The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 227: Loyalty 3



The servants of the General's Mansion were well-trained, and none of them went out to Jiang Liumao Shi. Shen Shi returned to the mansion to express his curiosity. The two little maids who helped Jiang Liu change clothes didn't even dare to lift their heads. They lowered their eyebrows and helped him change his uniform. He also brought hot water to clean his face and hands, without any intention of seducing the master to be a concubine.

You must know that although the original body is already thirty-six, in ancient times he was also an old grandfather, but because of his years of martial arts, he has a strong physique. According to modern women, just looking at the hormones that make people unable to close their legs is bursting. The man who is a man, plus the halo bonus that power brings to men, it is no exaggeration to say that the original body is the object that the maids in the world most want to climb the bed. But as far as the original body's memory is concerned, there has never been a maid who climbed the bed in the general's mansion.

In ancient times, men were the masters of the house and women were masters of the outside world, and the original body spent more time outside. Obviously, the honesty of the servants was all the credit of the mistress.

Thinking of the memories that the original body left him, Jiang Liu couldn't help but have a headache. They are obviously smart and intelligent people, how can they be so clueless when it comes to love

"Where's Madame?"

After Jiang Liu wiped his hands with a clean handkerchief, he asked the little maid in a deep voice.

"The princess has already ordered dinner and is accompanying the lady to have dinner together."

The little maid couldn't help showing a surprised expression, but the steward's mother taught her well, so she quickly restrained her expression and answered the general's question honestly.

However, the little girl couldn't help but slandered in her heart. You must know that the general and the princess have always respected each other like "ice". Since she entered the mansion, she has basically never heard the general take the initiative to inquire about the princess's movements. The same is true for the princess. She looked at her own yard and didn't care whether the general went to her yard.

In other words, the status of the princess is revered, and she is also very powerful. In addition, there is only such a lady in the general's mansion, and there is no maid in the house. If you change it to another mansion, such an unloved wife would have been made slaves long ago. Grind to death.

This little maid serving Jiang Liu should like the princess very much. He was a little happy to hear the general mentioning the princess, for fear that the general would get angry because the princess didn't wait for him to eat, and he said a few more words.

"Miss is young and can't stand hunger, so the princess didn't wait for the general to have dinner together after returning to the mansion."

In fact, the life of the general and the princess has always been separate. On the fifteenth day of the first month of each month, the general will honor the wife and rest in her room. On weekdays, the two of them don't break the water.

Some loyal servants in the mansion looked anxious. Now the general and the princess have only one daughter, and the general is very indifferent to the affair. The general's mansion of Nuoda does not know whether the inheritance will be broken in the general's generation.

"Instruct the kitchen to add a few more dishes, and I'll go to the princess' place for dinner tonight."

It took a long time to absorb the memory. Jiang Liu drank a pot of tea in the teahouse to satisfy his hunger. He was already hungry by now.


The little maid's voice was crisp and cheerful. Today's sun is really coming out from the west. It is rare for generals to set foot in the princess' yard on a day other than the 15th day of the first lunar month. Poor young lady, she is so precious and precious, but she hardly sees the shadow of her father. .

Jiang Liu's order soon reached the princess' Shufang Garden, and the servants in the courtyard were as excited as the little maid when they heard the news.

On the other hand, Princess Chaoyang was stunned for a moment when she heard the news. Then, like no one else, she put a piece of tofu in her daughter Jiang Wu's bowl, and did not stop eating at all, waiting for Jiang Liu to arrive.

"Princess, it's rare for the general to come over to Shufangyuan. This time, don't be angry with the general. Even if it's not for yourself, think about the county master."

The person who spoke was Gui Momo, who was next to Princess Chaoyang. She was the nanny of Princess Chaoyang. She had been by her side since Princess Chaoyang was sensible. This childless woman had long regarded Princess Chaoyang as her own child.

If it was in the past, Madam Gui would not have persuaded the princess to wrong her and flatter a man, but today is different. As long as Jiang Liu thinks, he can overthrow the Yang family and become emperor by himself. Compared with this man who holds great power General, the princess Chaoyang doesn't seem so noble anymore.

Gui Momo had heard of many affairs between the general and the empress dowager, for fear that the general would be seduced by that shameless woman, and the princess would be pitiful at that time.

"Mommy, don't persuade me."

The woman who speaks is different from the women who are highly sought after nowadays. Her appearance is very heroic, perhaps because she has half the blood of the Yi people, her facial features are deep, and her figure is taller and stronger than ordinary women.

Before leaving the cabinet, this Princess Chaoyang was also a wonder of Yanjing. The other party did not like to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. He actually secretly disguised himself and followed General Jiang Xiao to the north to the battlefield, and even made a lot of military exploits on the battlefield as a man.

At the beginning, the first emperor referred Princess Chaoyang to General Jiang, not only because General Jiang's fiancee had become his son's concubine and needed to be appeased, but also partly because Chaoyang got along with General Jiang as a man day and night, and his reputation was hampered. .

At the beginning, the marriage between Princess Chaoyang and General Jiang was also rumored to be a good story. It is a pity that the relationship between the couple was cold after marriage, and it was gradually rumored to be a grudge. On the other side, the third prince who succeeded the throne died of illness. The old lover is under the curtain, which makes the outside world feel that marrying this noble wife is just a last resort, and there is someone else in her heart.

Fortunately, Princess Chaoyang is also an open-minded person. If a man is disobedient, he just keeps a dog who likes to eat out. She guards her own courtyard and takes care of her daughter.

Seeing that the princess had a big idea, the old mama didn't like her persuasion, so she could only hold back her words and pray that the princess could figure it out soon.


When Jiang Liu came over after washing up, Chaoyang and his daughter Jiang Wu had stopped eating, and Chaoyang was carefully wiping her daughter's mouth and hands with a clean handkerchief.


Children always have admiration for their parents. Regardless of their relationship with her husband, Chaoyang will never increase her personal emotions in the education of her children. On the contrary, she will tell her daughter that her father What a heroic general, he led the soldiers to defend the territory of the Yan Dynasty, he is a hero.

Therefore, she always admires the uncommon father Jiang Wu, although sometimes she is also afraid of the unsmiling and sullen father, but she still expects more than fear.

Counting the time, Jiang Wu hadn't seen her father for seven days. She broke free from her mother's hand and rushed to Jiang Liu happily. Just as she was about to hug her father's thigh, she thought of her mother's teaching and stopped in time. , convert this somewhat presumptuous action into a respectful greeting.

"Good day Daddy."

The little girl's eyes were big and round, wide open, smart and playful, as if she was waiting for her father to praise her manners.

"Wuwu is good."

Jiang Liu's limbs are stiff, this is the emotion that the original body left him.

When this daughter was first born, the original body was very excited, such a soft mass made him at a loss, always worried that he would crush the child with a little force.

The original body is not a person who can express emotions. His helplessness is regarded as dislike for this child. Even Chaoyang thinks that he is unhappy that he has given birth to a daughter, and the relationship between the couple has become more indifferent.

After Jiang Wu was a little older, the original body wanted to get close to this daughter, but the original body was a great general who had killed countless enemies on the battlefield. As soon as he approached the child, the evil spirit in his body could scare the child to tears. Wu did not get close to this father, but was very resistant to the original body's approach.

Seeing his daughter who was crying as soon as he approached, Yuan was even more flustered and distressed. In order to prevent her from crying, he only dared to sneak a few glances at her daughter after she fell asleep, touched her little hand, and kissed her. her little face.

Perhaps it was the memory of this period that affected the original body. Even if Jiang Wu was sensible now and willing to approach this father, the original body would still subconsciously panic when his daughter approached, for fear that the next second, the daughter would be scared by him again. Cried.

Jiang Wu looked at Daddy expectantly, why was there only one compliment, shouldn't Daddy touch her head like Mother did

"Why did the general come here today?"

Chaoyang couldn't bear his daughter's disappointed expression, got up and walked to her side, and asked Jiang Liu in a deep voice.

"You are my wife, isn't it reasonable for me to come over for dinner?"

Jiang Liu sat on the edge of the dining table, took the meal served by the maid, and ate it up.

The original body eats a lot, and Jiang Liu is really hungry. After eating eight bowls of rice, he barely feels seventy percent full. Jiang Wu also forgot the loss just now, stared wide-eyed and stretched his fingers to calculate that Daddy had eaten. After a few bowls of rice, after counting, there were little stars in his eyes, and his mouth was open in admiration.

Chaoyang did not prevent her daughter from getting close to her father. She only thought that Jiang Liu was exhausted today, so she would come here on a day other than the 15th day of the new year.

Just thinking that Jiang Liu would most likely stay in her room at night, Chaoyang couldn't help frowning.

Sure enough, after the meal, Jiang Liu chose to stay in Shufang Garden according to the words of Mama Gui. The maids in Shufang Garden happily prepared the bath water for their masters, while Chaoyang coaxed their daughter to sleep, dawdling and unwilling. Reluctantly, he went to the bedroom.