The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 52: Widowmaker's champion 20


The former champion, who has been silent for four years, is now the editor of the Hanlin Academy has done another big thing.

Following the liberation of the widow group, he set his sights on the young girls who had not left the cabinet, and founded a women's academy that was shocking in the eyes of many literati. The head of the women's academy was Jiang Liu's wife, and Jiang Shandao, the head of the Hanlin Academy. 's daughter.

This academy is called Fuliu Academy, which is estimated to be a homonym of Jiang Liu and his wife's boudoir name. It mainly teaches women's rituals, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and also teaches archery, imperialism, arithmetic, and women's red. Compared with today's general There are many more courses in the six arts of gentlemen taught by the academy.

In addition to Jiang Furong as the head of the mountain, there are seven teachers in Fuliu Academy. Speaking of which, they are also familiar characters.

One is the Lord of Huling County. She is the only daughter of the deceased King Linjiang. Prince Linjiang has few heirs. She has only one daughter of the Lord of County Huling in her life. Twenty-four years ago, King Linjiang died on the battlefield. At that time, the monarch was only nine years old.

Afterwards, the royal family adopted a child from the clan as the heir of King Linjiang, and as the true descendant of King Linjiang, the princess of Huiling was favored by the previous emperor. . Perhaps because of Long Chong's presence, this county lord lived a very unrestrained life. He didn't like the ordinary lady red scorpion, but liked to ride, shoot and hunt.

The eldest son of General Jianwei's horse is the eldest son of General Jianwei. The husband and wife have similar interests and are quite affectionate. Now the county lord has given birth to a pair of children, and he has slightly restrained his temperament when he was a boudoir.

No one would have thought that the Fuliu Academy would be able to convince the county master of Chuling to be the teacher of the academy's shooting and imperial courses, and this proud county master actually agreed and sent his young daughter to the academy to study.

Another is the granddaughter of the former left prime minister. Because of the death of her fiancé and her cousin who grew up with her childhood sweetheart, she was willing to comb herself and guard the widowhood.

Over the years, she has been recuperating in Cixin Nunnery outside the city. Because of her virtuousness, she has a good reputation in the capital. The literati and writers have written countless poems for her because of her deep affection and loyalty.

But such a woman who can be regarded as a model of women is as absurd as the county master of Qinling. She went to teach at the so-called women's academy, and many literati were angry and tore up the poems they once wrote for her.

Apart from these two, the most criticized is Jiang Candao.

As the head of the Hanlin Academy, thousands of scholars admired and worshipped the great Confucian scholar, and he did not know what kind of soup was poured into his daughter and son-in-law, but he actually served as the guest master.

A great Confucian, to actually condescend to give a class to a woman, is simply a disgrace among scholars.

But no matter what, Fuliu Academy was opened normally, but because of the large number of people watching, the first enrollment was not ideal.

In addition to the daughter of the county master of Huiling, very few women from the official family signed up, but it was the ladies from the merchant family who came in surprisingly many.

Since ancient times, the merchants, farmers, businessmen, and merchants are better than the low-ranking and low-ranking people. The rules of the merchants are not strict. They send their daughters to study, but they are not open-minded and love their daughters, largely because A gimmick released by Fuliu Academy.

As the daughter of a merchant, she was fortunate enough to be taught by the county master and the masters from the high officials. For these girls, it is no different from gilding. In the future, when it comes to kissing, the range of choices can be wider.

In addition, many daughters of ordinary people also came to sign up.

What they saw was not the reputation boost that the county masters could bring to their daughters, but simply the advantage that the academy did not charge tuition fees and also included room and board.

Not all families can send their children to study. Now, this women's academy opened by Jiang Liu allows women who pass the assessment to study. After they have learned the knowledge, they can go home to teach their brothers, which saves a lot of money. Pencil Repair Spend.

Whether they are sincere or not, the lives of these women who have been sent to the school have changed, and everything they have learned in the school for the next six years will benefit them in the future.


"How could the county master agree to the absurd request of the Jiang family's child?"

The county horse of the county master of Qinling is very puzzled. These days when he goes out as a guest, this is the topic that others ask the most. When he thinks about what kind of master his wife is going to be, his young daughter has to follow a group of merchants or born commoners. The girl was studying together, and Junma felt very embarrassed.

"I have made up my mind, and the county horse doesn't need to persuade me any more."

That's right, why did the Princess Huling agree to Jiang Liu and condescend to be an ordinary master, just because Jiang Liu's words touched the pain in the heart of the Princess Qiling.

After her father died in battle, the clan immediately adopted an heir to her father, inheriting the throne of King Linjiang and everything in the palace of Linjiang.

At that time, the county master of Qiling was in pain, but also very puzzled.

Why, even though she was the only child of her father, everything left by her father had to be inherited by an outsider, just because she was a daughter, not a son

But, everyone except her took it for granted, including her mother and concubine, except when she was alone, she would sadly ask her why she was not a boy, but happily accepted the adopted brother.

Just because she is a daughter, her excellence is not important, and her more orthodox blood is not important.

Just because she is a daughter!

In this world, apart from men, there are women, so why should women be inferior to men

Jiang Liu's remarks moved County Master Chuling. She also knew that Jiang Liu's remarks were absurd and deviant to most people, but as a woman, she was still an unwilling woman. However, the county master of Qinling felt that Jiang Liu's words were too pleasant.

For a long time, the mainstream of society has always respected that women's incompetence is virtue. The princess thought that this might be a man's conspiracy, because lack of talent means stupidity. When the vast majority of women are stupid, the people in power in this world Of course it's a man.

But if women start to learn the same things as men, and their vision is no longer simply obsessed with an acre of land in the backyard, does that mean that women's status can be improved

The county lord Huiling didn't know whether this small change could compete with the world, but she expected this small change to be able to compete with this so-called male superiority and female inferiority.

Maybe she couldn't see it when she was alive, but after her death, when there are more and more women's academies and women's reading is not so unacceptable, maybe her descendants will be able to see it.

These words, Princess Chuling didn't tell her husband, although they respected each other like guests, but Princess Chuling knew that her horses were like most men, and she didn't want to see a woman wise and compete with a man.

I'm afraid that in the whole world, Jiang Liu, the wonderful person who doesn't know who cultivated it, will stand in the perspective of women and think about them.

The county master of Chuling envied Jiang Furong a little. With such a husband, she would be the happiest woman in the world.


This day was the birthday of Ouyang Rong, editor of the Hanlin Academy. He invited many colleagues, including Jiang Liu.

Speaking of this, Ouyang Rong is considered an old man of the Hanlin Academy, but because of his upright and paranoid personality, he has offended many people and has been sitting in this position without being promoted.

Even so, he is still a good teacher, and he likes to teach the new officials of the Hanlin Academy the most.

Today is his birthday, and he has long thought that he will teach Jiang Liu, a deviant colleague, a good lesson.

Of course, he didn't dare to do too much. After all, Jiang Liu was still the son-in-law of Jiang Shandao, the head of the Hanlin Academy. Ouyang Rong knew that Jiang Liu couldn't write poetry, so he thought of using poetry at the banquet to make him feel bad.

"Jiang Bianxiu is Mr. Jiang's beloved disciple. If you want to come to poetry, you must be far better than me. Why don't you ask Jiang Bianxiu to write a poem on the topic of this lotus pond."

Ouyang Rong said to Jiang Liu maliciously.

The people around him also sensed his malice, but they didn't mean to speak for Jiang Liu.

"Hehe, I don't dare to compare with the adults sitting here in terms of poetic talents, but it's hard to be polite. I have a poem here, which is just right for the question."

A few years have passed, and Jiang Liu has long since faded away from the greenness he once had, and he has become more calm because of the fact that he has married.

Today, he is wearing a smoky blue Confucian robe and a jade crown. His skin is as delicate as white porcelain. His peach blossom eyes, which are inherited from his biological mother, show a swaying style. Fortunately, the slanted sword eyebrows suppress this rather feminine look Eyes, although he has a smile on his face at this moment, the temperament around him is faintly compelling.

"Changji Xiting is sunset, I am so intoxicated that I don't know the way back. I return to the boat late at the end of my exhilaration and stray into the depths of lotus blossoms. Fighting for crossing, fighting for crossing, startled a beach of gulls and herons."

Jiang Liu did not write a poem, but recited a poem.

Although this did not match the pit Ouyang Rong dug for him, it still caused others to ponder.

"Good words, good words!"

Savouring this poem carefully, even Ouyang Rong, who had the heart to embarrass him, would not dare to say that the poem was not well written.

"Jiang Bianxiu is a great talent."

Several colleagues on the side couldn't help but praise.

"You're praising the wrong person. I don't have any poetic talents. To be honest, this poem just now is an essay by my wife."

Jiang Liu smiled, and then motioned to the attendant behind him to bring the collection of poems he had prepared: "These are the poems of my wife, the poem I sang just now is not a masterpiece, if my wife knows about all the adults It must be a pleasure to appreciate her poetry so much.”

These days, Jiang Liu printed all of his wife's poems into volumes and distributed them to all his colleagues as gifts.

Good things are fun to share with everyone.

Ouyang Rong had a straight face, wishing he could take back the words he had just praised. It is their duty for a woman to have children and to be filial to her in-laws. Writing articles is a man's business.

But the poem is indeed a good poem, and Ouyang Rong didn't dare to say that the poem he wrote could be better than the one Jiang Liu just recited.

Most of the colleagues present also thought the same. Jiang Liu also said just now that the poem is only the most common work in this collection of poems. How amazing would those poems be called fine works

For a time, this collection of poems in my hand seemed a little hot.

As men, they don't want to read a poem written by a woman, but as literati, they are very curious about the content of this collection of poems.

Jiang Liu drank the sake in his glass, looked at these tangled colleagues, and smiled without saying a word.

The author has something to say: Because the author can't write poems that can make people stunned, this chapter of Afo's poems borrows the dream-like decree of Li Qingzhao, a great poet.