The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 28: Cowhide blows the sky 8


The first thing Jiang Chongde and his grandparents woke up the next morning was to open the curtains. When they saw the convertible Ferrari in the yard, they did not forget to twist their thighs.

If it hurts a lot, it means that I woke up from the dream, but since I woke up from the dream and the car is still there, does that mean that what happened yesterday is true

"Old man, what did the old principal say yesterday? Did he praise our son for his success?"

With a trembling tone, Cai Shufen asked the old man beside her.

"Well, the old principal praised my godson for being good."

Jiang Linhai nodded, he didn't expect to hear such a compliment in his lifetime, and this compliment came from the mouth of his most respected old principal.

"By the way, the old principal also said that our son donated 800,000 yuan. Where did he get the money? Do you think he robbed the bank, borrowed loan sharks, or sold his kidneys?"

Cai Shufen suddenly said uneasily, 800,000 yuan, plus the car below, at least 4-5 million yuan, I can't get that much money out of the whole family, is it because my son is bragging about it, what did he do? Bad things just to act in today's scene

Isn’t there often similar reports in TV news, such as some college students borrowing campus loans and naked loans in order to pursue luxury consumption, and some of them sound unreliable, selling kidneys, can kidneys be sold so easily

"Don't think about it, first of all, if you rob a bank, it would have been reported on the news long ago, and do you think that according to our son's IQ, if he has the ability to rob a bank, he can still hang around for so long without being caught by the police? Of course, it is impossible. It is a loan shark. As long as the borrower is not stupid, he will not lend him four or five million if he has no collateral. Don't even think about whether our son has sold his kidney. His kidney is not worth the money. "

Jiang Linhai saw his daughter-in-law's worries, and with a blank face he rejected all the possibilities in her mind one by one.

"But it's not that and it's not that. Is it really what our son said before, he really made a fortune and made a lot of money?"

Cai Shufen's mind was a little confused: "You just said that our son is not capable of robbing a bank without being caught. Do you think he has the ability to make a billion from scratch by himself?"

No matter what the old lady thinks, the latter is more difficult to do.

"Maybe he won the lottery?"

Jiang Linhai thought uncertainly, after all, his son knew it himself, he really didn't look like someone who could make billions from scratch.

"Then it's even more impossible. How can he win more than one billion in the lottery unless he goes abroad."

The old man and the old lady didn't know that she had guessed the truth, and she was still worried about whether her son was really rich, and where did so much money come from.


"Jiang Liu, you and Mom can honestly tell you that you really bought the car in our yard with your own money? You didn't do anything against the law, and didn't you find a girlfriend in her 60s or 70s?"

During breakfast, Cai Shufen didn't hold back and asked her son her doubts.

"Girlfriend in your 60s or 70s? Mom, I don't have a girlfriend."

Jiang Liu is angry, does he look like the kind of person who lives next to a rich woman! Although he knew that his charisma was enough to attract those rich women, it didn't mean he would do that.

"I bought this car myself. If you don't believe me, I brought the invoice, tax payment certificate and insurance certificate for the car. You can see for yourself."

Jiang Liu took out a bag of documents, which contained various certificates for buying this car. Although this car was bought for his son Jiang Chongde, because Jiang Chongde was not old enough and did not have a driver's license, this car The purchaser of the car and the names on various documents belong to Jiang Liu.

The name is correct, and the ID number and license plate number are also correct. Now there is really no need to doubt.

"You really make a lot of money? How do you make money?"

It's not that Jiang Linhai looks down on his son, but this son has nothing to look down on since he was a child. He grew up in an ordinary life and lived an ordinary life.

"Probably I can endure hardships, have a good eye, and have invested in several good projects, which have brought some great returns."

Jiang Liu thought for a while and said.

This is not a lie, didn't he just spend a few dollars in the lottery project in the United States, and then brought back a handsome return of more than one billion? There is nothing wrong with this answer.

But now, not all of this money belongs to Jiang Liu, and a large part of it has been invested by him.

You must know that among the cows blown down by the original body, there is an article about letting his son Jiang Chongde inherit his business empire. He is an ordinary person with a little luck. Where did he get the ability to create a business empire for his son, so he found a few A shortcut, according to the memory of the next few decades provided by the original, and invested in some projects worth investing in.

Someone once said that if he could start all over again, he would give Ma Yun 5 million when he was still looking for investment in Hangzhou, so that after more than ten years, he might get 500 million or more in return.

Jiang Liu came a little late, and now Ma Yun has become everyone's father. If he wants to invest in others, these billionaires can't look down on him.

Fortunately, there are talents with potential worth investing in at any time.

This time, the reason why he didn't come back more than a month after winning the award is to find these talents who are worthy of investment.

Jiang Liu opened an investment company, and then found the person who was destined to shine in the original memory, but at this moment, he was still hitting the south wall for a little investment, and then exchanged investment for shares.

The shares he wants are not too many. For every project he invests in, he only requires 5% of the non-dilutable shares of the company that is still in its infancy. The reputation in this circle has grown a lot, and there are many original bodies that have not heard of it in memory, but the entrepreneurial projects that also seek capital injection have found him.

Jiang Liu doesn't understand this, but he knows how to hide.

Every time he invests in two projects that he knows will definitely get rich returns, he will choose a project that he doesn't remember in his original memory, but he thinks it sounds quite reliable.

First, it is to exercise his judgment, and secondly, when the projects he invests in in the future will improve, the accuracy rate will not be as high as 100%, which will attract the attention of interested people.

Except for some scattered shares, Jiang Liu has more than 70 million left.

Fortunately, those shares will bring him huge wealth in the future, and the money for building Hope Primary School has already been allocated, and the remaining money is enough for him to live an "ordinary" life for the rest of his life.

Jiang Liu felt that as long as he took care of this kid at home, his life in this world would be no different from a vacation.

Cai Shufen and Jiang Linhai didn't know anything about investment either, but when they saw a luxury car and knew that their son had donated 800,000 yuan to the elementary school where they taught, they thought that maybe their son really had a bad luck, so what kind of investment would he make? Make big money.

The couple felt a little remorse when they thought that what their son had said before might be true.

It turns out that their son is really capable. They blamed them for thinking that his son was lying, and he was not a nose, not an eye. The son suffered a lot of grievances.

Facing the loving eyes of the two old men, Jiang Liu silently took out a bank card.

"The password of the bank card is the last six digits of Mom's ID card, and there are 500,000 in it. During the summer vacation, Dad, you will take Mom out to play for a while. As for Chongde, I plan to take him out to experience it. Life."

"Why did you give the money all of a sudden? Your mother and I are not short of money."

When he heard that there were 500,000 in the card, Jiang Linhai was too embarrassed to accept it. He and his daughter-in-law have been diligent and diligent all their lives, and the money they have saved is about the same amount.

It's just that he is a little strange. Didn't his son always take money from the family before, and it was because of this that his wife decided that his son was bragging.

"Dad, you will be 60 years old in August this year, and this year is also your last year in office. Didn't you agree before that I didn't take money from home because you still have the ability to work, but now you're about to retire Now, as a son, I will naturally be responsible for supporting you so that you can spend your old age in peace."

Jiang Liu explained seriously.

Cai Shufen and Jiang Linhai looked at each other, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with this explanation. Could it be that they really misunderstood their son too deeply before.

"Then my dad and I will take the money first."

The old lady took the bank card right away. In any case, she had to go to the bank to see if there was so much money in the card, and then quickly transfer the money in the card to her own account.

Now she always has a feeling of instability, but with these half a million, no matter what her son is up to, at least she has the money in her hand, and everyone will have a way out in the future.

"But where do you plan to take Chongde to play in the summer vacation?"

Cai Shufen is quite satisfied that her son finally realizes his dereliction of duty in his father's position, and wants to make up for his grandson, but she is also worried that his son has not been with his grandson for a long time and will not be able to take care of his grandson.

"I plan to take Chongde to the mountainous area where I helped build the primary school, and let him see the lives of the children in those mountains."

Jiang Liu glanced at his son who was having breakfast: "I used to think Chongde was pretty well-behaved, but I think the child's vanity is still a little bit heavier in getting along with him these days. I even bought him a sports car, and he is still right. Sports car models are picky, so I'm going to take him to see the kids who live more difficult lives and let him remember the hardships."


Jiang Chongde was drinking porridge, and he almost choked to death after listening to his father's accusation.

Is this because he is picky and greedy for vanity? Is it because his dad's usual behavior makes people unable to guess that he is really rich, so he thought of this way to test him.

Now it seems that his dad is really rich, and the idea he used to test it has caused the family to have a sports car that is not practical except for being beautiful.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chongde was also a little remorseful.

Although Cai Shufen and Jiang Linhai don't think that the grandson they taught is as their son said, it's not a bad thing to go for a walk in the mountains and see the lives of the poorer children, and travel can increase the number of fathers and sons. The feelings between them, the old couple agreed.


"Dad, I'm sorry."

After dinner, Jiang Liu was feeding chickens and ducks in the yard, and his son Jiang Chongde stood awkwardly beside him and apologized to him.

Because he also felt that it seemed too extravagant to buy a sports car with millions of dollars for his casual remarks.

Jiang Liu glanced at the stern and awkward son, and couldn't help but want to rub his little head again.

"But can you give me the seven thousand dollars back?"

Because he was too shocked yesterday, Jiang Chongde didn't know how he ate dinner or got into bed, and naturally he forgot to get back the more than 7,000 yuan that he had stuffed into his father's pocket.

Now since the car is not rented by his father, there is no need to give him his own money.

"Do you still want to rob a child of the private money that he has worked so hard to save for more than ten years?"

Jiang Chongde looked at his father vigilantly. He heard that the richer he became, the more stingy he became. Looking at his father's performance over the years, he might be the representative of them.

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Liupi didn't smile, this kid is really not cute at all.