The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 5: Fool and Filial Man 5


The separation of the Jiang family came sooner than anyone imagined. On the second day after Jiang Liu killed the chicken, the elders of the Jiang family called in some elders and cadres in the team to preside over the separation, and took away the majority of the family's property. made a clear division.

Because the old couple decided to live with the second bedroom, the majority of the house belonged to the second Jianghai family. Among them, the room where Jiang Liu and his wife lived and a utility room originally used for storage were allocated to the big room.

That is to say, the west wing of the house is now owned by the big room, and the original east wing and the main house are owned by the second room.

The remaining five hens in the family occupy two in the big room, and the pots and pans are divided equally according to the head, and the food in the family is the same.

As for the deposit, because Miao Caifeng insisted that the family did not have a penny, no allocation was made, and the more than 60 yuan owed by Jiang Liu to the hospital was also attributed to the big room because it was spent on him. debt.

Jiang Liu and Xu Xiuxiu did not object to such a separation method, but because they were too honest, the elders who were the witnesses couldn't stand it any longer.

"Co-author Liuzi and his wife worry about this family, and in the end, they don't get any benefits except a bunch of debts?"

The one who spoke was an elder of the Jiang family. According to his seniority, Jiang Chuangen had to call him uncle.

"Daughter-in-law of Chuangen, I advise you to do things without being too ruthless, and it will break the hearts of your children. You act like this on the basis of the filial piety of Liuzi and his wife. Can you guarantee that Haizi and the others will be filial to you in the future?"

The team is not an old lady without partiality, but it is extremely rare to have partiality to the level of Miao Caifeng.

"Uncle, what you said, it's too late for Haizi and I to be filial to my parents. How could we do such a disobedient thing."

Wang Xuemei is very satisfied with the current way of dividing the family. She knows in her heart that the old lady must still have a lot of money in her hands. These things will be left to them in the future, so now other elders come out to speak for the big room. Be the first to disagree.

"Xuemei is right, Haizi is filial, and besides, our old Jiang family relies on the two children of founding the army and the founding party to pass the incense. In the future, they will have to spend money to marry a wife and start a house. Think about them."

Miao Caifeng thought about it for a night, no matter whether the boss treated her badly or not, anyway, the situation is like this now. It is very likely that the boss will never have children in her life. For the long-term development of a family, she must carry out her bias to the end. Strive for more property for the second room.

As for the eldest son, the two of them have hands and feet, and they have no children to drag them down, so they can repay their debts slowly, and they can barely make ends meet.

Miao Caifeng felt that she decided on this method of separation for the sake of the overall situation. Others were just pointing fingers from the standpoint of a bystander, but in fact they were not qualified to say such things to her.

"The old man and I can still work in the fields now, and we don't need any alimony from the eldest couple. After a hundred years, the main house we live in will also belong to the second's family, and this family property will be enough to cover the cost of old-age care."

Seeing the dissatisfaction on the faces of the elders, Miao Caifeng continued: "After the old man and I can't work at the age of 70, it would be best if the old people pay off their debts and are willing to pay some money to support them. Yes, if he doesn't give it to me, he won't blame him, but if my father and I are seriously ill in the future, the boss of the doctor must share some of the money, so we can pay one third of the current proportion of the family. , do you think this way of dividing the family is fair?"

As soon as these words came out, the others were really hard to say.

Because Miao Caifeng's method of dividing the family is equivalent to binding the family's property and future pensions, whoever inherits more will pay more in the future, but is this kind of division really fair? Not necessarily.

Everyone knows that the Jiang family's new house is built brick by brick, and they also know that Jiang Hai and Jiang Juan are able to study because of who helped and paid for it.

Half of the Jiang family's wealth is now attributed to Jiang Liu and his wife, but it is inherently wrong to use the value created by them to distribute the family property.

But what kind of eldest child doesn't come here these days, to help parents arrange the lives of the younger siblings, the biggest one has always been at a disadvantage.

What's more, Miao Caifeng's eccentric people are also aware of it. Now that she can take a step back, she shows that she does not need Jiang Liu and his wife to care for the elderly in the future, which has relieved a lot of trouble for the couple.

"Uncle, Xiuxiu and I have arms and legs, and we can't starve to death. I know your concern, but since it's my parents' decision, Xiuxiu and I will recognize it."

Jiang Liu felt that it would be good to split up the family like this. He, who was already in a weak position, felt even more pitiful. In the public opinion environment, this compassion was enough to compete with filial piety. Even if he did something in the future, everyone would have to Think about the grievances he has suffered over the years, instead of pressing him on his head and forcing him to compromise.


Jiang Liu recognized it, and what other people could say, they could only mourn for him.

"Chuangen, you will regret it in the future."

This is the sentence Jiang Chuangen heard the most today. Everyone felt that forcing such a filial child to leave him was the worst time thing he did.

At the beginning, Jiang Chuangen still listened, but after listening a lot, he gradually developed a rebellious mentality.

What's the matter, everyone decided that his second son would not be filial to him in the future, and that he was also Jiang Liu's Laozi. Now everyone criticizes him, it seems that his son is more powerful than Laozi.

Anyway, no matter what everyone thinks, the separation of the family has become a foregone conclusion.


The third team of the Red Star production team where the original one is located has a large area of saline-alkali land. This field is not suitable for the growth of crops such as rice and wheat, but it is especially suitable for growing sunflowers. The sunflower seeds harvested every year can generate a lot of income for the team. For the Sunflower Squad.

However, in addition to being suitable for the growth of sunflowers, the saline-alkali land is also suitable for the growth of thatch. The biggest headache for the team every year is to deal with a large number of weeds that are much more vigorous than sunflowers.

Thatch is worthless these days. Except for some women who can weave by hand, they will bring some thatch home to weave mats and sandals. They have almost no other economic value. They can only be used to burn fire. One crop grows again and again, and it doesn't disappear at all.

After absorbing the original body's memory, Jiang Liu set his sights on those thatchs classified as weeds, and figured out how to generate income in the near future.

Everyone knew that he needed recuperation. Jiang Liu justifiably took half a month's leave from the captain Guan Daniel, and took advantage of the rest days to bring home the stubble of thatch and spread them out in the yard. drying in the open space.

"Xiuxiu, what are you doing with so much thatch?"

Some people were curious about Jiang Liu's actions. If they wanted to weave baskets and mats, there might not be too much thatch, so some people who were close to the Jiang family simply asked Xu Xiuxiu about it.

"You all know that my family can't be idle. If it wasn't for the doctor's instructions to let him rest well, he would be reluctant to give up his work in the field, so he planned to cut some thatch and come back to make straw baskets and sandals, partly for his own use. , and some of them will be taken to the market to see if anyone is willing to exchange materials."

Xu Xiuxiu conveyed her husband Jiang Liu's explanation to those who were curious. Since the Gang of Four was overthrown, the previously canceled market has resumed, and villagers can exchange excess supplies at home during the big fair, which is not against the law.

There are two big fairs every month. Not only the surrounding villagers will participate, but also people from the town and county will come and exchange industrial coupons and other securities that are not available to the villagers for the fresh vegetables and eggs grown by the farmers on their own plots. thing.

After listening to Xu Xiuxiu's explanation, everyone's curiosity was put down, but they were not optimistic about Jiang Liu's idea of using straw baskets and other things in exchange for food or other daily necessities.

In fact, some people thought about it a long time ago, they knitted straw sandals in exchange for other materials, but they ignored one point, that is, urban people have more sturdy and comfortable cloth shoes and do not need such things as straw sandals, while country people More or less, they know this craft. The woven straw sandals cannot be exchanged at all, and they can only be kept by their own family members.

In the same way, straw mats are popular in summer, but a straw mat can be preserved well enough to last for ten or twenty years or even longer. The demand is not large, and weaving a straw mat costs money. time is far more than it's worth.

After several failures, the people nearby lost their minds to do this business, and occasionally mowed thatch, just for their own needs.

But now Jiang Liu really can't do anything else. It's good to find some small jobs to kill time. Although everyone thinks this business can't be done, they didn't say anything against the young couple.

What is Jiang Liu, who is not favored by others, doing now? He went up the mountain to pick a lot of wild flowers, then sorted them by color, chopped them into flower mud, and then soaked the dried thatch into the flower mud. , After a period of time, the dyed thatch will be spread again under the sun to dry.

This simple method has a limited degree of coloring. At the same time, because most of the wildflowers on the mountain are red and yellow, there are also limitations in color selection, but compared to a single yellow-green tone, it is still richer.

When the preparatory work was done, Jiang Liu started to weave.

In the era when he lived, straw weaving was a very popular industry. At that time, he and his grandfather depended on each other for life. The grandfather and grandson took over some straw weaving work. A straw basket could earn 8-15 yuan. Sun and two can make up five a day, and the money they make is enough for their daily expenses.

Of course, the straw weaving at that time was not simply straw weaving. The patterns, colors and shapes were constantly innovated. There was no market for traditional straw weaving products.

At this moment, when Jiang Liu was weaving the straw basket, he added thatch that was dyed red from time to time. After the initial rusty, his speed became faster and faster. After more than an hour, a round straw basket was right in front of him. Molded in hand.

This straw basket is about the size of two palms and less than ten centimeters high. It is similar to a fruit bowl that holds fruit. What is amazing is that the red thatch he added is just woven into a 囍 character, which looks extraordinarily novel.

Jiang Liu made a pair of these strawberry fruit bowls, and then started to weave new patterns.

The market will be in a few days. He wants to make the first batch and test the current market.