The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 47: Widowmaker's champion 15


Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye. Although Jiang Candao has a small problem of being sullen and narcissistic, he has to say that he is a very good teacher. Under his systematic teaching, Jiang Liu's knowledge reserve at this moment has been far away. surpassed the original.

A lot has happened in these eight years.

For example, when Emperor Jinyang died, the fourteen-year-old crown prince ascended the throne, and the previous emperor left several auxiliary ministers. The year before last, Emperor Wen of Jin got married and officially began to govern himself. And long before the prince ascended the throne, Jiang Candao was named the prince's master, teaching the prince's political affairs and the way of the prince. In the court, it was a princeling party with a clear banner. Now Emperor Wen of Jin has begun to pro-government, and also intends to cultivate his own power, and A few auxiliary ministers who refused to give up their power competed, and Jiang Candao was one of the confidants of Emperor Wen of Jin.

For example, Jiang Liu brought the well-known derivative of tofu to this dynasty. Fermented bean curd, gray tofu fruit, stinky tofu... All kinds of tofu food are very popular. In order to meet the huge market demand, Meng Yunniang bought a few little girls to make tofu together, and Hu Guirong sold it in the shop, earning money Greatly relieved the financial pressure of the family.

Another example, eight years is enough for two young girls who had never known each other to develop a deep enough childhood love.


"If Dad comes later, you can say that you wrote this poem, otherwise Dad should punish you again."

Jiang Furong stood outside the window, tiptoeing and handed a letter to Jiang Liu's hand. The letter was written in small letters with beautiful hairpins. I didn't understand what was written, but the handwriting alone was enough to please the eyes. .

"The poems you and I wrote, the teacher can tell at a glance, little auntie, are you helping me or hurting me?"

Jiang Liu finally wrote a poem that felt good about himself. Now, seeing the poems written by the younger sister, there is no self-confidence left.

Even though he has studied with a famous teacher like Jiang Candao for so many years, Jiang Liu's attainments in poetry still haven't improved much. Jiang Liu thinks that it may be because he is a layman in his bones, and he can't write that kind of thing.

On the other hand, although Jiang Furong is young, he is quite spiritual in poetry. Jiang Sandao often laments that if this little girl changes her gender, she may also become a famous poet through the ages.

It's a pity that she is a daughter's family, and no matter how good the poems she writes, it can only be revealed in front of her family.

"People are kind enough to help you, even if you don't appreciate it."

Jiang Furong was a quiet and gentle girl in front of her parents, but she was a little more arrogant in front of Jiang Liu. At this moment, she pouted and stomped her feet, asking Jiang Liu to give her to him. The letter was returned.

"Appreciate, why don't you appreciate it."

Jiang Liu carefully folded the letter, stuffed it into the placket, and then took advantage of no one around, took out a pack of candied fruit wrapped in butter paper: "This is your favorite Xu Ji, yesterday I But it's been a long queue, don't say I don't miss you."

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Shandao stood at the door and coughed.

Jiang Furong blushed, grabbed the candied fruit in Jiang Liu's hand on his feet, and ran away with the skirt in his hand.


Seeing that the master came back, Jiang Liu sat back to his seat in a proper manner, and then handed over the poem he had just written with all his might.


Jiang Candao took the poem and glared at his precious disciple, but he didn't say much about the scene that just happened.

Eight years is enough time for Jiang Candao to understand his students. If Jiang Liu's character is flawed, I am afraid that Jiang Furong will not be so easy to come to the front yard and come into contact with Jiang Liu.

"There is more than enough craftsmanship, but insufficient spirituality."

After commenting on some of his disciples' poems, Jiang Sandao also knew that this was his limit.

However, although he lacked a bit of spirituality, the poems written by his disciple did not have any problems in structure and rhythm. It was enough to meet the needs of the imperial examinations. After all, the imperial examinations were not all poetry.

"This time in the township test, you are off."

Jiang Candao detained this disciple for eight years. First, Jiang Liu was really not ready, and secondly, he felt that his limelight was too high and he needed to avoid it.

It’s different now. When the new emperor is in power, it is the time when he most needs to support his own manpower. After all, this scientific examination is presided over by the new emperor himself. One of the disciples of the emperor.

Although Jiang Liu is still a bit young, the new emperor is not a few years older than him, and as far as he knows about the new emperor, he may have been suppressed by several auxiliary ministers for a long time. Young talent.

This is Jiang Liu's chance. Whether he can fly into the sky or not depends on his own ability.


Jiang Liu's eyes lit up instantly.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.


When he got home, the first thing Jiang Liu did was to take out the letter in his arms, then took out another stack of letter paper from the dark compartment of his bookcase, and stacked them neatly on top of one another.

These are Jiang Furong's masterpieces, some are her essays, and some are written by her to cheat Jiang Liu but have never come in handy.

Although Jiang Liu doesn't know how to write poetry, he still has a little appreciation ability. In his opinion, the fine works of these poems are comparable to those of female poets and lyricists such as Xie Daoyun, Madam Huarui, and Li Qingzhao.

It would be a pity if these poems were buried here. Jiang Liu silently collected these poems and planned to pass them on.

On the other side, Jiang Furong was holding the bag of candied fruit, and before returning to the house, she was caught by Mrs. Jiang who was about to come to see her.

"You went to the front yard again?"

Looking at the direction her daughter was running from, Mrs. Jiang said angrily.

Although it was in her own home, her daughter always went to the front yard to find Jiang Liu, which was a bit too reserved and particular.


Jiang Furong put his hands behind his back and called out with a blushing face.

"You ah you."

Mrs. Jiang sighed. She and her husband let this daughter and son learn the Four Books and Five Classics, poetry and songs since childhood, hoping that she would be reasonable and general. There are many constraints on women in this era, and Mrs. Jiang wants her daughter to be in the boudoir. I can relax a bit more in middle school, but my daughter still has to get married after all, and some rules have to be learned early.

Sometimes she regrets letting this young girl learn too much, because the world she sees is too big, and it will be more painful to confine her to a small space.

This daughter is too smart, and her husband often sighs to her that it would be great if their youngest son was a man, and it is not a problem to make the king pay respects to the prime minister, but she is a woman, and not all men can accept a man who is bigger than himself. A wiser, more insightful wife, especially if this daughter doesn't have enough looks to confuse a man.

Intelligence is often a woman's biggest mistake.

"Afu, from today onwards, all those poems and songs will be put away. You should honestly learn from your mother the way of housekeeping, as well as the red needles. This is what we women should learn the most."

Mrs. Jiang paused: "There is also the front yard, you have to go less, and in another year, you will be in time, and some things must be avoided."


Jiang Furong was stunned for a while, not expecting her mother to say such a thing.

She is smart and agile, and she understands her mother's worries after a little thought.

Her appearance is ordinary, which she had noticed when she started attending various banquets with her mother when she was ten years old. Men are so fortunate in this world. Although the selection criteria for the big ladies of aristocratic families have always been based on family background, men love beauty. , With her moral appearance, although she can be a big woman, it is difficult to get the love of her future husband.

Just like her father, she raised her eyebrows with her mother. Men who refuse to take concubines are rare. Plus she has no shyness. I am afraid that the best outcome after marriage is to gain her husband's respect, and then help her husband's family manage the household affairs. At that time, he watched her husband take beautiful and young concubines into the house.

Jiang Furong is a woman with great ambitions, how could she be willing to live behind a man's back so humbly.

However, Jiang Furong felt that there was another young man who was different.

When he was enlightened from a very young age, what Jiang Furong heard most was the sighs of his parents, lamenting that she was not a boy and could not display all her talents, but that boy was different.

Whenever she has a new work, he always surprises her more than her, and tells her solemnly and firmly that she has great talent, and her poems will be handed down for centuries in the future.

The boy didn't feel sorry for her being a woman, and recognized that even if she was a woman, she should have her own ambitions.

Self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, and self-improvement, these are the four phrases that the teenager gave her. Jiang Furong deeply believed that if she was born a woman, as long as she followed these teachings, she would be no less than a man.

"What are you holding in your hand?"

Mrs. Jiang saw that her daughter didn't speak, she just thought that what she said just now was a little too heavy, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed, but just when she was about to comfort her daughter, she found that her daughter's hands were behind her back, from the first time she saw her, I haven't seen her take out her hand before, it seems that there is something hidden, and she doesn't want to be discovered by her.

"No, nothing."

Jiang Furong's sweet memories were interrupted. Seeing her mother staring at the direction behind her, her heart was beating.


Madam Jiang emphasized, but Jiang Furong obediently handed over the package of candied fruit that Jiang Liu gave her.

"Did Liu'er bring it to you?"

Mrs. Jiang guessed the origin of this candied fruit when she saw her daughter's delicate state. At this moment, she couldn't help but think, a certain thought in the past was magnified in her heart at this moment.


Madam Jiang returned to her room, waved away the old maid, and leaned on the bedside to think deeply.

Jiang Liu was accepted as a disciple by her husband at the age of seven, and she was the only direct disciple. In terms of closeness, it was natural to say nothing. Mrs. Jiang had watched Jiang Liu grow up and was familiar with his character. If you betrothed to him, you will definitely not be wronged.

In particular, these two children were childhood sweethearts, and with this affection, even if Jiang Liu had to accept a beautiful concubine in the future, he would not condone the concubine's offense to Afo.

There are only two things that make Madam Jiang hesitate now.

The first point is that Jiang Liu is still a scholar after all, and her family background is ordinary, and her husband is an imperial teacher, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, and a second-rank official. In terms of status, this pair of children seems to be very unsuitable.

It's not that Mrs. Jiang dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but that people in the world have a lot of opinions. She betrothed her daughter to a child of a poor family. I am afraid others will speculate that her daughter has some kind of hidden disease, so she has to marry such a family.

Even for the sake of her daughter's reputation, Mrs. Jiang did not dare to rashly kiss the two children.

The second concern is Jiang Liu's widowed mother.

Madam Jiang did not have much contact with Meng Yunniang. She only knew that she was a very tough and refreshing woman, but Madam Jiang never dared to be jealous of a woman and possessive of her children.

As open-minded as Mrs. Jiang, after her eldest son got married, she would inevitably have a quarrel with her daughter-in-law, not to mention that Meng Yunniang, a widowed mother who devoted herself to guarding her only son, would face her daughter day and night in the future, not because of Jiang Liu.

People in the world value filial piety, and the other party is only a mother-in-law, and she can crush her daughter to the death.

Because of these two points, Mrs. Jiang hesitated again and again, but could not make up her mind.

But how can there be a perfect marriage in this world, especially her daughter, who may not be perfect in the eyes of others. Mrs. Jiang also loves her daughter, so she thinks a lot about her, just a little daughter likes it, enough to cover up Jiang Liu. There are many shortcomings.

When Jiang Candao came back from the front yard, Mrs. Jiang couldn't hold back and discussed the feasibility of this marriage with her husband.

"You said you want to kiss Liu'er and Afu?"

Jiang Candao took a sip of hot tea and thought deeply about the marriage.

"There is no guessing between the two children, and Liu'er is my disciple again. It's better than kissing each other."

Jiang Candao is a person who protects the shortcoming. As long as he likes to like it, no matter what it is, it will be fine. In fact, if it is not for his intentional connivance, in the ancient times when the defense of men and women was so strict, how could Jiang Furong go in and out of the front yard so arbitrarily. , and Jiang Liu cultivated such a deep relationship.

"Furthermore, our daughter Shuli Wushuang is a good match for Liu'er."

Jiang Sandao laughed, if such two talented children make a pair, his grandson and granddaughter will definitely be Yuxue cute in the future, and he will nurture them carefully at that time.

Hearing her husband's words, Madam Jiang was silent for a while.

Even if she loves her daughter, she really can't put the word Shuli Wushuang on her daughter's face.

In this way, Jiang Liu is indeed a good candidate for a son-in-law. The other party is handsome and handsome. In the future, as long as the child born by her daughter is a little bit like her father, there is a high probability that it will not be ugly. For the appearance of the next generation, Jiang is worried about Several disadvantages of the stream seem to be ignored.

"But there's no rush for the time being. I have agreed to Liu'er's end to this imperial examination. I'll wait for Liu'er to finish the examination, so that he won't be distracted and affect the examination."

Although he already had this idea in his heart, Jiang Candao felt that there was no need to be so anxious. His disciple was only fifteen this year, and his daughter was not even a senior. He could discuss it after the imperial examination.

"Liu'er will end this time?"

This was really a surprise for Mrs. Jiang. This time Jiang Liu took the exam. Even if she only passed the exam, she was willing to marry her daughter to him. A fifteen-year-old juren is a worthy person to be cultivated. He is a talented person, and he is also a disciple of his husband, and when he betrothed his daughter to him, others will not say anything.


Jiang Candao took a sip of tea, this time, his disciples will definitely be able to help him retrieve Tanhua.


What is the most talked about topic among the ladies in the capital now, it's not silk and satin, nor any jewelry, but the students who came to Beijing to take the exam this time.

It has become a common practice to catch a son-in-law under the list. Before the start of the imperial examination, these noble ladies will find someone to investigate these candidates to see if there is anyone who has not yet married, and who is very outstanding in appearance, and will be selected as their son-in-law.

This time, the hot topic of discussion in the capital is Jie Yuan from Yuchuan, a young talent only fifteen years old.

"Do you still remember the child prodigy who was rumored to be in the middle school at the age of seven in the capital eight years ago? The one who passed the Yuchuan Jieyuan test this time was the child eight years ago."

A group of noble ladies gathered together to gossip. Madam Jiang sat in the crowd and listened to them discussing her husband's disciple and the future son-in-law she fancy, with a strange expression on her face.

"It's already four yuan, and I'm only fifteen years old. The future is promising."

The one who lamented was the wife of the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture. It was also fate. The current governor of Jingzhao Prefecture was the third flower of Jiang Candao's same department, and he was also the man that Jiang Candao secretly hated his teeth.

The official title of Jingzhao Fu Yin is not high, only the fourth rank. However, the geographical location under his jurisdiction is special, and his status is far beyond that of ordinary fourth rank officials. This is why this Jingzhao Fu Yin's wife can get along with the wives of these first and second rank officials. The reason for being so comfortable.

"I heard that this young talent is not only talented, but also very handsome in appearance. He is comparable to Pan An's rebirth. I don't know if there is a marriage match." One is the concubine.

The first-born lady inherited the beauty of her parents and had a lot of good names in the circle of girls. Madam Jiang couldn't help but twitch her eyelids when she heard the other party's words. stared at.

"This kid is really good-looking."

Madam Jiang blinked, pretended to be normal, and said after taking a sip of tea.

"Listening to Mrs. Jiang's words, it seems that you have seen that Jie Yuanlang?"

Everyone's attention suddenly turned to Mrs. Jiang. Everyone had only heard of that child prodigy, but had never really seen it. Mrs. Jiang's firm answer just now seemed to be very familiar with that Jie Yuanlang.

"Everyone doesn't know, that Jiang Liu, who is in the middle of the four yuan, is exactly my husband's disciple. As early as eight years ago, he was taken in by my husband. I am naturally familiar with him."

It's not a scandal to accept such a promising disciple, and after Jiang Liu's official career, the master-disciple relationship can't be concealed, so Mrs. Jiang naturally has no intention of concealing it.

"What, then Xie Yuanlang is actually a disciple of Lord Jiang!"

The lady who originally disapproved of Jiang Liu also changed her face now, but an ordinary Jie Yuan is naturally nothing to be rare, even if he becomes the champion, there will be one every three years, and he can really grow up. Yes, very few.

But Jiang Candao's only direct disciple is different. With such a mentor standing behind him, he has already far surpassed those scholars in the beginning.

In this way, the value of this Jie Yuanlang is even higher. If he can be turned into his own son-in-law, wouldn't he have a relationship with the Jiang family.

The news spread so widely that even the emperor heard that Jiang Shandao's disciples would end in this imperial examination, and the other party was a prodigy who won three yuan in a row at the age of seven, and won Jieyuan at the age of fifteen.


"My disciple's articles are well written, but he is a little more aggressive when he is young."

When going down to court, Emperor Wen of Jin called Jiang Candao and asked him about his disciple.

Jiang Canandao also expected that the emperor would ask, and sent the remarks that he had thought up in advance.

"Young and energetic?"

Emperor Wen of Jin read this word with great interest, but he was more and more looking forward to it. He was fed up with the pedantic stereotypes of the auxiliary ministers who were left by the previous emperor. This emperor is not as capable as their ministers.

However, he was late in the administration, and there were not many capable people around him.

In this imperial examination, Emperor Wen of Jin was going to build his own power, and Jiang Candao's disciples had already become one of his list.


Now the most fashionable news is that Jiang Liulian won the fourth yuan. After the meeting, he broke the imperial examination record of Jin as Huiyuan, and he has become a popular candidate for the number one scholar. We only need to wait for the palace test to see if he can Won the title of champion, setting a record of six yuan in a row.

For this reason, many casinos have also set up a handicap, betting on the odds of each student's high school.

Unexpectedly, there are not many people who have won the top spot in the gambler test.

One is that the odds set by the casino are too low, and if you buy Jiang Liuzhong's champion, you won't win much money. Second, many people are not optimistic about this young talent's performance in the palace exam.

After all, he was still too young, so he might not be able to endure the majesty of the emperor and the inspections of other ministers during the palace test. It was already a miracle that he won the title of third flower because of his appearance.

In contrast, the other two candidates who are also popular for champions, one is already in his thirties this year, experienced, mature and stable, the other is the son of a cabinet scholar, with family background, and his ancestors had two champions, ten. Of the five Jinshi, this time the scientific exams are the best children carefully cultivated by the family. The chances of these two getting the top spot in the exam seem to be much greater than those from Jiang Liu.

As a party to the topic, Jiang Liu was not at ease at this time.

The reason why he was able to come all the way so smoothly was partly because he ate the Yizhi Dan, which made his study really easy, and partly because the original body left him with the past imperial examination questions and the memories of the grading officials' preferences. .

The two complemented each other, allowing him to prepare well before the imperial examination and write articles that made the examiners feel itchy and applauded.

Of course, there is another factor that can not be ignored, that is, his grades in the three-year consecutive middle school and his age.

What's good in the top, what's in the bottom, the emperor has just taken over the government not long ago, if there is a multi-disciplinary candidate who has never appeared in the past dynasties, it can also be regarded as a good omen, implying that the Jin Dynasty will be under the leadership of the new emperor. down, to the prosperous world.

Under this kind of psychology, as long as his papers can rank among the best in the examination papers, the first one must belong to him.

He came here for five games in a row, but in the last game, Jiang Liu couldn't help but get nervous.

Because this exam is of great significance to him, in addition to the needs of the task, he is not willing to live up to the cultivation of his teacher.

The teacher was the champion during the reign of the late emperor. If his disciple passed the exam of the role model or the third flower, it would be a shame for the teacher. Jiang Liu doesn’t like to owe others kindness. The teacher treats him with sincerity. Face earned back.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for the palace exam.

Jiang Liu stood in the middle of a group of older candidates, and he looked particularly conspicuous. Emperor Wen of Jin, who was sitting on the dragon chair, saw the young and handsome young man at first sight, and guessed his identity.

Not only Emperor Wen of Jin, but also all the examiners who were invigilating the examination also realized that this was the direct disciple of Jiang Candaoshou.

For a time, everyone was watching, and Jiang Liu's pressure was even greater.

This time, the exam questions were written by Emperor Wen of Jin. The questions were very simple, but many candidates hesitated to write.

Because this question is simple, but the content is very scary, two words - reform.

The time for a stick of incense has passed, and there are still very few people who write. There is one exception, and that is Jiang Liu. At this time, he has calmed down and is completely immersed in the topic.

Emperor Wen of Jin stepped down from the dragon seat, patrolled among the students, and then stood by Jiang Liu's side, looking at the article written by him, his eyes were full of brilliance, and he almost clapped his hands.

The candidates on the side naturally did not miss the emperor's expression, the pressure was even greater, and they were more hesitant when writing.

At the end of the exam, many candidates were already sweating on their foreheads. When they walked out of the hall, their legs were weak. All the exam papers had been bound and sent to the marking office. They were just waiting for the top ten to be selected for Emperor Wen of Jin to see.

In the selection of the top ten, many ministers are arguing endlessly, and the most controversial is the paper by Jiangliu.

Whether the article is good or not, of course it is good, the words and sentences are exquisite, the deconstruction is rigorous, and the classics are quoted, which makes people applaud. In fact, he even encouraged widows to remarry, which is simply insulting.

If they remembered correctly, Jiang Liu's mother was a widow. Jiang Liu dared to make such nonsense, would he dare to encourage his biological mother to remarry

It's not to cater to the emperor's preferences, such a flattering and tricky person, if he is really an official in the court, I am afraid that he is also a jester.

It's just that everyone has seen the emperor's performance just now. The emperor clearly appreciates this article. If you don't send this article up, I'm afraid it will arouse His Majesty's anger.

Furthermore, this Jiang Liu is also a disciple of Jiang Candao. Although Jiang Candao did not participate in the examination in order to avoid suspicion, everyone is an official in the same dynasty, and this face is always given to him.

After some disputes, Jiang Liu's papers were presented together with the other papers, but they were pressed at the end.

Emperor Wen of Jin looked through the other nine examination papers, his face was not full of joy and anger, but when he saw the last one of Jiang Liu's papers, the expression on his face was a lot more palpable to the naked eye.

"This Jiangliu has won five yuan in a row. Why don't we make him the champion this time, and he won six yuan in a row. This is also a good talk."

I circled Jiang Liu's name with a red pen, and the champion has already fallen to Jiang Liu.

Several ministers look at me, I look at you, after all, I still did not argue with the emperor over this trivial matter.

As for the second place and the third flower, they were the other two popular candidates for the top spot. The 37-year-old old man who had already had his grandson became the second place, and the son of the cabinet scholar became the third flower.

The ministers are also satisfied with this result.

Afterwards, except for the biography of the second class, which was drawn up by Emperor Wen of Jin, the rest of the list was drawn up by the marking officials, but was finally handed over to Emperor Wen of Jin for review and seal.

After a stick of incense, those candidates who were waiting outside the hall knew the result. Some were happy and some were sad. As for Jiang Liu, the heavy stone in their hearts could finally be put down.

Jiang Candao, who could not participate in the grading, but was also guarding outside the hall with a group of officials, also got the news at this time.

Others knew that Jiang Liu was his student, so they congratulated him with a smile, but Jiang Shandao had a straight face and couldn't see the joy or anger.

Everyone sighed in their hearts for Jiang Shandao's unselfishness. Even if the champion was his own disciple, he didn't show any emotion.

How do they know that the villain in Jiang Canandao's heart has already cried out a sea of oceans.

Tanhua, his Tanhua!



"Is that Zhuangyuan Lang? He seems to be very young!"

The market was very lively that day. The tea houses and pubs along the street were reserved by the rich ladies, just to hide behind the windows and quietly watch the champion and the third flower in this parade.

Girls from ordinary families don't have to avoid suspicion today. They stood on both sides of the street early, holding flowers and fruits in their hands, preparing to smash the flowers and fruits on Zhuangyuan Lang when he passed by.

The Jiang family was no exception. They booked the wing with the best view early in the morning. Mrs. Jiang also thoughtfully invited Meng Yunniang.

At this time, the parade team had reached the teahouse where they were, and Jiang Furong couldn't care less, and smashed the purse that he had prepared long ago at Jiang Liu, who was riding a tall horse.

It seems that she has a good heart. When Jiang Furong smashed her purse, Jiang Liu just looked up at the position where she was standing.

Just raising his hand lightly, Jiang Liu took Jiang Furong's purse in his hand, and then he still waved at the position where she was standing.

"Ah, Duke Zhuangyuan is so handsome, he was smiling at me just now."

"That's not it, Duke Zhuangyuan is smiling at me."

It doesn't matter if he doesn't smile, this smile can take away the souls of many girls.

For a while, more flowers, fruits, purses and embroidered handkerchiefs smashed at Jiang Liu, but he avoided those things that smashed at him. The only thing he held firmly in his hand was the purse that Jiang Furong smashed at him just now.

This strange behavior attracted the attention of others.

Some ladies sent a servant to inquire about the owner of Jiang Furong's box. When they learned that the owner of the box was the Jiang family, and that the Jiang family's wife and young lady were in the box, they thought about the relationship between Jiang Liu and Jiang Candao. Guessing that the Jiang family might be interested in kissing him, he immediately gave up the idea of making Jiang Liu his son-in-law.

Thinking of the handsome figure who had just been paraded on the street, those young ladies tore up several handkerchiefs enviously. How could such a person not be accepted as a disciple by their father.

As a party, Jiang Furong is naturally more concerned about Jiang Liu's actions.

The hazy window paper seemed to be pierced before, and Jiang Furong's heart was full of sweetness.

In such a happy atmosphere, only one person's mood is extraordinarily complicated.

Jiang Shandao and his colleagues watched the parade from a distance, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Good fortune fools people, he and his disciples are both delayed by their talent and beauty!