The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 7: Fool and Filial Man 7


In the days that followed, Jiang Liu gradually focused his life on going to the market to make money, because every time the goods he brought to the market were sold out quickly, the people in the commune soon noticed this, and from a The sympathy that started, gradually began to have different voices.

"Have you heard?"

When she went to bed at night, Wang Xuemei thought about the news she heard from others during the day, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She simply woke up her sleeping husband and wanted to talk to him.

"What did you hear?"

Jiang Hai was sleeping soundly and was woken up, and he was naturally unhappy in his heart, but his wife's status was special, and his work was also arranged by his father-in-law, so no amount of anger could only be suppressed in the bottom of his heart.

Speaking of which, Wang Xuemei's conditions were good. Her father was the principal of the only primary school in the commune, but this principal was not because of his high education, but because of his own elder brother who was the deputy director of the commune, Wang Xuemei's elder uncle.

In the early years, literati were severely persecuted. Those who really had the ability to be the principals were sent to the farm to be criticized and reformed. Instead, Wang Xuemei and her father, Wang Duoyu, took advantage. Even though the situation has gradually improved, more and more The intellectuals were rehabilitated and nothing changed.

According to this family background, Wang Xuemei could marry in the town or county, and eat the food supply, but she just fell in love with the handsome Jiang Hai, crying and arguing that she insisted on marrying him.

At that time, high school classes were suspended, and Jiang Hai, who was still in his second year of high school, had at best a junior high school diploma. His family conditions were ordinary, and only the identity of three generations of poor peasants could be regarded as a political capital.

But there are too many poor peasants in the countryside, which is not a rare thing.

But who made Wang Xuemei's attitude firm? The two also had an unmarried pregnancy that seemed to be a scandal at the time. The Wang family had no choice but to pinch their noses to recognize the marriage. Jiang Hai of the commune primary school arranged a teacher's job.

Jiang Hai has to rely on the support and care of the Yue family for his work at school, so he is more and more obedient to his wife Wang Xuemei at home, how dare he show her face.

"It's your eldest brother. These days, I move thatch to my house every day, and make up some new things to exchange with others at the market. It is said that the business is very good, and the goods brought to the market are always sold out quickly. "

Wang Xuemei said jealously, when Jiang Liu moved the thatch to the house at first, she was ready to see a joke, after all, how much is the thing made of thatch that can be picked up everywhere in the countryside? It takes up space.

From her point of view, Jiang Liu was extremely stupid and worked in vain.

"I heard that your eldest brother can earn this amount a day."

Wang Xuemei gave a slap. She said that she was too young. It was said in the village that Jiang Liu could earn seven or eight yuan for a fair. Wang Xuemei felt that this might be the result of exaggerated rumors, so she reduced the amount slightly. Where is she? You know, the money Jiang Liu really earns far exceeds the figures circulated on the team.

This is also a common idea of everyone. In their opinion, things made of thatch are worthless. Even if they can sell for money, six or seven yuan for a basket is worth the sky.

"Think about it, eldest brother catches two big fairs a month. It's ten yuan a month, and a year is one hundred and twenty yuan. He has made a fortune."

Jiang Hai works as a teacher in Commune Primary School, earning 18 yuan a month, and his annual income is much higher than what Wang Xuemei is saying now. Moreover, Jiang Hai is a shrewd person and only claims that the commune pays him 10 yuan a month. Every month, I go home to teach five yuan households, and from time to time I get the money back from the old lady for various reasons. After all, the money saved by this small family in the second room is already a big amount.

According to the speed at which Jiang Liu made money they thought, it was far behind them.

But Wang Xuemei didn't think so. She was used to being arrogant and arrogant. She always looked down on a submissive sister-in-law. Now that she knew that the other party's life was about to get better, how could she bear it.

Especially in the past, when the big house made money, it was all handed over to the public school, and what is the difference between handing over the money to the in-laws and directly handing it over to them. Now that the big house is getting better, I feel for Wang Xuemeilai. Said, it hurts like gouging out her flesh.

"What is the right way to do a small business, that is, no one cares about going to the market now. Thinking about the past few years, there were still people who were arrested at the market."

Jiang Hai and his daughter-in-law have different ideas. Hearing that his elder brother is doing this kind of stinky business, he is very disapproving: "Tell your elder brother well tomorrow, let elder brother restrain a little bit, otherwise the policy changes, he will suffer, and now we Although the family is separated, it is still a family after all, if something happened to him, we will all be killed."

Jiang Hai is not worried about the sullen eldest brother, he is worried that the other party's capitalist road will affect his political composition and destroy his future.

"What's there to worry about, so many people in our commune attended the big fair, and we didn't see anyone from the patrol team stop me. You still don't understand what I'm trying to say. Think about it, when the family didn't split up, what happened to eldest brother? He didn't say that he could weave grass, and he earned so many work points every day. Did he deliberately not want everyone to have a good life? Besides, he was so capable, what was the more than 60 yuan owed to the hospital when he saw a doctor? It can be paid off in half a year, but he kept it hidden and didn't say it. He made trouble with his parents to preside over the separation, and made us single out the reputation of the eldest brother who was ruthless and mean. Do you think your eldest brother is pretending to be a pig to eat? Tiger, did it on purpose."

The more Wang Xuemei thought about it, the more she felt that, now in her heart, Jiang Liu was no longer the simple and honest idiot he used to be, but a sinister and cunning villain who took every step of the way.

"What are you thinking, he can have that brain, if he knows how to calculate, can my parents favor me now?"

The identity of the eldest son is a trump card in the countryside. If Jiang Liu is more shrewd and can talk more, even if his parents are partial, he will not be so partial. It is because he is too stupid and too honest. Jiang Hai has a good life today. Pass.

Therefore, Jiang Hai has never doubted that Big Brother is stupid.

"You are kind-hearted and always think about your elder brother. Anyway, I don't think the couple showed their honesty."

Wang Xuemei muttered: "No, I'm still not reconciled. When we split up before, the two old people put all the pressure on us to support us, but now he can make money, at least half of the support responsibilities. , I have to find time to talk to my parents."

Anyway, Wang Xuemei just felt that she was at a disadvantage, and she was not reconciled no matter what she thought.

Hearing Wang Xuemei's words, Jiang Hai fell silent.

Because he also felt that he was at a disadvantage. Usually, the eldest son is the eldest son, so why did he come back here? If his wife can persuade his parents to make trouble with the elder brother, according to the filial piety of the elder brother, I am afraid that he can really get his wish.

He still has two sons, the family burden is heavy, and he can be considerate if he wants to come.

The couple's night talk ended, but the people on the team's discussion about Jiang Liu intensified.

Human nature is like this. When you are in trouble, he is not stingy with pity and help, but when your life is suddenly elevated, far more than those who have pity you and help you, they can't help but be jealous.

It's not that he's not kind, but because human beings are a polyhedron and cannot be purely black and white.

Living in the same circle, Jiang Liu also knew in his heart that after the news of his earning money spread, his life would definitely fall into unrest again, but he had already figured out how to deal with it.

For him, the market is still too limited, and one person can complete all the knitting tasks independently, and the items that can be knitted every day are also limited. How can we legally and reasonably expand the scale of production and expand the sales market? is the top priority.


"Comrade, who is the one who can call the shots here?"

Jiang Liu asked the captain Guan Daniel to issue a certificate, and then took his most proud masterpiece and came to the city.

He inquired about the largest department store in the city, and then went to a counter dedicated to selling daily necessities.

"What are you doing with our manager?"

The young salesperson's attitude was very friendly, and he didn't look down on Jiang Liu because of the patches on his clothes.

"I am a member of the Red Star Production Team in Taifeng County. Our fields are barren, and we lose the commune's hind legs when we pay grain every year. The members of our team feel ashamed of the state and the party's support and help for our farmers, so they think I wonder if we can turn waste into treasure, a plant called thatch, to generate income for the commune and the country."

Jiang Liu was stumbling when he spoke, and he seemed to have a sense of embarrassment about where to put his hands and feet in the clean and tidy shopping mall he was in at the moment, but when he talked about generating income for the country, his eyes suddenly became bright, The hopeful expression on his face almost blinded the salesman's eyes with such eager light.

"Look, this is made by our team members. It's beautiful and sturdy. It can be used to hold small items such as vanishing cream, and there are bigger ones that can be used to hold clothes. My captain asked me to come over and ask if your department store will accept it. If you don’t accept these things, if you accept them, our production team can sign a long-term supply contract with you.”

Jiang Liu's attitude was so sincere that the young salesman was overwhelmed.

"Wait, I have to ask our manager."

An ordinary little salesperson can't decide this matter. After thinking about it, she came up with the idea of helping Jiang Liu find the manager.

"Thank you, comrade, you are such a warm-hearted and good comrade."

Jiang Liu repeatedly bowed to thank him, and the shy young salesman's pace was much faster.

"Hey, country comrade, can you show me what you're holding?"

After the young sales clerk left, some customers who were going to buy something at the counter turned their attention to the few items that Jiang Liu took out, and began to discuss the price around him.

This is what the manager of the department store saw when he came over.