The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 35: Widowmaker's champion 3


But this is just Jiang Liu's guess, and only the two parties involved know the specifics.

After moving to Fucheng, the original mother and son really lived a comfortable life. The original is Juren, and it may not be impossible to go further in the future, because the original, who has not been married for a long time, suddenly became a good son-in-law in the eyes of some big families in Fucheng. At that time, the teacher of the original body had a granddaughter waiting to be in the boudoir. After the matchmaker's reconciliation, Meng Yunniang decided to kiss each other, which contributed to this marriage.

But the days after getting married are not as happy as they were when they got married.

First of all, Meng Yunniang has spent most of her life guarding her son's life, but now there is suddenly a woman, no matter how reasonable she is, she will inevitably suffer from a problem similar to that of a mother-in-law all over the world.

The original wife is the young lady of the whole family. She has been pampered since childhood. In terms of living habits, she is not compatible with the original mother who has suffered a lot.

Yuan Shi is willing to accommodate his wife, but this just touches Meng Yunniang's sensitive nerve, and feels that her son has been snatched by her daughter-in-law. In this way, the contradiction between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law is increasing, while the original body has become a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. Sandwich biscuits in the middle.

Every time Meng Yuniang and her daughter-in-law had a dispute, she always had to come forward to mediate, but he only had the advantage of being able to study. He had a low emotional intelligence and a clumsy mouth.

Also because he spent too much time dealing with the issue of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, his road to the imperial examinations stopped at the top, and he could not make further progress.

In the early years, in order to support her son to study, Meng Yunniang spent several hours a day grinding soy milk. Her body and bones had already suffered from the root of the disease in those years. Now her life is better, and because of the conflict with her daughter-in-law, she is often sullen, and her body is getting worse and worse. Lingering sickbed, miserable.

At this time, death was a relief for her, but because she was worried about her daughter-in-law, she insisted on taking care of her son. She had been lying on the hospital bed for more than ten years. Grow up and leave with confidence.

"Girls, they are really the cutest creatures in the world."

001 appeared in the air and said with a sigh.

Jiang Liu: …

He really didn't understand how 001 could dig out the cuteness of women from this story.

"But in ancient times, because of gender restrictions, women's life was often trapped in marriage, family, husband, and children, just like the original mother who never remarryed for the sake of her son, or like the original wife later, because of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Filial piety, sometimes it is obvious that it is reasonable, but I have to apologize to my mother-in-law because of the suppression of filial piety."

001 didn't care about Jiang Liu's eyes and continued to talk.

However, what he said was true. Jiang Liu carefully checked the memory of the original body and found that this dynasty seemed to be extremely harsh on widows.

First, this era does not support widows remarrying.

When a widow remarrys, she can't take away every needle and thread of her husband's family. At the same time, her dowry must stay in her husband's family when she gets married. That is to say, a widow who remarries does not have any money on her side. It is lucky to meet a man who hurts people. I met a Zhongshan wolf, and the rest of my life was ruined.

And it is better for widows to be young and have no children. After all, some girls from poor families do not have dowries when they marry for the first time. However, if a widow has children, now with a strong clan consciousness, it is determined that it is impossible to remarry with children. How many Mothers can endure being separated from their own flesh and blood. For the sake of their children, many women can only choose to be widows and spend the rest of their lives alone.

Some old-fashioned clans even strongly refused the request of widowed women in the clan to remarry. There was a rumor in the original memory that there was a young widow who wanted to remarry, but she was killed by her husband that night. The middle man was tied to a stone and sank into the pond, and finally ended the case by slipping into the water.

The widow's family can't make trouble with a clan, and the view that the law does not blame the public has existed in many times. It is impossible for the local county magistrate to punish hundreds of people who participated in this murder for a dead widow. Ordinary people, so the final result can only be that the widow died in vain. Even because of her idea of remarrying, she could not even enter the ancestral grave, so her family could only bury her in a hasty way. .

But in this rumor, very few people sympathized with the young widow, but the majority of people agreed with the clan's behavior. It is conceivable that this feudal society is not easy for women.

"Mission 1, help at least 1,000 women in the current world, change their living conditions, and complete 1,000 reward points. If you fail, you will deduct three times the reward points. If the points are zero, they will be erased."

"Task two, stop Meng Yunniang from being disfigured, and make the other party happy and prosperous for the rest of her life. Completing the reward points will be 1,000 points. If you fail, you will deduct three times the reward points.

After sighing, 001 talked about serious business, it announced two tasks in the current world.

In the last world, Jiang Liu won a total of 137 people's sincere gratitude for donating many elementary schools and wells, so adding the points he earned in the first world and the points after completing the task in the previous world, he There are 9400 points left in total.

That is to say, as long as he does not spend more than 3400 points in the system mall, even if the mission in this world fails, he does not need to accept punishment.

With a little more certainty in his heart, Jiang Liu began to study the tasks of this world.

The second task is relatively easy to complete. Now that he is here, he will definitely not let the mother-in-law disfigurement happen again. As for making the mother-in-law prosperous and happy in her later years, the former is very simple, and the latter seems to only need to mediate the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. That's it.

Meng Yunniang herself is a traditional woman. She obeys her husband when she gets married, and obeys her son when her husband dies. Much of her happiness comes from her son.

Therefore, Jiang Liu did not worry too much about this task, but task 1 made him a little confused.

The scope of this task seems to be a little wider. Jiang Liu does not understand if this is considered to improve the living conditions of women, whether giving them money is an improvement, and if so, is it as long as he earns a little more money and distributes it to 1,000 women so that they can To live a more prosperous life than before would complete the task.

"The host should not be opportunistic, the task stipulates to improve the living conditions of women, especially the situation in the social class, that is to say, the host must help at least 1,000 women to break free from the many constraints imposed on them by the feudal society, such as promoting women status, so that they can have the same rights as men to study and read, and for example, change the situation of widows, so that women who want to remarry can adapt to their hearts and start a new life."

001's explanation made Jiang Liu embarrassed, let alone him now, even if he became the original body of Juren in the future, he would not have this ability. Let girls study like boys, this is about to directly challenge the feudal society, let alone him For such a small person, it is also the blood of countless revolutionary ancestors that men and women can study on an equal footing.

Fortunately, the Lord God also took into account the difficulty when he put forward the task requirements, and did not define the number of women who were mainly helped as all, a thousand people. Although it was difficult, it was not really impossible. Just to do this, his status must be improved, at least he must pass the jinshi examination and become the emperor's favorite or powerful minister.

Jiang Liu had some headaches. In his previous life, Yuanshen failed to pass the jinshi examination. Even if he had a junior high school diploma, even if he had the memory of Yuanshen, how could he possibly pass the examination.

Even though Jiang Liu used to be a man who studied English hard to earn money, in fact, his essence is still a scumbag. When he thinks of studying, it is still those tongue-in-cheek articles in ancient times, and Jiang Liu is a big one.

Besides, knowledge is not something you can use when you know it, just like you know the norms and skills of writing poetry, but you can't become a poet like Li Bai and Du Fu, even if you have the original body left to Jiang Liu Those memories of , it is not necessarily that he can use it flexibly.

Is fate finally going to deal with this poor boy? Jiang Liu rolled around on the bed a few times, unable to think of a solution.

"Friendly reminder, the puzzle pills in the system mall are on the shelves. One 800 points, you can't buy it, you can't buy it, you can't buy it, it's a must for reading and exams."

When Jiang Liu had a headache, 001 friendly reminded him.

"Is this the magic medicine that is said to be unforgettable after eating it?"

Jiang Liu's spirit came to him, he opened the system mall, and sure enough, the shelf that originally had the [Super Lucky Star] had changed, and now the products sold by the system had become [Puzzle Pills], and the price was as the system suggested, just need 800 points.

"The system will not provide cheating-level magic medicine. The function of Yizhi Dan is only to improve the host's IQ. The specific situation must be judged according to the host's original IQ level."

001 was silent for a while and gave an answer.

Jiang Liu understood the meaning of the system, that is to say, even with the bonus of Yizhi Dan, he still needs to study hard, but this is also a good thing to improve wisdom, Jiang Liu bought one without thinking, and quickly Swallow.

If it weren't for the product's reminder that the pills are only effective for a single time, Jiang Liu would want to buy a few more pills to see where his IQ limit is.

"Originally, I was a little genius, but now I should be considered a big genius after eating the puzzle pill."

After taking the elixir, Jiang Liu didn't have an intuitive way to identify his IQ rise, but just asked the system happily.


I really don't know where the host's self-confidence comes from.

"001, why don't you speak?"

Looking at the silent system, Jiang Liu was a little angry.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence. Sure enough, I'm a genius."

Jiang Liu rolled again and began to figure out how to complete the task.

Just as 001 was about to disappear, Jiang Liu suddenly stopped it.

"By the way, not only girls, our boys are also very cute!"

Holding his small round face, Jiang Liu tilted his head and smiled at the system.


In any case, it is also a good thing for the mentally retarded host to adapt to this child's body so quickly, 001 thought uncertainly.