The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 24: Cowhide blows the sky 4


"Mom and dad, I have to leave tomorrow, because there is still a business abroad waiting for me to handle, Chongde will ask you to take care of it."

While eating, Jiang Liu said calmly to his parents next to him.

"As soon as I get back, I'm leaving. Chongde will rest for two days after Ming. You can take Chongde to climb the mountain and go to the beach to touch the conch."

Cai Shufen paused for a while, and said reluctantly, but she directly ignored the second half of her son's sentence, why go abroad to deal with business, this is a liar.

Originally, the son and grandson had little time together, but it just so happened that the grandson rested for the next two days, and the two of them could cultivate their relationship together.

"Jiang Liu, you are now a father, can you be more sensible and responsible? Yes, now I can help you take care of Chongde, but when your mother and I are older, we can't even walk. Well, who else can Chongde rely on, and who can my mother and I rely on?"

"Don't tell me you can hire a babysitter if you have money, fuck you!"

Jiang Linhai had a serious face. The old woman always said that he should be better to his son. After all, he doesn't stay at home for long every year. There is no need to be unhappy in the few days of reunion. If one day his son is really because of them I got angry and never came back. It was them and the child Chongde who were sad.

But seeing him not doing anything right every day, and not even telling the truth in front of his family, Jiang Linhai really couldn't help it.

"I don't need him to take care of me."

Jiang Chongde stood up abruptly: "And when I grow up, I can take care of my grandparents, and I don't need this man who will only brag and embarrass us."

Her thin face was full of determination and anger. Cai Shufen wanted to say that her grandson shouldn't talk to her father like that, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't think of anything to refute.

"I'm full, and I'll take the leftovers to feed the chickens later."

Jiang Chongde clenched his fists tightly. He knew that grandma would feel sorry for what he said, because she had always hoped to repair the indifferent relationship between their father and son, but Jiang Chongde really couldn't do it, as long as he thought about that man every time The next time he came back to school, he would add jokes about him, and Jiang Chongde felt disgusted.

After all, he put down the bowl and left the dining room and returned to his room on the second floor.

"Well, why are you saying these things again?"

Cai Shufen put down the bowl and let out a long sigh.

"Hmph, a loving mother has many failed children. I think Chongde is right. In the future, the only child we can count on is Chongde. It makes no difference whether there is such a person in the family or not."

Jiang Linhai pointed at his innocent-looking son, who put down the bowl angrily.

"I don't eat either."

After speaking, he followed his grandson and left the dining room.

Now that's it, only Jiang Liu and the old lady are left to look at each other.

"Mom, is Dad angry that I didn't give you alimony?"

Jiang Liu thoughtfully asked the old lady, "But now my dad is still working, it's far from the time when I want to pay alimony. Although I'm rich, I don't want to encourage my dad's desire to get something for nothing. I'm lazy, but don't worry, when my dad retires, I'll pay you living expenses on time every month, after all, you know, I'm really rich."

Facing her son's solemn and doubtful expression, Cai Shufen felt a sense of powerlessness in vain.


"Hey, forget it, just be happy."

For a moment, Cai Shufen wanted to take her son to a mental hospital to see if there was something wrong with his head, but thinking about how he lives in his own world, apart from the unhappy people around him, he made himself happy. Haha, no matter what, it's better than his decadent and desperate appearance after his daughter-in-law died of an amniotic fluid embolism in her production and life.

During that time, Cai Shufen was afraid that her son would die together with his daughter-in-law.

Later, as long as her son lived well, she would be too lazy to care about the extravagant things he did.


Another long sigh, the old lady couldn't eat anymore, she put down the tableware, covered her forehead and told her son: "After you finish eating, put the leftovers in a big bowl, and I'll take it hot tomorrow. Feed the chickens and ducks, as for the tableware and chopsticks, you are responsible for washing them, and you are free to leave tomorrow."

Her pension and the old man's salary are not low, plus the savings in the early years, enough for her grandson to finish college, and even prepare a down payment for a small house for him in a small city. Not so important anymore.

After a good dinner, Jiang Liu happily ate it all by himself.


"Boom boom boom-"

Jiang Chongde was sulking in his room when he heard a knock on the door.

"Chongde, Dad wants to have a good chat with you."

It turned out that the nasty ghost was here. Jiang Chongde was about to get out of bed and open the door, but after thinking for a while, he reluctantly walked to the door and opened the door.

"What to say."

He was standing at the door, obviously reluctant for Jiang Liu to step into his territory.

"It's nothing, it's just that Dad will be leaving tomorrow, and he may have to leave for a long time. I just wanted to ask you if you have anything you want."

Jiang Liu stretched out his hand and wanted to touch his head as he did when we first met today. Jiang Chongde naturally wouldn't let him treat him like a child, and he would use his hands to cover his head without thinking.

Because of his action, Jiang Liu took advantage of the situation to get in through the gap in the door, and swayed and sat on the chair in his son's room.

Everyone came in, and they couldn't get out any more. Jiang Chongde was afraid that the noise would attract the grandparents next door, so he could only shut the door in a sullen mood, walked to his bedside and sat down, forming a confrontation face to face.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Jiang Chongde looked at the man opposite vigilantly. Could it be that the other party came for the six hundred dollars

You must know that this man in front of him has never paid a penny, so in Jiang Chongde's cognition, the man who is full of words on the opposite side should be poor.

Today he gave him 600 yuan for the first time in the world, which is very likely to be his living expenses for a long period of time, just because he gave it to him by mistake for the sake of exaggeration when he was drunk, so now he is thinking about asking for the money. gone back.

But Jiang Chongde would never return the money when it was in his pocket. He would rather never spend the 600 yuan than see the man in front of him take the money to buy wine at the pub on the island, and then And bragging to people.

Even a genius, because he is still young, all his thoughts are written on his face, Jiang Liu can see what he is thinking at a glance.

Feeling funny in his heart, Jiang Liu wanted to tease the kid even more.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about money—"

"You gave me the six hundred dollars, don't you want to take it back!"

Before Jiang Liu finished speaking, Jiang Chongde hurriedly covered his pockets with his hands, and looked at his own father with the eyes of a scumbag.

"of course not."

Jiang Liu couldn't help laughing, maintaining his character with all his heart.

"I know that there are many, many misunderstandings between you and your father. Maybe there is a problem with my educational philosophy, but son, you must know that your father is also for your own good. , It is not a good thing for the cultivation of your character and willpower."

Jiang Liu said sincerely: "Dad just wants you to grow up like an ordinary child, and doesn't want money to deprive you of your pure and innocent childhood."

The person on the other side who was listening to these words had a hard time enduring it.

And it was not easy for Jiang Liu, who said these words, to hold back his laughter.

It seems that he felt that he was too much teasing the child, Jiang Liu rubbed the corners of his eyes, and his face showed a touch of vicissitudes: "But you are still a child after all, it's my fault to be too harsh on you, occasionally Dad should still fulfill your wishes, This time Dad will go abroad for a while, what gift do you want, tell Dad."

"I want a Ferrari."

Jiang Chongde thought it was extremely absurd. It wasn't enough for the man in front of him to brag in front of outsiders. Even in front of his closest family members, he had to pretend to be rich.

Okay, didn't he say he was rich, then buy him a Ferrari if he can.


Jiang Liu hesitated.

"Why, can't you afford it?"

Jiang Chongde sneered, too, how could this person blow out a sports car with millions of cars.

"It's not that you can't afford it, it's just Chongde. Dad has taught you to obey the law since you were a child. It seems that you haven't reached the age to get a driver's license?"

Jiang Liu said in an embarrassing tone: "And if you buy this car, but you can't drive it, isn't that going against my hard and simple educational philosophy for you? No, no, or I'll buy you a Ferrari model car. ."

Jiang Liu's refusal made Jiang Chongde firmly believe that his father was a man full of words, and he was disdainful and wanted to pierce his mask.

"I have never asked you for anything since I was a child. Now it's just a small wish. Are you unwilling to satisfy me? Don't say anything about me if I don't have a driver's license. I don't have one. Have you not yet?"

Jiang Chongde remembered that his father had a driver's license, so on weekdays others would encourage him to buy a car after his bragging, but he was rejected by him for various reasons.

"Do you really want to buy it, or you can't afford it at all? Dad, it's not shameful to be poor, but if you pretend to be poor, it will be ugly."

"Okay, let me think about it."

Jiang Liu's expression still looked embarrassed. After a long sigh, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"But Chongde, you have to know that the money to buy a Ferrari is enough for Dad to help build several Hope Primary Schools and provide tens of thousands of children in poverty-stricken mountainous areas with loving meals for a long time. You want luxury, Dad. Understood, but I hope that one day when you enjoy this, it is your own efforts."

After speaking, Jiang Liu turned around and left.

For a moment, Jiang Chongde felt that he was the kind of sinner who ruined his family's property by relying on his father's wealth to eat Heisei. He actually didn't have a caring meal for the children in the mountains that were killed by a Ferrari, and several people hoped that the primary school might be shut down because of this. establish.

Wait, that man has no money at all, he can't buy a Ferrari or build a Hope Primary School, where does he need to feel guilty.

Jiang Chongde sneered at the back of the man leaving, and then slammed the door shut.

Really believe his evil!