The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 89: Acrobat 6


one year later.

"Master, it hurts!"

Xu Quanjun's face was full of tears and snot. Even though he had been used to it for a whole year, it was still difficult for him to resist the pain of dislocated bones in his hands and feet.

"Be patient."

Jiang Liu has all the memories of Yuan Shi, and naturally he also remembers the pain of Yuan Shi's severe training by his father Jiang Sanchun when he was a child. So he didn't blame the boy who was crying in pain.

When the time was right, Jiang Liu straightened the bones of Xu Quanjun's body back, and then quickly put a homemade herbal ointment to relieve pain and swelling on that part.

Speaking of which, this recipe is also a secret recipe passed down by the ancestors of the Jiang family, and it is even more effective than the medicine prescribed by the doctor in the hospital. For the Jiang family, this recipe is as important as the body-shrinking method.

In the last life, Yuanshen did not give this recipe to any of them, because according to Yuanshen's plan, this recipe would be passed on to the most suitable disciple when he was dying, and then that disciple would give Jiang Family stunts passed down from generation to generation.

Later, these disciples let him down, and this secret recipe naturally disappeared with him forever in the long river of history.

After applying the cool ointment, Xu Quanjun really didn't feel much pain, at least the pain was still within the range he could endure.

"Your progress is not good. Originally, your practice age was slower than your senior brother and junior junior brother. Now you are not as hard as them, and you will be left behind sooner or later."

Jiang Liu pinched the flesh on Xu Quanjun's waist and legs. He didn't seem to exercise enough during this time and gained a lot of weight.

The most taboo thing about practicing Bone Shrinking Exercise is fat, because too much fat will affect their flexibility of movements.

The body that Jiang Liu is living in now is extremely thin. He is barely in his early 160s and weighs only over 90 pounds. This is because he has a lot of muscles and a high density.

As the saying goes, there are both gains and losses. In addition to suffering and suffering, there is a very important point in practicing this kung fu that you are not destined to grow tall, but the people who inherit this craft are interested in what they can do after learning this craft. The money earned, when there is no guarantee of food and clothing, what is it to endure hardships and suffer and be short.

"Master, I will try my best."

Xu Quanjun pursed his lips, looking at the senior brother and junior brother who were already practicing basic skills not far away, and felt a little unconvinced.

Especially for the senior brother who was two years younger than him, Xu Quanjun always felt that he was the oldest, and he should take the position of the senior brother.

But the master Jiang Liu made Xiao Binbin the second senior brother on the grounds that he was the master he worshipped first, which made Xu Quanjun feel a little shameless, but because of the majesty of the master, he never dared to say it directly.

Xu Quanjun thought it was a good idea to hide this little emotion, but Jiang Liu could see it all clearly.

A year was enough for him to put aside the prejudices he had left behind in the memory of his original body and get to know the three apprentices more deeply.

Needless to say, the eldest apprentice Xiao Binbin, just like the original memory, is precocious and sensible, well-behaved and hard-working.

Jiang Liu set a rule for them to practice basic skills for six hours a day. As for the long-distance running exercise and the necessary time for deboning and bone setting in the early stage, it was not included.

But in addition to completing the basic skills, Xiao Binbin will also increase the intensity of the practice.

He is really attentive in learning his skills, even when Yuan Shi was a child, he would not dare to say that he was more labor-intensive than Xiao Binbin.

In particular, this child is very grateful. Although he can't give Jiang Liu anything now, he will always do small things silently, such as helping Xu Meihua wash the dishes, such as coming to Jiang's house early in the morning to help him. Washing the dirty clothes changed the night before, for example, he will carefully observe whether the firewood in the kitchen stove is enough to burn. After knowing that Jiang Liu likes to eat wild vegetables such as mother-in-law, he will find the wild vegetables for himself and help Jiang Liu to leave the most fresh and tender. those wild vegetables…

Ask yourself, at the age of six or seven years old, Jiang Liu is far less sensible and careful, taking all aspects into consideration.

Especially when he did these things, he never made a public statement, he just did it silently, and he never expressed his merit to Jiang Liu.

This made Jiang Liu more and more suspicious of the truth of the previous life.

As for Xu Quanjun, the second child, this child is the smartest of the three, but Jiang Liu is unable to judge whether this cleverness is a positive or a negative one.

The conditions of the Xu family were not good either. Xu Quanjun’s parents left him and a hunchbacked grandma if they didn’t return after going out to work. If it weren’t for the Xu family’s big surname in the village, many relatives would help, and her hunchbacked grandma would also help. It's hard to raise him.

Perhaps it was because he had to be assisted by the whole village, Xu Quanjun's mouth became particularly sweet, and he was always able to make people happy by saying nice things, and also made those who helped him become willing.

It was Xu Quanjun's own idea to worship Yuan as a teacher. He also wanted to live in a big house and drive a big car. He wanted to stand out and live a life that everyone envied.

This idea is not wrong. Humans are inherently selfish, and it is also human nature to climb up.

Xu Quanjun's personality is also honed in life. On the premise of not hurting other people, his idea should not be blamed.

It's just that sometimes his little cleverness can be bad. He always seems to think that the master Jiang Liu is hiding and wasting some practice time. He wants to gain the know-how of practicing by pleasing the master Jiang Liu, so he skips the progress of the practice. Junior Brother Xun Wang Gouzi, not to mention more diligent, even Jiang Liu wanted to persuade Xiao Binbin to rest.

As for Wang Gouzi, he is more mediocre compared to the hard-working senior brother and the slick second senior brother.

His step-by-step personality enabled him to complete the tasks assigned by Jiang Liu very well, but he was unable to make breakthroughs.

The three apprentices have very different personalities. Although he really wanted a bowl of water, Jiang Liu himself had to admit that he couldn't help but prefer the sensible big apprentice.

"Uncle Jiang, how about a bowl of braised rabbit meat today? The rabbit is a wild rabbit caught by Uncle Zhang Gen with a trap. It's already dead. After a long time, I'm afraid the meat will not be fresh."

A year has passed, Xu Meihua has grown taller, and because of the delicious and delicious nutritional supplements, she has gained a lot of weight compared to a year ago, and she is finally a little girlish.

Now she was carrying a basket with some fruits and vegetables picked from a nearby neighbor, and a dead wild rabbit.

Jiang Liu likes to eat these mountain foods. Anyone in the village who catches a hare and a pheasant can send him here. He bought it at the market price. , also used to such transactions.

Since then, the villagers have sent hares to Jiang Liu, and they will give them to Xu Meihua when Jiang Liu is not there. They all know that Jiang Liu is not a defaulter, and they will not rush for money, just waiting for Jiang Liu to meet him. Give them money when they are.

"Okay, put more chili."

Wanting spicy hare meat, Jiang Liu was suddenly hungry.

"There don't seem to be many seasonings in the kitchen, Uncle Jiang, remember to prepare some when you change the world."

One year is enough to eliminate the estrangement between Xu Meihua and Jiang Liu, and the nine-year-old girl now has the attitude of a little housekeeper, and arranges Jiang Liu's life properly.


Jiang Liu nodded, then stared at the three apprentices practicing the exercises.

"By the way, there are people from the village today. They are carrying big backpacks. Several sisters are still taking pictures with cameras. I don't know what we have here to take pictures."

Xu Meihua is going to skin the rabbit. Rabbit skin is also a good material to keep out the cold. If she saves enough rabbit skin, she can make two knee pads. She knows that Uncle Jiang has rheumatism. Knee pads to keep out the cold might make him feel better.

"Anyone coming?"

Jiang Liu was stunned when he heard Xu Meihua's words.

It turned out that the time has come to this point, and the days go by so fast.

He glanced at the three apprentices practicing not far away, and his expression became much darker.


Gu Xinxing is a backpacker who loves to travel. Every year, she always spares a period of vacation for long-distance travel.

Shi'ao Village was a small village that they entered by mistake. Because they felt that the mountain scenery here was well maintained and was not polluted by the hustle and bustle of the big city, a group of donkey friends decided to camp here and play for a few days.

They found the village chief of Shi'ao Village, and ordered three meals for two days at the price of 30 yuan a day for one person. The rest of the time they spent the rest of the time wandering leisurely in the village and the surrounding woods.

Gu Xinxing was attracted to the open space not far from Jiang's house by the cry of the child. She originally thought that some family was teaching the child and was about to persuade her, but when she walked in, she saw a thin middle-aged man. Man is surprisingly angry when he brutally breaks a child's elbow.

She didn't even think about it, so she rushed to stop it.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that child abuse is against the law?"

She wanted to push the middle-aged man away, but found that although he was small, he was very strong. When she pushed him so hard, the bottom plate didn't move at all.

"Are you a foreigner? We are practicing qigong."

Jiang Liu glanced at her, helped Xu Quanjun put the bones back, and then affixed the herbal medicine to him, and asked him to go to the side to practice first.

Only then did Gu Xinxing notice that there were two other children here, and the joints were also covered with similar herbs.

"What kind of qigong practice requires breaking the child's bones. I think you're not practicing qigong, you're a pervert."

Gu Xinxing felt that Jiang Liu's face was disgusting, and she could not imagine that someone would actually take pleasure in torturing children because of her prosperous life since childhood.

"Big sister, the master is really teaching us to practice."

Xiao Binbin came over and explained to the master: "Our kung fu practice is to do this."

"You are still young, you were deceived."

From Gu Xinxing's point of view, even if it was practice, such a cruel practice was an evil trainer. She quickly took out her mobile phone and called and asked a few of her friends to come over.

"It's really just practice."

"Yes, that's how the Jiang family practiced this kung fu, and he came here when he was a child."

"Practice this skill to make a lot of money, these children are lucky, little girl, don't disturb others."

However, Gu Xinxing's friends came over to no avail, because everyone in the village knew about Jiang Liu's practice. If their children didn't meet Jiang Liu's conditions, they would still want to send their children over.

No one in the village is envious of these three children. They eat well, drink well and dress well, and they can make a lot of money in the future. Everyone said that they had great luck when they met Jiang Liu.

It's just that these words did not persuade Gu Xinxing. When she went to bed at night, she couldn't fall asleep thinking about the pictures she saw during the day. She felt that the ignorant villagers were all accomplices of child abuse. Finally, this night, she made up her mind.

Tomorrow morning, she will sneak over to take a video of this man abusing children, and let the country and the police take good care of this disgusting pedophile.