The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 82: National Husband 16


"Damn it, you kid can do it!"

Gao Jin slammed down Jiang Liu's chest, then winked at him.

Three years have passed, but Gao Jin hasn't changed much. He still looks like a big and heartless fool. At this time, as Jiang Liu's best friend, he is naturally the first to know that Jiang Liu and Gao Ruru are together. people.

"I was—"

Gao Jin was about to talk about Jiang Liu's bet with him back in high school. From that time on, he knew that this kid Jiang Liu had bad thoughts about elementary school gods.

It's just that everyone was young, and he was naive. What he did was too reckless and he didn't consider the consequences. He treated his feelings as a joke. At that time, Gao Jin didn't think Jiang Liu was serious about the elementary school gods. Jiang Liu's change was too great. Gao Jin watched him study mathematics hard. At that time, Gao Jin realized that besides his father's money threats, he also liked elementary school gods.

Jiang Liu is serious!

Now that Jiang Liu has finally hugged the beauty back, as a good buddy, Gao Jin naturally can't hold him back. Which pot should not be opened.

Especially Gao Jin also knows his brother's temper. He is the kind of man with opposite sex and inhumanity who cuts a knife for his brother and a woman for a woman.

Don't think he didn't know, when Jiang Liu put the cauldron of that incident directly on his head, and he was imprisoned by the primary school God's dike for several years, for fear that he would ruin the good baby Jiang Liu in her eyes.

Fortunately, the brothers finally got what they wanted, and Gao Jin felt that his grievances were not in vain.

"What was it back then?"

Gao Ruru asked curiously while rubbing Jiang Liu's chest distressedly.

"That year, that year—"

Under Jiang Liu's threatening eyes, Gao Jin quickly changed his words: "I knew how much Jiang Liu liked you back then."

Seeing that the elementary school god believed his words, he was particularly shy, and Gao Jin was relieved.

"Don't say anything, I'll give you two a toast and wish you a long life."

Gao Jin picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one go without saying anything. He hoped that Gao Xueshen could influence his buddy and let him be a good person.

Let him take the blame and drag him into the abyss of learning, he still remembers this one thing.


Time flies by like a white horse, Jiang Liu and Gao Ruru are not the kind of people who pursue vigorous love. There are occasional small surprises in life, and the common math hobby of both parties is enough to make this relationship more stable.

And in the past few years, the two sides have also met their respective parents, and they have been affirmed by both parents.

It must be mentioned here that the younger brother of the original body in the previous life was born according to the original trajectory, because Jiang Liu had a serious conversation with his parents, indicating that he yearned for a life that likes scientific research, and the matter of having a child is very short. Time would not appear in his and Gao Ruru's life planning, and suggested that his parents train another heir. After this conversation, Jiang Zhongmin and Ning Lan respected his decision, and went abroad to find a legal surrogate mother just like their previous life. She gave birth to her younger brother.

In the next few years, the two graduated from Yenching University. Because of their different pursuits in the field of mathematics, Gao Ruru went to Princeton University, and Jiang Liu went to Paris VI University.

But the foreign life did not dilute this feeling, but made the occasional reunion sweeter.

Paris Sixth University, also known as Pierre and Marie Curie University, yes, it is the name of the well-known Marie Curie and her husband, the great physicist Pierre Curie. The field ranks first in the world, surpassing Princeton, Harvard, California Berkeley and MIT.

When Jiang Liu was admitted as a graduate student at the University of Paris VI, it caused a sensation in China. It was also at that time that many people knew this strange-sounding school.

After that, Jiang Liu seemed to be a lot quieter. Fortunately, his father Jiang Zhongmin was still the richest man active in entertainment channels and financial channels, and even he, the son of the richest man, was not out of breath in the ever-changing Internet age. When it comes to his former national husband, he is curious about what kind of achievements he will have after going to the University of Paris VI.

You must know that this university has produced 19 Nobel Prize winners and 7 Fields Medal winners.

Of course, there are also many netizens who laugh at the whimsy of those people. Are the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal so easy to win? Looking over the death of China, very few Chinese have won this award. Although Jiang Liu is a genius, he is not comparable to those great people. There are even some conspiracy theorists who believe that Jiang Liu was able to win the IMO league. The gold award is because his father Jiang Zhongmin planned it behind the scenes, which also proves the reason why Jiang Liu has been unknown all these years, because Jiang Zhongmin can only get a few pheasant awards for his son, as high as Nobel Or the Fields Medal, which is no longer something you can get with money.

These remarks are rare, but they have been circulating on the Internet.

Until today, Jiang Liu finally made a big move, and let mathematics researchers and enthusiasts all over the world pay attention to him.

He published a paper, and because of this paper, Paris VI University specially set up a special session for him, giving him a stage for him to report in front of mathematicians all over the world.

And this paper solves the Riemann conjecture that has plagued the mathematics community for more than a hundred years.


On this day, the vast majority of mathematical authorities in the world are concentrated at the University of Paris VI. They are here to witness the unraveling of the conjecture that has plagued them for more than a hundred years.

Before they came, they had seen the papers published by Jiang Liu, but many doubts were not solved in the papers.

No one doubted that Jiang Liu was lying for the sake of gimmicks, because he dared to make a joke about his reputation, and Paris VI University would not make fun of his own reputation. Since Paris VI University dared to hold this special report for Jiang Liu, This shows that the mathematical researchers within the University of Paris have recognized Jiang Liu's proof.

And the mathematics professors in this school are many winners of the Fields Medal.

At this time, Jiang Liu was already waiting in the background. Standing in a special position, he could see the people sitting in the lecture hall.

Familiar, unfamiliar, most of these people are here to witness the solution of the problem of the century.

There are also a very small part, just simply for the river.

For example, his parents who took time out of his busy schedule, and Gao Jin, a friend who couldn't understand such advanced math problems at all.

Another example is Gao Ruru, both for Riemann's conjecture and for Jiang Liu.

After seven years, Jiang Liu's attribute value has already changed drastically from his original.

Language: 167/200

Mathematics: 507/1000

English: 154/200

Chemistry: 243/500

Physics: 432/500

Creatures: 137/200

History: 98/100

Geography: 145/200

Politics: 87/100

Music: 73/100

Fine Arts: 56/100

Sports: 112/200

Freely assignable points: 0

Evaluation: The ultimate genius of the ordinary world

Since his math breakthrough of 500 attribute value, Jiang Liu's mathematical ability is already invincible in the current world, and he can solve problems that are insoluble to others as long as he spends enough time.

But he really proved Riemann's conjecture after his physics broke through 400 attribute values.

As I said before, researching a certain level of discipline is no longer a matter of just this discipline. This is the case with Riemann's conjecture. Since the 20th century, many scientists have noticed that prime numbers and quantum physics in Riemann's conjecture relationship exists between.

And it happened to be so.

Now it was time to give a speech, Jiang Liu took a deep breath and stepped onto the podium. Behind him was a projection screen and a huge blackboard.

Jiang Liu came to the stage without any nonsense, just bowed, then picked up the chalk in his hand, and wrote down dense formulas on the blackboard.

This process lasted for more than an hour, and the math researchers below were also constantly checking with pens and notebooks, without any sound of speaking.

But every time a proof process is completed, the mathematician sitting in the first few rows will show a sudden realization, the original expression.

When Jiang Liu stopped his last stroke and let out a long sigh of relief, the audience was silent for nearly five minutes.

This quiet is because many people have not digested the surprise and panic that Riemann's conjecture has been proved.

The surprise is that the century-old problem has been solved, and the panic is the terrible result brought by the Riemann conjecture once it is proved.

In 1859, Riemann proposed this puzzle that has plagued the mathematics community for a long time, in order to solve the puzzle of prime numbers, and today's asymmetric encryption and RSA key encryption are all based on the decomposition of prime numbers. If it is unlocked, the encryption method of the entire Internet will no longer be safe. Top hackers can even break the bank's security password based on this principle.

There is no security method that is premised on the failure of the Riemann conjecture. That is to say, when the Riemann conjecture is confirmed, that is, when the network security system and the bank security system are destroyed, I am afraid that there have been countless Hackers are on the move.

"Based on the proven Riemann conjecture, after doing enough research on quantum physics and advancing evolution, I have a new guess for prime numbers, which I call the Jiangliu conjecture."

If it is just to prove the Riemann conjecture, Jiang Liu can do it a year ago, but it is really because of a series of problems that may be extended behind the Riemann conjecture, causing chaos, Jiang Liu has been using this proved conjecture. pressed to today.

It is only now that he has the confidence to make a new secure cryptographic system that the world has proved the problem of this century.

Armed with new theories, banks and internet giants will naturally be able to develop new systems before hackers can crack today's security systems.

As for whether top hackers will crack the security code before the bank, the answer is naturally no.

You know, Jiang Liu himself is the absolute king of hackers.

At this time, the people in the audience could only look up at the man who stood on the stage, slightly arrogantly speaking out Jiang Liu's conjecture, and watched him write down a series of complicated formula theories.

"That's my guess."

After Jiang Liu wrote the last stroke, the audience was silent again.

Until the mathematicians sitting in the center of the first row stood up and applauded.


Then the applause got louder and louder, causing a sensation in the audience.

Gao Jin was about to slap his palms to pieces, wishing to tell the world that the man with the arrogance on stage was his best buddy.

The author has something to say: Most of the mathematics in this chapter is nonsense by the author. The author is a math scumbag. Don't be too serious. Today, I can only make up for the two updates I owe today. In the end, tomorrow I will honestly seal myself and my dog and cat in the room