The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 39: Widowmaker's champion 7


On the other hand, Jiang Liu saw how he suggested that the beautiful lady would not answer his words, and realized that the other party might not be willing to discuss this sensitive topic with his son.

If you want to talk about Hu Guirong, you have to choose the right time.

"Mother has poured hot water for you, so hurry up and soak it, and then mother will come to rub your back."

As soon as she got home, Meng Yunniang turned her busy work around. Seeing her son had been pestering in the yard, she seemed to be annoyed and sent her to take a shower.

"Mother, I'm going to study at the school, and it's time for me to take a shower."

After being in this body for a period of time, Jiang Liu did all the scrubbing and foot bathing on weekdays himself. He almost forgot that every time he had a big wash, the beautiful lady had to rub the back of this body.

He may not think there is any problem with the original body, which was originally a child, but Jiang Liu, who is mature in mind, is somewhat incapable of accepting it. He can't really let the beautiful lady help him rub his back and see his body.

"You still dare to say that you are an adult even before your hair has grown. All right, don't delay things, and go take a bath for the old lady."

Today, Meng Yunniang's temper was particularly fierce, staring at her son with her hands on her hips, with a look of indifference.

"Let me tell you, even if you go to the academy to study and become the champion in the future, you are still your mother's boss, so don't learn from those sour Confucianism, and at home, you will be disgusted by what the sons say. understand."

It's not that Meng Yunniang hasn't seen those scholars who look down on their relatives after passing the exam, and those who are white-eyed wolves don't think about who cultivated them with thrifty. She has always disdained that kind of people, and she doesn't want her son to become. that kind of person.

"Mother, I know."

The majesty of the beautiful lady still makes Jiang Liu's heart linger, and he doesn't dare to challenge his mother's authority. He honestly took the water ladle and clean clothes, and walked obediently to the bathroom.

It is said to be a bathroom, but it is actually an empty room that is not spacious. There is a bucket and a low stool in it. On weekdays, the mother and two take a bath in this room. At this time, the hot water has been poured out. The low stool, climbed into the tub.

The warm bath soup made people let out a sigh of relief. Jiang Liu filled the water with a ladle and poured it down from the top of his head. He could only use water because the conditions at home were not suitable for the fragrant pancreas. Soaked, then scratched the hair on the top of the head, it was washed clean.

On the way, Meng Yunniang came to add hot water to her son twice. When Jiang Liupao's skin was about to wrinkle, she finally found time to rub his back.

Meng Yunniang held a loofah pulp in her hand. This is the product of the old loofah in the yard after drying and removing the skin. In the countryside, it is not only used to clean dishes, but also used to rub off the sludge on her body.

After grinding the tofu for so many years, Meng Yunniang's hands are not weak, but after rubbing it a few times, the pained Jiang Liu bared his teeth and screamed.

"Okay, don't yell, I haven't seen you so much before giving you a bath."

Meng Yunniang patted her son's head, grabbed his small arm, and dragged his son who wanted to sneak back, and then rubbed him back and forth.

"Looking at your muddy body, you are not willing to help your mother rub it. Carefully went to the school, and was ridiculed by others as a dirty child."

Meng Yunniang picked up her son's hair and carefully helped him clean the area behind his ears, which was the easiest place to hide filth. Free from iron hands.

In the end, he could only give up on himself, comforting himself that he was a boy without long hair, and he just saw it all. Anyway, it's not that he hasn't seen this beautiful woman.

However, after taking a bath like this, it was really comfortable. Jiang Liu felt like he had lost three pounds of mud on his body, and his whole body was brisk.

"Mud monkey, let mother help you take a bath and feel comfortable. Hmph, you weren't happy just now. Mother told you, in a year or two, if you want mother to help you take a bath, she won't be able to help you."

Meng Yunniang gave her son a shower with a smile, brought him a clean handkerchief and let him dry the water on his body, and then was ready to leave to do other things.

"Mother, the man who came to exchange the tofu with a hare today is Hu Guirong, right? He still likes mother now."

When Meng Yunniang was about to leave with the bucket of dirty water, Jiang Liu suddenly spoke up.

"What do you say, don't listen to your second aunt."

Meng Yunniang didn't expect her son to suddenly mention this matter, and immediately stopped, but did not dare to look back at her son's expression at this time.

Talking about an old relationship with her son, even if Meng Yunniang knew that the relationship between them was only polite, she still felt very embarrassed: "What Hu Guirong, don't mention this name outside in the future."

After that, Meng Yunniang wanted to run away.

"Mother, in fact, if you like that man, your son would like you to remarry."

Jiang Liu sincerely wants Meng Yunniang to remarry. One of his tasks is to let Meng Yunniang live a happy and smooth life, but according to the importance Meng Yunniang places on her son, she will definitely have a quarrel with her daughter-in-law in the future.

The focus of her life is only on her son. In the future, if a woman is inserted horizontally to divide her son, Meng Yunniang's mentality will inevitably be out of balance.

But if Meng Yunniang remarryed, it would be different. She is still young now and will have other children in the future. Even if Jiang Liu is still the one she values most, her life focus will inevitably be re-divided. Her future husband needs her. The children after her need her, she is no longer the widowed mother who only surrounds Jiang Liu, and all her emotions and anger are only tied to Jiang Liu.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Liu wanted Meng Yunniang to remarry was not entirely for his own mission.

A woman can only guard her son in her prosperous years. Only she knows the misery behind it. Jiang Liu just wants to give Meng Yunniang a chance to choose. She wants to marry and is willing to marry, no matter what method she uses Means, Jiang Liu will realize her wish.

"Shut up!"

This is the first time Meng Yunniang has been angry with her son.

"Although the mother may feel that the son is sorry for the father, but the son still thinks this way, the winter night is too cold, the son still remembers that the first time he slept in separate beds with his mother, he was not used to it, and he missed the time when he and his mother and father slept together. The warmth is the same now, the father is gone, the son will wonder if it is cold for the mother to sleep at night, and if there is anyone who can hold the mother to keep the mother warm."

Because this body is still a child, Jiang Liu can only say things that are easy to understand, like what a child would say.

"Hey, something that can be solved by covering a little more quilt is worrying for you. You didn't sleep alone this year."

Hearing her son's words of concern, Meng Yunniang's face turned slightly.

"But I will marry a daughter-in-law in the future, and my daughter-in-law will help me with a warm quilt."

Relying on the fact that he was still a child, Jiang Liu spoke incoherent words in childish language.

"When I get married, my mother will still sleep alone. Ten years, twenty years, even fifty or sixty years, my son will feel sorry for her."

Yes, the son will get married in the future, and in the end she is still alone.

Following her son's words, Meng Yunniang couldn't help but think of the scene where she was in her 70s and 80s, and the scene where she was shivering under the tight quilt in winter made her heart sour and astringent.

Wait, why was she brought over by that bastard.

Putting away the sourness, Meng Yunniang tapped her son's head with a water ladle.

She has found out that her son is a blockbuster if he doesn't speak. Maybe it's as the patriarch said, he has great wisdom. In this case, she doesn't have to treat him as a child all the time. Some things should be treated well with him. said.

"Mother knows that Dalang is filial, but has Dalang ever thought about it, mother knows our Jiang family's tofu recipe, whether the Jiang family would like his mother to remarry, and secondly, the patriarch is now interested in your talent for studying, and the decision is I wouldn't want my mother to take you away when she remarried, and leave you in the Jiang family. The one who can take over the responsibility of raising you most logically is your uncle's family. How can you tell your mother to rest assured and hand you over to those two people? ."

Meng Yunniang took her son, who was not as tall as her waist, into her arms. To be honest, she was moved by her son's words today, no matter whether this son will remember today's words in the future, and whether he will be as filial to her mother as he is now. , Meng Yunniang felt that her efforts were worth it.

"Don't say such nonsense in the future. You have to remember that in mother's heart, you are more important than anyone and everything."

After that, Meng Yunniang wiped her tears and turned to leave.

She thought that Jiang Liu had listened to these words and would not bring up the topic of remarriage again, but after listening to her words, Jiang Liu had other thoughts in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Yunniang never answered the topic of remarrying Hu Guirong directly. Thinking back to the scenes in her original memory, Jiang Liu had six or seven points of certainty that Meiren Niang had feelings for that man.

The reason for refusing now is, firstly, because of what the world demands of women, and secondly, because of his son.

Behind the many considerations, the actual conclusion is that it is a matter of power and the right to speak.

If he stood tall enough that even the Jiang clan had to rely on him, and he agreed to his mother's remarriage, who else would stand up and veto him