The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 229: Loyalty 5


"Master, please calm down, don't forget your real mission in this world."

After getting along with so many worlds, 001 has long since developed the ability to detect his true thoughts from Jiang Liu's subtle expressions. The corner of Jiang Liu's mouth just rose slightly, and 001 felt that the current in his body was rushing around. This good host must have thought of something and a way to face the task.

There are two tasks in this world. The first task is the wish made by the original body. The most regrettable thing in his life is not to die in the hands of the emperor he taught, and it will be bad for thousands of years. He just regrets that he and his wife are strangers. The only daughter is also not very close to him.

When he was still alive, his wife and daughter still had his protection, but after his death, the new emperor would definitely not let his daughter with half of his bloodline go in order to cut down the grass.

As for the wife, the relationship between the new emperor who succeeded the throne is only the direct son of Princess Chaoyang's half-brother, and the relationship between the other's biological father and Chaoyang is still weak, not to mention his nephew who has hardly got along with Princess Chaoyang. I am afraid that after the new emperor takes power, The fate of Princess Chaoyang was also extremely tragic.

Yuanshen only hoped that Jiang Liu could protect his children, at least in their lifetime, without any suffering.

This task 001 did not feel embarrassed, but what made 001 embarrassed was the second task issued by the Lord God.

In the last life, Yuanshen had a very bad reputation. The brothel Chuguan sang plays with him as a clown. In front of the ancestral temple of the Yang imperial family, a statue of Yuanshen was placed in front of the ancestral temple of the royal family. Kneeling, these dramas and the words based on the original body, as well as the statue in front of the Yang family's ancestral hall, have been passed down from generation to generation. This is not the spread of a positive image.

The mission of the Lord God is to let Jiang Liu reverse the historical image of the original body, so that when people mention the original body, they will only think of loyalty, justice, benevolence and righteousness.

In 001's view, the task of the Lord God is not difficult to complete. As long as Jiang Liu takes the initiative to delegate power after the young emperor is in charge, An Anxin can complete this task very well when he is a pure minister, so he just learned about this world at the beginning. 001 didn't worry about the story and the two missions. In his opinion, the 6000 points in this world were at his fingertips.

But it forgets that its host always loves to oppose the main god, and the tasks that it can easily complete in its view may not be the tasks that the host is willing to complete.

Obviously this time the host is not willing to be a pure minister, but if he really rebels, how can he leave a loyal and righteous image in the historical records? 001 feels that this time the second task has a high chance of meeting fail.

But after thinking about it, if the mission fails this time, the host will only be deducted three times the reward points, at most, the time to collect the points will be extended. a good thing.

Thinking of this, 001 did not persuade him any more, wishing that the host would travel a few more worlds.

"I can't forget, my memory is good."

Jiang Liu corrected the memorial and sneered.

Loyalty, righteousness and justice, as everyone knows, history is written by the victors.


"His Majesty!"

In the Hall of Virtue, an old voice came.

I saw an old man with white hair looking at a panicked child with a gloomy expression, his face full of hatred. This old man was the emperor Lin Xun, and the one with a terrified face was the nine-year-old emperor Yang Kangyi.

"Is the policy that the old minister gave His Majesty yesterday really written by His Majesty?"

Lin Xun held a stack of policy theories in his hand. He was the teacher of the little emperor, so he naturally knew that the real level of the little emperor could not write such exquisite articles.

Compared with the little emperor's stupidity and mediocrity, Lin Xun couldn't accept the little emperor's stubbornness and not seeking to make progress. If it weren't for the restriction of his status, I am afraid that at this moment Lin Xun would like to directly use the ruler to teach the little emperor a good lesson.

"Of course I wrote it myself."

The little emperor's answer was a little out of breath. He lowered his head, and no one saw the impatience and anger in his eyes.

He is the emperor, everyone should respect him and support him, but he is really a useless emperor. There is a river above the court who controls the government. Any decree must pass through the other party. It's not good either, otherwise, I wouldn't point at his nose to question him like this, and I wouldn't leave him any face.

Lin Xun didn't know what the little emperor was thinking, if he knew, I'm afraid he would have to die in his heart.

"Okay, I want to ask your Majesty how you view the former emperor Chongming, the emperor of the dynasty?"

Seeing that the little emperor refused to admit it, Lin Xun simply asked the question on the spot. The policy theory he arranged yesterday was related to Emperor Chongming. If the policy theory was really written by the little emperor himself, he should be able to answer it.

"I, I..."

The little emperor's eyes dodged, and he spoke hesitantly.

"Emperor Chongming was debauched and immoral, and he was not a good emperor. That's why he defeated the previous dynasty."

The little emperor thought, there should be no problem with his answer, but his answer is too simple, and it is not on the same level as the strategy he submitted.

Hearing the little emperor's answer, Lin Xun was very disappointed. Even if it was a policy theory written by someone, if the little emperor could memorize the policy theory before handing it over to him, he would have learned something, but he also made people Lin Xun was even more angry when he helped write the policy theory, but refused to read what was written in the policy theory.

"If Your Majesty doesn't study well, it must be because the people around you are not dedicated enough."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and thought silently in her heart, this is His Majesty, the Emperor of the Yan Dynasty, he can't punish him like ordinary students, but he can't punish His Majesty, it doesn't mean he will let it go.

There are four companions around the little emperor. These four companions are the nephew of the little emperor's biological mother, Princess Rong, the grandson of another old prince in the royal family, and the sons and grandsons of two prestigious civil servants in the court. People would go to the palace every day to accompany the little emperor to study together, and the relationship is very good, especially the cousin of the little emperor's mother concubine's family, who is highly trusted by the little emperor.

Lin Xun thought, he can't punish the little emperor, but he can punish the few companions around the little emperor. He has to let the little emperor have a long memory and know that he is past the age where he can play.

As an imperial teacher, Lin Xun had the ability to punish the four companions. With a straight face, he took out a ruler and slapped the palms of the four companions ten times.

Lin Xun showed no mercy, the four pampered little sons shed tears in pain, their palms were so swollen that they couldn't even close their hands after being beaten.

"Your Majesty, do you know what's wrong?"

After punishing the companion, Lin Xun asked the little emperor with a serious look.

"I knew I was wrong."

The little emperor was afraid and angry, he lowered his head and hated Lin Xun.

"Your Majesty knows what's wrong."

Lin Xun put the delicate policy theory aside and continued today's homework.

Everyone said that Jiang Liu was ambitious and deliberately set up a young emperor in an attempt to monopolize the government, but Jiang Liu never intervened in teaching the young emperor.

Lin Xun was a veteran of the late emperor's reign. He was a bit old-fashioned and was very loyal to the Yang family. The original body simply handed over the education of the little emperor to Lin Xun.

And Lin Xun did not live up to the expectations of the original body. He took great pains in the education of the little emperor, and hoped that the little emperor could regain the imperial power of the Yang imperial family after the big marriage. Besides himself, Lin Xun has the cheek to invite many people who have retired. The great Confucian came out of the mountains and taught the teachings for the little emperor.

Lin Xun's teachings to the little emperor are very strict. At the end of each morning, the reading officer will accompany the little emperor to read the Four Books, Five Classics, and historical books. For all the books he has read, Lin Xun requires the little emperor to be able to recite it proficiently after three days. One day, Lin Xun asked the little emperor to write 100 characters, and he did not stop in the severe cold and heat.

After the little emperor was eight years old, Lin Xun set up another course for the little emperor, teaching the experience of the emperor in governing the country.

Some time ago, the little emperor studied "Tongjian Jie Yao", which taught the reasons for the change of the emperor's previous dynasties and evaluated the rise and fall of history. Lin Xun also specially compiled the book "Di Fan" for the little emperor. The twelve chapters of pro-kinship, seeking meritocracy, adjudicating officials, accepting remonstrance, eliminating slanderers, admonishing profit, advocating frugality, rewarding and punishing, farming, reading martial arts, and advocating essays are all compiled in this book.

Lin Xun was afraid that the little emperor would not be able to understand these profound things, so he would like to break it apart and smash it to the little emperor. Unfortunately, he is a good teacher, but the little emperor may not be a good student.

Human talent is limited, and the little emperor was not a smart person. He spent three days fishing and two days drying the net in his studies. No matter how good the teacher was, it would be of no use to him. The emperor's policy theory, even the little emperor can't learn it.

In fact, Lin Xun may not know this, but for an old-fashioned and loyal minister like him, since Yang Kangyi has already sat on the throne, no matter how mediocre he is, they must fulfill their responsibilities as a minister.

What's more, there is still a wolf-like ambition, Jiang Liu, who is staring at him, making Lin Xun's mood even more urgent.

This class was really unpleasant. In two hours, I could often hear the whispering sobbing of the four companions. The little emperor was not focused on his studies, but he was refreshed when Lin Xun Liwei first started. For most of the class, his mind had already flown to the crickets that his cousin brought him.

After the morning class, Lin Xun gave the little emperor another homework, and the little emperor answered absentmindedly, but he thought about it in his heart, and then he would leave these uninteresting homework to his companions to complete.

"This old man Lin is really arrogant and domineering, and he actually dares to scold you, Your Majesty."

As soon as Lin Xun left, the companion next to the little emperor immediately complained.

Xu Zijie is the nephew of the little emperor's biological mother, Princess Rong. Ever since the little emperor was promoted from a direct son of a palace to the emperor, the Xu family has risen with the tide.

It's a pity that the little emperor was adopted under the name of the late emperor who had no heir, and was no longer the son of Princess Rong in name. In order to win the heart of the future emperor, Princess Rong tried her best to send her own nephew to her son's side. Every day, he talked about his real life experience in his ear, so that the little emperor would not forget her and the Xu family.

Since it was flattering, Xu Zijie naturally followed the little emperor's mind everywhere. In Xu Zijie's view, the emperor was already the supreme position. Even if his cousin didn't study, it didn't matter. I don't want the little emperor to get close to Lin Xun and other old ministers more than their direct relatives. Sometimes Xu Zijie will sow discord in front of the mentally deficient little emperor. The purpose is to make the little emperor rely more on their Xu family.

"Hmph, that old man Lin Xun, after I take the lead, the first imperial decree will let him retire and return to his hometown."

In front of Xu Zijie and others, the little emperor finally had the domineering of an emperor. He looked arrogantly and arrogantly outside the house and said, "And that river, I will definitely not let him go."

Mammy said, Jiang Liu and Lin Xun are both insiders, and these people are oppressing him, the emperor, obviously he is the only person in the whole Yan Dynasty who can tell the truth, but the two are more powerful than the other. , it seems that he is the same emperor as a puppet.

"Don't worry, you have suffered for me today, and in the future, when I am in power, I will definitely compensate you."

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the four companions, the little emperor did not hesitate to promise that he still needed these four people to complete the homework assigned by Lin Xun for him, and he had to give them a bit of thin noodles.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xu Zijie and others were somewhat disapproving. After all, the current little emperor does not have any real power, but who can say for the future? The little emperor is now nine years old. It's time to find him a queen with a powerful wife and clan, and it is a matter of course for the new emperor to govern himself. Does that Jiang Liu dare to hold the government? Even if he holds a heavy army, he can't stop the mouth of the world.

Therefore, when they heard the promise of the little emperor, Xu Zijie and others were still happy. They were coaxing the little emperor now, so that they could become the little emperor's confidant, be reused in the future, and revitalize the family.


"How stupid."

Everything in the Hall of Virtue was passed down to the Chonghe Palace where Xiao Ruyi was. At this time, she was eating the grapes peeled by the maid with a sarcastic smile on her face.

But that's exactly what she wanted to see.

For this cheap son, Xiao Ruyi did not show any kindness. After all, it was not her own blood. Seeing such an idiot sitting on the throne that should belong to her son, Xiao Ruyi felt that the other party was occupying the magpie's nest.

Because it is Yang Kangyi's nominal first-mother, the palace maids, eunuchs and grandmothers who are serving Yang Kangyi are all given by Xiao Ruyi. She makes these people hook the little emperor and do not learn well, in order to have a well-deserved and justifiable person in the future. reason to depose him.

In Xiao Ruyi's opinion, it's good for the little emperor to be a puppet, but if he has his own ideas as a puppet, it will be very bad.

In this way, the stupid Yang Kangyi of Tianjing Capital has become even more rotten and invulnerable under the training of the day after tomorrow, and even a great Confucian like Lin Xun can't be saved.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Yi'er is already nine years old."

Xiao Ruyi murmured that as the little emperor grew older, the calls for the emperor to govern himself became louder and louder, even though Lin Xun and others knew that this little emperor could not bear the burden of being a king of a country.

But who made the family name Yang, the name is justified, no matter how inconsistent it is, there are many people who support it.

Xiao Ruyi didn't want to see the picture of the little emperor in charge, but she also understood that as the little emperor got older, the voice would only get louder and louder. After the little emperor got married, even her regent queen mother There is no right to stop.

"Nine years, nine years old, time really waits for no one..."

Xiao Ruyi's voice was a little ethereal. She looked down at her belly. Jiang Liu's attitude over the years made her a little confused, but some time ago, the other party didn't reject her hug, which gave her a glimmer of hope.

If, if she could be pregnant with each other's flesh and blood...

She couldn't help but have a bold idea.

If it succeeds, will Jiang Liu, who has a son, really leave this big country behind

Although the days of becoming the queen mother were wonderful, but the palace was lonely and Xiao Ruyi didn't mind becoming the queen again.

"The general hasn't come for a long time."

Xiao Ruyi sighed softly. She often used the little emperor's schoolwork as an excuse to call Jiang Liu into the palace. The hug some time ago made her realize that Jiang Liu still loved her deeply, so she froze the other party for a few days.

Now it seems that she should pursue the victory and confirm her relationship with Jiang Liu.

Thinking of the other party's generous chest, Xiao Ruyi's face got a touch of Feixia, and her body became a little hot.



In the middle of the night, a shrill cat meow suddenly sounded in the general's mansion. Chaoyang was originally a light sleeper, but he woke up immediately after this cat meow.

"Auspicious, what time is it now?"

There was only a dim candle in the room, and Chaoyang felt a little thirsty, so he simply called the maid who was sleeping outside to pour water.

"If you go back to the princess, now is the ugly time."

Today, Chaoyang's maid Jixiang is in charge of the night. After hearing the rustling in the princess' room, she quickly put on a blouse and came in to serve.

"When did the house have cats?"

Chaoyang took a sip of warm tea and asked suspiciously.

"I haven't heard of any servant raising a cat. Maybe it's a wild cat that came in from outside. Do you want someone to drive the wild cat away and disturb the princess and the princess?"

"That's not necessary."

Chaoyang just asked casually, those wild cats and dogs are not easy to survive, and they may have just strayed into the general's mansion today, why bother to chase them away.

She knew that those rough old women and servants in the house, if she really ordered, I am afraid that the wild cat will only end up being beaten to death, which is also a sin.

"Is the county lord disturbed by the meowing of cats?"

But the auspicious words still reminded Chaoyang that her daughter has always been arrogant and a little angry when she woke up. If she was disturbed by a cat meowing while she was sleeping, she would probably cry again.

Chaoyang thought, anyway, he has been woken up, why don't he go to his daughter's room to have a look, and by the way, see if her daughter kicked the quilt.

Jiang Wu was still young and did not have his own independent courtyard. Now he still lives in the side courtyard of Shufang Garden. Chaoyang only needs to walk a short distance to get there, so she just let the servant girl wear a smock and prepare to go to see her daughter. Come back and take a break.

Because he was just going to take a look, Chaoyang didn't alert the other servants, but quietly walked to the side yard next door with auspiciousness.

The side yard was quiet, and there was no candle light. Chaoyang's heart was quiet. It seemed that the cat meow just now did not wake up his daughter.

"These nurses and maids slept too dead."

Although it is light and simple, but at least two big living people have come over, why are the servants in charge of the night watch in the county master's yard so silent

Jixiang complained in a low voice that the maids who were watching the night could not sleep, because the maids had to wait for the master's orders at any time, especially the servants who were serving in the small county master's house. If they fell asleep, the small county master would drink water in the middle of the night. Going to the toilet, the sound is low, how can I wake them up

Chaoyang looked at the sleeping maidservant who was dying, and couldn't help frowning. These people around her daughter should really take care of them. If she hadn't suddenly come to her daughter's side yard in the middle of the night to take a look, I'm afraid she wouldn't have known this. People are so unsympathetic to their daughters.

"There seems to be someone in the house."

As they got closer, the movement in the house became clearer, and Jixiang vaguely heard the babbling of the little princess and a slightly low voice of coaxing.

She only thought that some of the servant girls who served the little princess were still alert, and she was serving in the little princess' room at the moment.

Chaoyang also heard these sounds, her brows stretched a little, and she accelerated her steps into the room.

"Don't be afraid, A Wu is good."

The deep voice almost turned into water.


The sleeping little girl was obviously still startled by the cat's meow, and whispered, but she did not wake up completely, and gradually calmed down with the low coaxing sound.

This voice was obviously not the voice of a maid, but a male voice. Chaoyang frowned, and didn't relax until he saw the person beside the bed.

"why you?"

After seeing the person sitting beside his daughter's bed, Chaoyang's mood was instantly complicated.

Didn't he dislike the daughter she gave birth to, why would he appear in her daughter's room in the middle of the night and coax the child with a gentle tone she had never heard before

Obviously the other party didn't expect her to appear suddenly, and the whole person froze.


Jixiang followed behind Princess Chaoyang and saw Jiangliu appearing in the room of the little princess. She couldn't help exclaiming. Like the princess, she never thought that the general would appear in the room of the little princess in the middle of the night. Patiently coaxing the little princess.

"Can't sleep in the middle of the night, just walk around."

Jiang Liu's tone was a little stiff, "A Wu seems to be frightened by a wild cat, but he is sleeping soundly now."

This explanation is a bit lame. Couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night and just walked around to the room of his daughter, whom he didn't pay much attention to

"Cough, since there is nothing to do, I should go too."

Jiang Liu got up and subconsciously helped his daughter tuck the quilt, which made Chaoyang ponder.

"It's so late, General, why don't you stay and rest."

For some reason, Chaoyang subconsciously retained a sentence, and soon she realized that she was not that close to the other party, and she was afraid that her proposal would be rejected by the other party.


To Chaoyang's surprise, Jiang Liu agreed.

He got up and left his daughter's room, with a straight face, his entire body was rigid, and he was probably still immersed in the embarrassment of being caught, and he didn't even notice that he was walking on the same hands and feet.

"General... it seems a little weird..."

"It's like being ashamed..."

Jixiang couldn't help but mutter a few words in the princess' ear, this is not like a general in normal times.

Chaoyang thought the same thing. She hadn't figured out the real reason why Jiang Liu appeared in her daughter's room in the middle of the night, but looking at Jiang Liu who was walking on the same hand, she suddenly felt that her husband was a little cute.

Bah, this must be her illusion.


That night, Jiang Liu directly stayed at Shufang Garden, and everyone in the General's Mansion who heard the news the next day was stunned. This was the second time this month that the General stayed in the Princess's courtyard on a day other than the 15th day of the first lunar month. Is it really going to be sunny in the main courtyard

The happiest is to count Gui Momo, who is smiling all day.

After breakfast, Chaoyang gathered all the maids and maids who were serving by his daughter Jiang Wu. The maids who were in charge of the night watch last night bore the brunt of the blame.

"His Royal Highness, the princess, I really don't dare to neglect the princess."

The maids were also wronged and kept begging for mercy.

"Don't dare to neglect, then why did the maids in charge of the night watch all sleep like dead pigs when the princess and I went to the county owner's house last night, and even the general and us didn't wake up when we came?"

The auspicious questioning made several maids speechless.

"Slaves and servants really don't dare to slack off, but I don't know why, sometimes I fall asleep inexplicably, and my whole neck is sore after waking up."

A little girl said hesitantly.

In fact, she is not the only one who has such an experience. Many of the servants who serve the little princess have had similar experiences to her. At first, everyone didn't think much about it, but they thought it was too tired to watch the night and fell asleep without saying a word. It's ripe, and because I didn't sleep on the bed, I woke up feeling sore all over, especially the neck supporting my head, as if I had been slapped.

Later, there were many such experiences, and there were some bad rumors among the maids. Some people said that they might have encountered unclean things, but ghosts and gods have always been tabooed by the powerful, and the little maids only dared to privately He murmured, but did not dare to report the matter to the steward or the princess.

"Sore neck?"

Chaoyang was stunned for a while, she walked to the side of the talking maid, pulled down the collar of her clothes, and glanced at the back of her neck.

It was slightly red and swollen, but it was not conspicuous. Chaoyang was also a martial artist, and at first glance, it was obvious that they had been knocked out by someone with skillful energy, so they died like sleeping.

For the first time, Chaoyang thought of the man who appeared in his daughter's room inexplicably yesterday. Could it be him

Listening to the voices of the maids, it was not the first time that such a thing had happened. What the hell did that man want to do? He didn't dare to accompany his daughter openly during the day, and at night, he sneaked into his daughter's room. He was quite proficient at the action of tucking the quilt.

Chaoyang couldn't help but pursed his lips, and became more and more confused about what kind of person the person beside him was.

Thinking of Jiang Liu who was walking on the same arm last night, she had a ridiculous guess in her heart. Could it be that the other party was shy? But what's so shy and uneasy about getting along with your own daughter

In the end, Chaoyang punished the servants who served the servants last night for three months' salaries, and ordered the servants who served the night watch beside his daughter to rotate every two hours. The replacement can also be found in time.

This punishment is not heavy. The maids who were worried about being sold by the princess breathed a sigh of relief, and felt grateful in their hearts. With this lesson, they would never dare to take chances in the future, swearing that as long as there is something strange If the situation occurs, report it to the supervisor immediately.


After catching her husband sneaking into her daughter's room in the middle of the night, Chaoyang has another hobby, which is to observe her husband.

The frequency of the other party's visits to Shufangyuan has increased. He used to only come here on the 15th day of the first lunar month, but now he will come at least seven or eight times a month. Of course, the days he stays overnight are still those days, and most of the other trips come here. After a dinner, when it is time to rest, he will still go to the front yard.

Such a change seems to have started after she stepped up the vigil in her daughter's room.

Chaoyang used to be cold to this man, and she hadn't observed this man well since she got married, but these days she has put her mind on the man again, which made her see a lot of doubts that she had ignored before.

For example, Jiang Liu has never hugged her daughter. In the past, she only regarded her as her husband and did not get close to the child, but after careful observation, she could find that every time her daughter acted coquettishly to him, his body and movements were stiff, not like resistance. , it seems that he is afraid that he is clumsy and hurts the child.

Sometimes it is precisely because I like it too much, so I am tied up, and Jiang Liu's performance just confirms this.

Chaoyang couldn't help but think back to when his daughter was younger, as soon as Jiang Liu approached her, he would cry, what was the other's expression at that time? Regret, apprehension, loss

Is it possible that he actually loves A Wu's daughter very much, but he just thinks that her daughter doesn't like him, because she is afraid that the blood on her body will scare her, so she only dares to surreptitiously see her, kiss her and hug her after her daughter falls asleep

Chaoyang was frightened by her bold guess. Is the man she imagined really her smart, courageous, and fearless husband

But I have to say, since having such a guess, Chaoyang's mood is much happier. After all, as a mother, she naturally hopes that her daughter will be favored by both parents.

The daughter gradually grew up and became sensible. Under her guidance, her daughter was very fond of this father, but on the face of it, Jiang Liu was not close to her daughter. Chaoyang always wanted to improve the situation between their father and daughter, and now this guess made her see There was a glimmer of dawn, and he was not so resistant to the arrival of Jiang Liu.

Sometimes when my daughter learned a new piece of music and embroidered a new purse, Chaoyang would take the initiative to ask her maid to invite Jiang Liu to have dinner at Shufang Garden.

This seems to be a good signal. In the eyes of the servants in the general's mansion, the general and the princess seem to have returned to the time of their wedding, and their relationship has gradually begun to become harmonious.



There was a big orange cat in the front yard of the General's Mansion. I don't know where this orange cat came from. One day, it avoided the servants in the front yard and sneaked into the general's study.

Fortunately, the general had a good temper, so he didn't dare to leave the gluttonous fat cat, but instead kept the fat cat in the front yard.

Now this fat cat can be called moisturizing, he can eat the freshest fish every day, and there is a servant who specially picks thorns for this cat ancestor. When basking in the sun, it is like spreading a pie on the ground.

At this moment, the cat ancestor was lying on Jiang Liu's lap. Jiang Liu held the military book in one hand and followed the cat's ancestor's hair with the other. The big fat orange cat purred comfortably.

His mind was not on the military book and the fat cat, Jiang Liu thought of the princess' softened attitude and couldn't help but chuckle.

In fact, the problem between the original body and the princess is very simple to solve. Both the original body and her are wrong in not communicating or explaining this, especially the original body, who has done a lot of things, but never let the people who should know the most know about it.

Now he just turned the original body's boring show into a bright show, so that the princess could perceive the privately unknown side of the original body, and the problem would naturally be solved slowly.

However, the freezing three feet is not a day's cold. Jiang Liu did not directly start with the couple's relationship, but chose the child that his wife cared about the most, slowly lowered her vigilance, and guided her to actively discover those secrets she didn't know before. .


The fat cat rolled over comfortably, revealing a white belly, waiting for the master to smoothen his hair.

Jiang Liu's movements became more gentle, and his attention gradually turned to the military book in his hand.

In the face of absolute power, the so-called conspiracy and conspiracy are all jokes. Sometimes, simple and direct means can solve all problems. Of course, the premise is that you Strong enough.

The strength of the original body is the military power in his hands. As long as he wants, he can overthrow the dynasty of the Yang imperial family at any time.

It's just that the Lord God has left him with a reputation for being loyal and righteous. The corners of Jiang Liu's mouth are slightly raised, and it is quite interesting to be the first traitor and thief who has been praised for rebelling in history.

The author has something to say: Remarks: "Emperor Fan" was written by Li Shimin, which is borrowed here