The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 59: good dad 5


"Wow, who's little princess is this, the beautiful grandma would not dare to recognize it."

Xu Dongmei was about to go downstairs to take out the rubbish, and when she saw Jiang Liu holding Moon's hand home, she exclaimed in amazement that she was Yuan Shen's neighbor to the door, and an elder who grew up watching Yuan Shen and Jiang Yueliang since childhood.

Speaking of which, Xu Dongmei's life is not good either.

She is a woman who likes children very much, but she has not been able to conceive a child after three years of marriage. She went to the hospital for an examination and found out that her body cannot conceive, she ate a lot of food, and visited many hospitals, but still no improvement.

The husband divorced her because of this matter, but he still had a little conscience and left the small house where the couple lived to Xu Dongmei.

When Xu Dongmei divorced, the original body had just been born, and without any siblings, she regarded the original body as her own child and loved him, and often took him into her own home to take care of the original parents when they were working and had no time to take care of the children.

When Yuan Shi's wife was sick, it was the old lady who emptied her savings and helped the small family. For Yuan Shi, she was no different from her mother.

In the last life, Jiang Yueyue had an accident, and she moved out of the city where she grew up with her children, and Xu Dongmei also sold the property along with them, taking care of their father and daughter along the way.

After Jiang Yueyue jumped off the building, the original body was completely insane, and it was also the original body that the old lady kept supporting and couldn't take care of herself.

Including Gou Jian's release from prison later, it was also the old lady who noticed the original body's mind, took him outside the prison, and handed him the knife.

It's just that the memory of the original body came to an abrupt end, and Jiang Liu didn't know what the old lady's ending was after losing her last relative.


Jiang Yueyue rushed over happily and hugged Grandma Xu's thigh.

Xu Dongmei also hadn't seen her good granddaughter for a week, so she seldom hugged the little girl, kissing and hugging.

"It happened that I bought fresh pig Houxiangguai, which is the most fragrant soup. You two will eat at my place today."

A person's life is always lonely. Xu Dongmei used to invite the father and daughter from the opposite door to dinner as soon as the food was ready. The original body also had this habit, so Jiang Liu did not refuse.

Seeing that the old lady misses the moon so much, Jiang Liu simply gave the moon to the old lady, he still has some things to do.


The first is Yuanshen's work. Jiang Liu found the foreman of the construction site, made it clear that he could not continue the project after that, and then settled the remaining money.

Then Jiang Liu came to his daughter's school, found the head teacher, and made a request for a transfer.

"The new semester has just started not long ago. Even if you want to help Moon transfer, at least you have to wait for the end of this semester?"

Moon's head teacher couldn't understand: "If there are special circumstances at home, Dad Jiang, you can ask for a long vacation for Moon."

The head teacher still likes Yue Yue, a well-behaved and beautiful little girl, but she also knows that Jiang Yue Yue's family situation is special, maybe there is something wrong and she must ask for leave.

"It's mainly because I'm going to work in another city. You know, teacher, I'm the only father in the moon. I can't rest assured that she lives here alone. I also know that this incident is sudden, and I'm afraid it will trouble the teacher. "

The transfer procedures are very complicated. As Jiang Yueyue's head teacher, she is naturally the one who worries the most.

Jiang Liu didn't forget that the scum knew about his daughter's school. It would definitely be unsafe for her to stay here. Jiang Liu had already planned to move with her daughter.

As for him, of course he has to come back.

Jiang Liu's eyes were faint, after all, his task object hasn't completely repented, has it

Because of Jiang Liu's strong request, the teacher finally agreed with Jiang Liu's choice.


On the other hand, Gou Jian's body was slowly recovering. Perhaps he felt that the reporters who came because of him had seriously disturbed the normal order of the hospital. In the end, the hospital tried its best to move him a single room and let him live alone.

Both of Gou Jian's hands were injured, but his fingers were barely able to move. Almost on the first day that his fingers were able to move, Gou Jian couldn't wait to play with his phone.

He can't play games in this situation, but he can still open QQ and WeChat and send voice messages to friends he knows.

[Is there a good person?]

Gou Jian found the group of fellow friends in his QQ group, clicked on a lighted avatar, and sent a voice over.

[Yes, Feijian, you haven't been looking for me for a while, why, you found another source of supply, aren't you going to ask me to buy a movie?]

Jia Haoren was watching the video and masturbating. After seeing the phone vibrate, he grabbed a few tissues and wiped his hands, then picked up the phone to see if there was any business coming.

The house where Jia Haoren lived was an underground warehouse with no windows. It was not big enough to fit a bed and a cabinet. The small room was full of takeaway boxes, as well as socks and underwear that men had not washed for a long time. , filled with a disgusting sour smell.

But Jia Haoren, who lives here, doesn't seem to smell this strange smell. After seeing who sent him the message, he took a sip of the milk tea on the side and took a sip.

[There are a lot of new movies recently, all of them are seven or eight-year-old children. One of the little girls is very beautiful. I can take a few pictures for you. If you like it, I will pack it for 300 yuan and take it away.]

After drinking the milk tea, Jia Haoren sent a voice over.

[No film for now.]

Gou Jian thought about his own body, now he is powerless. Seeing those blood-sucking pictures but unable to relieve himself, he will really collapse.

[I just wanted to ask you, where did you buy those films from you? I didn’t think about robbing you of your business, but I just wanted to ask those filmmakers if they needed materials. I have a beautiful girl here who can make They filmed a scene and played whatever they wanted.]

Pedophiles like Gou Jian have their own trading channels, and a professional industrial chain has long been formed, but these industrial chains are not enough.

For example, the Jia Haoren he contacted was specializing in selling films, while some people went to those remote mountain villages and countryside, looking for left-behind children who were short of money and ignorant, and used toys and beautiful clothes to coax those or something. Kids who don't understand film the hottest crooks for these pedophiles to watch.

Because these underage pornographic videos are severely cracked down on the Internet, they are very careful when doing business, and they almost only do business with acquaintances or acquaintances.

[Damn, Feijian, you probably kidnapped a little girl and raised it! ! !]

Jia Haoren is a little excited. He has watched countless movies, but he has never done it with real swords.

[Just ask if you can find someone to help me do this. Not only will I not charge you, but I can give you 200,000 yuan. Just be careful when you do it, I don’t want to go to jail.]

Gou Jian can trust this netizen named Good Man because he has bought a lot of movies from him. If the other party dares to deceive him, he will report the other party. You must know that spreading obscene materials will also lead to jail time, especially this kind of child pornography. .

[What's the matter, Feijian, are you trying to take revenge?]

Jia Haoren was a little puzzled.

[Just say do it or not?]

Gou Jian did not face this problem directly.

[Wait, I'll ask someone first.]

Likewise, Jia Haoren did not refuse.

After interrupting the chat with Gou Jian, Jia Haoren opened another group. This was a private group. There were only four people in the group, and the four of them happened to be a team.

Jia Haoren recounted the conversation between him and Gou Jian to see what his partners meant.

Zhen Huai, Zhu Yige, and Fan Jian are the producers of the erotic CDs sold by Jia Haoren. At the same time, their small team of four is also the best filmmaker in the small group of pedophiles. Everyone in the circle has seen their pornographic films.

[Ask clearly what's going on, I feel this kid is a little uneasy and kind]

[However, the price of 200,000 yuan is not low, and it is a good business to be able to shoot films.]

In the private group, there was an endless debate about the business that Jia Haoren brought, and Jiang Liu, who had been monitoring Gou Jian's mobile phone, also followed the Internet to monitor all of their mobile phones, and watched the corners of their respective electronic devices. In a corner, within a few hours, most of the paedophile information in China was mastered.