The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 232: Loyalty 8


"Master, what's wrong with you, who made you angry?"

Lin Xun locked himself in the house as soon as he got home. His old wife heard from the servants that he didn't eat dinner, and immediately ran from the backyard to the front yard in worry, forcing Lin Xun to open the study. door.

Lin Xun is a child of a poor family, and his parents are just ordinary farmers. His wife was married when he was still a scholar, and the other party was the daughter of his enlightened mentor. The birth is not honorable. Now Lin Xun has officially worshiped a rank, and is still an imperial teacher. The women tried their best to enter the backyard of Lin's house, and among them there were also young ladies from officials' families.

It's just that Lin Xun admits the truth. Although he is sometimes a little rigid and inflexible, his character is still very noble. Over the years, in the backyard, apart from the original wife, there is only one maid, who was given by Lin Xun's mother back then. One woman is from the first wife, and the whole backyard is dominated by the wives. Compared with those men who start to gossip as soon as they gain power, Lin Xun is already a model of ancient men.

"I heard someone say that after you come back from the palace, you will lock yourself in the study, and you won't even need to eat. You think you are still Lin Saburo, who worked in the field all day and didn't get tired. You are all When you become a grandfather, you don’t pay attention to your own body, and you will regret it when you get sick.”

Because of her husband's opinion, Mrs. Lin is very confident in her speech and actions. The children in the family are afraid of this stern, meticulous eldest man. Mrs. Lin is not afraid of him. Then, while chattering, she asked the maids to bring over the millet porridge and the side dishes for the porridge that she specially made in the kitchen.

"Eh, ma'am, I really—"

Lin Xun complained, but it was a state affair after all, so how could he tell his wife.

"You don't need to explain. We are both old and married. I really can't guess your dessert?"

Mrs. Lin forcefully pressed her husband to the edge of the round table with rice porridge and sat down, and brought the porcelain bowl with warm rice porridge into Lin Xun's hands.

"Let me guess, the husband's troubles are related to the emperor."

The person who can make his husband worry and worry to the point that he doesn't even want to eat, except for General Jiang, I am afraid there is only the little emperor in the palace left, and the change of the husband appeared after returning from the palace. These days, General Jiang Being sick at home, only the little emperor would give him such a headache.

"Yes, Madam who knows me."

Lin Xun let out a long sigh. Everyone said that he was afraid of internal affairs. In such a powerful position, he still guarded the original wife who was born in a talented family. In addition, there was only one maid who had passed the age of Hua Xing and had no beauty. But who knows how smart and agile his wife is, she is not inferior to his prime minister. For Lin Xun, Madam Lin is not only his wife, but also his confidant.

So Lin Xun didn't hide it any more, and in the interval between drinking porridge, he told his wife what happened in the palace today.

"And such a ridiculous thing?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin was also stunned. A woman in a deep house like her knew that the appointment of officials and the award of marquis as rewards were not arbitrary things, so how could the emperor not know that.

Hearing the willful behavior of the little emperor in the words of the master, Madam Lin couldn't help but smack her tongue.

"Have you persuaded Your Majesty, sir?"

Mrs. Lin thought more deeply. Her husband is the teacher of the emperor. What's wrong with the little emperor, others will only think that the teacher is not dedicated enough. After all, the emperor is still young and can use it for any mistakes age explained. My own man knows that he loves face the most, and he also wants fame the most. He will definitely not be able to bear such an infamy for no reason.

"I persuaded me, but His Majesty actually scolded me for being unfaithful and compared me to that Shuzi Jiang Liu."

Speaking of which, Lin Xun couldn't help but stare at him.


Mrs. Lin finally understood why the old man was so angry, but her expression was not as indignant as Lin Xun's. Instead, she was a little puzzled, "Since the emperor is still so stubborn, why did the Xianggong insist that His Majesty be in power at that time?"

He is the teacher of the little emperor, and he should know a bit of the nature of the little emperor from his daily teaching.

"This, cough cough."

Lin Xun was a little embarrassed to be asked. He couldn't tell his wife that he was afraid that Jiang Liu would cover the sky with his hands in the court, so he knew that when the little emperor was not in charge, he would still subconsciously ignore this point.

Thinking about it this way, he seems to have created such an embarrassing situation by himself.

"Now the adults have thought about what to do?"

Having been husband and wife for decades, Mrs. Lin naturally saw Lin Xun's embarrassment, so she could only pretend to be stupid and ignore it, and instead asked for a solution.

"Can you let General Jiang come forward?"

In her opinion, what the little emperor feared most was Jiang Liu, the auxiliary general. After all, it was the man who pushed him from an ordinary clan to this supreme position. The other party could let him be the emperor, and naturally he could also let another person Instead of him, the reason why the little emperor is so reckless and arrogant now is that Lin Xun and others are foolish and loyal.


In fact, Lin Xun thought so in his heart for a moment, but he couldn't hold his face.

"After all, I'm still an imperial teacher. It's because I didn't teach your Majesty such absurd behavior. Your Majesty is still young, so it's inevitable that you will make mistakes, as long as we help you."

After all, he was the little emperor who taught the big by himself and had high hopes. Lin Xun really didn't want to give up easily. Besides, I finally regained the regent's authority from Jiang Liu's hands. If I return it in this way, I'm afraid I won't be able to return it easily in the future.

"I don't know what you're thinking."

Seeing that her husband had his own thoughts, Mrs. Lin could only sigh and stop persuading her.


The little emperor tasted the sweetness of being in power, and successively issued several edicts with absurd contents.

The staunch royalists were disappointed because of the little emperor's stupidity and did not listen to persuasion. The neutral faction that had already turned to the royalists also began to reconsider, but the faction on Jiang Liu's side did not act, as if they fell silent with Jiang Liu's illness.

In the beginning, the royalists could comfort themselves with the young emperor's youth, but two things happened in succession made Lin Xun, who supported the little emperor the most, hesitant.

The first thing was that the little emperor proposed in the courtroom to establish his biological father, Prince Rong, as the royal father's regent, and to seal his biological mother, Princess Rong, as the Madame Madame.

These days, the little emperor's life has been so smooth that he has long forgotten his previous fears. In addition, the Xu family and other families have enjoyed a lot of sweetness, and their ambitions have grown more and more. Prince Rong is the most unknown and mediocre among the princes. The younger generation, since this biological son came to power, there have been a few more delusions that should not be there. Under the instigation of several forces, the little emperor seemed to be in a daze and made this ridiculous request.

In the eyes of these old-fashioned royalist factions like Lin Xun, this is an act that is even more unacceptable than his incompetence.

You must know that the little emperor has been adopted by the late Emperor Xianzong. He wants to seal his biological father as the emperor regent and his biological mother as the Madame Madame. It is extremely rebellious and unfilial to the late emperor. The emperor did not even have filial piety, so how could he be an example to the people

Furthermore, Lin Xun and others couldn't understand Prince Rong's wolf ambitions, and they understood that Prince Rong wanted to borrow this son to taste the addiction of the Supreme Emperor, but the little emperor couldn't even see through such a simple thing, so he would be provoked by others. Silly agreed, this is obviously not the quality that Mingjun should have.

Just this one thing would not disappoint Lin Xun and others so much. Following this incident, the little emperor did another thing that was not as good as the date of birth.

The little emperor, who had not yet reached his eleventh birthday, molested a big palace maid next to the queen mother. The big palace maid was unbearable and committed suicide that night.

In the royal family, after the princes are thirteen or fourteen years old, they will be served by palace maids given by their mothers and concubines. However, in order to prevent premature ejaculation of yin essence, the palace maids who have been specially trained will consciously play the responsibility of persuading and teaching the prince’s bed affairs. Too much body before adulthood, at the age of the little emperor, there should be no women to serve.

It's just that the little emperor was very playful, and he didn't know which companion got some folk painting booklets, including several volumes of erotic pictures. The little emperor was seduced because of this, and many court ladies around him couldn't escape his teasing.

This matter was concealed very well before, but it was just an accident. The little emperor took the big maid next to the queen mother as a little maid in his palace to play with, and the maid was also stubborn, and hanged herself that night. The meaning of concealment even contributed to the flames, and this matter naturally became a big one.

This is more absurd than anything. The little emperor was only a few years old, and he began to indulge in women's sex. His body was not even fully grown. Listening to the words of the imperial doctor, the little emperor's body suffered a great loss, and it was too early. The development of that place may have an impact on his future fertility.

Not being filial to the former emperor, molesting the mother-in-law, being incompetent, these are all sins, and the possibility of not being able to bear children is a serious sin of the emperor.

After several bad things happened, the little emperor still acted recklessly and showed no repentance. Now, even Lin Xun couldn't speak for the little emperor.


"You are?"

The little emperor has been in power for more than half a year. During this time, the general's mansion has been quiet, except for the fact that at the very beginning, there were constant invitations to the door, and after everyone understood what Jiang Liu meant, they stopped bothering.

But today the door of the General's Mansion was knocked on again. The gatekeeper opened the side door a small crack and looked at the person who knocked on the door.

"Please also report that it is Prime Minister Lin who came to visit."

The one who knocked on the door was a slightly gentle middle-aged man, and a sedan chair was parked not far from the door, which was inconspicuous.

"Lin Xiang?"

The gatekeeper was stunned for a while, although he was only the servant who guarded the gate in the general's mansion, but he also knew that Xiang Lin was not in line with his own master's political views and had never communicated.

"Please go to Huating for a while, I'll go to report to General Ming."

After all, Prime Minister Lin's identity was special, and that man didn't dare to let the dignified prime minister wait at the door, so he immediately opened the side door and took people to the flower pavilion.

Along the way, Lin Xun felt a lot of curious looking eyes. He held back the grief and anger in his heart, feeling like a poor little white sheep entering the wolf's den.

But for Yan Chao, he endured it!