The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 34: Widowmaker's champion 2


The lunch for the orphans and widows was very bland. Jiang Liu didn't know whether it was because of his family background or because his original filial piety had not passed.

Rice mixed with dried potatoes, a plate of green onions mixed with tofu, a plate of dried tofu mixed with green beans, and a small bowl of pickles, this is the Jiang family's meal for the whole day today.

Looking at such food conditions, Jiang Liu suddenly thought of when he was young, he and his grandfather lived together, and they had to pay off the debt for his father's funeral. During the most difficult time, the two of them had every meal. Only half a piece of fermented bean curd.

"After dinner, go back to the house and take a nap, don't run around, wait for your mother to come back from the mill and bring you a string of candied haws."

Meng Yunniang ate very fast, Jiang Liu felt that the sweet potato porridge was too hot to eat, but Meng Yunniang drank the sweet potato porridge in the bowl in three or two mouthfuls, and when Jiang Liu was eating, she sorted out the porridge to be eaten later. Take the beans from the mill and the utensils for the soy milk.

Seeing that the mother in this world has so many things to work on, Jiang Liu didn't dare to work on foreign jobs, so he hurriedly blew the heat in the bowl and finished the small bowl of sweet potato porridge, without even bothering to eat.

In ancient times, men and women were strictly guarded. Even mothers and sons slept separately from their mothers after their sons were four or five years old. Therefore, Jiang Liu now had her own small room. Meng Yunniang covered her son with a quilt and hurried After going out, Jiang Liu finally had a quiet and alone time, received the memories his original body left him, and checked his mission to this world.


This is a dynasty Jin Dynasty that has never appeared in Jiangliu's memory. The current emperor is Jinyang Emperor, the national surname is Sikong, and he is the fourth emperor of Jin Dynasty.

More than ten years ago, the state of Jin fought with the neighboring state of Qiang in a war that lasted nearly two years. Although the state of Jin finally won, and all the way to the capital of the state of Qiang, the state of Qiang has been subservient to the state of Jin these years. , became a vassal state of Jin State, but the consumption of this war has seriously damaged the national strength of Jin State, and even after more than ten years have passed, it still has not fully recovered.

As far as Jiang Liu's memory is, the war recruited many men to fight at the border gates, and the final return was less than three-tenths of the previous ones. Therefore, after the war, many men appeared in Jin at once. Because of the lack of labor, a large number of fields were left vacant, and it was also because of this reason that the country's strength was so slow to recover.

The administrative system of this dynasty is similar to the combination of Tang and Ming dynasties in Jiangliu’s memory. The country is divided into 16 provinces. Below the province, it is divided into prefectures, prefectures, and counties. One person in the li is selected as the li head, and the following is the village. The village chief is the same as the li head, and only Bai Ding is appointed. Generally speaking, the head of the family with the most grains is automatically qualified for the post of village chief.

Jiangjia Village, where the original body is located, as the name suggests, is the settlement of the Jiang family. The village of Jiangjia Village is also the patriarch of the Jiang family. According to the seniority, the original body has to call the other party uncle.

It is said that the ancestors of the Jiang family were also personalities, but because they did not know what happened, the whole family migrated here to avoid disasters. rich before.

The branch where the original body belonged did not share much land, but it was allocated a craft that could last a long time - ordering tofu. In order to be able to concentrate and inherit the wealth as much as possible, the ancestors stipulated that this skill could only be passed on to the eldest son. If the eldest son If you die young and have descendants, you will pass on the skills to the eldest grandson.

To make up for it, other children and grandchildren can get more land and cash.

When Yuanshen's parents were separated, Yuanshen's father got six acres of land and the ancestral house where they live now, but they didn't get much money, and Yuanshen's uncle, his father's younger brother, was divided. Fifteen acres of land, plus thirty taels of silver.

Although they do not have a craft that can last a long time, the fields and silver taels are enough for them to live in peace.

Originally, after the separation of the family, the well water did not violate the river water. The original uncle Jiang Erchun felt that he had suffered a loss, and he hated this big brother. In this way, it gradually became cold, and the children and grandchildren have no contact anymore, but who would have thought that a cold wind took away the life of the original body's father. At that time, the original body will also be six years old, leaving behind a fertile ancestral house and a craft that can make money. , the other Jiang clansmen naturally set their sights on the original pair of orphans and widowed mothers.

Especially Jiang Erchun, Su Panyun and his wife could not wait to receive the property left by the elder brother immediately.

During that time, the Jiang family was very lively, and people came to the door all day, not to mourn the original father Jiang Dachun, but to fight the Jiang family's property.

Fortunately, Meng Yunniang could stand. She knew that she was a widow, and it was difficult to keep the family wealth. She took the time to find the patriarch and the uncle of the village chief, saying that her husband and son-in-law had a last word on his deathbed, saying that after he left, his wife and children would have to trouble the clan. Therefore, I am willing to borrow the six acres of land in the family to cultivate the family. I only hope that before the son Jiang Liu comes of age, the village can provide the mother and son with the annual food rations. .

At that time, Jiang Dachun's illness was almost speechless. How could there be such a dying last word? This so-called last word was actually Meng Yunniang's decision after thinking and consideration.

First of all, as a woman, she couldn't cultivate the six acres of land in her family.

As for the six acres of land that belongs to the family when the son becomes an adult, it actually belongs to the line of the patriarch. For the sake of interests, the patriarch will take care of their mother and son. The fields will not be in the hands of the patriarch.

As for their mother and son, they have a craft of making tofu. Before her son becomes an adult, she will be able to save up the money to buy land and buy a new family property for her son.

Meng Yunniang's mind was extraordinarily clear. She understood that the land was dead and the craftsmanship was alive. As long as the craftsmanship and her son were kept, it would be worth sacrificing something.

Sure enough, after the village was intervening, those noisy people stopped, and Jiang Erchun and Su Panyun and his wife were also noisy from time to time.

Because of the six acres of land given out, the orphans and widows lived a comfortable life for a period of time, but the widows had a lot of disputes and disputes. Although Meng Yunniang stood upright, she could not protect the existence of those who gossip and gossip, plus she has grown like that With a face, even if she didn't think about remarrying, countless bees and butterflies rushed over, and the steward Jiang Liu had seen this morning was one of them.

As for Hu Guirong mentioned in Su Panyun's mouth, Jiang Liu also found the identity of the other party from the memory of the original body. That person was a hunter from Meng Yunniang's family. It is said that before Meng Yunniang married Jiang's family , Zeng and Hu Guirong hit it off, just because the Meng family took a fancy to the Jiang family's wealth and forced their daughter to marry the Jiang family, and a couple of lovers were separated like this.

Now Meng Yunniang is the mother of a six-year-old child, and Hu Guirong has never remarried. Everyone said that he can't forget Meng Yunniang and has been guarding it.

However, he didn't know much about his mother's former love, and even he was not so impressed with this memory when he was young.

He only remembered that when he was about to enter the school at the age of seven, there was a big incident at home that almost cost his mother's life, and finally this incident ended with Meng Yunniang scratching her face.

Because of the lack of her beautiful face, the peach-colored news surrounding this widow finally stopped. No one believed that there would still be a man willing to have an affair with such an ugly and ghostly woman. The clan finally believed that Meng Yunniang would take good care of her deceased husband. Began to actively maintain the pair of orphans and widows.

The memory of that period is particularly deep. The original body seems to have grown up since that day. He studied hard and wanted to become a respected existence like the master of Juren, because he knew that only when he grew up and had the ability, he could do it for himself. The mother-in-law shelters from the wind and rain.

Meng Yuniang is a tough woman. The painful experience of disfigurement did not seem to have dealt her much damage. After the wound healed, she continued to make tofu and sell it in the market to make money for her son's study expenses. She paid more attention to her son than before. .

During this period, Hu Guirong, who had a relationship with Meng Yunniang, would still appear in the lives of the mother and son.

One winter, Hu Guirong braved heavy snow into the deep mountains. When he came out of the mountains, he was covered in scars and dragged a dead female worm. With the flesh of the worm, he made hundreds of taels. There was an endless stream of people who said that he was close to him, but Hu Guirong refused all of them. He used the money to build a shop in the market and began to change his job to become a butcher who sold meat. Bring the meat over and exchange tofu with Meng Yunniang.

Until the original body was in his twenties, he took the test and moved to Fucheng with his mother, but the other party still did not marry again.

Jiang Liu didn't know if Meng Yunniang still had feelings for that man, because she would never talk about that man to her son, but when she was dying, she cried and told her son that she was sorry for a man in her life. Knowing who she was talking about, Jiang Liu felt that the man Meng Yuniang was sorry for was probably Hu Guirong, who had never remarried.