and the energy drained by the four women seemed to have returned.

At this moment, he completely included Xiao Ran into his own category.

As for Xiao Ansheng, as long as the other party can write songs, it is enough. If Xiao Ran really likes him, it is not impossible to use him as a favor.

Lu Xiao's smile became brighter and brighter. Looking at Xiao Ansheng who was brought to his exclusive room by Xiao Ran, he consciously had another handle on Xiao Ran.