The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 231: Loyalty 7


"His Majesty's tenth birthday has passed, and it's time for him to govern."

At the banquet for the tenth birthday of the little emperor, when the preparations were staggered, a minister suddenly stood up and said aloud, his corner of the eye was paying attention to Jiang Liu's quietness. In their opinion, this ambitious general king would never agree. , But they were also fully prepared, no matter what excuse Jiang Liu used to refuse, this time it was not right and he would not let him retreat.

"Your Majesty's recent studies have been completed well. According to the old minister's opinion, it's time to get in touch with government affairs."

Lin Xun followed and got up, "The general is a person who marches and fights, so naturally he should know the truth that what comes out on paper is shallow at the end."

This old fox directly threw the problem to Jiang Liu. As a famous general, he should know that the most taboo in marching and fighting is to talk about soldiers on paper. There is no difference between being an emperor and being a general. Neither can be done by perfecting theoretical knowledge alone. The young emperor is not too young. , it's time for him to get in touch with government affairs.

"Aijia doesn't think so."

Xiao Ruyi spoke before Jiang Liu.

Today is a state banquet, which is different from the court meeting. As the queen mother, Xiao Ruyi doesn't need to sit behind the curtain. Today, she dressed up well. Although she is a widowed queen mother, she shows the charming charm of a mature woman.

It was just because Lin Xun and the others' unpleasant remarks destroyed her graceful bearing, with a trace of cruelty between her brows and eyes, and angrily dismissed the opinions of Lin Xun and others.

"The emperor is still a child. Wouldn't it be a joke to let the emperor have access to government affairs with the livelihood of the people and my Yan Dynasty?"

Xiao Ruyi said sternly, "There is no need to mention it at this time. After the emperor's wedding, the Aijia and General Jiang will naturally let the emperor govern."

These immortals really don't make people worry, and now they can still use the emperor's age as an excuse to suppress them, but after the emperor's wedding, what other reason can he use? It seems that his plan has to be accelerated. .

"Empress Dowager, please forgive the offense. Since ancient times, the harem has not been allowed to do politics. Are you trying to imitate the former Empress Dowager Gao, the chicken Sichen?"

A lean official stood up. He pointed at the Queen Mother Xiao and said impassively: "Your Majesty's pro-government is the orthodox. The minister knows that the words of the minister today are outrageous. If you offend the Queen Mother, let the Queen Mother deal with it!"

His remarks can be said to be not vicious. Who was the Empress Dowager Gao in the previous dynasty? She was a woman who even killed her own son. It can be said that the decline of the previous dynasty was caused by this ambitious empress dowager.

Now, when he compares Xiao Ruyi with the former Empress Dowager Gao, is he trying to say that Xiao Ruyi is unwilling to let go of power, or that he wants to say that the Yang family's country will also be defeated by her Xiao Ruyi's hands.


Xiao Ruyi was immediately pissed off and wished she could drag the talkative official to beheaded now, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't do that, otherwise her reputation would be ruined if the historian recorded this. .

"Master Jiang, what do you think?"

Lin Xun didn't want to break his own people like this, so he simply kicked the ball in front of Jiang Liu. Anyway, from the beginning to the end, this queen dowager who is under the curtain is just a vase-like figure. Whether the little emperor can be in charge of the government depends only on Jiang Liu's consent.

"Master Jiang, please think twice for the sake of the Yan Dynasty."

Xiao Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief. From her point of view, Jiang Liu's thoughts were the same as hers. How could he let the little emperor govern.

The dance music stopped, and everyone's eyes were on the man holding the wine glass. The little emperor sitting on the dragon chair was very excited. His hands were hidden in the wide hem of his clothes and he couldn't help shaking. Although he had just turned ten Years old, but he already understands what it means to be pro-government.

"The emperor is young, and now is not the time to be pro-government."

After the audience fell silent, Jiang Liu finally spoke.

His voice was a little hoarse, the speed of speech was slow, and the tone of his speech was a little careless, as if this matter that everyone cared about was nothing more than that in his opinion.

"Lord Lin, I will give you the heavy responsibility of teaching the emperor. Do you really think that the current emperor has the ability to govern?"

In the last life, when the little emperor was about to get married and govern himself, he also refused for this reason.

The original body is not a saint, and naturally has a selfish side. The previous emperor died of illness without leaving any heirs. The brothers of the former emperor almost broke their heads in order to compete for the throne, especially the original Prince Li who used to be a companion. Relying on the relationship with the original body, he even regarded the throne as his own.

Yuanshen is not a scheming person, but he also has basic thinking ability. He knows that the royal family has always been afraid of the military power in the hands of the Jiang family. From the generation of Yuanshen's grandfather, the royal family has intentionally gathered the power in the hands of the Jiang family.

At the beginning, Princess Chaoyang would be betrothed to the original body. It may not be that there was no cooperation between the inside and the outside, and the intention of weakening the Jiang family, but I don't know why, Chaoyang did not cooperate with the emperor at that time, and Chaoyang's father, the foresighted emperor, did not have time to do anything. collapsed.

The emperor who succeeded to the throne was far inferior to his father, and he was not a long-lived person. During his reign, he did not even gather other scattered forces in the court into his own hands, but this did not prevent him from often being in power during his reign. Put a stumbling block on the original body and contain the development of the original body.

The original body understands that when the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks, and the Jiang family is now cooking oil with fire, and flowers are decorated with brocade. No matter which emperor succeeds the throne, he will not watch him wield so much military power in his hands, and his power is above the imperial power. above.

He thought about whether to rebel, but the reputation of the Jiang family's loyalty would be ruined, and his wife was the princess of the Yang imperial family. If he wanted to rebel, the most embarrassing person would be his beloved woman and his incomparable love. 's daughter.

He also thought about whether to simply let go of power, but the military power of the original body did not come from the tiger talisman, but the blood of the men of the Jiang family, and the trust of the entire army in the Jiang family. , the tiger talisman is not as useful as what he said. Under such circumstances, even if the original body is devolved into seclusion, it is impossible to gain the trust of the new emperor. On the contrary, in order to eradicate the grass and roots, and never have future troubles, I am afraid that the life of the original body will be threatened. .

In this case, Yuan Shen came up with a compromise solution, that is, to support a puppet emperor, at least fifteen years before the other party's pro-government, he didn't have to worry about being targeted by the emperor, and he wouldn't be complained by his wife for taking it away. The country of the Yang royal family.

Yuan Shi's practice was actually escaping, so when fifteen years passed and the young emperor was supposed to be in charge, the conflict broke out.

He found a good teacher for the young emperor, but unfortunately the young emperor's talent is not high, and there are many conscientious people around him. The young emperor was abolished and a new emperor was established.

In order to prevent the last mistake from happening, this time the original body established a thirteen-year-old emperor who had already shown talent. Under the disguise of the other party, the original body believed in his wisdom and kindness, and was very close to and admired him as a general king. It's just that no matter how good the cover is, it will be exposed after the other party starts to contact the rights. The original body soon noticed the new emperor's ambition and his fear and suspicion of himself.

So the emperor was deposed again.

This time, the original body has learned the lessons of the previous two times, and simply put the newly established little emperor by his side to take care of himself. A little emperor who has a deep relationship with himself is in power, and he is more likely to retreat.

Of course, the original body also secretly swore that if this time, the new emperor still can't tolerate the Jiang family, then he will rob the Yang family of the country. Even if his wife hates him for this matter, it will be better than the death of the whole family. in the hands of the royal family.

It's just that the original body was miscalculated, and the three standing and two wastes. When his newly established third emperor grows up, he is no longer the majestic general king of the year. It is the so-called hero. Inheritance, there have long been voices dissatisfied with him in the military camp. In addition, he has been too arrogant in these years, but he is unwilling to really turn against the Yang family. Those who are loyal to him can't see the future and begin to shake their respective positions. .

Yuanshen's failure is doomed, all his abilities are put on the battlefield, and his thoughts on people's hearts are far less profound than those of the old foxes in the court. The hesitation and entanglement have long laid hidden dangers for their future.

What frustrates Jiang Liu the most is that the original body never asked about his wife's thoughts from beginning to end. It is true that she is the princess of the Yang royal family, but at the same time she is his wife, his daughter's mother, relatives and daughter. One piece, which side Chaoyang will choose, does the original body really know

Jiang Liu drank all the wine in the cup, and then looked down at the fruit plate on the table, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"His Majesty is taught by the minister. Whether His Majesty can take charge of the government or not, the old minister will naturally weigh in his heart."

When Lin Xun heard Jiang Liu's words, he snorted. The traitor was really ambitious and prevented the emperor from being in power, but Lin Xun couldn't refute Jiang Liu's words, because according to the little emperor's academic level, it was indeed not yet time for him to be in power. .

But it is orthodox who let the little emperor govern himself. Sooner or later, the world will be handed over to the little emperor. It is better to let him start contact earlier. He also has the energy to teach His Majesty slowly.

"Everything must have a beginning. Your Majesty is smart, and you will not disappoint the general."

Lin Xun's eyes stared straight at Jiang Liu: "Could it be that the general and the queen mother do not want to see your majesty grow up?"

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work this time. The empress dowager and Jiang Liu's wolf ambitions must be spread out. He wants to see if Jiang Liu can stop it once, or whether he can stop it twice or three times... Even if he is a famous general king, I'm afraid it will be difficult to block the mouth of the world.

"Lord Lin can guarantee?"

But contrary to Lin Xun's expectations, Jiang Liu was reluctant, but he finally let go.

"The old minister can naturally guarantee it."

Lin Xun didn't know what medicine was sold in Jiang Liu's gourd for a while, but since Jiang Liu let go, he quickly seized the matter and forced Jiang Liu to promise to let go of power.


Jiang Liu stood up, his burly figure was extraordinarily tall at this moment, faintly revealing a deterrent power that he did not have before, but he was more like an emperor than the little emperor sitting on the throne at this moment.

"I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I'll have to recuperate at home for a while. Please, the Queen Mother, please forgive me for my disobedience."

After saying that, Jiang Liu walked away.

This is - it worked!

Lin Xun and other old ministers who were ready for a long battle looked at each other in disbelief. They couldn't believe that the big traitor in their hearts promised to let go of power so easily. Could there be some conspiracy or tricks they didn't realize

But no matter what, it is a good thing that His Majesty is able to pro-govern. If Jiang Liu has any other strategies, let the soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to cover it with soil.

Lin Xun and other loyalist factions couldn't hide their joy, but Jiang Liu's subordinates and those forces who fell to Jiang Liu in the courtroom were puzzled. After the banquet was over, they would find time to go to the general's mansion to explore their words, together with Lin Xun and others. In the same way, they did not believe that the generals let go of power so easily.

The most unhappy person in the audience is probably Xiao Ruyi. After Jiang Liu walked away, her face changed. If it wasn't for the concern that the banquet was not over yet, her queen mother would not have the willful rights of Jiang Liu. , I am afraid that she will also leave the field with a sleeve, and immediately find someone to invite Jiang Liu over and ask him what he is thinking.


The news of the young emperor's pro-government was spreading, and the news that the general Jiang Liu was leaving the dynasty also spread.

For ten days, the other party had not been to court for ten days under the pretext of being unwell. The gate of the General's Mansion was closed, and no one's posts were received, which made it even more difficult to understand his true intentions.

However, Jiang Liu's absence did give Lin Xun some breathing space for the development of the forces. In addition, the little emperor began to pro-government. According to orthodox thinking, Lin Xun's side was more legitimate. During this time, many factions that were originally neutral were interested. Lin Xun's tendency to move closer.

"Princess, don't you go to the front yard to see the general?"

Also affected was the General's Mansion, where the young emperor was in power, but the regent's generals began to quit the court. Everyone in the General's Mansion was in danger. If there was still Princess Chaoyang, the mansion would have been chaotic long ago.

This day, after serving Princess Chaoyang's breakfast, Madam Gui couldn't help but say more.

Since the general left the court, he has never set foot in the princess' Shufang Garden. Yesterday was the first day of the new year, and the day when the general would come over without a hitch also did not appear, which made Gui Momo a little uneasy.

Obviously, the princess and the general have a tendency to ease, why is the matter in the court delayed again

Madam Gui is not a saint either. She only cares about whether the princess is happy or not. As for who will be the emperor of the Yan Dynasty, who will take care of it, and what does it have to do with her.

After thinking about it, Madam Gui felt that she had to let the princess take a bite here and send a bowl of soup to the front yard to test the general's attitude.

"Even if it's not for yourself, think about the little county master. The general often came over for dinner a few days ago. If he doesn't come these days, the county master misses the general very much."

Gui Momo knew that the princess' weakness was the county lord, and persuaded in the name of the county lord, the princess would always be moved.

"Mommy, you ask the kitchen to cook a bowl of pig heart soup."

Gui Momo's persuasion only gave Chaoyang a step down. In fact, she was indeed a little worried and wanted to go to the study in the front yard to see her husband.

"Hey, this old slave ordered to go."

Gui Momo withdrew happily. After more than half an hour, Princess Chaoyang appeared in the study in the front yard with a few servants who were serving her.

Jiang Liu didn't let anyone stop him, and Chaoyang entered the study with the soup smoothly.

"Pig Heart Soup, calms the mind, nourishes blood and nourishes qi."

Chaoyang placed Tang Shui in front of Jiang Liu, his eyes did not look around, he looked indifferent.

This was the second time she entered Jiang Liu's study on her own initiative. The first time was when her half-brother died of illness. She came to the study to inquire about Jiang Liu's plans. At that time, he told her that he wanted to support the young emperor, but Chaoyang didn't say anything. What, just left from the study.

In fact, she was not satisfied with Jiang Liu's decision, because the hidden danger of the young master was too great, but she did not question him at that time.

The young master seemed to benefit Xiao Ruyi, the childless queen, the most. At that time, the romance between Jiang Liu and Xiao Ruyi was so popular that Chaoyang did not want to ask, nor did he dare to ask.

This is the second time she has stepped into Jiangliu's study, but she didn't expect it to be almost the same thing.

But she didn't know how to speak.

"If, I mean, if one day the masters of the world are no longer the Yang family, what would you do?"

It was so quiet in the study that there was almost only the slight breathing of the two of them. Of course, as Jiang Liu picked up the soup in front of him, there were more sounds of the soup spoon stirring the soup and colliding with the porcelain bowl.

"What's the meaning?"

Inevitably, Chaoyang's heartbeat missed a few beats.

"If one day I rebel, would you rather be Madam Jiang or Princess Chaoyang?"

Jiang Liu pointed out the words directly. The woman in front of him was a heroine who could disguise herself as a man on the battlefield. He didn't think the other party couldn't even bear this.

"You want to rebel?"

Chaoyang's speech rate was a little slow, and her eyes were a bit melancholy and confused, but she quickly calmed down, and then looked at the man opposite her with extremely complicated eyes.

The day has finally come!

She still remembered what the emperor said when she was asked to marry this man by the emperor.

The ambition of the Jiang family's wolf son has long coveted the Yang family's country. She must keep in mind her identity as a daughter of the Yang family, monitor the Jiang family's every move, and when necessary, remove the Jiang family and protect the Yang family's country. At that time, she will still be a very noble princess. .

Chaoyang disagreed with what the emperor said, but she also understood in her heart that the royal family and the Jiang family were changing each other, how could others be allowed to sleep under the couch, and the emperor could not tolerate the powerful ministers holding heavy troops, and the powerful ministers might not always be willing to The position where one person is below ten thousand people.

The emperor could barely be called a Mingjun, but he couldn't escape the suspicions that emperors have, not to mention her brave and ruthless brother. If he hadn't died early, he would have already turned Jiang Liu back.

To be honest, Chaoyang was very surprised that Jiang Liu did not choose to rebel when his brother died of illness. He should know his situation. At this point, what else would make him hesitate

Chaoyang didn't dare to be cheeky and thought that he had made him hesitate, just thinking that the Jiang family was more loyal than she thought, or that her husband was infatuated with her royal sister-in-law, as rumored.

"Why are you telling me?"

Chaoyang raised his eyebrows and focused his eyes on the toe of his shoes. Wasn't he afraid that he, the royal princess, would expose his wolf ambitions

"If I rebel, who will you choose?"

Jiang Liu still repeats this question, rebellion is an inevitable result, he has to understand Chaoyang's attitude before he can start the next layout.

"Do you know my mother-in-law?"

Chaoyang did not answer directly, but suddenly mentioned his mother-in-law.

"She is the princess of the Yi people. Because of the defeat of the Yi people, she was given to my father as a gift."

Chaoyang's deep facial features are derived from the blood of half of the Yi people on her body. Because of her bloodline, Chaoyang was not favored in the palace when she was a child. Fortunately, her mother concubine symbolized the determination of the Yi people to surrender to the Yan Dynasty. Even if the two women were not favored, they were not treated slowly.

When she was very young, her mother-in-law often told her about her hometown, the place with lush water and grass, flocks of cattle and sheep, and sturdy folk customs. Chaoyang's mother-in-law was a very open-minded woman, and her heart belonged to the blue sky He Grassland, even if the tribe gave it to the emperor of the Yan Dynasty as a gift, she could only live in the four-sided besieged city, and she did not resent, because with such a mother-in-law, Chaoyang could look at the war calmly, Look at the replacement of the dynasty.

"Winning the king and losing the bandit has been like this since ancient times."

Chaoyang said slowly, if she really cares about these, how should she evaluate her bloodline

"And I am also human and selfish. Awu is what I care about most. As long as Awu is well, I will be happy."

The situation is getting more and more acute, the Yang family is strong, the Jiang family is bound to weaken, and the Jiang family is Xuanhe, the Yang family is bound to decline, the father has already died, and the rest are half-brothers and sisters who are not close to her. Chaoyang said that her daughter Jiang Wu was her last relative. If she had to choose between her clan and her daughter, she would only choose her daughter selfishly, as if letting those people choose, they would give up without hesitation. Like her worthless princess.

It's just human nature.

"What about me, do you care about me?"

Jiang Liu's eyes were a little deep and somewhat resentful.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Liu would suddenly ask such a question, and Chaoyang was a little stunned.

What does he mean

Chaoyang stared at Jiang Liu uncertainly, but at this moment he had returned to his expressionless and calm look, and there was no trace of resentment.

"I don't know what you will do, but A Wu is your daughter. I hope you will think more about A Wu before making any decision."

She just thought it was her hallucinations, how could this man say such hypocritical words, she has seen his indifference all these years, right

For Chaoyang, it was not a surprising decision that Jiang Liu would choose to rebel, but her identity was so embarrassing that she could only choose to ignore all this happening, and Chaoyang did not know that if Jiang Liu really succeeded in rebelling, What kind of ending will her wife, the former princess' wife, be given? I just hope that the other party can treat this child kindly for the sake of her daughter and half of his blood.

Thinking about the details that he had observed these days, Chaoyang felt that Jiang Liu would not treat his daughter badly, so that would be enough.

The two of them were awkward. They hid their thoughts and didn't say anything. No wonder they ended up like that in their last life. Jiang Liu couldn't help but sighed after hearing Chaoyang's words. I'm afraid I have to misunderstand that Chaoyang has no feelings for him, just because his daughter barely lives with him.

But the current situation of the two can't be changed overnight. Jiang Liu has enough patience to let Chaoyang see what she once couldn't see clearly.


"Mommy, you said—"

Chaoyang, who came out of the study, was far less calm than she had shown, and the words Jiang Liu had just replayed in her mind.

What about me, do you care about me

This sentence is like a magic barrier, thinking of Chaoyang is dizzy and dizzy.

Although she is already the mother of a child, Chaoyang is more ignorant than ordinary women when it comes to love. She can't understand Jiang Liu's mind. Why does he ask her such a question? Does he care about her feelings

Because he couldn't figure it out, Chaoyang immediately thought of the old mama beside him, Gui mama who was extremely loyal to her.

It's just that this thought was only fleeting, and when the words came to his lips, Chaoyang You didn't dare to ask.

Madam Gui entered the palace at a very young age and became a maid, and later became a maid by herself. When it comes to love, Madam Gui may not be able to give her reliable advice.

"In the evening, the general will come to the courtyard to accompany A Wu for a meal, and prepare a few dishes that the general likes to eat."

Chaoyang turned the conversation and buried these thoughts to the bottom of his heart.

"The old slave said that the general still has the princess and the county master in his heart. I will go to the kitchen and give an order to cook more dishes that the general and the county master like to eat."

Gui Momo was cheerful and didn't notice the change in the princess's mood just now.

Seeing this, Chaoyang breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid of what the mother said. As for the conversation that happened in the study just now, she must have misheard it.

After more than ten years of peaceful marriage life, Chaoyang has long lost his expectations. As long as his daughter is happy, everything is enough.


"Your Majesty, you are already in power now, and even Jiang Liu's servant avoided you and chose to pretend to be sick and hide in the General's Mansion. It can be seen that the Emperor is the ruler of all the people who is destined to be destiny. It's just the dog's leg in front of you."

The little emperor is in charge of the government, and the happiest one is the Xu family behind Prince Rong's mansion and Princess Rong. These days, several companions around the little emperor have begun to use the little emperor's power to show off their power, especially the little emperor's performance. Brother Xu Zijie, wishing to directly issue orders for the little emperor.


Xu Zijie's praise was very useful to the little emperor. These days, the general king he was most afraid of began to pretend to be sick and no longer go to court. He didn't need to look at other people's faces in the courtroom, and his life couldn't be more enjoyable.

"It's a pity that the official position of my father is not high, and I can't share the worries and solve the problems for Your Majesty."

Xu Zijie vaguely mentioned the little emperor that his real mother family should be taken seriously.

The Xu family is not a famous family in Yanjing. The highest official in the whole family is the deceased Mr. Xu. The official worship is the third grade. In these years, the Xu family has no promising character except for a prince and concubine Rong. , Xu Zijie's father still used his sister's light to become a full-fledged 5th-grade Ritualist. He had no real power, only a false title.

The Xu family had long wanted to seek a road to the sky through the little emperor, or else they would not have tried to find a way to send Xu Zijie, the grandson of the Xu family, to the palace to read as a companion to the little emperor.

It's just that the little emperor was young before, and the government was controlled by Jiang Liu again, and there was no chance to promote their Xu family. Now it is different. The emperor has already taken charge of the government, and it is time to start to cultivate his own power. Is there a more suitable candidate than their Xu family

"I know that my uncle is talented, Zijie has a heart, and I will not treat my uncle badly."

The little emperor said in a big way, completely forgetting that calling Xu Zijie's father his uncle was not in line with etiquette.

He has been adopted by the late emperor. In name, the empress dowager Xiao Ruyi is his real mother, and the Xiao family is his mother's family. The little emperor may not know this truth, but Xu Zijie is constantly brainwashed by his side, and still only his His biological mother was regarded as his mother, and he only regarded the Xu family as his own mother.

"I want to ennoble my uncle as Duke Chengen, and let my uncle share my worries and solve problems for me."

The little emperor thought, if he can't give his birth mother the title of queen mother, can't he give his uncle a title? Besides, Zijie said that his uncle has great talent, but he was suppressed by rebels like Jiang Liu before, and he has never been able to use it. Fist, now he gave his uncle a chance, and also promoted outstanding officials for the Yan Dynasty, which was a good thing for the benefit of the people.

"Not only that, but I also want Feng Zijie to be the commander of the Left Forward Battalion, and I will depend on you for my safety in the future."

The little emperor said boldly, completely unaware of the existence of the official title he promised.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your grace."

Xu Zijie was already so excited, the commander of the left forward battalion, this is the rank of a second-rank military attache, and an official position with real power. Although he is the emperor's companion, he is only thirteen years old. To be a second-rank military attache at this age, I am afraid There is no one before, and no one will come after.

Seeing that Xu Zijie's good words are about to gain such benefits, the other companions couldn't help it. Of course, they are more rational than Xu Zijie and feel that it is not realistic to hold such an official title at their age, but they can't, they The elders in the family are not necessarily bad.

In this way, the little emperor made many promises, and when Lin Xun heard the news, he immediately put on his court clothes and entered the palace, trying to stop the little emperor's absurd behavior.


"The teacher said enough is enough!"

Lin Xun kept talking, and at first the little emperor listened honestly, but the further back he got, the more ugly the little emperor's face became, and he finally couldn't help but scold.

From the little emperor's point of view, his teacher was a bit ignorant, and now even Jiang Liu, the big traitor, was honestly shrinking back. Isn't Lin Xun a self-proclaimed loyalist, why should he point fingers at his emperor's decision-making

Thinking that Lin Xun and others always dismissed his political views in the court these days, the little emperor's mood became more and more unhappy. He couldn't help but wonder if Lin Xun was really loyal, and if he was really loyal, why didn't he learn Watching Jiang Liu, hid in his mansion honestly, don't come out to cause trouble for him.

"I'm thinking of Your Majesty with all my heart."

Lin Xun's words were sincere. These decisions of the little emperor were too absurd. It wasn't just him. I'm afraid everyone in the world would laugh at it after it got out.

"I am the emperor!"

Life has been too smooth these days, and the little emperor's attitude suddenly became very tough.

"Lin Xiang is so dissatisfied with our decision, do you want to be disobedient and unfaithful like Jiang Liu's servant?"

These words were really heart-wrenching, Lin Xun was trembling with anger, he was wholeheartedly thinking of His Majesty, how could he be the same as that bitch Jiang Liu.

Thinking of Jiang Liu's half-smile but not smiling expression on the day of the state banquet, as well as his current situation of staying behind closed doors these days, Lin Xun's eyes darkened, his figure swayed, and he wished he could just pass out.